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Faction The Frozen Hell | Eternal Empire

N P C - S T O R Y T E L L E R



Camp 9 has long been the most notorious prison in the Eternal Empire. Although the Empire has a low crime rate due to very strict laws and punishments, there are always those who are undeterred. And the worst criminals, spies from the outside world, saboteurs or rebels have all ended up here. Currently there are also people in prison who were imprisoned during or before the Second Great Hyperspace War. So, it could even be said that there are some members of the Eclipse Rebellion here. Camp 9 was a much bigger punishment for them than execution.

Recently, there have been several excavations in the Camp 9 area because scientists have noticed an interesting anomaly under the ice and have been looking for it. Some kind of metallic liquid substance was reportedly found and it turns into an airy substance at room temperature. These were the last of the long reports, as there were reports of a massive snowstorm that was coming and would probably disrupt communications with areas further north.

This was a common phenomenon, because such large snowstorms were often caused by previous nuclear explosions, which caused the planet to go into nuclear winter. But now something was happening that had not been seen for a very, very long time. A distress signal from Camp 9 ran into Wulfngard and then everything went quiet. They could no longer contact Camp 9 from any parts of Kalidan.

Meanwhile, something happened to those who were in Camp 9. It all started in the research lab where they were testing that particular substance.

Some of the soldiers and scientists in the Camp 9 laboratories went mad, hundreds of them simply walked out into the blizzard and were never seen again. Others simply fell into a coma and later froze to death. Others are still hiding in Camp 9 or locked in various laboratories. And then the storm hit and it's not known whether it was sabotage or just a technical malfunction, but all the power in Camp 9 was out.

The prison cells opened and the prisoners were released, but not just them, but all sorts of monstrosities, genetically modified creatures, "sithspawns" and everything that was in the labs and classified as top-secret state secrets, experimented on by the Wardens of Shroud.




(Those who want to fight)​

In Wulfngard, there was an immediate reaction to what happened at Camp 9. Despite the poor conditions, teams were dispatched to the prison to try to reach the site and find out what happened. The task is simple, reconnoitre and repair the damage. No other outcome is acceptable. Despite the huge snowstorm, several troop carriers finally arrived in the middle of the night at the completely dark Camp 9 and managed to land in the hangar area. But they don't know yet what is waiting for them inside.


(Those who prefer to talk or try to survive)​

Scientists, soldiers and the like who were for some reason in the Camp 9 area when the trouble happened. The power went out a day and a half ago, and now the whole complex is cold with everything else and it is cold and dark inside. The corridors and buildings are crawling with prisoners, soldiers and scientists who don't know about themselves, and various monsters have escaped and are hunting the living. Survival is not the easiest as those who remain wait to be rescued and help arrives. Assuming it arrives and the nights are much harder here than the days.



If you didn't like any of the objectives, feel free to bring your own story. Preferably in and around Camp 9, but if you want to play somewhere else on Kalidan, go for it.

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Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Location: Camp 9
Objective: Survive inspection

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Upgraded Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel
ENS Mihaly
  • 1 military support, 1 science and 1 biosecurity mission pods
The Overseer looked around the darkened room at the other gathered survivors, there were two dozen people who had managed to make their way to the command centre where Trinity had organised a defensive position. The limited number of access corridors made defence that much easier even if the hallways were darkened. The mix of people were about half scientists and half soldiers, luckily Imperial scientists had at least some military experience simply to be considered for their given roles. There was a staccato of light machine gun fire as one of the soldiers put down a particularly brave prisoner who had made a break for it before pushing the barricade back in front of the doors. They had a single portable HAPU in here and Trin had taken the deacision to use it to attempt comms and try to restore the base internal sensors. This did however mean the security doors were now unpowered and in emergency open mode.

She shook her head and looked at one of the base scientists who was tending to a wounded soldier. This was meant to be a simple inspection to make sure the facilities were performing up to standards in both their prison role and their scientific endeavors, and to be honest the inspection was going well until. "Until this chit" she said to herself under her breath as she grabbed a clip from the table and tossed it over to Hemlock Hemlock <<Ammo wont last forever, we need to get you out>> came a message directly into her brain from her wolfguard. She raised her eyebrow and nodded to inform him she had taken note, but she was not about to abandon everyone here just yet.


Aurelian Sigismund
Overlord of the Eternal Empire, Hegemon of Zakuul and Vandemar, High Imperator of the Eternal Legion, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Exarch of Zakuul

Objective: I. Into the Unknown
Location: Camp 9, Hangar
Trinity Harris Trinity Harris
"Landing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. ... We have landed!" Echoed the voice of the pilot over the intercom of the carrier accompanied by the calming of the exterior noise whipping the hull followed by the decompression of hydraulics and the unsealing of the crew compartment, readying the ramp to be lowered. Inside the compartment was a full platoon of Ultranauts and two Praetorians of the Eternal Legion, together with the Overlord of the Eternal Empire himself.

Aurelian led this expedition due to a variety of factors. It was paramount that a breach like this must be dealt with immediately and swiftly, then while he trusted the troops to carry out orders, Camp 9 was not a regular place where a few rebels and criminals were put for pickpocketing or making a do-it-yourself bomb. It was a security threat to more than just the area. And he was there, in Wulfngard at the time of the alarm. If the freshly appointed second-in-command could, he would go to battle himself.

"Secure the hangar, locate all entrances, put up guards. Platoon Terminon and Platoon Aerad prepare to move out to secure power supply and put it online again. Platoon Beren remains in the hangar. Platoon Uther with me to locate the scientists and secure the maximum security section." While his voice echoed through the coms and through his vizor, he assigned and relayed the orders to every available HUD and present soldier. Everyone should know their objective.

The gold-plated giant and his equally massive Praetorians readied their weapons. Aurelian unclipped a decorated Lancer blaster from the magnetic holster on his thigh, checked the magazine and put it back. Meanwhile his hand moved to the top of his scabbard and with a movement of the thumb checked that the sword was not frozen in place in this arctic weather. Urizen was not of course, still a matter of precaution. The two Praetorians, in their golden armours and red tabards both had formidable staff weapons, one a voulge and one a halberd, both masterfully crafted combi-weapons. They were silent to the outside world and probably in their helmets too, not known for idle chatter.

The Zakuulan took another look around before moving out. On his HUD was the map of Camp 9 with a suggested marching route for all missions as well as an estimated location of the command center. With the Lancer in hand, he led the platoon through one of the gates, held open by two of the Ultranauts so that the unit could slip through into the freezing darkness . . . .

Location: Command Center, Camp 9 - Kalidan
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

There was a staccato of light machine gun fire as one of the soldiers put down a particularly brave prisoner who had made a break for it before pushing the barricade back in front of the doors.

“Prisoner down!” Priscilla called out as she laid off the trigger of her machine blaster after unleashing a short burst of fire into the back of a fleeing prisoner, the superheated tibanna plasma outright obliterating most of her target’s upper half until it was reduced to little more than charred flesh and steaming grease. Then, after stepping over the mangled body to push the barricade back in front of the doors, Priscilla caught a brief glance at the scene transpiring within the command center as she hurried back to her position. With Camp 9 being her first assignment after completing the two years long Ultranaut training program, she had not expected to see any action, much less experience a mass psychosis event where large numbers of soldiers and scientists simply went mad as hundreds of extremely dangerous prisoners seized upon the opportunity to escape. For her part, Priscilla wondered if something had gone terribly wrong with one of the experiments in the labs, but the biot had no intention of giving voice to such thoughts with so many scientists within the vicinity.

Whoever or whatever had triggered the disturbance, Priscilla now had a straightforward mission—survive and extract with as many soldiers and scientists as possible. Any answers as to how the incident had started could come later, if she was entitled to them.

Unfortunately, as a lowly Third Class Private, Priscilla doubted that she would be entitled to much of anything.

Nevertheless, with a resigned facsimile of a sigh, Priscilla mounted her machine blaster back in a supported position on top of the table. If anything, this was an opportunity for the biot to finally do what she was programmed and designed to do, after two long years of hard training.

It was her chance to prove that she was not just a Soldier, but an Ultranaut.

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Location: Orbiting Kalidan
Equipment: Tyrant II Missile Cruiser

Even through the respirator of her helmet, the crew aboard the EES Angron could hear her yawn, though dared not make a vocal notice of it. It was clear that the Commodore had once again tried and failed to speed up the process for replacing her old ship. In stead, she was still stationed on an outdated and ill-fitting ship which had gone through more repairs in the Eternal Empire's shipyards in the last decade than it had actually seen travel. Clearly Commodore Nargath was furious at high command for once again ignoring her demands, because all she wanted was a proper replacement for her old ship...she'd even have her own pay docked in perpetuem if that was what it took to get the job done...but no, they HAD to give her a ship partially designed by an extranged uncle and maintained partially by a company that was run by an equally estranged nephew...she had joined the Eternal Empire to be free of her family, not to be thrown back into that den of rabid hyenas.

Looking out of the transparisteel windows of the command deck, the red-lensed goggles the Commodore wore reflected the atmosphere of Kalidan, her home away from home. It was here that she saw her first piece of true action, it was here that she got to forge bonds of comradery and loyalty...but it was also here where she lost practically everything once again. Her stubborness had gone in the wrong direction for her superiors and she had been demoted twice by the admiralty of the Eternal fleet due to her... ruthless and cold nature, which as was to be expected did have quite the number of casualties.

For a moment, she stood there silently, with no one disturbing least, that was until the chief communication officer; Lieutenant Damar suddenly called out to her. "Ma'am, we've got a rather strange missive from th admiralty..."

"Well...what does it say, lieutenant?" The tall and certainly imposing figure of the woman wearing a combination of the usual dress uniform and the wargear usually worn when in the field, neatly hiding her face, masking her voice and granting her a much more menacing air than she would've had without all of these attributes, stood surprisingly calmly at the command deck's windows, her voice booming through the respirator as she crossed her arms behind her back, holding on to what looked like a short riding whip. "On second thought...if it's another denial on granting us a proper, new ship...I don't want to hear it."

The lieutenant cleared his throat and nodded. "I'm affraid it has nothing to do with your request ma'am... it's weird because there seem to be issues near Camp 9..."

"What's the fleet got to do with Camp 9?" Tilting her head a bit to the side as she looked at the Lieutenant, the Commodore showed that she was understandably confused by this missive. "That should be the army's task or maybe one of the other divisions...but not the fleet. Why do they send out any missive to the fleet at all? Well...what are my orders?"

The young Kalidan-born human looked down at his screen, tilting his head up again when he had understood the missive from the admiralty. "All localized vessels are to convene in orbit over Camp 9, Containtment Protocol has been activated..."

"Hmm...that does sound rather serious," Tapping with the tip of her left boot onto the plasteel floors upon which she stood, a coarse chuckle escaped through the respirator. "Let's give this old girl some active duty. Lieutenant, contact the Admiralty and tell them that Commodore Nargath will participate as commanded. We'll take point...request additional information as far as my own clearance goes... those bastards need to be more clear with me, or next time they even dare ignore me, I'll storm up on their headquarters with a goddamn rotary blaster for good meassure."

Emperor of Rhiinalh and the Rhiinul
Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund STRATCOM STRATCOM | OPEN
Location: Camp 9 Hangar
Objective: 1 - Into the Unknown
Equipment: In Bio (all to be submitted)

The wind howled outside of the transport. It was good to feel the rush of battle once more. The fighting pits back home on Rhiinalh have proven dull now. I have yearned for a proper fight. What started as a grand mission to meet the Eternal Empress and the highest authorities in this Eternal Empire has now turned into a most exciting excursion from home and dull dull politics. Truly, we were the superior creatures for denying elaborate politics, or elaborate anything.

The large transports, designed to carry the large frames of me and my accompanying soldiers, trailed behind that of the Overlord's retinue. Our pilots saw their engines burning through the gale of snow and ice while also seeing them on scanners of our surroundings. They were more simple craft compared to that of our neighbors, but managed to keep pace for the most part. Soon, it arrived, this "Camp 9."

While unexpected, I volunteered me and my men to proudly display the prowess of the Rhiinul. We will show these Humans of Kalidan how much they would need my people's might to rebuild their Empire, or at least to bring back to the heights of glory they claim to have achieved decades prior. However, that could wait. While the vehicles themselves were too large to dock with the Overlord's ships, an adjacent landing platform was open enough for us to jump from the ramps. Perfect for a display of might!, was what I thought.

And so it happened. The bulky transports hovered over the landing pad, then I leaped out, maul in hand, landing with a loud thud. As I made my approach, the ten soldiers who accompanied me soon landed and fell into formation. The second in command I appointed for this trip roared in reverence to my sight. "Mighty Emperor of Rhiinalh and the Rhiinul", he addressed me in our people's tongue, "I saw the Eternals' Overlord this way. May the battle come soon!"
"And may bones be broken in glory, Captain!", I returned. I then would turn to the others, "Follow behind me, my chosen!"
The others grunted and roared in excitement. While not loud, the deep gutteral tones and ways our people spoke echoed with resonance.

I lead them down the way to the interior parts of the hangar. There I saw him in the flesh clad in golden armor, the Overlord of the Eternal Empire. While mine was as steel gray and only trimmed with gold, I made sure that it was well-polished before this glorious bashing of skulls to be. The language of the outsiders was easy to learn, but my accent was still strong from the guttural language of home. "Hail Overlord! I see that the enemy hides from us.", I cared little for subtleties. This Overlord was large, and as towering as me. For now, I will respect him as he had the look of a Warrior King like I was. "You know this place. Where will we find battle and blood?" I would bang on my breastplate as a gesture of good faith, since my armor was sealed and obscured my face as to protect me from this warmer weather than home. "Also, golden Overlord, what do you want us to do to those who hide below from us?" Beneath my helm, a predatory smile anticipating bloodlust could have been found just as easily as it would be heard on my voice. It was time give this old steel maul I used to conquer my world another taste of blood from true battle.


Objective: Investigate and Survive
Location: Camp 9
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Priscilla Li-Ves Priscilla Li-Ves | OPEN

Tikaani stumbled about the dark, cold prison. She was the only one that could hear the muttered curses inside her facemask. Perhaps even she didn’t hear the whispers, instead it was her mind relaying thoughts that she knew she was speaking. The young student had arrived at Camp 9 just two hours before the power went out. Luckily she was prepared to research an unidentified substance and was equipped with clothing that covered her from forehead to her toes. She wouldn’t go so far as to say she was warm, but the lack of heat was a bit less intrusive to her. The Envoy training she had been undergoing helped as well.

Slowly, but surely Tikaani had made her way to the command center where the Overseer had called all survivors. Upon arriving Tikaani quickly found her way to the group of a dozen scientists, though she kept her eyes on the situation as a whole and was ready to use her blaster if needed. There was hope that the dozen or so soldiers under the Overseer would be enough to keep everyone safe until an evac team arrived, but Tikaani truly didn’t have the slightest idea what was in the prison. She tried to be ready for anything, but concern that the situation was too big was growing in Tikaani’s head.

Inaction was not something that Tikaani could handle for long as she watched the Overseer and her guard working with an HAPU to get some power to something in the prison. Shots were fired from beyond the barricaded door at some target outside and Tikaani decided that she couldn’t sit with the more senior scientists any longer. She stood from her spot and made her way over to where the Overseer was working.

As she moved the soldier who had just been shooting entered through the doorway and returned the barricade to its place. The movement caused a pause in Tikaani’s movement and turned the young scientist’s eyes towards the soldier. Tikaani was surprised to have to look down at Priscilla. It reminded Tikaani to expect the unexpected. Momentarily forgetting about her face mask Tikaani gave an unseen smile and slight nod of her head before continuing to the Overseer’s side. ”Anything that I can do to help Overseer, Ma’am?” Tikaani asked with confidence.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Location: Camp 9
Objective: Survive inspection
Tags: STRATCOM STRATCOM Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Priscilla Li-Ves Priscilla Li-Ves Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Wahlrin Wahlrin

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Upgraded Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel
ENS Mihaly
  • 1 military support, 1 science and 1 biosecurity mission pods
Trinity pulled up a hologram of the base, trying again to see a route out for them that would bypass the areas controlled by monsters and prisoners as Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid approached her. "Actually yes. This storage room is marked as empty and has an emergency vent to the surface. Any idea what is actually in there? And if your people have been keeping the snow of the escape routes?" it was simply marked empty, Trinity's clearance in science bases was surpassed only by the Empress herself so she very much doubted that clearance was an issue. She was well aware that every base had rooms like this, a room for paperwork, old equiptment and the like to just be forgotten rather than being appropriately dealt with. The only issue now being that if the room was entirely blocked by junk, and the escape hatch was piled high with snow, would there even be any way of using it.

"Ultranauts" she snapped, "I need two volunteers" with a mental impulse, the route that needed to be scouted for possible exfil was highlighted in red. She would ask for volunteers before she ordered anyone, it was more her style of leadership and she had spent enough time around the soldiers of the Empire that she knew she would always get more volunteers than she needed for even the most suicidal of missions. This hopefully would not come to that, but the route was narrow, long abandoned and easily isolated from their defensive position so the danger was obvious to anyone who was curious.

Location: Command Center, Camp 9 - Kalidan
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid

Priscilla watched the entrance to the command center before offering a brief nod to one of the scientists who had acknowledged her—a taller woman clad in lab attire and a large mask that seemed to conceal dark gray-toned features while exposing a long mane of alabaster hair. In turn, Priscilla’s own gas mask, with its red-hued optics and prominent filter, made her more or less faceless. However, the Ultranaut was aware of the fact that her diminutive stature often brought attention to her by that fact alone, thus distinguishing her from the other soldiers.

Nevertheless, any doubts as to Priscilla’s fitness had been quickly quelled after her first day of training. Her height made her a smaller target, but it had no bearing on her capability. She could run, lift, shoot, maneuver, and fight better than virtually all of her peers. It was a reality that the biot tried not to needlessly flaunt, but one that existed (and that she took advantage of when necessary) all the same.

However, when the Overseer called for volunteers, Priscilla sensed that it was now necessary for her to leverage her strengths for the benefit of the group. Thus, the Ultranaut turned and presented herself to the Overseer, hefting her massive machine blaster up from its supported position with the same ease that a normal Ultranaut might wield a pistol. At the same time, another Ultranaut—who Priscilla immediately recognized from the character of his movements—presented himself as well. Private Waylan Chaslat. He had been one of her few rivals (if such a term could be used) in training.

From the excitement in his movements, Priscilla could already tell that he was ready to compete against her once more, a fact which caused the biot to roll her eyes beneath the red lenses of her gas mask.

“Private Waylan Chaslat and Private Priscilla, reporting!” Waylan spoke up, before Priscilla could manage a word edgewise.

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Objective: Find survivors and discover source of dead or possibly insane Blackwatch agents
Location: Inside Camp 9
Equipment: Staff and Robes
Voice: Death
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Wahlrin Wahlrin Priscilla Li-Ves Priscilla Li-Ves | OPEN

The Overseer of the intelligence wing of the Eternal Empire had been aware of the situation on Camp 9 for a few days in the lead up to the prison break. His Blackwatch agents had been sending him reports on the daily goings on within the camp. Cato had placed them there to spy on the excavations and to see what the scientists were up to. Was it ethical to spy on another wing's activities within the empire? Probably not. However, this was standard practice for Cato and he liked to know everything that was happening both within the empire and outside it. The last report he received stated that the scientists were excavating as normal and were excited about the discovery of the anomaly. It seemed that the Overseer of the Science wing was there personally overseeing the excavation. It was only when his agents missed their daily check in that Cato turned his full attention to the goings on at Camp 9.

Cato traveled separately to the rest of the troop carriers. Instead he used his own personal ship to drop him into the hanger after the initial deployment of troops from Aurelian had been made. The gold giant was hardly subtle, and it made Cato's job that much easier. The more focus there was on Aurelian and his troops the better. There was a loud hiss as Cato's ship landed in the hanger and the ramp lowered itself onto to the hanger deck with a soft thump. The old man wore a long set of robes and a set of large chains that hung around his neck. He groaned as he stood up from his seat. His old body creaked and ached as he shuffled over and grabbed his golden eagle headed staff. He sighed leaning against it heavily as he
shuffled down the ramp. He could hear the sounds of voices and commanders barking orders.

Upon exiting the ship he observed the controlled chaos as the Ultranauts and Praetorians alike went about securing the platform. Cato allowed the force to envelope him so that they paid him little attention. Almost as if there was a mist covering his movements. If one were to focus in on him, or were powerful enough they would notice a 5'5 robed old man shuffling his way towards the golden giants. He also noted another large species that accompanied the Eternal Empire's Lord Commander. Cato comes to assumption that these beasts were the Rhiinul, that he had heard whispers about. Up close they were impressive, and he could see why Eternal Empire were so eager to integrate into their own armed forces.

As he approached Aurelian he could hear the gold giant conversing with one of the beasts. Cato stood to the side listening to the back and forth, letting his deception with the force drop so that the soldiers and officers around him became aware of his presence. He was only around 10-15 feet away from the golden giant it was only a matter of time before he was noticed by either Aurelian or his troops that accompanied them.

"Congratulations on securing the hanger." Cato said in a quiet and soft spoken voice from behind the Aurelian and his Praetorians. "Revelation, Blackwatch agent." He continued using his alias as he introduced himself to the golden giant. Cato's golden eyes glowing a little under his hood as he looked up at the beast and the Overlord of the Eternal Empire's forces.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Empress of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
Objective: Solve the problem
Location: Camp 9, Kalidan
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund | Wahlrin Wahlrin | Cato Au' Umbra Cato Au' Umbra | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


There are some things in the Eternal Empire that never change. One of them is that Ingrid L'lerim still hasn't come to terms with the fact that she is an Empress, even though she has been one for a very long time. Another is that the red-haired woman still likes to go out in the field and take part in action, because that's where she feels really at home. And the third is that she still looks exactly the same as she did when she got her first senior post in the Empire during the reign of Darth Tacitus; she hasn't aged a minute visibly. That's not true, of course, as she's lived a long time since then, but that's not really important now.

When the news arrived that something had happened at Camp 9, she didn't stand idly by and joined the team that went there to investigate. She was not interested in the killers or the traitors at the moment, but rather in keeping the secrets of the Empire from being revealed, and in keeping the Wardens of the Shroud from experimenting on the site. All this was done so that the Force could be destroyed in time. If the Empire's plan was revealed prematurely... She knew full well that anyone could destroy them for it. And that's not why she gave up the large Empire before, but to survive and achieve their goals.

For greater safety and survival, she travelled on a separate dropship from the rest of STRATCOM. It was a requirement and an expectation. If a ship or a shuttle is destroyed, not everyone should die, but there should be survivors. It was in the best interest of the Empire. It would have been very unpleasant if everyone had died at once and fights had broken out over who would get the vacant seats. She didn't want that kind of chaos and upheaval. After all, Ingrid had always put the Eternal Empire first and wanted the Empire to succeed.

So, because of this, her dropship was a little behind the others and was one of the last to arrive at the Camp 9 hangar. By the time she got off the ship, the troops were ready to head in, as the others had taken care of that. The red-haired woman nodded in satisfaction that everything was now resolved. And one group, apparently with the Overlord, was already heading for the door leading to the interior. And she was always known for not liking to waste time, but she was still deliberate. Ingrid did not like to sacrifice her assets and her army unnecessarily.

<"Well done! Let's go inside!"> she told them.

She didn't wait too long, she too, headed for the door to the inside of Camp 9, drawing her two swords as she went. The Empress never hid from the fighting, but always fought in the front line with her own men, as was expected in the Eternal Empire. When she had the opportunity, she was the first to step into the corridor that led inside. Ingrid knew the place well; she had been here often enough for executions and other tasks.

As she entered the corridor, it was dark, not even the emergency lights were working. The cold was already showing on the walls and floor as ice appeared on them. You could see every breath in the air, it was already well below 0 degrees Celsius here. Even in this freezing weather, a day and a half were enough to cool down part of Camp 9. Here in this corridor, there was no sign of life and no sign of anyone having been here since the temperature dropped below freezing.

She moved forward cautiously and motioned for the others to do the same.



Objective: Investigate and Survive
Location: Camp 9
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Priscilla Li-Ves Priscilla Li-Ves | OPEN

Tikaani was quite glad that she wore her gas mask to hide the roll of her eyes and that her Force dead nature would hide any annoyance from anyone who was able to detect the mood of a “normal” being. She was not annoyed at the question. It was a valid one. The annoyance came at the fact that Tikaani had been at the prison for a very short time before disaster happened. Her rank of student however had made sure that she was intimately aware of the storage rooms. Tikaani looked at the specific room that Trinity noted. ”Certainly not empty,” Tikaani responded with a bit of a chuckle. ”But the vent is accessible. What has been done outside the prison I am not privy to. In my short experience here maintenance seemed to be efficient and maintained Imperial standards. I would say it is a good bet that is a viable escape route.”

The Overseer quickly transitioned to asking for soldiers to secure the route. The short Ultranaut who had eliminated the previous threat stepped forward, but was volunteered collectively by the second volunteer. ”If you don’t have anything for me to do here I could help the Ultranauts on their task Overseer,” Tikaani volunteered bravely. She didn’t have much experience in action, but her parents being who they are and her Envoy training made her feel as though she was ready. Having two heavily armed partners and any threat less likely to have blasters added to that confidence. ”Of course most of my training is in the science field so if there is work you need done here, I would be more than happy to stay put and assist.”

Aurelian Sigismund
Overlord of the Eternal Empire, Hegemon of Zakuul and Vandemar, High Imperator of the Eternal Legion, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Exarch of Zakuul

Objective: I. Into the Unknown
Location: Camp 9, Hangar
Tags: Wahlrin Wahlrin Cato Au' Umbra Cato Au' Umbra Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


Aurelian did not wait or consult with the Empress on the approach or entry, simply because it was not necessary. Even while they were not entirely in agreement about finer nuances of ideology, their goal was the same, their mindset was similar and minor differences were meaningless to the greater picture. Bickering about details could be left for after the victory was achieved. What mattered right now was the path forward and in this particular situation, it meant both deployed to Camp 9, both led from the very front.

A conundrum probably for most if not any realms and governments, the supreme ruler and its second in command at the same place, in the same room taking leadership. The chances of disaster grew exponentially, not for the mission, but potentially for the entire Empire. Did either of them see it that way? Probably not. The Griffin had no mind for doubt, for second-guessing and for even considering defeat or death an option in his craft.

"Hail Overlord! I see that the enemy hides from us.
You know this place. Where will we find battle and blood?
Also, golden Overlord, what do you want us to do to those who hide below from us?"

The Rhiinalh and their warlord, an Emperor himself. The reports he read indicate that they were capable warriors with a strong martial society, that they were a useful addition, maybe even worthy, to the cause of the Eternal Empire. They had a chance to prove themselves, their Emperor had. Aurelian did not ever waste potential and if they proved useful, they would become a potent instrument.

The vizor of the golden angel of death had turned to Wahlrin Wahlrin , offering a brief glance at the entire individual, calculating, judging, evaluating. The grey eyes hidden in the helmet.

<"Contact is suspected to be anywhere. We will secure any survivors and purge everything else. Nothing and nobody is permitted to leave this place. Fall in to our advance.">

The robed figure and the Eternal Empress appeared nearly at the same time, the attention moving to one, lingering on the elder man for a while before moving to their sovereign. None of his soldiers saluted, neither the Ultranauts nor the two Praetorians. It was a combat deployment, neither had time nor need for such extravagancies.

Instead they proceeded through the open door.

The Ultranauts of Platoon Uther had three squads, one of them took the vanguard, one the rearguard and the other was in the center. They moved with cold, silent professionality along the sides of the corridor. Pursuing the route the Overlord had chosen, they made sure to check on every room they pass, going in at gunpoint, expecting enemies more than allies. They would seal and mark every room they pass but did not stray into further corridors of the hangar complex.

The cold winds were howling, ice and snow were cracking under their boots as they advanced. Kalidan's climate the only real noise which was around. Occasionally they came across a frozen corpse, imperial and prisoner alike, blood turned into rubies of ice, limbs and wounds preserved by the cold, scenes of carnages could be preserved for ages in this weather. But so far there was nothing alive.

Part II
Emperor of Rhiinalh and the Rhiinul
Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Cato Au' Umbra Cato Au' Umbra
Location: Exiting Camp 9 Hangar, Entering Prison Corridors
Objective: 1 - Into the Unknown
Equipment: In Bio (To Be Submitted)


This prison was a strange place. The fact these Kalidani Imperials did not just kill their foes was what made it so strange. Why waste food preserving the lives of those you hate? At the very least, let them fight for the amusement of others! Surely, there would be better use than keeping a bunch of undesired people locked up in the dark. However, the chance to show these Kalidani what the Rhiinul could do was enough for me not to ask these questions right now. There was killing to be done.

Two more would show their faces. One was a whithered old man I saw little in. Where was the strength? Where was the show of power? I did not know what this Black Watch was, but if it seemed to harbor the weakness of spies and assassins, I cared little for learning more. Then a face I remembered seeing in those transmissions made from first contact with Kalidan. The Eternal Empress herself arrived. She was a lot smaller than I thought. I guess not all of these Humans were not as tall as the Golden Overlord. A shame, truly. Yet, if she had the strength to be the Empress of these people, surely there was might in her smaller frame.

No salutes were made by her own, yet the threshold of battle seemed to put a damper on formalities. We Rhiinul merely roared in reverence with no larger shows. We can salute our superiors while keeping the fight going. Such was our way. A simple and true way. The Overlord seemed receptive to my approach. Beneath my own helm, keeping me from overheating in the more insulated spaces on this planet, dark eyes peered back towards him to see him better up close. It appeared this host was looking at me the same. This was one who knew how to be a titan!, I thought.

Then the Empress declared her orders. Right to the point. I liked it very much. These would make good allies for the Rhiinul for now. The day will come if we become strong enough to overtake them next or if they prove strong enough to join us. "With pleasure, Empress!", I said in the tongue of these people, "We meet face to face before battle. Enjoy watching us break the unwanted of your people." This was, indeed, both an opportunity and a pleasure. I returned my gaze to the Overlord, "I accept you as a guide, Golden Overlord! My soldiers and I are eager to hunt." The smile could be heard in my voice as I spoke, as well as seen in my posture as I gripped my maul ready for blood and battle.

I would turn to the soldiers to order them in the Rhiinul tongue, "We join the Overlord to battle! We join his ranks! Follow us to battle!" Eager roar-like grunts followed my words as the soldiers mixed with the Overlord's men to make the opening charge to the prison proper. The halls were cramped for the soldiers and I mingled with these Humans. However, clear shots could be made with our simplistic slugthrowers. Whatever foes would emerge from the shadows would be pulverized quickly. The Humans scanned the rooms as they went through the corridors. I stayed by the side of the Overlord while my soldiers stayed more in the open with these forces moving through the facility. This inspection had us all pass what seemed like the aftermath of battle, not enemies to fight. It was starting to be frustrating. I gripped my maul tightly while looking ahead. I swore I saw movement, but knew better than to charge ahead so quickly. We Rhiinul are apex predators, not mindless animals, after all.


Kaz Zorbas

I hope for nothing, fear nothing. I am free
Location: Prison corridors
Objective: Into the Unknown I
Tags: Open

Fel Schroeder, a one-time self-made Warlord who became an intelligence broker and spy handler, had been invited to be a permanent guest of Camp 9. An unwilling guest but a guest all the same. The crimes accredited to the man could fill the holonet with a week's worth of news if his enterprise and its dealings were public knowledge. Which they were not. Instead, the weight of the information he held restrained his instant execution. For now, his secret database kept him alive until all pertinent information was extracted from him.

Crime lords and politicians alike feared what would be leaked from Fel Schroeder. Truths that could destroy careers, hidden agendas, and a treasure trove of potential blackmail. His disappearance emboldened his adversaries and sent tendrils of fear along their collective spines. Or those who possessed spines. Fear of the unknown was a mighty power that could bend the strongest being or strengthen a shrewd mind to unimaginable heights.

William the Bloody was one such being.

If he could not control and wield the power Fel attained then the next step was to ensure no one else would be able to utilize such a vast wealth of information. From the core worlds to the unknown regions and all trade routes in between secretly shuddered at what could be revealed. There was only one option left. To silence Mr. Schroeder permanently.

With this in mind, William the Bloody dispatched his most efficient tool to complete the arduous and nigh impossible task. Kaz Zorbas. A man fashioned and forged into a creation of singular purpose. Obedience. To break out of prison came with many difficulties. Nearly none would prove more challenging than to break into the prison of Camp 9. However, failure was not an option.

Active mining and excavation projects would open a slim opportunity to enact the very thing Kaz's Benefactor required. A chance to kill Fel Schroeder. Days of planning morphed into weeks of false employment in a subterfuge that turned into months of mind-numbing and back-breaking work until a work order of personnel rotation landed Kaz at the very site of his most recent commandment. His arrival at Camp 9 with assassination on his to-do list.

The few days spent at work were filled with cold that seeped from the earth into the workers' bones. Noses ran with snot that froze on upper lips and hands cracked and bled only to turn to reddish brown frost crystals. Sweat froze and melted only to freeze again leaving tunics stained with salt trails. The food was half frozen and tasted of ash, Water canteens were worn inside the workers' clothing where their body heat kept the liquid from turning to solid chunks of ice.

The ones who murmured never returned to the next day's shift. Not that you could tell if it was day or night in the hellspawn environment. Those who took ill went to the clinic and were not seen again. Stories of being shipped home were muttered from the work supervisors but they couldn't meet the eyes of the crews when the lies were uttered. Slowly, the laborers realized the only way out was through the end of their contract. Survival through six weeks in hell. The murmuring stopped.

A small mess hall and rec room were erected near the quarters where four men shared two bunk beds, a sink, and an open commode. Sanitation and comfort weren't the goal. Only productivity. The chow line moved quickly in the mornings with sparse conversations and slowly in the evenings with absolutely zero talking at the end of the day. All the energy that remained was used to chew the hard, burnt bread and swallow the hot mush with cold bits of meat hidden in the depths of bowls.

Kaz blended in with the rest of the crew, silently consuming the gruel and crashing in his rack to catch as much of his sleep cycle as possible. Sleep came slow and was interrupted often. Frozen vapor clung to their faces and sent more than a few individuals to the clinic with frostbite. And if you tried to cocoon yourself with clothes and blankets the high humidity would leave you soaked, only to wake to shivers and a high chance of hypothermia.

And this was the workers, not the prisoners.

Rumors swirled amongst the guards and supervisors and trickled to the workers. Stories of a newfound substance. Tales of insanity spread in the ranks. Whispers of monsters and ghosts that fed freely infected the minds of all who heard. Then power outages began to occur. Which worked perfectly for Kaz.

Kaz lay in his bunk which hovered horizontally near the ceiling. The first night he woke with a start and smacked his head on the rough ceiling surface when he attempted to sit up. Needless to say, he slept through that night. In the morning he sported a goose egg and glassy eyes until his first cup of tepid stim cafe. Now, weeks later, he knew not to jerk upright.

The dim lights that ran along the floor went black and the circulation of air which the vent exhaled bare warmth into the room stilled. Three other mouths wheezed in the blackness, their tempo of breathing unchanged. With nary a sound he eased from the bed, the frame shifted under the change in weight distribution, and groaned in protest. He paused on the side of the bunk bed and waited precious moments until confident his roommates remained undisturbed.

Socks touched the bare cement. Swiftly, he collected his boots under the lower bunk and exited the room. The door hissed shut, hydraulics silenced without power. The hallway was as silent as a tomb. How apt the thought foretold of the near future. The zipper of the navy blue jumpsuit was raised to under his chin before he leaned against the wall and pulled the stiff leather boots on. The laces tightened immediately with a single press of the button on the tongue of the footwear.

No sound emulated from the quiet of the false night. Nothing stirred except for the man. With eyes closed he brought the layout of the wing to mind. Hundreds of meters of bare halls were broken only by the doors which led to other quarters identical to the one he exited. And large venus spaced every fifty meters. The nearest one was mere strides away. Glowing blue eyes pierced the darkness and offered a slight hue of light. Just enough to be seen by others. His hand delved into one of the trouser pockets and pulled out a pair of welding goggles. Enough to hide the glow. And it wasn't like he needed to see.

Half a minute later he was at the vent with fingers working the bolts free of the vent. Four days earlier he broke loose the bolts during a previous power outage. He barely made it back to his bunk before the lights flickered and came back on. Something told him this time they may never power up again. He raised the vent to one side and leaped up, as his hands gripped the lip of the ductwork and Kaz pulled himself up and in. The vent almost slammed shut behind him.

"That wouldn't have been good", he muttered with a wry grin.

The crawlspace was large. Plenty of room to crawl forward on his hands and knees without feeling claustrophobic. Yet not enough room to stand. With an unseen shrug, he moved forward and deeper into the complex. After only a few meters he paused and rummaged in his pockets to find gloves and slipped them on. The last thing he wanted was to leave square centimeters of bare flesh along the frozen duct walls and floor. A sigh hissed from between clenched teeth as he moved forward.

The cold chill threatened to seep into his bones. Most individuals would find the cold biting and their teeth would begin to chatter so ferociously they would threaten to crack. But not Kaz. Through a quirk of birth, he could control his internal temperature. And more. Heat would grow and flames would burst to life to dance to his will. Not that he wanted to turn the vents into a literal hotbox.

Minutes of crawling through dark vents went uneventfully until his hands reached out for the next portion of floor space. His hands met nothing and he fell forward face first. As he tumbled through unseen open space he somersaulted forward and landed on his back with a crunch and snap of bone. A groan escaped his lips as he rolled to his side and then knees. The air had been driven from his lungs from the fall but the other sounds were not from him. Kaz peeled the glove from his right hand and reached within to focus. A moment later blue flames sprang from his fingers and illuminated the passage he found himself in.

"Hell, this doesn't look good."

His left hand pocketed the goggles and he viewed the carnage around him. Decimated corpses lined the hall. Bright orange jumpsuits stained with darkened blood and coated with hoar frost. Brittle bone glistened in the low light with obvious teeth marks embedded in them. Whatever had happened here was deadly and recent. He pushed to his feet and avoided the detritus of death. The plus side was the orange jumpsuits stated he found the prison wing. But the carnage implied he wasn't the only one.

A roar, blaster fire, and then screams filled the corridor. Then silence.

"Good idea, go back to bed. Bad idea, investigate and try to find Fel. Whichever shall I choose?"

He laughed and shook his hand to extinguish the flames before he began a slow pursuit of the noises. He never claimed to be smart.
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Location: Camp 9
Objective: Survive inspection
Tags: STRATCOM STRATCOM Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Priscilla Li-Ves Priscilla Li-Ves Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Wahlrin Wahlrin Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Upgraded Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel
ENS Mihaly
  • 1 military support, 1 science and 1 biosecurity mission pods
As expected, the Overseer's request for volunteers was very quickly answered. "Thank you Privates, this is your objective." she highlighted the pathway and sent the data directly to the combat systems of the Ultranauts. "Check its clear, neutralise any risks to the evacuees and report back. Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid will help guide and deal with any internal systems, try not to get her shot." she nodded to the science student who had also offered to go with them. This was the Empire, even the young student would be expected to have military competence, that being said, Trinity herself was certainly no Ultranaut in her early days and remembered it could be quite daunting.

There was a brief lull in the electrical interference from the storm and Trinity received a brief telemetry burst from the ENS Mihaly that had deployed its drones into the area around them. A smile crossed her face. "Well, well, looks like we have some company heading inwards too. Put your best feet forward soldiers, the Empire is watching." she wouldn't tell them specifically that the Empress was here and the Stratcom had deployed high level forces to extract them, it would only add to the anxiety of the situation for the low ranking people around her. There was also the possibility that the Empire might need to aggressively debrief lower cleared survivors from a facility like this, and nobody wanted to think about what that might entail.

The Ultranauts had their orders and should carry them out quickly.

Objective: Find survivors and discover source of dead or possibly insane Blackwatch agents
Location: Camp 9 Prison Corridors
Equipment: Staff and Robes
Voice Death
Theme: Songs of Death
Tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Wahlrin Wahlrin Kaz Zorbas Kaz Zorbas

<"Well done! Let's go inside!">

Cato sighed, the Empress was, as ever, enthusiastic to lead from the front. The old man could see the effect that it had on the general morale of the troops as they followed her with an eagerness to impress that could only be inspired by the fact that their leader was with them.The beasts that had joined up with the Eternal Empire's forces seemed to be just as fired up as Ultranauts and Praetorians that followed her into the halls. Cato could feel the judgmental's eyes of the beast's commander on him. He assumed that the commander was confused as to why such a small old man was anywhere near the vicinity of a prison break. Clearly his was a species that respected size and strength, hence why they looked towards the golden overlord. Cato's power was far more subtle. He noted that Aurelian studied him up and down. The golden overlord clearly had his suspicions about "Revelation". The gold giant was clearly more sophisticated than the lord of war that he was. He was obviously highly intelligent in his own right and Cato hoped that he wouldn't take too much offence to the deception of his real identity.

Cato watched the troops flood past him, following their respective leaders into the dark of the tunnels. He sighed and slowly followed behind, the bottom of his staff clicking against the floor echoing in the empty hanger as he too entered the dark tunnels. He could feel the cold wind against his brittle limbs and noted the troops filling the tunnel in front of him. One of the Ultranauts unceremoniously bumped into his shoulder almost knocking the old man over. The soldier didn't even apologize and charged forward. Cato felt anger rising in his gut, how dare he? He wanted to disintegrate the soldier with a lethal blast of force lightning but contained his anger and ego, remembering why he was here in the first place.

Cato diverted from the main group, down an adjacent tunnel, the sounds of gunfire and combat echoing down the hall. At some point one of the prisoners must have experienced some kind of unique cruelty as a loud scream could be heard back from where the old man came. Cato stepped over bodies that littered the floor, occasionally kicking one of the dead or pushing his staff into one of the lifeless bodies as he walked. He looked down at one of the bodies to see that his orange jump suit was singed with blaster fire. Clearly there had been a struggle. Cato was still unsure as to who shot these prisoners. Was it the guards? Workers? Scientists? Or were the prisoners fighting among themselves?

As the old man continued onward, the tunnel began to open out in front of him into a kind of foyer. He noted the air ducts overhead and the terminal that was attached to the wall across from him. On top of it lay a body of a man who was in plain clothes. He was either a civilian or worker or perhaps someone else. He was about to approach the terminal when he sensed that he was not alone, he heard footsteps. His force attuned senses zeroed in on the location of the sound to his left. It was a heavy footed man and he was most likely well over 250lbs.

"I know you're there, think about your next actions carefully as they could decide your fate." He said softly using the force to project his voice into the room. Giving his voice a booming resonance.

He could hear the man shift his feet. Clearly in that moment weighing up his options. All of a sudden he sprang from cover, the heavy prisoner charging forward with a blaster. As he was about to fire on the old man Cato thrust out a clawed hand and the blaster flew out of the prisoners hand and he flew backwards into the wall above the terminal breaking his ribs.

"So you chose... death." He said coldly, those eyes glowing menacingly. Lightning tingled along the tips of his fingers and suddenly a vicious barrage of force lighting erupted from his staff. There was a scream of agony as lightning danced along the prisoner's body slowly disintegrating him and turning him too ash.

Cato sighed leaning against his staff, his robes smelt like a camp fire and he dusted off some of the ash that stuck to them. He walked towards the terminal, moving the body to the side. It hitting the ground with a loud thumping sound. He then tapped one of the keys on the terminal and turning it on.


Kaz Zorbas

I hope for nothing, fear nothing. I am free
Location: Prison corridors
Objective: Into the Unknown I
Tags: Cato Au' Umbra Cato Au' Umbra Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Wahlrin Wahlrin

Back in the ducts he crouched and crab walked forward. He made better time and was quieter than the hand knee crawl from earlier. Plus there was some form of condensation on the walls of the ductwork. Unnatural. The freezing temperature should have iced the liquid but it stubbornly refused the law of nature. Best to keep it away from himself as much as possible. For all Kaz knew it could be a new strain of space herpes. Or some lesser virus like a Black Death plague. In any case, he continued forward following the echoed sounds of movement.

Even with the blood and gore frozen so swiftly, the scent of death now hung heavy in the ventilation passages. Soured, spoiled meat. Like a nice roadkill on a winding road in the foothills of Tatooine. Somehow the frozen prison managed the aroma of dead and baked entrails. Not pleasant. But Kaz smelled worse. There was that one cantina on Exlia 9 where the ale smelled just like it. And the ladies there must have doused themselves in it. Otherwise it was they who were the source of the smell. And that was truly horrifying.

He shook his head to drive away the memory and the musing of the origination of the smell in the cantina. Back in the present he paused in a crossroad in the duct. To the right was darkness and the horrid stench. To the left was darkness … and the horrid stench. Ahead was … well, at this point Kaz wasn't surprised at the options. Maybe backwards wasn't such a bad idea. A scowl crossed his face as he considered his options. Then beneath, through the grates, he watched a large prisoner rush at the diminutive form of a soldier.

The old man didn't stand a chance. Or so Kaz thought as his fingers gripped the edges of the vent and prepared to leap to the ground. Course that was when the hefty prisoner was slammed into the wall and lit up like a human shaped lightning rod. The old man went to the terminal, oddly still powered, which lent a nice illumination to the open space below. Kaz didn't mind the violence. It didn't bother him and the charred remains offered the wonderful smell of an outdoor cookfire.

There was no immediate need to hop to the ground, so Kaz continued to observe. The old being had power, obviously a force user, and shared a lack of compunction to the righteous use of deadly force. A begrudged grin tugged at his lips.

Good for the old man.

However, there was no need for him to stay. Fel wasn't one of the bodies that lay below. And that was the only reason he was here. His mission. Find and eliminate the eggsucker. Then again, he could always use the terminal below to gather some much needed intel on where Fel could be. But that would mean dropping in on the old man. And Kaz didn't want to kill the old dude. And more importantly, Kaz didn't want to become charred barbecue. So he could wait for the midget elder to cane his way down the hall. Which could take foreeeeeeveeerrrr. Or move along and try to find a different source of information. Maybe even another terminal.

The wandering life for me then

He eased away, taking care to make no noise. It was most likely the old man was deaf as a mirakula was blind. But they could see without their eyes, right? Maybe the old dude could hear through his feet. Gnarly, wrinkled feet to be sure, but hear through his feet all the same.

However, several meters down the ventilation crawl space he paused. Four men in orange jumpsuits were approaching as stealthily as rancor bulls in a Coruscant tea shop. About as big too.

Guess the old codger can't hear through his feet …

His options still remained. Continue along the vents and complete his mission. Or drop in and say hi.

I never could resist a good side quest

He waited. The four slabs of meat got closer. A blaster, pipe, makeshift knife, and two hands the size of premium nerf steaks were their weapons. The old coot could sling one of them like before. But four? Kaz wasn't so sure. So he waited until they were directly beneath him and he hopped forward, feet first through the vent.

"Special delivery!"

His frozen boots connected with the face of the biggest one, the one with hands the size of a tie fighter panels. There was a crunch of bone and blood from the impact which caused Kaz to laugh even as he fell sideways onto two of the others. They crashed to the ground, arms and legs tangled. Kaz reached out into the exposed chest cavity of some poor deceased soul and snapped off a rib bone to drive it into the jugular of the prisoner with the knife.

The pipe glanced off his shoulder, poorly wielded by the other prisoner but still powerful enough to cause his arm to go numb momentarily. His legs braced on the fatally bleeding prisoner and launched him forward. His lowered head battered into the bridge of his opponent's nose and, before the massive man could attempt to swing the pipe once more, Kaz began smashing his forehead into the guy's face.

Half a dozen times he headbutted until he could see pink brain matter leaking from the eviscerated skull. A whine sounded behind him as the fourth and final prisoner charged the blaster and aimed it at Kaz.

"Wait! You can't kill me! I'ma vegan!"

He saw that on a holomovie once. Wasn't sure what it meant but knew it would go down as one of the most ridiculous last words ever. Immortalized in random stupidity. There were worse ways to go.


Objective: Survive
Location: Stumbling In Darkness
Equipment: Breathing Apparatus, Combat Knife

Tags: STRATCOM STRATCOM Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Wahlrin Wahlrin Kaz Zorbas Kaz Zorbas Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Tikaani Azris-Vestfrid Augustina 'Gussy' Nargath Augustina 'Gussy' Nargath , Open

Cold. Perhaps this was death, or at least what one felt before facing endless darkness. All of these signs pointed toward the Colonel being dead, reduced to a wandering spirit. Yet there was still that endless breathing, that mechanical click that reminded him, even in the dark, that he still lived.

Vyktor had been at Camp 9, or more precisely the laboratory deep within the facility, for less than a week before the disastrous test that had left him stranded in the bowels of Camp 9 with little more than a blade and rudimentary light that was turned off more often than not. Vyktor had been alone when the facility power went out, he had departed the main lab to "question" some of the prisoners, those few who remained of the Eclipse Rebellion. If he was being honest, he was simply gloating over a defeated foe while also taking the opportunity to experiment with newly developed interrogation drugs which proved only somewhat successful. He was unable to complete his study before the lights went out, and his guards outside the interrogation cell were ripped apart by prisoners. Luckily the commotion provided a distraction as the Colonel broke his way into the now-deactivated heating vents.

Was it humiliating? Natrually. But to die at the hands of the scum that roamed the halls was worth the indignity of crawling through vents.

In the dark, it was hard to tell how much time had passed. The entire section of the facility was practically dead, aside from the roaming beasts and the prisoners of course. Vyktor had managed to survive by killing when necessary, but more often than not he spent his time attempting to find a working communications device or a terminal that still had power. Much to his displeasure, there was little to find that had not been stripped by prisoners or had been entirely disabled by the power outage, at least in the section he was in. But after scouring the hallways for hours on end, he stumbled into a group of prisoners attempting to break into one of the labs, the door sealed shut as a result of a power outage. The huddled, freezing prisoners had clearly tried to pry the door open with limited success, but they had managed to find a battery pack that had been haphazardly attached to the door's control panel.

"Come on, who knows how long we have until one of those beasties comes for us-"

"Will you shut up and hold that light straight!? Complaining won't help!"

"Be quiet, the both of you! Just get the door open, hopefully, we can find some weapons or some damn blankets."

The man kneeling at the control panel, after a few failed attempts, managed to correctly attach the wires and with a few sparks, the door to the lab opened. The two men standing guard both rushed to the open door, peering in for only a moment before they received a blast from a slugthrower, the shrapnel ripping one apart and sending the other back, clutching wounds. A second blast ended that man's life as well, leaving the poor soul who had opened the door to cower, clutching the chunk of pipe he had been using as a weapon. From the now open door stepped an Ultranaut, though Vyktor hesitated in revealing himself for this trooper wasn't quite... right. His breathing was strange, he seemed like he was in a daze, his body controlled like a puppet on strings. The prisoner took a swing with the pipe, momentarily stunning the Ultranaut before he suddenly wheeled around and ended the prisoner's life. Yet he did not stop firing his weapon, he wasted every slug loaded into the weapon and utterly obliterated the prisoner's corpse.


The trooper continued to pull the trigger, even as his weapon did nothing in response. He had expended his ammunition, but still, he persisted in trying to fire.

He was lost. When Vyktor rushed him and planted his blade in the trooper's heart he was granting him mercy. The trooper died, his body cluttering to the ground as the Colonel scooped up his weapon and the few remaining slugs that the trooper still had on him before the vicious, guttural roars of the beasts that roamed the halls grew closer, drawn by the commotion. Vyktor rushed to detach the battery pack from the door, all but diving into the lab as the door closed and the creatures outside began to try and claw their way in. The lab was a mess, dead scientists and troopers lay in piles of gore, either the trooper in the hallway had killed them or they turned on each other and that trooper had been the last survivor. Regardless, Vyktor activated his light, hunting until he found an intact terminal. Cold, shaking hands worked at the terminal's power cable, the battery was small and it was unlikely to provide much power, but it may just be enough to contact any sane survivors for aid.

When the terminals screen came to life, Vyktor wasted little time in attempting to establish a connection to any other active terminals in the facility. The only person he could be relatively certain survived was Overseer Harris, she was capable and had plenty of protection. Hopefully, she had survived this nightmare.

"Overseer Harris-

The connection was poor, and the usually reserved and calm Colonel had begun to succumb to the cold, to the exhaustion.

"Trinity, if you are receiving this, please respond."

He had broken protocol by using her first name, but such were the times. She was his superior and he barely knew her outside of official duties, but he couldn't even be sure if the transmission was going through. He wasn't afraid to die, but to do so here? Ripped apart by monsters or simply freezing to death? No, no that could not be the end.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Empress of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
Objective: Solve the problem
Location: Camp 9, Kalidan
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund | Wahlrin Wahlrin | Cato Au' Umbra Cato Au' Umbra | Kaz Zorbas Kaz Zorbas | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


<"Still "my Lord" and not "Empress", Overseer."> she told him.

She didn't look at him when he called her empress, she just said as they walked. Ever since Ingrid had served in the Eternal Empire, others had always addressed her as My Lord. Throughout her missions and battles, she never considered herself a woman, but a soldier and officer of the Empire. It was a different matter altogether that she was able to change her shape and was also able to change her gender and become a man. Last but not least, she had always believed that my Lord was completely neutral, and therefore perfectly suited to the red-haired woman.

Ingrid's movements were also elegant, at once suited for a soldier and not, it was exotic. Since Cato was also an assassin, he could easily recognise the Empress as the assassin if he wanted to. The red-haired woman was like a giant predator. The woman's movements were graceful, fluid, her every move as if precisely calculated. She moved in complete silence, almost literally blending into the shadows. Her movements were at once infinitely graceful and elegant, like a big cat's, but what few could have recognised was that in every elegant movement she made, death was there in addition to seduction. Long before Ingrid became Empress, she was known as the "Red Witch".

It was often said and implied that she was the best and deadliest assassin in the Unknown Region. In the time since, the woman has only become more skilled. It was as natural as could be for her to move like that, she hadn't even noticed; she had been learning it since she was a child, so now she didn't even notice. She had a very unique movement culture because of the process of her special training, in which her height and her ethereal - almost sickly thin - physique played a huge part. All of which made her both a master seductress and a deadly assassin.

But Ingrid was not concerned with such things now, or in general...

… as they made their way into the complex, she reached out into the Force to try to "scan" through the complex. Unfortunately, the whole place had no power, and thus no grid, so she couldn't connect to it, and her own biochip could only detect anything within a hundred metres. The Force could cover a larger area, even if she didn't really like using the Force, if only because of her worldview and the Wardens' codex. Disturbance was felt from several places in the Force, and someone appeared nearby, attacked by the seemingly elderly Intelligence Overseer.

Ingrid left the man to fight the other man. If the others followed her, or the Overlord soldiers went before her, she would speak again, but only softly, so that the walls would not echo her words.

<"In the Force, I sense countless creatures in the various buildings, as I do here in the prison block. What's the plan gentlemen, do we split up and look for survivors separately or do we stay together?"> she asked them.

Either solution suited the Empress. She had no problem working alone or with others.


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