Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Frontier of Freedom (Coalition Dominion of Ossus)

Objective: Meet and Greet
Location: Temple Entrance
Allies: [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | @Everyone else
Post: 1

It had been a dark day when the news about Contruum arrived and how the Sith had effectively severed the Republic's ties with many of the worlds under their protection. Ossus could be considered their greatest loss, since that's where the Jedi of the Republic had set up their new home after losing Coruscant and Tython to the Sith during the early fighting. He was there when the Jedi Temple fell, evacuating younglings by the dozen. A time before he joined the Silvers, met Coci and started a family. Sometimes he would think back to his adventuring days, exploring the galaxy on his own, only to be reminded of how his family means more to him than any glory days of yore. As the two climbed the steps together, he offered his wife a loving smile while taking her hand in his.

Théo was with them, never passing up an opportunity to see and explore new things. Nina was more the homely type, preferring to remain in the comfort of Voss to study her Jedi teachings. They are so very different, yet so similar in how protective of each other they are. The same could be said about their parents; the Patriarch and Matriarch of the Heavenshield clan couldn't be further from each other in terms of history and background, which Thurion growing up homeless and poor and Coci growing up in luxury and wealth. And yet their paths were seemingly destined to cross and intermingle, becoming one in every sense of the word. The Force works in mysterious ways, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Many faces both old and new was joining them as they ascended the stairs, and each was met with a smile and a nod by the Grandmaster and his wife. When they finally reached the top of the stairs, they found themselves standing within the untouched walls of the temple itself. The first thing that stood out to him was how beautifully decorated and lovingly crafted it all seemed. The next thing he noticed was how it had all but been picked clean by the Jedi as they abandoned their home, and he couldn't help but feel saddened by it. "A place this magnificent deserves to be utilised," he told Coci by his side. "There should be younglings running through these halls under the watchful eyes of their elders. Now... it's all a ghost town."
Location: Nearing the Jedi Temple
Objective: Meet and greet at the Temple
[member="Connor Harrison"]

It would be entirely unfair to say that Syala hadn't seen the fall of the Republic coming, given her blindness, but with her ability to receive glimpses into the future via the Force it was a rather true statement. Nothing had been relayed to her through the ethereal about this occurrence. No tremors, no visions, no proddings at her subconscious that always seemed to hint at an inevitable and unerring threat to the well-being of all Jedi in the galaxy. There had simply been silence, and it was that which unnerved her most of all. If they were all well and truly blind to tragedies of this magnitude, then it shook her to the core to imagine what had the potential of transpiring next. It was a revelation she wished not to receive.

Now there was only pain where once a number of Jedi had resided. Perhaps not pain of the physical sort, but rather a sort of aching within the ethereal, one that weighed heavy on her heart. This had once been home for many, but now the grounds stood empty, a testament both to the resolve of the light and the manner in which it was extinguished - without a sound. The Silver Jedi had arrived in hopes of breathing life into the edifice once again, returning Jedi to the halls and chambers. Nothing would ever return to the way it had been before the battles that brought the Republic into this state, but they would do all they could to make certain this world wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.

Slowly she strode up the steps of the Temple, her demeanor withholding a sort of reverence for the knowledge held within these walls. It was a privilege to be so much as standing here, let alone have the opportunity to explore and categorize the archives when that time came. The offer had been extended for the entirety of the Sanctum and their allies to come, and so naturally she had put forth her own proposal for her Master to accompany her if he so wished. Rarely was one ever about without the other following closely at their heels, and she hoped this venture wouldn't be any different. The two had always experienced things together, and it was fitting that this venture remain the same.

Upon her arrival she offered a bow to those present, letting that suffice for a greeting as her senses extended beyond herself to encompass the entirety of her surroundings for just a few moments. There was much to learn and even more to do, and after remaining quiet within the Order for so long she was more than ready to put forth the necessary effort in order to accomplish what they had gathered here for. Her head turned slightly to regard [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and [member="Coci Heavenshield"]. "Masters Heavenshield. It's been too long." Hopefully this was a sign of a new beginning not just for the Sanctum, but for the future of the Jedi as a whole.

[member="Solan Charr"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Ilias Nytrau"], [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

Light Rises

Allies: Erryone but immediately [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Meeristali Peradun"]
Objective: Land, chit chat, make a bridge over the galactic gap

There was a lot of work ahead in the galaxy. The Alliance and Coalition, were working together in a pretty harmonious bit, Coalition forces helping Alliance, and now the Alliance gaining speed and was able to start repaying the favor. Sure, they had a bit of work to do still, and were working building their fleet, but right now? An old Corellian corvette, and a few X-Wings were delivering the precious cargo: New Jedi Order members.

Turning to the ship’s pilot, Ytra nodded and instructed the ship the Partnership to land on Ossus soil, and keep weapons down. X-Wings S-foils were still in cruise position, the Alliance was here to help, regardless of who were in local space.

Stepping back from the bridge, Ytra wondered how the Jedi worked. There were so many orders, did some only work with the NJO? Others with the SJO, and even more with the TJO? Or that academy they had? Regardless, being on the good side of the Jedi in the coming months should be smart. There was a vessel landing that was marked as SSC, a Forerunner-class Corvette. Commander Starchaser had mentioned a lot of those were being used by the Frontiers Corps, perhaps Corey the writer had a mind to help explore Ossus.

“We seem to be have…” The call came in from Captain Einhorn. Turning, the Mon Calamari spoke to the captain. “Landing representatives from the Alliance and Sullust Jedi. Hoping to speak to anyone who is looking to speak further about our nations’ relations.” Turning back to Judah, Ytra did his best to give a fishy smile. “No issues now, Emissary. Glad to have you with us, looking to bridge a gap between these two nations as well?” Why didn’t Ytra say ‘our’ two? No one knows
Location: Ossus Hangar
Objective: Assess
Post: 3/20

As the starfighter lowered to her usual landing zone within the hangar it was evident that there were others already on the planet. It seemed as if news spread quickly, and the Jedi had reconvened, whether Silver or Republic, to assess the situation and secure the temple from falling into Sith hands. Sera drew a deep breath, wondering how this day was going to go, having been gone from the planet for quite some time.

The ramp lowered on the ship and the woman spun around to head towards the exit, her sabers at either hip, darkened robes covering the armor she wore beneath. The sounds of silence echoing through the once vibrant and booming halls was eerie. She quickly exited the hangar and found herself on the grounds of the temple, the massive stone staircase leading upwards. She paused for a moment and noticed [member="Valiens Nantaris"] and a number of well armed commandos just ahead, all of whom were unfamiliar to her. As such, she approached with a bit of hesitation and caution. "Hi there."
Objective Evacuating
Folks [member="Aston Jacobs"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Rafeesh"]


He had been trained here. He himself had trained several younglings and padawans in these gardens, these class rooms. He took a deep breath and folded his spare robe into his back pack. He did not own much, his lightsaber, two robes and sowing gear. Therefore to someone like Mantic the memories would be a hard foe to beat.

He strapped the back pack over his shoulders and stepped outside. Word had spread that the Ossus Government were having negotiations with the silver coalition. Their ships had already arrived and the procedures were taking place. It felt odd, but it was a fact. Maybe with any luck he would catch a glimpse of his former master in the midst of it all. But he doubted it.

He passed out into the garden. He recalled the flowers he had planted when he first had arrived and passed to check on them. Their heads had turned toward the sun and they seemed to be well.

He allowed himself a few minutes to gather his thoughts here before he decided to start, with heavy steps, to walk toward the evacuation ships.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6667px]Location:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] Alliance Corvette @ Ossus[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Accompanied by: [member="[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] -- [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]if he wants to.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Post: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]1/20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]"[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]Can’t say that I have[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]." the Chiss calmly stated over her datapad. Stali and her had met after the debrief meeting. Apparently the Galactic Alliance wanted to show the Galaxy that they were the [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]real deal[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] by providing aid and relief to the spare few organizations still trying to hold out; personally Miad'rien'navruno did not see the logic in that. Instead of utilizing all their assets, energy and power to take out the threat of the Sith… they were spending time running around the 'verse helping people that could probably help themselves just as well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]But that was the Chiss' sober and analytic thinking at work -- there was no time for charity in a time of war. But the Galactic Alliance clearly disagreed on that front and so the Operative would provide aid in what manner she could.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Almost as an afterthought Adrienna realized that the Jedi Knight was actually trying to make some conversation. She looked up, serenity in her gaze and studied the back of Stali - a fine specimen, she supposed, though the muscles left little to the imagination.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]"[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]I suppose you moved away when you became a Jedi?[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]" she’d ask, before returning her attention to the datapad. Pre-op analytics would not finish themselves.[/SIZE]
Objective: Save Prudence!
Location: Hangar, on my way to Jedi Temple
Post: 1/20

The J-1 Class Interceptor came out of hyperspace above Ossus. Leaving the hyperdrive ring behind, the one-man fighter descended quickly towards the planet's surface. It was piloted by a Jedi, and her business was urgent. It had been a while since she had set foot on Ossus. Zylah had left the temple to take her training to the next level, accompanied by her master. Corvus had taught her much of the Force and the ways of the Jedi. She had put Zylah on the right path, given her tasks to perform and training routines to go through. The floating academy of the Jedi Praxeum had become her new temporary home.

She had thought that when she finally returned to Ossus, it would be with a nostalgic fondness. The current situation was more dire than what she had hoped for. News of the Republic's defeat at Contruum reached her, followed by massive evacuation orders from the Republic planets south of it. It took all of her focus to remain emotionally stable, knowing that the approximately twenty five planets that had previously been under the protection of the Republic now were left exposed to the menace of the Sith. Yet there was more that gave the young Jedi cause for concern. Even from within, she could feel what the war was doing to the Republic. It was changing. Zylah feared the future, when what had once been a bastion of liberty and democracy accepted the tools of darkness as their own. Though the cause may be just, it would take them on a very dark path. She could not sit idly by and watch as they became the very thing they sought to destroy. Zylah was going to have a very important decision to make in the near future.

When news reached her that all Republic personnel on the worlds south of Contruum were withdrawing north, that the Jedi temple was being abandoned, she had been concerned that as they retreated, the temple would be attacked by Sith or other forces of destruction. Luckily, the Silver Sanctum Coalition did not sit idly by and abandon the citizens of Ossus to their fate. Instead, they mustered and moved in to secure the world, and ensure its continued protection. The gratitude Zylah felt was one hard to express with words alone. It gave her hope. This was a set-back, but it was not the end. Zylah had little to no knowledge about the Silver Coalition, but she would be eager to make their acquaintance and learn their ways. Who knows, perhaps she would resonate with their cause and keep their company a little while longer.

But first on the agenda... Get to the temple. She had to make sure that Prudence was okay. And last, but not least... [member="Kaia Vullen"]. What had become of her? Was she still on Ossus? Had she been on Contruum? Had she already withdrawn to Chazwa? She had so many questions, but mostly, she just wanted to find out if her best friend was alive and well. The ship touched down in the hangar, and the Jedi dressed in the traditional brown robes of the Jedi practically bounced out from the ship's cockpit and started an impatient jog towards the temple.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]

Matsu felt a familiar presence and it was by far the one woman in the whole galaxy who understood her love of knowledge and information. There was still the tree she had found with Kay and working with Ashin from a seed at Coruscant. The small sapling of the force sensitive tree was amazing while she kept it on the ship and it was more a testament to knowledge and excitement.... Well that and she was getting to work and have some real fun as they were heading into the caves and mapping it while she breathed in deeply and sent the message for Corvus if she wanted to come and help her. They had some small maps in the holodisplay of the caves while Matsu was working on it with her own memory. "You should be coming to a few of the tunnels leading up to one of the abandoned sith labs. They were researching otherspace and how to access it with the dimensional rings from hyperdrives."
Location: Alliance Corvette @ Ossus
Accompanied by: [member="Miad'rien'navruno"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] if he wants to.
Post: 3/20

He glanced at her when she responded, noted her attention was squarely on the datapad in her hands, took a glance at the datapad - analytics, necessary, of course - and turned his citric gaze back to the viewport. They were making their descent, finally. He folded his hands behind his back, having no particular feelings on the silence, except mild surprise when the Chiss actually asked a question.

"Personal reasons, actually," he admitted, "unbecoming of a Jedi, according to the more... traditionally-minded."

Women being the cause, of course. That was usually it, in most cases, or so he believed. That this one spared his physique a cursory glance was not outside of his notice, but ultimately inconsequential. Ego would always take its share, but he had commitments.

"The jungles here are a mixture of native and Vong flora. Interesting, but harmless for the most part. I patrolled the jungles as was my duty during my time, here, so unless there have been significant alterations to the landscape, landscape knowledge gained during those patrols should still be relevant."
Jacen had been here talking to [member="Corvus Raaf"] when the announcement had originally been made. He'd made his way out of Republic space shortly after that to return to the Alliance for several days of planning. The Alliance was still in its infancy. A rag tag fleet of ships from a lost Republic fleet from the Rapture, and a handful of loyal Jedi had founded the group. Whilst they were now accelerating the war effort and expanding their borders, they were hounded by two imperial groups and another small Sith cult.

Yet they had managed to put together a relief effort. Old Acclamator-class vessels that had long been mothballed had been brought back into service as troop transports for the Alliance. Along with their hammer-head frigates they had been doing what they could to cross the One Sith blockade that ran to Contruum, moving both supplies and refugees. Yet returning to Ossus was something of a personal mission for Jacen. Only a few ships had come this way. In reality most were in fact coming to Silver space to refuel and re-arm before rejoining the relief efforts.

Voidstalker's shuttle touched down on the landing pad. He held a locked case. Inside that locked case was a small explosive, in case anyone managed to break into the case. Next to that explosive was another control card for the three master holocrons now on the library network. Whilst he was here, he might as well work out who from the Silver Sanctum was going to be responsible for their card. It was also imperative he found out if the other had been compromised.

As he stepped out he spotted a large number of soldiers and Jedi already assembled here. Several soldiers challenged him to identify himself and the two padawans he had been marshalling whilst they tried to stem the Sith tide. The bright pink form of [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] was hard to miss. He'd never spoken to the master, but had seen her around back when he had first returned her for a second run at becoming a Jedi Knight. He had thought her long gone.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Objective: Reoccupy/investigate the Temple
Location: With Nantaris
Allies: [member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Post: 1/20

Qyren took a deep, quiet breath as they stepped off the shuttle, as she did every time she set foot on an actual world. Space travel might eventually become commonplace to her, but it was always a relief to be on solid ground. Until she had been contacted by Nantaris, the Twi'lek padawan had been spending all of her time with Alex, which almost necessitated being on ships flying to and from missions and meetings. Since his Alliance wasn't immediately up to anything important, and she had a promise from Alex that he would contact her if something important did come up (before throwing himself headlong into battle), Qyren had felt comfortable returning to the Rangers and Nantaris for something that might help restore some aspect of the Republic (not that she had mentioned the particulars of the mission to Alex; just mentioning that it was Jedi-related had been enough for him to stop listening, which was for the better in this case).

The world they had landed on had once been populated, the core of the Jedi Order more or less; now, it was populated only by those who had just arrived. It was hard to conceive that this dead Temple had been her original destination when she had met Nantaris; it had fallen in the year since Master Dorn had mentioned it to her, something she could not have known at the time. In the shadow of its walls, Qyren stayed close to her Master as he cut his way across the intervening space to meet up with those assembled, listening with silent attentiveness as he introduced the reason for their visit and then was followed up by a sour-looking woman who seemed, like many others Qyren had met, wary of and offended by the Jedi's very existence.

Qyren's brow wrinkled faintly at [member="Ali Hadrix"] 's final question. Why would Nantaris ever murder civilians? He spent his time trying to save others, as all Jedi did, albeit in his own unique, under-the-Temples'-radars way. She let her eyes skim over the other people assembled on the planet, most of whom appeared to be fellow Jedi answering Nantaris's call-to-arms. Qyren hadn't known Ossus, nor did Nantaris seem particularly fond when he had explained its former purpose to her, but it was a strategic choice, which she understood. Apparently the negative memories of its existence plagued not only her generally flippant Master. When the woman introduced herself as a ranking member of the Republic, Qyren gave her a more thorough inspection.

Movement off to her left drew her gaze, and she smiled as Raloph approached with some of the Rangers. They weren't predicting trouble, but Nantaris was being cautious.

"I'll join him, Master," Qyren acknowledged, stepping up to join the conversation. Searching for defensible locations would be good practice for her and it would give her the opportunity to take a look in and around the Temple before getting to the core of their work here. "I'll stay in contact through comms."
Objective: Represent the Jedi Academy Network and whatnot...
Location: The Steps of the Ossus Temple
Accompanying: [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
Post: 4/20

He smiled at the boy and his mispronunciation. It was far from the first time he had been addressed as such, but it was always such a joy to hear the young try his name. He returned the bow at a much shallower angle, the motion largely being one of a tilt of his head and the pressing together of his hands, and straightened himself out when it was done.

"Alas, I am primarily a healer, by trade... but I train as much as is necessary, so that my skills do not gather rust," he replied, "however, training with both at the same time is not something I usually do. Dual-wielding comes with its own considerable issues - often a single blade is best. "

He flashed the boy a bold smile, bordering a grin.

"All told, having a back-up is never a bad idea," he said, then his expression calmed, and his eyebrows lifted, "are you to be a warrior, a guardian, Padawan Heavenshield?"
Location: Jedi Temple Entrance
Objective: Assist with Silver Sanctum stewardship of Ossus
Post: 3/20
Previous Post:
Allies: Silver Sanctum / Jedi Order, Galactic Republic / Jedi Order
[member=Théodred Heavenshield]
[member=Matsu Ike]
[member=NPCs by Corey]

[member=Judah Dashiell]

[member=Solan Charr]
[member=[/COLOR]Seraphina Shel'tah]

Ali looked to Solan Charr, a man she knew from Ord Mirit some months before, and allowed the disdain soak into her words. She didn't much appreciate his levity, and wondered if he'd ever truly faced adversity. Considering the dirt and blood that caked her armor and matted her hair, Ali wasn't exactly the poster-child of humor at the moment. "Typically, Supreme Commanders of galactic governments prefer to be involved in operations that require handing over territory and resources to aruetiise." She replied gruffly, letting the Mando'a bite whomever understood it. It was Charr's second question, however, that irked Ali the most, and she was tempted to ignore the man, though tact was never a strength of hers. "The Republic military is doing peachy, if you discount the ongoing Sith invasion we've been forced to endure without much help from people like you." Solan Charr had been one of the few foreigners to bother showing up in force in defense of the Republic, though his self-imposed recusal from the battle at its critical moment had left Ali's forces too weak to eradicate the Sith on Ord Mirit. It was a slight that Ali would never forget, nor forgive. As a result, thousands were dead, and those that remained were now living under the yoke of Sith rule. Were Charr not such a prominent member of an allied state, Ali might have considered killing him herself in retribution for the betrayal.
Objective : Meet and Greet
Post : (2)
Allies/Tags : [member="NPCs by Corey"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"I suppose so Commander. We've got common enemies, common goals. I imagine the Jedi will hash out their own type of treaty....alliance...what have you. If we get an scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours type of agreement today I would say we are golden. If they can be convinced to share knowledge and technology with as well....then I'd say both the Alliance and Sanctum will be sittin' pretty."

Judah looked out at the black as they started to descend into landing. Somewhere near the Jedi Temple if he remembered correctly.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet though."
Peace begins with a smile.
Location: Jedi Temple.

The sounds of footsteps reverberated on the temple’s walls. So many voices spoke hurriedly about leaving, where to go, what to take. Meanwhile, the Miraluka, Kaia Vullen sat in what had been her chambers ever since she was just a little girl, and that she had shared with the older Arkanian, [member="Zylah Dvale"]. In her hand, she held a braid. It was cut from her head so recently it still smelled burnt. Or perhaps she just imagined it. The braid dangled from her fist and down into the paws of a young cat, which bit furiously on the tied up end. A cat named Prudence. It was not Kaia’s cat, but she took care of it often as Zylah, who received it as a gift from their fellow master [member="Corvus Raaf"], was away.

Zylah and Kaia had been separated for far too long now. How long had it been? Weeks? Months? They had always spoken of how they would make their lightsabres and face knighthood together as they fought against the evil and darkness. However, as they progressed, they evidently became more distant. Perhaps it was due to their different paths. Zylah was a fighter, bigger, stronger, and braver. Kaia did not do well on the battlefield, she had found talents in other aspects of the Force.

Suddenly, Prudence’s ears perked and the cat jerked to its feet.

“What’s wrong Prudence?”

The feline stared at the door, which Kaia had neglected to close properly. Suddenly, the furry little thing bolted out in a fit of speed, and the Miraluka scrambled after.

“Hey, wait! Prudence!”
Location:Ossus Space
Objective:Don't crash.......crash

Aston was about to respond to the unknown voice that was distorted over the emergency frequency...until....

The Padawan's demeanor of hopefulness faltered for the first time as he entered Ossus atmosphere and he heard and felt the sounds of the engines failing and soon powering off. Well, when one began to free fall inside and x-wing many at the edge of planetary atmosphere. Hope could seem rather bleak. The padawan quickly overcame that as he started flipping on and off his power switch, checking power sources searching for back up power, if there was any left.

"Relax R4!" Aston said as chills were sent across his body as he x-wing started to take a pit dive and thus started to spin slightly. "Okay,now this is the perfect time to panic!" Aston shouted as he knew that he had to get the ship powered up or else the force from taking abrupt spins would likely tear apart the fighter. "Come on!" Aston said as he flicked the power switch several times, moving one unplugging one switch and moving it to the other side. Aston flipped the switch again, and a big smile showed on his face as he heard the x-wing come to life and regain balance, and stabilize. "Alright!" Aston yelled in an excited and hopeful tone as he was about 500 feet from a small open field.

But that smile vanished as the x-wings power fluttered as it was beginning to give out, again. Aston held on to the controls as tightly as he could to balance the vessel as it made a abrupt and rough landing skidding along the planet surface kicking up dirt and debris everywhere it seemed until it came to a stop. Aston experienced a pain of whiplash as he leaned his head back and his hand rose to rub his neck slightly. "Well, where is that temple at."

Objective: ?
Location: Temple Entrance
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], Grand Master of the Silver Sanctum Coalition | @Those that have approached us.

Something was wrong. She could sense it, as she looked toward the Temple.

"Why? why are they leaving?" she asked turning back to her husband. "Did the Jedi Order not understand that they could remain, that we are here to provide added security so they could resume their training and live on this planet?".

Coci believed the winds of change had started blowing and that the alliance between the Republic and the Silver Sanctum had suffered because of it, although they had been contacted to come. "Is our presence that erroneous to them that they strip the place and not even come to meet us?", there is always question when dealing with the Republic and the Jedi Order. Regardless of this, Coci had gone to Contruum to fight for the Republic as an ally along side [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], she still bares the scar from that war, as does Coci. Coci understood the importance of the alliance, the importance of the invasion that if lost, would be detrimental to the Republic and it's peoples, that it would sever them in half, she had gone to try and help stop that, alas they could not. And what was returned to the Silver Sanctum was more suspicion and mistrusted. She no longer trust them.

"Thurion, this Temple stands testament to the plight of the Republic and the Jedi Order, it is empty .. just like their words", her words spoken with a sense of sadness not anger, to him and to him alone before others approached them. Thurion knew of her thoughts as did the rest of the leadership of the SSC. There was no need for the Silver Sanctum to occupy this Temple, they have a beautiful Temple of Voss that services their needs, in fact Ossus belongs to no one, it is planet steeped in the force, and because of this, the Ossus is the Temple of the Jedi. Why place a boundary of brick and mortar on such beauty.

Coci turned to greet the members of the Silver Sanctum that had come to see this through and the assist. To all that stood near by she greeted in kind.

"Knight [member="Syala Daivik"] it is good to see you once more", it had been some time since they had.


Evan Kenner

The Wrong Side of Heaven
Location: Landing in the Jedi Temple's hangar
Objective C
Allies: What's left of the Republic. The Coalition.
There she is...stranded and alone. I can't believe the Sith aren't here yet to desecrate her.

Evan's starship, Eventual Retribution, orbits Ossus. At least, whatever was left. The sight of fleets of Galactic Alliance starships gave Evan some comfort.

Years ago, Evan abandoned this Republic. He thought he was branded an outlaw after being framed for the murder of a Jedi Master. A Jedi Master that, supposedly, still walked around as if nothing ever happened. Perhaps Riuku was right. Maybe it was just...a test to resist the Dark side. Boy, did Evan fail that one.

He was never a wanted man. His recent years of 'running' were all a lie. Evan was just too full of emotion. That had to stop. He needed the Jedi to help him detatch from feelings and find peace not just for himself, but for the galaxy. Who else could stop the Sith, as they crusade around the galaxy ravaging Republic worlds everywhere they turn.

If they couldn't stop them...who could?

It's time I do something about it.

Evan's starship touched down in the hangar. There were a few people, but he didn't want to talk. Not yet. He just...needed time alone. He exited off of the loading ramp, covered head to toe in a thick silver cloak, and made his way across the hangar he once tinkered with his old jedi starfighter in every evening. He walked the Temple's corridors, caressing the walls with his blue hands. It was as if the world really was sobbing. The halls were so...barren now. Years ago, countless Jedi, young and old, would walk these empty halls every day, all day...

Now, only Evan walked it. He made it to his old dormitory, where he used to talk with his old friend, Riuku, every night about what he did that day. They learned a lot together. Then...the Dark side seduced him. It took too long for him to realize what he did was wrong.

But now...the dormitory was empty.

"Riuku...i'm back." he whispered, a tear falling off his cheek and onto the ground. "I failed. I fell to the Dark side. Now the Temple's in danger of being destroyed by the Sith...

"Where are you while this war is tearing the Republic into pieces, old friend? What about Nefertari? I won't see this Republic fall...not after it has thrived for so long..."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Qyren Leret"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] @Everyone else

Supreme Commander? Nantaris looked the woman up and down. It was a bit odd that the impressively named Lord High Supreme Admiral Commander was here organising a handover and not commanding things. Nantaris reflected that with the Republic in its current state she probably didn’t have much left to command!

“I can assure you that Ossus is in good hands. Or at least hands,” he added, looking around.

His Padawan Qyren had disembarked. He’d heard about her expedition with the Galactic Alliance to Yag’dhul and needed to discuss it with her some time as well.
“Yes, do that. I’ll join you soon,” he promised the purple Twi’lek.

Just in time for another Twi’lek to arrive, this one a pink Jedi Master! He’d always wondered how the pink male Twi’leks thought, but pushed that aside.
“Master Shel’tah, good to have you here. Welcome to Ossus.”

In space some of the Coalition ships were moving in to discuss matters with the Galactic Alliance. It was a good time to meet. They invited those still in space to come to the surface to discuss the situation.

Whilst this was going on Scindia and Qyren were examining the area for suitable defences.
“Firemane’s delivering the heavy guns and shield generators,” he told the Twi’lek. “I’m thinking that centring the shield on the temple is the best move, with bunkers and entrenchments surrounding it.” He cast a look to her. “How are you holding up? I heard Yag’dhul was bad….”
Objective: Convince Master Nytrau to give him a quick saber lesson while on Ossus.
Location: Temple Steps.

[member="Ilias Nytrau"]

He had moved off just a little way from his parents to speak with Master Nytrau. The conversation between the others he did not care much for or understood but regardless gave everyone a smiled that greeted him. There seemed to be some sort of withdrawal happening which Théo was not privy too and frankly would leave it all up to the adults. But he did wonder why there were no other Jedi around.

He shrugged that off and decided Master Nytrau's question was far more appealing. "What is the difference between a warrior and guardian? .. but I don't really know to be honest. My Papa is a guardian, and I want to be like him one day but the future is unclear and I will see what happens".

Théo looked around and into the surrounding jungle, he saw a pathway leading into it and naturally he got curious. "I wonder where that goes?", he pointed for Master Nytrau to see. I think it might be time to find out, he thought to himself.

In an instant, Théo bounded down the step of the Temple .. "You want to come along?", he yelled over his shoulder to Master Nytrau. As Théo reached the edge of the garden and the beginnings of the path, he turned back to see his parents and the others in talks, they can have that nonsense, Théo wanted to learn how to be a Jedi and to experience the force here on Ossus.


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