Heir of Tenebrae
Aurelian Sigismund
Overlord of the Eternal Empire, Hegemon of Zakuul and Vandemar, High Imperator of the Eternal Legion, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Exarch of Zakuul
Objective: I. Into the UnknownOverlord of the Eternal Empire, Hegemon of Zakuul and Vandemar, High Imperator of the Eternal Legion, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Exarch of Zakuul
Location: Camp 9, Hangar
Tags: Wahlrin Cato Au' Umbra Ingrid L'lerim Kaz Zorbas
Aurelian marched down the middle of the corridor himself, the large Lancer held in one hand as his sensors and scanners which were inbuilt in the systems of his armor did a lot of the scouting work together with the vanguard and apparently the Empress as well. Like her, he was not too invested in the idea of utilising the Force when not necessary. Neither a lack of ability nor external factors were reason for that, but the simple fact that he despised the Force and its influence.
The Overlord was carried forth with heavy steps. On his HUD Sigismund followed the 'Clear!' signals transmitted after every room was checked by the Ultranauts. A portion of his attention always on the units, map and overall situation to not suffer from any surprises, to maintain cohesion and organisation. Hence why he immediately noticed that Cato Au' Umbra decided to split from the group. The Overseer was not a frontline battler but as far as Aurelian's own observation and intelligence yielded, more than capable to protect himself.
<< Stray not too far. Maintain radio contact. Good hunt. >> He sent as a brief message, composed by a mind-impulse to the comms of Cato.
The combined force continued without incident so far. The warning of the Empress came together with a question. The Zakuulan would never yield field decisions to a voting or collective input, the variables and unknowns of a deployment were already too great to let too many people in on the decision-making and cause both distraction and confusion, at worst even disorganisation and conflict.
<"We focus on securing who we can, fly out non-combat personnel and then purge the place. I advocate against dividing our forces in this chaotic environment, even by knowing and having the plans of the facility, we are not able to determine yet how much is still intact and what ways the targets have found.">
The golden titans voice came forth with unyielding determination and conviction, his approach clear. The fact that he did not stop either highlighted that Aurelian was adamant on the approach and would only offer the Empress the chance to overrule his command. The armored boots shattered ice and most other things which lay in his path, the gilded plate cracking waste below it effortlessly.
And yet the topic was done for the moment, not by choice or command, but by the simple fact that all hell broke loose.
It was not the vanguard having contact, but the shooting started in one of the nearby rooms, the blaster fire lighting up the doorway and ground around. Screams, human and inhuman, cries of pain mixed with shrieks of terror as they heard the meaty clash of armor and weapons. The found something vicious and it was about to pour into the corridor in their midst, more than ready to cause murder and mayham . . . .
Part III
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