Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Frontier War: No Mandalorian's Sky | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Lyran IV




Location: Lyran IV, Starbase Yamarro
Local Time: 18:53
Primary Objective: Destroy Precious Cargo & Get out
Secondary Objective: N/A
Equipment: Loadout 3 (No Medical Backpack. Wearing a black, large hooded poncho over beskar’gam.)
Friendlies: Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Hostiles: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Dispara | Vince Avery | Kes Stag Kes Stag (?)


With their fellow vod, Rokkal, linking up with the Revered Bounty Hunter and the Supercommando, the small fireteam continued their way towards the hangar bay complex. Their pace was quickened in response to the sporadic blaster fire coming from deeper into the complex. The Supercommando sprinted a few meters behind Siv, keeping combat spacing between one another in case of sudden contact with any hostiles.

Not long after they broke into a sprint, they had reached the side entrance of the hangar. There were several short to high stacks of crates and barrels scattered around both at the mouth of the entrance and all around the hangar. Their contents were not related to their mission objective, however. They still needed to first positively identify the crates they would need to destroy.

The Supercommando took cover behind one such high stack of large crates, effectively concealing his giant silhouette from the sightlines of the pirates and gunmen that were engaged in combat inside the hangar. He could hear the distinct thud and whizz of several blaster bolts being deflected off a lightsaber, and the occasional energetic clashes and parries of sabers.

The giant slowly peeked out of the crates he hid behind to take a look at who was fighting who. His gaze fell on the Red Devil and another Sith who was locked in melee combat with the Lethan. The two were exchanging blows with lightsabers and occasionally dodged and weaved around their opponents attacks, with several opportunist pirates and gunmen opening fire at the Red Devil, only for her to masterfully deflect the incoming lethal blaster bolt right back at them with her sabers. That was their distraction at work!

“She looks like she’s doing fine,”

The Bounty Hunter commented. <”Hah, yeah. Almost looks like we came all this way for nothing.”> Kranak confirmed in a joking manner. He knew full well the capabilities of the Lethan after a duel between him and the Red Devil not too long ago. She was a force to be reckoned with.

”Kranak, while they’re distracted, help me put the charges on the shipments. We’ll blow this thing to Mandalore and mop up whatever forces remain afterwards.”

The Supercommando’s response came in the form of a muffled grunt. <”Not exactly geared up for sneaking around now, am I?”> He was afraid of giving away their position with the giant chainblaster he was carrying. He wasn’t exactly planning on keeping up concealment for this long. If he was, he would have geared up accordingly before getting dispatched to the mission. But there was no use to grunt about it. He would have to make do. After all, if they were to get spotted, he had the capability to decimate quite a lot of foes in a short amount of time thanks to his big gun.

”Why don’t I hang back and keep the path controlled and clear for your return. Deal with any surprises.”

The Mandalorian spoke, offering to hold overwatch to keep their infiltration point secure for a quick and easy exfil once the shipments were destroyed.

After sparing a glance at Thonn, his initial response would be followed with a short, muffled sigh as he turned his gaze to Siv before he spoke.
<”Alright. I’ll be right behind you, ner vod!”>Responded Kranak enthusiastically in a hushed tone, brushing away his worries about getting spotted at the time. The Supercommando would be trying his best not to give away their presence to the pirates and gunmen in the large hangar. He would be moving from cover to cover as silently and as swiftly as possible as he would follow Siv’s lead towards the shipment of bloodslugs.

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Allies: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara Vince Avery
Enemies: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Kes Stag Kes Stag

Directly engaging: Zlova Rue Zlova Rue And likely a room full of blaster fire.

"How disappointing," sighed Cass as she advance again on the Twi'lek, she wished she knew more about her attacker.

Calling over to the other people in the room "you guys need to take these crates while you can, we aren't stopping here forever" it was true, many pirates would have bolted at the first sign of trouble. Why hire pirates? Other than them being expendable, but then so we're most mercenaries. This whole thing reeked of a setup. "Guys, we need to find a way out" it was the last thing she said to isidor and dispara before she reached the assailant. She attacked with a series of small fast blows that were deflected and she in turn blocked several of her assailants, although she was getting closer. One end of the saber slicing into her skin suit. The suit overloaded and melted, but that small amount of resistance was the difference between a bad burn and a deep wound.

She felt like she saw her opening and she felt her hands more rapidly as the sabers agreed with her decision, aiming for the lower ribcage and elbow, she struck through Zlova's defences, it was slim shot, but it was a shot.


Zlova's staff whipped up to block Cass' strikes. A few twists of the wrist, some spins of the staff, a quick jab at the woman's face. The two women pressed their assaults gaining and giving ground all the while. It seemed Cass was eager to leave with what she said too. Probably explained the dizzying speed with which their blades clashed.

The thought occurred to the Lethan to avoid the strike as Cass went low on her opponent. She was, after all, a fast and agile opponent more than one that shattered plants by swinging their saber down at the surface. But like her clash with Isidor, Zlova felt like she needed to make a point. Not just to the pirates, but her Mandalorian friends.

Cass or her saber that aimed for Zlova's rib cage would feel the connection as they moved around the red woman. The other blade didn't catch her arm, but most would be okay with landing a blow to the torso.

Both arms fell to the Lethan's sides, the saber staff held in the opposite hand from where Cass had struck. Those from afar might pause in wonder, but anyone in close -- dangerously close -- wouldn't wait long. Zlova's head rolled up and to the side. Blazing golden rings shone even in the light cast over the bay, and a face-splitting grin peeled the Twi'lek's dark lips back. "That's one," her voice could be heard throughout the bay, "thirsty for more?"

The free hand whose arm obscured where the blow hit stretched out away from Zlova's body. A quick look wound reveal a nasty burn where the blade struck, but not that of a blade having carved a hole in her side. The Force had provided a similar protection against Cass as the woman's suit had moments earlier; though there'd been a significant difference in contact area. All of which did nothing to deter the Sith among them. If anything, it only drew out the beast of rage.

Crates surrounding their makeshift dueling ring lifted straight up into the air. With a throaty "Ha," a several smaller ones shot out toward a few pirates lolligaging about at the scene in a merciless game of Catch. Even a ship nearby made a booming groan as though it had nearly been lifted of the ground, but opted to reclaim its parking spot.

The crates abruptly fell out of the air. Zlova reached around and broke the staff apart into two separate blades again as she turned to face Cass. The shadows around her eyes deepened as she lowered her chin. Maybe someone needed to die before her friends came out shooting or blew something up. Just so happened Zlova had a perfectly fine rump-roast before her eyes to carve up.

Shoot Me, Baby: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Dispara | Vince Avery
Support Your Local Sith: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal | Kronn K'taris Kronn K'taris
Combat Status: The World vs. Red Devil


Location: Starbase Yamarro
Equipment: ​
Captain Isidor Justeene's Blaster Rifle, Isidor's Sword, Calypso's Thunder - electro blaster pistol, various explosives, Isidor's Speed Bike
Ship: Blood Lightning
Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Vince Avery Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Kes Stag Kes Stag Dispara

So the Cortosis did its job and the amethyst Lightsabre shut off albeit temporarily. He took another swing or at least tried to but managed to avoid a forehead check with the hilt. He did take another swipe at the Red Twi’lek but she caught it and he was body-checked and pushed out of the fight.

No matter he knows that his weapon resists Lightsabres and can leave very brutal wounds in the skin. So, he took a momentary breather, but once he regained momentum he’ll go right back into fighting. A blaster bolt screamed past his head which felt hot even with his helmet on. It didn’t look to be going in their favour at all.

<“Feth it all.”> He snarled, frustration building as it became more apparent that they are going to lose this fight.

So, he took cover behind the nearest crate. He returned fire and, watching Zlova and Cass battle it out, their blades crashing together. Then the crates lifted into the air, and he had to dodge when they went crashing back down. Even the ship roared in protest. He signalled to those who are still dawdling in the periphery to start removing crates, they will withdraw but with something short of compensation.

They are leaving, they are outnumbered and it’s not a good situation to be in. So, they are going to take what they can. Isidor had to get Cass out of there or at least give her back up again to properly even the odds and allow her to breathe easier and not get backed into the proverbial corner. These certainly didn’t look like fair odds though he thought grumpily picking up his sword once more.

Time to get a good fight in before they fully pull out and leave. So, he joined the fray once more, sword raised and ready to strike the Red Lady.

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Dispara let her eyes dart from the armored man standing over the crate to see what Tyra found worthy to interrupt. It seems things with the red woman were not going so well. In the glimpse she caught, Cass and Isidor had their hands full. Who the hell was she? Her icy gaze shifted back to the stranger. At this point, she wasn't sure if Vince and his men would get the cargo out before the crimson queen got them all, or the Mando's showed up to spoil the party. She heard Cass' desperate call to find a way out. She shrugged, sighed and looked at the man still standing over the crate. "Whatever, knock yourself out. Tyra, comm the crew, get them over to secure an exit for us. "

Turning back to make her way to help her friends, Dispara barely caught sight of the falling crate coming at her. With a flick of Force, she moved in a blurr to avoid the falling box. It did strike Tyra, knocking her down. Unconscious or dead, the half-Sephi pirate couldn't tell. "Oh, hell no..." She murmured and darted towards the epicenter of the fight, pulling her comm out with one hand, drawing the vibromachete in the other.

"Toolug, get the Boudoir fired up, send a team this way, and scope out the roof. Comm the Kyber and the Lightning and alert them." She barked into the comm. Gritting her teeth, she called on Darkness to slither down the blade of her weapon. The Force-imbued vibromachete would withstand the blows of those lightsabers, for a bit at least. Dispara could see Isidor with his blade, readying again to join the fight. She juked to take an opposite approach, forcing the mysterious red Twi'lek to fight on three sides.

Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Vince Avery Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Kes Stag Kes Stag Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Kronn K'taris Kronn K'taris




Allies: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara Vince Avery
Enemies: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Kes Stag Kes Stag

Directly engaging: Zlova Rue Zlova Rue And likely a room full of blaster fire.

As Cass felt her lightsaber hit home, she was momentarily happy, but it was short lived, her light saber doing very little damage to the creature.

She stood back in awe as her opponent did, something, and a change happened in their combat, her power was now more than clear and Cass needed to escape. "Isidor, Dispara, we need to get out of here now, screw these slugs, they aren't worth risking our lives over"

Cass would begin to fight a retreat, the three of them wound likely be able to take the single foe, but it left them entirely vulnerable to her allies with no other support other than the courier who so far had done very little to shift the combat. Like them, he probably was more concerned with protecting his own ass, but didn't have that pirate spirit to throw him into combat.

The three of them would begin to retreat together, Cass would not lightlt leave her friends behind, but she was clear to them, if they were stupid and chose to fight a losing battle, it would be their funeral and not hers.

Cass remembers a route they could use, sending a mental thought to Pixie, she requested a pickup. The Stealthy Sciss fighter would be on its way at high speed and could rescue them from the roof.


Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla was on the verge of seeing a new side of the Sith Mandalorian as the pirate Queen Cass' strike had drawn out a crazed passion. It was unwise to rely on such a chaotic power, but it did have the luxury of overcoming extreme physical stress -- such as a deep burn whose flame reignited a new with every movement about Zlova's side.

Both Isidor and Dispara came to Cass' aide in her time of need. A trio of souls eager to end the Lethan that threatened to undo their lucrative deal. Fiery, golden eyes swept over the pair as they stepped forward while the toothy grin held steady. Slowly one of the sabers crossed before her face and Zlova mimed licking its length while her gaze lingered on Isidor and his delightful cortosis blade.

All they needed to do was strike. One blow. One move to engage and their crazed opponent would bring ruin and devastation to any within her sight.

Cass said something. Something unimportant. As Zlova stood there her thoughts were on butchering her enemies. Which of them would step forward and claim their prize? Cass, it felt, had withdrawn a step rather than bait her Twi'lek opponent into another bout. It would be nice if a Sith had any concept of honor -- that they wouldn't step someone in the back. There was no such expectation, however. If the trio sought to withdraw they should do so quickly and ideally in unison; as the slowest one to leave the Red Devil's reach might end up being eaten.

Shoot Me, Baby: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Dispara | Vince Avery
Support Your Local Sith: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal | Kronn K'taris Kronn K'taris
Combat Status: The World vs. Red Devil

"You were kind enough to give an offer, so let me give you one in return."

Her lips drew up in a hint of a smile, but her eyes were fixed on him and she kept her position.

"Perhaps you should move on out of here."

When Messorem moved out of the booth, she stepped toward it. It wasn't a move to block him off so much as to get the wall behind her and Messorem between her and the other Mandalorians watching over this place.

As they spoke and she moved, she now had her right shoulder toward Messorem, allowing her to slip her hand from its position hanging on her belt to the little box clipped in next to her blaster. Aves was young, yes. She was a little inexperienced. But she had her bag full of tricks, even without her beskar'gam.

She was a Wren, after all.

"This is our turf now."

It was a new age for Lyran IV.


Location: Starbase Yamarro
Equipment: ​
Captain Isidor Justeene's Blaster Rifle, Isidor's Sword, Calypso's Thunder - electro blaster pistol, various explosives, Isidor's Speed Bike
Ship: Blood Lightning
Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Vince Avery Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Kes Stag Kes Stag Dispara

The fight wasn’t going anywhere and the longer they stayed the more chance of them dying by Lightsabre. This means none of this will matter, the Slugs are lost. They were surrounded and Isidor was not stupid, no he knew when to get away from a situation that could cost him everything, his comrades, his ship, or his life. So, he took Cass’s example and began to fight defensively to make it easier for them to escape. Making sure to not get hit in the process which would end the day on an even more of a sour note.

Their Courier wasn’t engaging in the fight at hand well, that didn’t surprise the Ubese. Many such people just collect shipments and leave. Which was what this was supposed to be; a simple cargo protection run. But simple isn’t exactly known to the Galaxy and, Isidor knew it. This is now a fight to escape, survive and recuperate is exactly what they were doing now.

All plans of Mice and Men and all that. He never really got that saying. It made no sense. He sent a distress call to the Lightning, with an order to go on high alert and to be ready to pick them up and high tail it out once everyone was safely onboard. He couldn’t directly speak over the COMM because he didn’t know who may be listening in this room.

But then he looked up at the roof, something cooking in his mind. A plan of escape. He tapped Cass on the shoulder as he discreetly pointed up to a maintenance hatch above. He did this to make sure no one can listen in. He got a pingback alerting him that his ship is on its way to their location.

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Friendly: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Kes Stag Kes Stag Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Hostile: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Vince Avery Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara

Two were plenty to help the place the charges, and Thonn saw the provision of fire support as the best action he could take. Kranak had the other repeater cannon after all, and it made more strategic sense to have them in different positions. The first thing most did when faced with such a volume of fire was to seek cover from it. Those he’d come to fight could seek cover from his blaster fire, or from Kranak’s. If he positioned himself well however, they wouldn’t be able to seek cover from both.

Returning the nod, Thonn set about finding a position to hold overwatch. He needed a good vantage point with sufficient cover himself, something that would allow him to lay down covering fire for a withdrawal without leaving his position exposed and obvious to whatever enemy might arrive. He found one such spot between the crates along a wall, affording him enough cover while still giving him a wide view of the hangar. If a fight broke out, he was in prime position to suppress any who might try and take them by surprise. He kind of hoped they would, the situation they’d find would be a trap. With heavy blaster fire from two separate arcs and the capable Zlova not far away, Thonn couldn’t imagine such a counterattack by these criminals would stand a chance.

Thonn would only remain secure in his position a moment longer, before the crates themselves began to move. In reflexive shock, he leapt from his position of cover before he had even rationalized the cause of it. Sure enough, it was the work of Zlova tapping into the force, doing force stuff. Good that she was on their side, but he was kind of using that as cover.

Not that cover was needed, their opponents were already making a retreat. It looked like that concern over that possible counterattack was pointless, the criminals had no inclination to escalate the fight after all.

Isidor drew his sword and rushed at her with it. Despite the urge to join in the battle Thonn he couldn’t open fire without risking hitting Zlova by proxy. The others were behind cover, probably looking for a means to escape. All firing on them would accomplish was keeping them pinned down where they were, and it he couldn’t shoot them then the next best thing was to see them depart. If they wanted to retreat that was fine; their mission was to destroy the shipment; the thugs merely happened to be in the way. They just needed them either dead or gone. While he preferred the former solution, he wouldn’t hesitate to accept the latter.

Concealed in the rooftops, another two guards are taken down swiftly. By the time they heard the blaster bolt, it had already hit its mark. But I can't stay in one spot for too long as the sweeps intensify.

"Toolug, get the Boudoir fired up, send a team this way, and scope out the roof. Comm the Kyber and the Lightning and alert them," [Dispara] barked into the comm.
[Isidor] sent a distress call to the Lightning, with an order to go on high alert and to be ready to pick them up and high tail it out once everyone was safely onboard. He couldn’t directly speak over the COMM because he didn’t know who may be listening in this room.

But then he looked up at the roof, something cooking in his mind. A plan of escape. He tapped Cass on the shoulder as he discreetly pointed up to a maintenance hatch above. He did this to make sure no one can listen in. He got a pingback alerting him that his ship is on its way to their location.​

I've been made. Behind me, I can hear some guards climbing the rooftop access ladder. As a helmeted head peeks over the edge, I shoot him right in the face mask. His respirator explodes in a shower of sparks as he falls. A moment later an arm holding a blaster fires blindly. I dodge and take cover, firing back. I hear shouting in Huttese and more footfalls below.

It's time to bug out; I set an explosive charge on the side of the large industrial unit on the roof and then pop off a few blaster bolts to draw them in. Just before the bomb goes off, my jetpack fires a short burst, just enough to get to the next building. I can feel the heat of the fireball as I fly across and land on the other side. As I run, I take a quick look behind me, seeing the desired effect of a few enemy goons set ablaze. Blaster fire from men on foot running below whizzes by as I dash toward new cover.

Just then, I see incoming ships. One of them sees the firefight below and adjusts course for a strafing run.

"Fleekin' Fark."

The vessel's point-defense turbolaser cannons rain down bolts of red hellfire on the rooftops, sweeping for any potential threats to their ships. I dive for the street as the building I'm standing on begins to disintegrate. The explosion propels me with extra speed and I go careening into the dirt. I try to roll with the fall, but that one was rough. I know I'd feel it later.

As I'm getting to my feet, I'm ganged up on by half a dozen spacer-pirates. One of them tries to stab a vibroblade into me before I can stand. A spinning leg sweep lashes out and he falls down. A blaster shot to the head makes sure he'll stay down. More blaster fire comes my way, I roll to dodge and pop off two blaster bolts when I rise up to my feet. Each thug takes a hit; three down, three to go.

A shot from a Trandoshan's heavy blaster pistol strikes my left flank. I can smell burnt electronics along with my own charred flesh; my jet pack has been rendered useless. The blaster shot which damaged the left thruster also burned into the part of my suit at my lower back not covered in Beskar. A smoking, blackened hole is there, so in a move of poetic justice, I blast my flame unit at the reptilian while he charges at me, attempting to close in for a point blank shot. Even as he's burning, he flails his fiery arms at me. I quickly sidestep his rush and put him out of his misery.

The two remaining thugs look at each other and decide to retreat. I let them run for several meters before plugging each of them in the back with a couple of well-placed blaster shots.

As I thought, it looks like the scum and villainy are trying to make a break for it. I don't meet alot of resistance as they're running for the dropships or small starships that were capable of a quick touch-and-go landing. Overhead, I see brothers in arms flying and shooting, still taking the fight to active pockets of enemy resistance. Others are attempting to kill or capture fleeing pirates and other bad guys.

After I apply a bacta spray and a synthskin bandage on my wound, I run on foot to head off the nearest lander I can find. I crouch behind a parked speeder and fire at a small shuttle. The men fire back as they climb inside, but they're not my target. I concentrate my blasts at the port thruster assembly. After the fourth blast, I finally crack through the outer shell and penetrate the engine housing. The ship's engines explode, destroying the bloodslug cargo and the sleemos trying to make off with it. I attempt to do the same to another ship, but they're already lifting off and without anti-aircraft weaponry, I can't bring them down.

I continue to mop up down on the street level while I signal Saija Kwann Saija Kwann and Chordok Chordok to get the bacta tank ready.
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There seemed to be a lull, a single breath the room, the starbase took. The crimson Twi'lek broke her attack for a moment, The blaster fire from the roof ceased. There was still movement, chaos, but there seemed to be a solitary second when the galaxy said...

Get the hell out!

Cass had called it. Things were sliding sideways. They had guarded the cargo until the crew came to pick it up. Their job was technically done. Vince and his guys could keep fighting if they wanted the slugs, but the pirates were out. Dispara halted her charge, skidding to a halt before reaching Cass and Isidor. She changed course to get back to Tyra. The blue Twi'lek was still on the ground from the collision with the falling crate. Dispara caught a glimpse of a someone across the bay slipping from one pile of crates to another. "Shyke on a shingle..." Dispara cursed, employing the Force to streak back to Tyra, coming to an abrupt halt in front of her First Mate. Suddenly, there was an explosion above. Dispara cowered as debris falls to the floor, a piece of her fiber armor torn off of her shoulder by a chunk of metal.

Looking up, she saw Toolug the Dug at the entrance to the bay from which Dispara had entered. "Can you get up?" Dispara asked Tyra, who was conscious by then. "Yeah." The Twi'lek replied. "Then get off your ass and move, woman!" Dispara barked, helping pull the pirate to her feet. It was then that the pirate witch saw her friend's other arm, it was heavily wounded by a cauterizing blaster blow, rendered useless and likely destroyed. Dispara began to help her first mate to the exit, her blaster pistol drawn, her gaze continually darting back to check on Cass and Isidor, and to spy out enemies as she made for the door. Worried about the unknown figure sneaking around, she took a moment of concentration to focus the Force through her vision, to see beyond the numerous stacks of goods in the bay. There, in nefarious outlines, were three Mandos, one with a fekin' huge gun.

"Mandos! Mooooooove!" Dispara yells to her friends as she half-dragged Tyra away.

Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Vince Avery Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Kes Stag Kes Stag Zlova Rue Zlova Rue Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Kronn K'taris Kronn K'taris

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Objective: Destroy Bloodslug Shipment
Allies: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal
Enemies: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Vince Avery | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Dispara

The dueling of the pirates provided ample distraction for everyone else in the room, enough for Siv and Kranak to slip around unnoticed planting their explosive charges. Siv paid care to not draw any attention to himself, though the small beeps of the charges arming themselves could barely be heard with the explosions, blaster fire, and force lightning being flung across the hangar.

But their disguise did not last another. An otherworldy screetch came from one of the Pirates, and it seemed that their cover had been blown. "The game's up," Siv spat as he drew his blaster. "Rokkal, turn these slugs into cinders," he commanded, giving a heave with the detonator and tossing it to Thonn. "Vizsla, on me. Time we helped out our friend in red."

With that he turned, his cloak swirling behind him and his beskar armor glinting brightly despite the dust and chaos, firing blasts at the pirates; an iron marshal of the wild Frontier come to bring justice to the lawless wayside.


Kronn K'taris Kronn K'taris staggers up the ramp of the Lambda shuttle. I meet him halfway to help, throwing his arm over me as he limps into the Chimera. When we get inside, I reach out to take off his damaged jetpack, but he whirls around and grabs my wrist. "Saija, get us out of here."

I angrily twist my forearm and wrench out of his grasp. If we didn't have to blast off outta here I'd kick him right in the pogees. My nostrils flare as I glare daggers through that helmeted head of his. Him and his stupid Mando code of honor. The hiss of air is audible as I get my breathing under control.

Kronn coldly ignores me and turns his attention to... "Chordok, get me out of this armor." The wookiee and the Mando head toward the aft section where the bacta tank is located, a small chamber converted from the ship's generous cargo hold, one of many rooms. I had herded most of the slave girls in the remaining cargo area until we can get them to a better place or take them home, whatever they wanted.

Before I get into the cockpit area, I take one last look at Kronn before the door to the tank room seals shut. It was completely irrational, but I was feeling angry at Chordok Chordok too...I know he and Kronn go way back, but still. He's seen his face and I haven't.

~mind flashes back to Bobo's scene, dancing seductively for him~ ❤️❤️

"Quench it, Kwann."
Ah, fark, now I'm starting to speak like him, using one of his little Mando phrases he shot at me on a regular basis. Moving with purpose, I take the controls and punch it out of here; we've done our part. Now we've got to deal with a bunch of slave girls. And our own feelings...

(Kronn POV with Chordok)

Chordok makes some growling noises at me while I strip out of my gear and get ready to soak in the bacta tank for a few hours. "What? I wasn't rude to her. You know I trust you more than anyone else." My helmet comes off and I look at my comrade in arms. "You're family. We're brothers, Chordok."

~snarls at me, grumbles and growls, busting my pogees in Wookiee~

"What about Saija? I wasn't nervous...I, I was looking for those whistling birds." ~answers back defensively~

~Wookiee laugh, trilling noises and chortles smartly~

"Ah, stick it in your data port!" What the frell did I just say?
Chordok does his little Wookiee giggle again.

~seethes, puts on breather mask and climbs into bacta tank, makes an obscene gesture at Chordok before the anesthetic takes over and I go to sleep~

~dreams of Saija...~ ❤️❤️
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