Never Say No to Bacta.


Location: Lyran IV, Starbase Yamarro
Local Time: 18:53
Primary Objective: Destroy Precious Cargo & Get out
Secondary Objective: N/A
Equipment: Loadout 3 (No Medical Backpack. Wearing a black, large hooded poncho over beskar’gam.)


With their fellow vod, Rokkal, linking up with the Revered Bounty Hunter and the Supercommando, the small fireteam continued their way towards the hangar bay complex. Their pace was quickened in response to the sporadic blaster fire coming from deeper into the complex. The Supercommando sprinted a few meters behind Siv, keeping combat spacing between one another in case of sudden contact with any hostiles.
Not long after they broke into a sprint, they had reached the side entrance of the hangar. There were several short to high stacks of crates and barrels scattered around both at the mouth of the entrance and all around the hangar. Their contents were not related to their mission objective, however. They still needed to first positively identify the crates they would need to destroy.
The Supercommando took cover behind one such high stack of large crates, effectively concealing his giant silhouette from the sightlines of the pirates and gunmen that were engaged in combat inside the hangar. He could hear the distinct thud and whizz of several blaster bolts being deflected off a lightsaber, and the occasional energetic clashes and parries of sabers.
The giant slowly peeked out of the crates he hid behind to take a look at who was fighting who. His gaze fell on the Red Devil and another Sith who was locked in melee combat with the Lethan. The two were exchanging blows with lightsabers and occasionally dodged and weaved around their opponents attacks, with several opportunist pirates and gunmen opening fire at the Red Devil, only for her to masterfully deflect the incoming lethal blaster bolt right back at them with her sabers. That was their distraction at work!
“She looks like she’s doing fine,”
The Bounty Hunter commented. <”Hah, yeah. Almost looks like we came all this way for nothing.”> Kranak confirmed in a joking manner. He knew full well the capabilities of the Lethan after a duel between him and the Red Devil not too long ago. She was a force to be reckoned with.
”Kranak, while they’re distracted, help me put the charges on the shipments. We’ll blow this thing to Mandalore and mop up whatever forces remain afterwards.”
The Supercommando’s response came in the form of a muffled grunt. <”Not exactly geared up for sneaking around now, am I?”> He was afraid of giving away their position with the giant chainblaster he was carrying. He wasn’t exactly planning on keeping up concealment for this long. If he was, he would have geared up accordingly before getting dispatched to the mission. But there was no use to grunt about it. He would have to make do. After all, if they were to get spotted, he had the capability to decimate quite a lot of foes in a short amount of time thanks to his big gun.
”Why don’t I hang back and keep the path controlled and clear for your return. Deal with any surprises.”
The Mandalorian spoke, offering to hold overwatch to keep their infiltration point secure for a quick and easy exfil once the shipments were destroyed.
After sparing a glance at Thonn, his initial response would be followed with a short, muffled sigh as he turned his gaze to Siv before he spoke. <”Alright. I’ll be right behind you, ner vod!”>Responded Kranak enthusiastically in a hushed tone, brushing away his worries about getting spotted at the time. The Supercommando would be trying his best not to give away their presence to the pirates and gunmen in the large hangar. He would be moving from cover to cover as silently and as swiftly as possible as he would follow Siv’s lead towards the shipment of bloodslugs.

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