Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Future of SSC

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Of course, as people who find a place to call home in any "jurisdiction", as long as they abibe by the general laws and morals we promote then all is well. We aren't crusaders because this isn't a religion; we are more guardians of the Light and all things good and lawful. Don't be crime lords or Sith Lords trying to take over a system or a world and you'll not even hear from us.

And I can't speak for all, but any fleet or bases you have that have become part of the Silvers I would like to remain, as times change and we know how important it is to have such resources. To fight the good fight you need some muscle behind you when it's time to answer the call.

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] As I said, we aren't here to impose anything or crusade religion. But we will act if any trouble comes our way.

So we'll not trouble you, but if you try and impose or trouble us....

I wish you well, and sorry to see you go. Thank you for your contributions and help over the months.
[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

How do we balance "abide by our morals" with "not crusaders"? It doesn't seem like we need to be crusaders to police our own borders and what lies within. If it's in Silver space, and it's against our morals (as I presume Dark Jedi/Sith are), then what's our SOP?

I love that the SSC, now OSJ, is taking a stand. I appreciate the provision made for long-running characters, but as much as I want writers like [member="Boo Chiyo"] and others to stay, I think carving out caveats so early is going to make such policy ineffective. It's a story plot, right? This is the OSJ reasserting itself, just as much IC as OOC? So let's find a way, OOC, for our writers to stay involved while we go aggressive on them ICly.

There's plenty of IC options here without forcing the characters to become light (which is still an option). They could fight back and cause problems. Go underground and become a ghost or a rumor. They could rally support and start a civil war or a splinter faction. They could be given a pass by some and persecuted by others. And on and on and so forth.

Our players have said they want more faction events. Well, here's your first one.

Connor Harrison

[member="Jerek Zenduu"] Good point.

I think we basically want to be like the Jedi in the movies; you knew who they were and what they stood for. We had them as heroes with coluorful characters, and we have our villains. It was clear. That's what we want. Clarity and a place where people know they either belong or they don't. As said before, we can't make everyone happy without becoming a mess again, and we don't want that.

We will not kick people out - we are not like that here - but just want it to work logically so I think this means we need to accomodate existing writers.

Dark Jedi need to have some desire to fight for the Light. That's it. If you're fighting for the Dark Side, we can't logically work and cohab with you. Like a Sith; the Jedi wouldn't live/work/fight with a Sith.

Rogues are fine. Connor is a Rogue. I see a Rogue as one who fights for their cause but bends the rules a little, steps to the side a little to play dirty BUT doesn't cross the line. Like Christian Bale's Batman - he was a vigilante and did all he had to do to get the job done but he never took a life; if he did, he'd be lost. Much like the Jedi here; if you cross the line in your duty, you're lost.


Well-Known Member
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] I am only here to see when I can do salt free pvp, so unless that going out the window.
I am your friendly sith
[Member=Thurion Heavenshield], [member=Coci Heavenshield]

Thank you both for the help and advice you have given me on behalf of both this character and a previous incarnation of Coryn. I would like to say that I do enjoy this faction and hope that it thrives in its current reversion to a truly "Jedi " faction.

Personally, and perhaps I should have spoken up sooner, I didn't see anything wrong with the previous name and set up of the Faction. The Silver Sanctum Coalition may not have consisted solely of " Light Siders ", but it was understood upon joining that one was expected to act with a certain and set ethical code if they wanted to remain with the Silvers. You may not have had a clear and direct course or Identity, but you had an understood code and I saw what you guys stood for.

You accepted all walks of life on the board, but with the reversion to a Jedi Order whose goal is to become like traditional Jedi, defenders of the peace, well I'm afraid that things with stagnate. It's not just the responsibility of admins of the Faction to direct a course for the faction. The admins only police it, it falls to the members to drive the story. You guys were pretty open with almost everything so long as it was run through you guys and within the standard of values that the SSC held.

I admit that I am being a hypocrite by saying the above because we all know that I have not been an active member of the SSC or now OSJ. I could've done better. But, I understand that you can't please everyone, it's impossible to be expected to. I just wanted to thank you for the time and stories that you all have given me while I have been a member here.

I think it is time that I leave the Faction and find Máni's own story, beyond the Jedi. So, again, thank you and I sincerely wish you guys the best of luck.


This should be taken as my resignation as Jedi Protector as well as a member of the Silver Watch.
While I respect the decision staff has made, I can’t help but feel that it takes a bit of flavor out of the SSC, you know? Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t giving a home to our Dark Jedi friends a defining feature of the SSC that helped set us apart from the GA or the GR?

I know that the issue is more complex than that and I’m probably beating a dead horse, but I sincerely felt like this faction was “Us vs. Sith”, "Us" being anyone who wanted to fight Sith regardless of their alignment.

Just my pointless two cents, carry on :p
[member="Connor Harrison"]

I hope you didn't misunderstand my point. But it relies heavily on the IC/OOC distinction that is so often blurred in Chaos. I absolutely agree that we shouldn't kick people out simply because they chose to play a certain character. But the faction needs to be free to pursue IC stories like getting aggressive with Dark Jedi/Sith (even with the caveat of requiring them to be specifically opposed to the light, there's bound to be characters that fit the bill) if that's what it chooses to do.

tl;dr: OOCly, let's be friends and write a cool story. ICly, don't wimp out on the story. If we're going to be tough on Dark, let's be tough on Dark.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]

There's obviously a lot for Jedi characters, as we have the Silver Watch, Silver Guardians, Silver Sages, Silver Shadows, etc to help provide story for them. And the creation of the Jedi Protectors just adds to that. But, I think one of the challenges faced by the SJO of old was the question: "How do we involve NFUs or non-Jedi characters?"

Just because we're a Jedi Order faction doesn't necessarily mean everyone involved in the faction is a Jedi. With this new direction, is there any thought to trying to promote the often overlooked NFU contributions to the Jedi, such as the Antarian Rangers, the AgriCorps, Jedi Service Corps, etc, etc

Just throwing out there the idea that while we may go back to referring to ourselves as a Jedi Order, it's probably a good idea to think of how to involve other character types, particularly NFUs.

Connor Harrison

[member="Jerek Zenduu"] I agree and this is something I want to show - I've seen people here get very touchy when IC/OOC blurs and they can't define the two. Nothing we do here means anything OOC. It's fiction. Nothing personal. As writers, I think it's so important people get that to have fun wherever they are in the forums.

I hope nothing we do comes across as a drive for OOC reasons, because it's not. It's to help everyone know what and who we are IC. That's IC. Just like Hayden and Ewan went at it and fell apart and had a great story in 'ROTS' against each other IC and fell to different sides, OOC they were best buds and had a beer after filming. Same here - IC may take us on differnet, exciting and challenging journeys BUT OOC we are still close and still good friends.

If that can't continue...then I pity the individual because there's nothing personal about anything that happens IC. If we act IC as we want OOC, then nothing will ever happen. :)

[member="Boo Chiyo"] Totally agree - this may be a Jedi Faction, but also can be seen as an Order of the Light too. We will be promoting NFUs in all ways - soldiers, technicians, researchers, explorers, teachers - anything you can think of we will promote so this a home for all FUs and NFUs working to promote and protect the Silver Jedi Code that it was founded on. NFUs are as important as FUs to me in this Faction. :)

[member="Joza Perl"] I see your point. Not pointless at all! And for a while this did work - more Dark Jedi and even Sith came to our doors and joined, but later we started to lose any idea of who we were. Light Siders had very different ideas on how to do things to Dark Siders, and vice versa. We started to see complications rise and disagreements more and more about what direction we were going in and what we acted like. And then with that, arose some OOC drama which is never good.

As the GR is now pretty much fading away, and the GA is expanding more and now aligned more of an alliance of those out to quash the Sith and Dark Siders, made up of a whole host of character types, we see it important we give writers who want a Light Side Jedi home. In effect we are taking up where the GR Jedi left off, without the drama hopefully that proved their undoing.

As with the Jedi in the films, we have Rogues among our ranks (like Mace Windu and, to an extent, pre-Sith Anakin Skywalker) who are all Light, but play a little differently. This gives people the chance to not be a total goody goody but still know their drive to be 100% Light. That way, hopefully, our end goal is all the same and we can agree more on what we do going forward. Hopefully!

It's still "Us" vs Sith...but we needed to make who "Us" was clear for everyone before the Faction fell apart, then there wouldn't even be an "Us" to fight the Sith with!

Like I said, we won't please everyone but I hope you stick with us for this isn't a Faction where we sit around reading books and drinking tea - we are more like the canon movie Jedi then ever now and will lead the charge to support allies taking out the Sith and protect any and all who need us while expanding our borders for writers to flourish in. :)

TL:DR - I know we will not please everyone with this choice, but we made it for the good of the Faction. Not to suit us OOC. This is NOT and never has been about secluding anyone or specific characters. We want a strong IC identity for all of you and new writers to thrive in and we had to draw a line somewhere, or we'd end up like the GR. At the end of the day, we just want you to have fun and enjoy coming here in your day to escape a little. That's what it's about for us, sincerely. Fun. Fun in a Fictional playground with blasters and lightsabers and spaceships.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

It sounds to me like you're definitely going to remain inclusive of the writers we have now, both dark and light. I'm glad for that, as well as efforts to reassure anyone who feels like this might be an OOC way to kick them out of the faction. I know that's not the case.

I look forward to seeing what stories come out of this.

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