[member="Jerek Zenduu"] I agree and this is something I want to show - I've seen people here get very touchy when IC/OOC blurs and they can't define the two. Nothing we do here means anything OOC. It's fiction. Nothing personal. As writers, I think it's so important people get that to have fun wherever they are in the forums.
I hope nothing we do comes across as a drive for OOC reasons, because it's not. It's to help everyone know what and who we are IC. That's IC. Just like Hayden and Ewan went at it and fell apart and had a great story in 'ROTS' against each other IC and fell to different sides, OOC they were best buds and had a beer after filming. Same here - IC may take us on differnet, exciting and challenging journeys BUT OOC we are still close and still good friends.
If that can't continue...then I pity the individual because there's nothing personal about anything that happens IC. If we act IC as we want OOC, then nothing will ever happen.
[member="Boo Chiyo"] Totally agree - this may be a Jedi Faction, but also can be seen as an Order of the Light too. We will be promoting NFUs in all ways - soldiers, technicians, researchers, explorers, teachers - anything you can think of we will promote so this a home for all FUs and NFUs working to promote and protect the Silver Jedi Code that it was founded on. NFUs are as important as FUs to me in this Faction.
[member="Joza Perl"] I see your point. Not pointless at all! And for a while this did work - more Dark Jedi and even Sith came to our doors and joined, but later we started to lose any idea of who we were. Light Siders had very different ideas on how to do things to Dark Siders, and vice versa. We started to see complications rise and disagreements more and more about what direction we were going in and what we acted like. And then with that, arose some OOC drama which is never good.
As the GR is now pretty much fading away, and the GA is expanding more and now aligned more of an alliance of those out to quash the Sith and Dark Siders, made up of a whole host of character types, we see it important we give writers who want a Light Side Jedi home. In effect we are taking up where the GR Jedi left off, without the drama hopefully that proved their undoing.
As with the Jedi in the films, we have Rogues among our ranks (like Mace Windu and, to an extent, pre-Sith Anakin Skywalker) who are all Light, but play a little differently. This gives people the chance to not be a total goody goody but still know their drive to be 100% Light. That way, hopefully, our end goal is all the same and we can agree more on what we do going forward. Hopefully!
It's still "Us" vs Sith...but we needed to make who "Us" was clear for everyone before the Faction fell apart, then there wouldn't even be an "Us" to fight the Sith with!
Like I said, we won't please everyone but I hope you stick with us for this isn't a Faction where we sit around reading books and drinking tea - we are more like the canon movie Jedi then ever now and will lead the charge to support allies taking out the Sith and protect any and all who need us while expanding our borders for writers to flourish in.
R - I know we will not please everyone with this choice, but we made it for the good of the Faction. Not to suit us OOC. This is NOT and never has been about secluding anyone or specific characters. We want a strong IC identity for all of you and new writers to thrive in and we had to draw a line somewhere, or we'd end up like the GR. At the end of the day, we just want you to have fun and enjoy coming here in your day to escape a little. That's what it's about for us, sincerely. Fun. Fun in a Fictional playground with blasters and lightsabers and spaceships.