Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Frontier War: Operation Rainfall | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Kamino

Thread Name: The Frontier War: Operation Rainfall || Enclave Dominion of Kamino Hex



The fall of the Confederacy of Independent Systems has seen the peace and harmony once brought by the Confederates crumble to dust along with them. Numerous factions small and large vie for galactic influence and territorial control in an attempt to exploit the power vacuum left in the Confederacy’s wake, with riots and conflict sprouting all the way from the southern axis of Inner Rim to edge of Wild Space.

During these trying times, a number of planets and former governors of the Confederacy have risen from the ashes of the fallen Confederation and became independent, whether through a bloody revolution or a peaceful resolution.

However, not all planets shared the same fate of independence. As an attempt to rise back into power, the droid army garrisons that remain from the fall have set out to carry out their prime directives in an attempt to restore the Confederacy, denying the outcries of independence of the former subjects they once protected, through bloody riot control and curfew.

Among such worlds was Kamino.

The isolationist, aquatic species is unparalleled in cloning and genetic sciences, but not apt when it comes to warfare. With their plea for independence falling on deaf ears of the Confederacy Remnants, tumultuous times await the independence-seeking Kaminoans as they extend their plea for help towards the Mandalorians of the Enclave, neighboring Kamino within Wild Space.

Their call for help does not go unanswered, as numerous Enclave naval vessels begin translating out of hyperspace in the Kaminoan sector. Go forth and descend on the ocean world; search and destroy any and all enemy opposition on the planet, and liberate the Kaminoans.

Objective I
Tipoca City | Kamino​

Although dissolved, the garrison once loyal to the galaxy spanning Confederacy of Independent Systems and the planet’s defenses remain operational and hundred percent combat effective on the waterworld; under the command of a rogue Super Tactical Droid. In the name of The Enclave, descend on the stilted domed cities and the planet’s capital, New Tipoca, and neutralize the hostile garrison stationed there by any means necessary.

Objective II
Tipoca City | Kamino​

The isolationist Kaminoans are widely famous for their unmatchable aptitude towards cloning and genetic engineering; their skills commissioned by a large number of clients and government entities over the centuries for their peerless services. Their bleeding edge, technologically advanced facilities coupled with the Kaminoans’ invaluable talent in genetics provide The Enclave the unique opportunity to benefit from such technology and specialization. Enter and secure their facilities, suspend and seize their ongoing research, and capture the on-site personnel (mostly) unharmed for evaluation and processing.

Objective III

The ocean world host to stilted domed cities dotted around the planet is quite vast. Explore the planet and her notable point of interest to your liking and have some fun!​

From the mind of the powerful Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla


Location: Kamino​

The Mandalorians she encountered on Tatooine might have expected their chance encounter to remain that unremarkable. If they had listened and took her at her word, however, they would have known better. The wide influence of the Confederacy may have collapsed in on itself -- though some bore a torch under a new name -- but that did not mean the galaxy was 'rid' of it. Organics enjoyed labeling things and then assigning blame to the most well-known or public members of those labels; then crowing of victory and success when those very public names and faces stepped back, and the label they had thrown about grew quiet on the lips of the masses. A happy delusion, Nyx called it. Organics were masters at deceiving themselves.

As an Electronic Intelligence, Nyx was not subject to these failings. By reductionist logic the world was ones and zeroes to her -- black and white. Organics would go on about shades of gray, but in the end the 'gray' became either black (bad, negative, detrimental, destructive) or white (good, positive, elevating, constructive) in someone's estimation. The Confederacy fell from lips and so some thought them gone, but really they were still there. Subtler, perhaps, and more calculating in their movements without banners of fleets to blot out a sun, but that did not mean they had been vanquished.

Then there were the so-called 'Remnants.' People that were left out of the Need-to-Know group. Those not aware of the subtler, more calculating body that had grown in the ashes. Those that clung to what was tightly as a life-raft in a tempest. And like such desperate men in troubled waters they conceived of nothing but was at hand.

Thus Kamino.

A strong world that had been tossed to and fro among Confederates as to the future of their military forces. Having favored droids -- to which Nyx, obviously, approved -- clones hadn't received endless funds from the central government. They had been far from neglected, however. Not that many were though some planets certainly had greater clout than others. Kamino had been one with greater. Fortunate for them until the foundation was broken. Now one beset by forces that thought to hold on to the flag of old -- those that would keep its spirit alive in grand defiance to the forces of darkness. Valiant, if misguided. The phoenix had already risen and it was a shame these forces had not received word.

As someone with a personal investment of sorts with the droids, Nyx would try to pass that word on to them though she had a doubt. Certainly, if this garrison was made of B1 units there would be no alternative except to wipe them all out. The erratic model seemed to be considerable adorable by organics, but Nyx found them quite... inefficient.

Her red optical units were lifted to the sky at the sound of thrusters firing. The Mandalorians had arrived. Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Perhaps they would meet again on this watery world. Perhaps one or the other would be snuffed out as being too troublesome to remain operational. As the organics might say, something to look forward to.

Tag: Open



Objective: Capture Kaminoan Scientists, Alive
Location: Tipoca City, Kamino

Rain patterned down the sides of the CVT-48 Outlander-class Starfighter where it sat, anchored to a small external platform dwarfed by the churning ocean around it. The wind of a seastorm howled past the lone figure that strode from the parked fightercraft, crossing the bridge from the landing platform to the domed city at the fore.

Siv Dragr's cloak flapped violently in the storm, water trickling down his helmet as rain lashed sideways against him. It wasn't his first water world, but Kamino was notorious for its harsh weather; and notorious for how selective the native Kaminoans were of their guests. The genetic scientists were unmatched in their craft, unrivaled by any other would-be competitor in the galaxy. And that meant that their work came at a high price; a price that the Enclave would rather not pay. Siv wasn't sure exactly why Enclave leadership wanted Kaminoan cloners, though he could easily guess a few reasons. But his job here wasn't to ask questions -- it was to get paid.

He excelled at getting paid.

"Halt." A metallic voice rang out through the storm, and Siv saw two B1 battle droids materialize out of the rain. "By order of the Confederacy, Kamino is off-limits to outsiders. Return to your ship. All trespassers will be--"

Siv's blaster pistol silenced the droid, and his companion, the red laser bolts flashing briefly as the report of the blast was drowned out by the howling of the storm. His blaster at the hip, he slowly straightened and reholstered the weapon, before continuing to walk forward unmolested. As he reached the door, bright-white light shining from the interior, he turned to look at the frame of the fallen droid, an ugly scorch mark seared through its chest and central processors.

"Haven't you heard? The Confederacy is dead," Siv growled, speaking to no one in particular. His raised his foot, his metal-tipped boot pressed lightly against the hollowed-out frame, and with only a little bit of force sent the droid frame tumbling off of the bridge and down to the storm-grey waters churning at the base of the city's tall stilts. "Mandalorians rule here now."

The bounty hunter headed inside, his quarries and payout awaiting him.


Cardin Dragr

Getting you back in the fight.


High Tide

Objective: Capture scientists (And keep them alive)
Location: Tiopica City

Wet. That was all Cardin could describe this planet, as he was sure everyone described this planet. He wasn't sure why someone would choose to live in such an environment but people did, so it was up to the Enclave to secure and protect what used to be under the Confederate banner. Even if this damned place was wetter than a Hutt's breath.

Cardin descended from his MNV-52 Beviin-class Starfighter as he heard a couple of blaster shots ring out. Peering through the rain he could make out the figure of Siv Dragr as it kicked a now quiet battle droid over and down to the depths below.

Slinging his MIM4 rifle from his back he would follow the other Mandalorian, his eyes looking down over the edge of the walkway a moment before continuing on.

Once inside he would glance at his compatriot. "Just letting you know... if you do that to one of the scientists, I won't be able to do much about it." He would joke with a gentle chuckle as he looked around at their surroundings.

He continued; "Blaster wounds I can handle falls into the ocean are someone else's concern." The Medic would get to work and grab a small device from his belt: a Bio Scanner. Scanning over the walls around them he would give a gentle smirk, "Seems we have a few fellows organics around," He'd report before pointing in a couple of directions. "But without a map of this place getting to them may be a bit annoying, not to mention the droids that are still wandering about."

"Any ideas?"

The Medic was rather excited to capture, and subsequently meet, some of those scientists. Being a man of medicine himself, it would be a treat... if they were willing to talk that is. If not, pulling whatever they were working on and taking it home would work just nicely.

It was a running joke in back home that his Mother, an uptight school teacher, was a distant descendent of a Clone Trooper...

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Open


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

An old Nu Class attack shuttle like those who fly through the Kamino 800 years ago drifted through the dark tempest of a world the rainy planet always was. Its single occupant had come with one single mission. Destroy every cloning chamber and spirit away every scientist into hiding or if necessary, kill them all.

As the green armored warrior strode down the shuttle's ramp full of purpose and with plenty of firey cocktails on his belt. Omen was not here to play as the guard droids would soon learn as he shot both in the head with no fanfare whatsoever. As the Clone opened up the doors and sought shelter inside, he steeled himself for the task before him. No one in this galaxy should be able to produce clones that would do their group's dirty work for them, not even the Enclave...

Cardin Dragr Cardin Dragr , Siv Dragr Siv Dragr , Open


OBJECTIVE: I - Take and Hold
LOCATION: Tipoca City, Kamino
TAGS: Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | Open

Heavy rains assaulted the viewport of the Midnight Huntress as the restored AIAT/i touched down on one of the Tipoca City's landing pads. Thankfully, the old class of transport was adapt both in space and on the water. The occupants inside stirred as they watched out of the cockpit for signs of activity from the bowels of the city.

For Mirdala Betna, this just another hunt. The scion of Clan Betna moved from the pilot's seat and into the innards of her ship. Like any good hunter, she did a last check of her equipment before going on an expedition. Listening to the tempest outside, she knew she would forgo he usual nexu pelt cloak. It would only get heavy with the rain. After a check of her equipment, she placed her helmet on with a hermetic hiss

<Kal, eyes on me.> She signed towards her companion as she turned to him.

Kal'edee . The canine droid stood up on all fours, receptors watching her carefully. Mirdala could not help but smile under her helm. She saw so much of her old anooba Kad'ika in the jackal-like automaton. She began to sign again.

<Attack battle droids only. Mandos and Kaminoans are friendlies> Her posturing conveyed a strict tone.

With that the pair disembarked their ship, Mirdala cradling her bowcaster at the ready. The Huntress was now on safari...

Location: Kamino
Objective: Take and Hold - Eliminate garrisoned droid force by any means necessary

A few days ago Kale Onara received a notification from the Enclave about the planet of Kamino. Multiple assets had been assigned to the planet to secure it and the scientists inside. He saw who was assigned to capture the scientists and secure the planet. With Siv Dragr on with capturing the scientists, Kale decided to engage the droids. He figured that if he could keep the droids busy, he could take some of the heat off of his fellow Mando'ade. So here they were, his YT-2000 starship the Beskar'Kal in orbit of Kamino. He looked at the 10 year old boy sitting in the co-pilot's seat, "Jorin, this is going to be your first real combat test. Are you ready?"

Jorin nodded rapidly, his helmeted head bobbling slightly, "Yes Buir. I've been ready." Kale smiled slightly under his helmet, "Yes well even though these are just droids, that's no reason to lower your guard. The droids have numbers and do use swarm tactics. When events get hot, follow my orders and have faith that your training will keep you safe."

Jorin nodded, still trembling with excitement. Kale was proud of his adopted adiik. It had only been a short time since he rescued the boy from a pirate force that had killed his family and captured him on a farming colony. When he had seen the boy for the first time, it was like seeing himself from the outside when a pirate ship had boarded his family's ship, slaughtered everyone except him. They would've killed him as well except an attack force of Mandalorians showed up and wiped out the pirates. The Mandalorians not only saved his life but they took him and trained him in the fighting arts.

Now he was passing the knowledge and traditions to the next generation. His adiik's armor was comprised of a Beskar helmet and durasteel armor, the basic starting armor for all trainees. It fit him well after being customized to his body and was now his iron skin. Kale touched a few switches and looked at his display, "Alright Jorin. We're a few minutes from landing. Time to gear up. Rascal takes us the rest of the way in." He looked at the R5 astromech who whistle a derisive acknowledgement. Kale stopped and looked at the defiant droid. "Listen scrapheap, we're going down to that water soaked world to hunt droids. If you don't want to end up being hunted as well, you make sure to land us softly, got it?" He said in a semi-serious, mostly affectionate tone. Before Jorin had come along, Rascal had been his only companion for several years. Rascal made a scratching noise that almost sounded like the droid was blowing a raspberry at him. Kale would've kept up the banter for a bit longer but he had to gear up himself. He just pointed his thumb at the controls and Rascal obediently took control of the ship. He grinned again and shook his head as he watched the aaray o'r te sheb'ika droid move off.

Kale made his way to the cargo bay where their weapons were stored as well. Jorin was already loading up. Kale began doing the same thing. In addition to his two DH-17 blasters, he grabbed a Destructive ElectroMagnetic Pulse mark 2 or DEMP-2 ion carbine. He also replaced his usual 6 thermal detonators with 3 frag grenades and 3 ion grenades. Thermal detonators packed quite a wallop but he wanted to destroy droids not bring down entire buildings. He looked at Jorin's load out, "Jorin don't take only ion based weapons. If we run into organic hostiles, ion weapons won't work nearly as well. Take your slugthrower and a blaster pistol. Take two frag grenades also." Jorin nodded and did as ordered. As they finished up, they felt the ship's landing struts compress as they touched the ground. Kale and Jorin donned their helmets as the loading ramp opened. They put their carbines to their shoulders and walked out covering their flanks as they advanced toward the first building. The loading ramp closed and the Beskar'Kal took off back to orbit to await call for extraction or fire support. The door opened and they cautiously advanced into the building to find their prey.

Te oya'karir ru'nartimir......


Beskar'Kal - Iron Sword
Buir - Father
Addik - Child (son)
aaray o'r te sheb'ika - pain in the butt
Te oya'karir ru'nartimir - The hunt began
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Location: Kamino
Objective: Take and Hold

When Elias had first been notified of an impending assault on Kamino, he’d been thrilled. He’d been idle for too long since joining the Enclave, and his clan grew restless, along with their alor. So when the call to arms came Clan Calore was ready almost immediately, loading onto the transports eagerly.

Elias himself stood at the front of one of five gunships with twenty of his clans best screaming towards Tipoca City, each of them bearing the banner of Clan Calore on the shoulders. While other attacking forces had elected for a soft entrance, Elias had favored a hard crash through their gates. As Elias stood, a voice sounded in his helmet speaking Mand’oa: “Thirty seconds to until we’re in position.” The assembled warriors drew their weapons as the doors of the gunship opened, and the storm outside began to batter away at the Mandalorians.

Through the rain Elias could count four other gunships of Calore warriors apart of the first wave, all waiting for his signal to launch from their ships and toward the city. “On my mark…” As the gunships approached fire began to erupt from the city, and the ships made small adjustments to avoid the coming fire. “…Mark!” All at once the hundred warriors jumped from their gunships, and shot towards the city with their jet packs, returning fire as they did, while the gunships peeled off back towards the fleet.

Through his HUD Elias saw the distance between him and the LZ ticking down and prepared for the worst. Naturally he and the rest of the clan had learned of the Clone War, and how the droid army relied on swarm tactics to overwhelm the Old Republics clone troopers; often to great effect. So to say that the young alor wasn’t at least wary of the outdated army wouldn’t be unreasonable.

As the distance counter ticked to zero Elias’s boots clanged against the metal of the platform, a chorus of similar thuds sounded off, signaling to him that the rest of the first wave had arrived as well. Immediately Elias drew both his blaster pistols and opened fire on the nearest droid, quickly turning it to scrap.

Surprisingly the defense was rather light once Elias took a good look at it, only around thirty or so droids who were destroyed along with their heavier guns with brutal efficiency. “Not much of a welcoming party.” Elias muttered softly, pondering such a light defense. Alor’ad!” The man in question was Corban Calore, who’d fought beside Elias since he’d been a foundling. Corban appeared a heartbeat later, helmeted and ready for his orders. “You called?” Elias neared chuckled at the man’s casual response. “Split the men, I want ten groups of ten, the Ver’alor will each lead one, and you and I shall take one each as well. The remaining three will pick a ruus’alor from among their ranks.” Corban quickly gathered the Ver’alor and informed them of the plan, not long after, each group was sorted and ready to head deeper into the city.

Giving the assembled warriors one final once over, Elias raised his hand and brought it down sharply, giving the signal to move deeper into the city to complete their objective. Silently, the Mandalorians moved into Tipoca city, weaving through it as they searched for their quarry.
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Fortunate the native species of this world had a certain elegance and dignity to their demeanor. One more easily mimicked than, perhaps, that of an enraged Sith or excitable Zeltron. Even their light, airy quality of their voice could mask any subtle inflections of a synth vocabulator. It was a very finely tuned and high-end vocabulator, but it was still not an organic's esophagus.

The outer door to one of the above-water facilities slid aside and the seemingly long-necked Kaminoan cautiously leaned into view. Black eyes with a gray nebula of an iris peered out at the armed men and women that had come. "Oh my. We are fortunate you came. You must hurry inside," her words had the same sense of urgency as her hand that slowly waved them forward, "before the droid patrols arrive. They have amphibious assault models." If the Enclave thought their enemy would only prowl about open walkways, they should be disabused of the notion. Being outside conveyed as much advantage in sight as disadvantage with the enemy able to leap straight out of the waters.

Some landing platforms were quite high off the water, but that only meant the enemy might be clinging to the skin of the domes instead. Droids did not have muscles that tired; time was of no consequence for a well-planned ambush.

Nyx waited to see if the Mandalorians would come. Time to see what manner of warrior had arrived. Only a mad Super Tactical Droid would attack the enemy before understanding it. Perhaps they were not enemies at all. That was always an option even if Nyx questioned its viability.

Tag: Kaneha Dalsa Kaneha Dalsa | Kale Onara Kale Onara | Valerian Calore Valerian Calore

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
As Omen stalked the outside of the main city platform, he reminisced about the past. Kamino brought back alot of memories, some good, some bad. The rum-running through the vents, the punishments, the deaths... All of it came back to him now. His training was hard but he had to admit it had made him into the man he was today. Guess I should say thank you for the nightmares...

Just as he was reminiscing about it, his spider senses that had developed after years of combat experience went off full force. Something or someone was here, he just couldn't see them. Slowing his pace to a crawl, he kept his gauntlets at the ready. His suspicions were proven right when Aquatic Battledroids started to come over the lip of the walkway. Now was no time to hesitate, he needed to push through. Shooting lightning out of his gauntlets, he would fry any Battledroids that got in his way as blaster bolts went through his legs as he ran towards the first open door he saw. Sprinting through the doorway and closing it shut behind him, not looking back as the Droids hammered at the glass. Soon they would break through but by then, the Clone would be nowhere near the berserkers.

Tag: Kaneha Dalsa Kaneha Dalsa I Kale Onara Kale Onara ] | Valerian Calore Valerian Calore I Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3
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Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir


The sound of her reinforced boots made dull contact with the water slicked ground outside of one of the large facility outposts that happened to be her target destination this day...


Why the hell did she smoke spice before this?

The unceremoniously bright hued armor gave off the odd impression she might have been malleable, or easy to talk down, though it was a strange and ironic lie. Sasha Kryze was far from the kindest Mandolorian one would meet in their lives. Though considering her people, that wasn't saying much.

She walked with a PDX Slugthrower tossed over her shoulder, and her Beskar'Gam covered most, if not everything vital, leaving her legs lightly armored. Her jetpack as well would have been visible, not to mention a mean looking Heavy Blaster that hung somewhat loosely from her gunbelt on her left side. The shotgun over her right shoulder shifting slightly, as her T-visor slowly scanned the area ahead.

She had disappeared from her newfound family within The Enclave for some time and was lucky enough to get a hint as to where the Mandalorians would march next. She almost couldn't believe the CIS had gone belly up, and yet here they were. Briefly, Sasha looked skywards, loosing a yawn beneath the helmet, and slowing to a stop as some strange creature flew overhead. Its cries seemingly dragging her attention long enough for two Battle Droids to simply walk up behind her.

Ooooh, Garrus Garon Garrus Garon would've had something to say about that. Something about 'this new generation of Vode', or something else of that nature. Though, in all honesty, it couldn't be overstated just how fried the woman was at this moment in time.

'Kamino is off limits to outsiders...'

The droid scanned her briefly, before adding with emphasis one word.


She allowed her head to level again on what was in front of her, canting slightly as she did her own very organic form of scanning.

"Oh Chit, I didn't know. I'm here to refuel. And I was meant to meet a Kaminoan, actually I think that's him right there..."

She pointed with purpose, right in between them, eyes watching their reactions, while her right hand slid that slug-thrower off her shoulder, already prepped for action. The first blast at point-blank range turned the first droid into a shower of parts, and sparks, Sasha instinctively ducked, and leaned on one side, left hand drawing the blaster, and firing a single bolt into the other droid's chassis. It seized up, then fell into an unceremonious position. Observing the two, she would clear her throat, and get back to her feet, moving towards, and calmly stepping over the Battle Droids as she continued on her way inside.

If she was lucky, she might run into an old friend.

Tag: Open!

Kaz Krayt


TAGS: Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Open
GEAR: In bio​


"What's... themattehwith yo' miiiiiiind..." Kaz melodically hummed along with the song playing over his comms as he shuffled through the facility with a pistol in each hand. Spinning with the finesse of a purrgil, two bolts shot at a nearby cluster of droids to rip them apart. The few rounds that they managed to fire at him simply bounced off his Beskar'gam. And all the while, he continued to sing along with the song.

"COME AND GET YOUR LOOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOVE!" He blurted out at the top of his lungs, his hips swaying back and forth as he came to a halt for a moment. His dancing only ceased for a moment when a nearby door slid open and another Mandalorian walked through. "COME AND GE- oh hey wha's good?!" He called out to her with a salute, using the barrel of a pistol. "Yo, listen to this." He urged the new arrival as he hit a button on his vambrace and instead used the annunciator of his helmet to broadcast the song like a speaker. "This is a slapper, right?!" He asked with a rhythmic nod of his head as he removed his helmet.

One of his pistols were holstered as he reached out to shake her hand. "Name's Kaz Krayt, by the way." He casually introduced himself. His attention shifted again when the iconic footfalls of battledroids neared their position, prompting him to slide his helmet back on and draw his pistols. "Can you believe it? Shooting down battledroids like this is some Clone Wars-themed show or somethin'." He commented as he walked towards the encroaching force.

Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir

The rain mellowed her out, although she was trapped in an endless cycle of tense apprehension. Again, probably not the best idea to fill ones head with poison before a mission... Against droids, no less. She sniffled a bit, clearing her throat again as she continued onwards. Nearing the building, she closed her eyes, stumbling a bit, but not loosing her grip on her weaponry... By the way...

She reached down, and holstered that pistol at her side.

Raindrops on my head, wasn't that how that song went? Something like that. A raindrop will fall on your head?

Raindrops are in my head? These Raindrops keep falling off my head? On my head?

What the hell was she thinking about right now?

The sound of the doors whisking open caused her eyes to open again, snapping onto the single visible humanoid in front of her. Kaz Krayt.

Was he singing? Was she hallucinating? This was a hallucination. That being said, it was definitely an interesting one. People just weren't that chill when it came to that kinda' stuff anymore. It was all serious face, like Garrus, or one of the other older Vode. Sometimes people just wanted to chill and r-..

"COME AND GE- oh hey wha's good?!"

She nearly flinched at his words, shaking her head as her body visibly wobbled, legs widening to cement her stance. Her left hand resting gently on her blaster, while her right still held fast on the shotgun over her right shoulder. Listening to the tune, she would tentatively approach, lightly nodding her head as the music serenaded her. This had to be some core system music, they tended to make the same kind of music. In any case, he was right it was a slapper; she was grinning under her helmet as she slowly approached to within a few feet of him.

"Name's Kaz Krayt, by the way."

"Sasha Kryze.."

She responded in kind, though did not remove her helmet. Quite frankly she was already a mess being out here as she was, taking off her helmet seemed like it was pushing it.

"Can you believe it? Shooting down battledroids like this is some Clone Wars-themed show or somethin'."

She would again smirk at that, crouching down slightly and priming her jetpack.

"Iunno' what the hell a Clone War is, but I live for this chit..."

With that, she let the Jetpack boost her airborne, flying at a median level and locking onto the first wave of droids. With that, she loosed the Whistling Birds that were installed in her boots, turning the first wave into mulch before landing a few feet ahead of Kaz. Those were all droids right? Yeah, she wasn't that stoned. Definitely... Definitely all droids.

Kaz Krayt


TAGS: Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Open
GEAR: In bio​


The girl introduced herself, earning a surprised "Yoooooooooo!" from the Zabrak as he bobbed his head. "We got a Kryze in the house? Nice. Used to be a Vizsla, actually, if you can believe it." He happily chatted with the woman as they proceeded forward. Upon taking off with her jetpack, Kaz looked on with surprise before he followed after her with a laugh.

"Hell yeah, that's karking awesome!" He cheered on as he touched down next to her. Golden bolts lit up the pristine hallways as the Zabrak let loose with his twin pistols. After dispatching a few more droids, he flicked through his music library until he found a jam for the moment. "Ah hell yeah, that's the stuff." He pretty much forgot what the objective was, all he cared about was the absolute blast he was having with his new acquaintance.

Though it soon became an issue when they reached a crossroads and he had no clue on where to go. Pulling off his helmet, he leaned closer to her head. "Yo, what are we here for aga- hol' up... what's that smell..." He sniffed a few times, his eyes going wide with a grin. "Yo, you have spice?!" He laughed heartily as he gave her a light shove. "Please tell me you still got some, I haven't had something to smoke in ages." He asked with a more serious tone as he leaned in close, with a skeptical scan of their surroundings. Instincts that proved handy when a door slid open to reveal an enormous group of battle droids. "Yo it's the fuzz! Move!" He warned as he slid his helmet on and tugged at Sasha to follow him.

A pair of thermal detonators were tossed into the group as he took the nearest turn and continued on.




Objective: Capture Kaminoan Scientists, Alive
Location: Tipoca City, Kamino
Tag: Cardin Dragr Cardin Dragr | Vren Rook Vren Rook | OPEN

"Enclave wants them alive, cousin," Siv replied shortly to the Mandalorian medic that had walked up beside him. "I like to consider myself a professional." As for the map that Cardin mentioned, Siv didn't have any onhand resources but he could guess. The Kaminoan tech was proprietary and would probably be headache to slice into; none of his security keys would likely be programmed to interface with Kaminoan programming language, and Siv's knowledge didn't extend much further than the basics. Any security protocols that genetic scientists had put in would easily confound the Mandalorian bounty hunter.

But the Confederacy battle droids were a different story. Too bad they were probably hundreds of feet below the ocean surface, sinking rapidly to the sea floor. But if they could find a few more.? "Lets see if those droids had any friends," Siv finally decided, letting Cardin know his thinking. "We find them, we slice into their comms and databases to see if we can get a readout of this place. If we find Kaminoans first. . . then we'll make them talk instead."

Nodding for the medic to follow him, he proceeded stealthily deeper into the stilted city.

Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir

"Isn't it? My buddy Shai made it for me, custom. I p-.. probably shouldn't have used it on the literal first wave of these dome-heads, but I just you know..."

Him mentioning he used to be a Viszla could only make her think of Shai consistently trying to get her to renounce her Kryze surname. She rolled her eyes instinctively, but couldn't help but think then... Just where the hell was the war-dog? Undoubtedly her clanmates would be here as well, if she came across one of them, she would ask, unaware the answer was going to send her up. As she walked, he followed her, and the operative glanced over with a smirk. She couldn't tell his age, but she liked his vibe. If she was more open, she would've been just like him, but instead she was broody and always tried to let on a serious image.

When they reached the crossroads, she as well looked around. It was... Quiet. Ambush quiet, as she liked to call it.

"Yo, what are we here for aga- hol' up... what's that smell..."

While she might have been high, she was very much aware of what the objective was, giggling as he said it. She relented, and her left hand went up, leaning her head forward to pull her helmet off, and reveal her face. A young human woman with a cinnamon complexion, brown eyes locking onto his own. She remembered then, she literally still had more spice on her person. She probably didn't need anymore, but he seemed interested. If he wasn't a Mandalorian she might've asked for credits, but sure. She reached into a slightly long pouch at the front of her and pulled out what would've been the equivalent to a vape. The spice in the clear chamber visible even now.

"Yo, you have spice?!" He laughed heartily as he gave her a light shove. "Please tell me you still got some, I haven't had something to smoke in ages."

She took held the button on the side, and took a decent drag, face scrunching as she blew it out opposite of him, then handed it to him.

"Don't kill me vod... Osi'kyr b ketyahulye (Chit's expensive)"

She warned, taking a few steps forward but staying near him. It was just then that he called out to her.
"Yo it's the fuzz! Move!"

She took the best cover possible, quickly slipping her helmet back on with a light hiss as it pressurized. She was about to grab her blaster when Kaz simply... Exploded the group of encroaching droids. She peeked around the corner, and canted her head slightly. More than one way to skin a cat right?

A part of her wanted to throw a quick reminder he still had her spice, but she was patient enough to let him enjoy it a bit. So long as he didn't vacuum up her chit.

Kaz Krayt Any other allies on Take & Hold


Primary Objective: Break into labs and hack computer systems, stealing everything of note. Save any clones and slaves found along the way.
Secondary Objective: Capture any scientists found along the way, alive (reluctantly...)
Location: Tipoca City, Kamino.
Tags: OPEN


P U N I S H - T H E - V I L E​

Exiting the ship, a Gwyneira Krayt sighed as she pulled her kama's hood tighter over her buy'ce. Her beskar'gam and equipment clanked heavily as the rain pounded down. Beneath her visor, she scowled as she approached the building. Scientists were meant to be taken alive, which greatly angered her. Kaminoans were too similar to Arkanians in their superiority complexes, love for cloning and slavery, and expiramentation. It made her burn inside, seething from harsh memories. Half Arkanian herself, Gwyneira was the punching bag for Arkanian pure bloods her entire life. She even had recently been expiramented on herself. Her cybernetic leg made louder footsteps then her organic, armored leg. This cybernetic leg was needed in the first place because her Arkanian father had cut it off during months using her as his lab rat.

Gwyneira had decided, in the end, to leave the scientists to her fellow vode. She instead wanted to focus her attention on the labs themselves; computers, documents, files. As well as search for any victims of Kaminoan heartlessness.

She had not come here to free the kaminoans like most vode. She had come here to free their victims.

This one is for you, Omen.

As she approached the doorway, two Confederacy droids rushed forward, demanding that foreign people leave, this planet was Confederacy held, blah blah blah. Gwyn smirked. These she could kill. She pulled her Borealis and Ra'ntisr pistols out from behind, swiftly shooting both droids and walking past their smoking frames. She entered the glowing white building, ready for action.

Kill the droids. Don't kill the scientists. Zlova hated objectives that demanded you not kill or destroy things. Better if people forgot to include little details like that so a Twi'lek could enjoy orbital dropping in peace. Crash through the roof, hop out, shoot anything that moved. Well, in her case she'd hope out and cut anyone she saw in half. Being told not to was a real buzz kill. Not that Mandalorians listened to their resident Sith Expert.

Well that was unfair. Mandalorians would totally go blood-thirsty if a situation warranted it. Still, many of them had this thing about 'innocent civilians.' Even her cute Cat[har] Talohn was very concerned about the well-being of others. All their time together had not dulled Zlova's complete disregard for the 'sanctity' of life.

So, slow and easy-does-it transport it was. That and a red, tattooed woman scowling toward the cockpit as though the pilots were taking their time getting down to the platform.

The door snapped open and the Twi'lek jumped down to the landing pad. Her left hand swept out to the side to form a bubble against the rain. Sith didn't sweat. Wasn't about to let this ball of water make anyone think she had been sweating either because of rain or mist.

She stopped at the entryway to regard the droids that had been shot. Someone else was already here? Wonderful. Another target that couldn't be killed on the scene either. Probably friendly too. Who could say how friendly some cloned creatures might be inside the facility however? Would the water-headed owners of this place have set them loose? Come up us, Enclave, oh and I made sure everything here will try to kill you -- totally not intentional.

For the time being, Zlova didn't draw or ignite her sabers as she stepped inside. At least these people were so utterly unassuming their facilities were laid out in straight lines -- mostly hollow full of training centers and staging platforms from what Zlova knew of the domes. "Any word on infiltration?" Zlova asked into the commlink on what was supposed to be an operational channel. Who knew if the enterprising soul(s) ahead would respond.

Tag: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Open

Kaz Krayt


TAGS: Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Open
GEAR: In bio​


Kaz was rather taken back when the woman removed her helmet to reveal her face, though that turned into an effort to stifle a laugh as he noticed her eyes. Spice was one hell of a drug. His gaze then shifted to the little device she produced that held said dangerous drug, though they didn't have much time to do anything with it as the unit of droids descended upon them.

He managed to take care of the first wave, but more soon followed and the Zabrak let loose with his arsenal as he led the way to a safer position. "Come on, keep moving!" He ordered, slipping her device into a pocket as he shouldered his rifle and let loose on the droids. He had no idea if they took the right path or not, but right now that didn't matter. Luckily the objective snapped back into his mind as he let out a happy "Oh yeah!" and glanced over to her. "The command droid! That's what we're here for. Yo, just remember to avoid headshots, those things usually got all kinds of juicy intel stored in their domes." After a few more shots, he nudged her with his buttstock and led the way through a corridor.

"In here!" By a nearby door, he smacked the lock as he waited for Sasha to enter first, then followed quickly after before the droids could find them. The new room looked rather important, with holographic projectors and screens against a wall. Conveniently there were some chairs too. "Probably a comms room, can inspect in a sec. First things first..." He pulled off his helmet and rested his rifle against a wall as he looked for the pen. He brought it up to his lips and pressed the ignition, taking a long drag of the drug before he handed her the pen. After several seconds he released the vapours through his nose as a grin formed on his lips.

"Hell yeah, that's the stuff." He muttered as he dropped into a seat. Almost immediately he felt the effects as he slumped deeper into the seat. He turned to her as a snicker erupted, a hand outstretched for another puff. "Think they'll be pissed if they find us in here?" He quipped.



Take the Kaminoan's alive. Kill the droids. Take the Kaminoan's alive. Kill the droids. Take the Kamon.. Kiman.. .. Wait how was it said? The Hunter froze where he stood. His armor kept him from sight, the fractal pattern active and running. What was he here to do? .. Oh! Kill the Kaminoan's, take the droids alive. .. No that wasn't right. Droids weren't alive, so that didn't make sense.

Did he get it backwards again? Silly him. The cyborg chuckled under his breath as he lifted his rifle, stalking through the halls as the ghost he was. At least he didn't forget his mission entirely this time around.

He walked away from the hall, not bothering to look back at the ruined bodies of the droids that once patrolled that area. He needed to go find the Kaminoan's, wherever they were. Did he remember where they were?

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