Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"] and all the Galactic Alliance people on the ground!
Enemies: Direct Opponent comedancewithmebby ~ [member="Grim Vizsla"] | [member="Ghorua the Shark"] against your NPC's
NPCs : 200x Omega Pyre Shadow Masters and PMC soldiers. Belsavis is a Prison world for Omega Pyre. They are just here for flavor in the background because I cannot be arsed to do math. Feel free to have some of them get hurt and pretend that a few are flying by going whoooosssh! And then more pew pew pew!

Location: Surface of Belsavis
My amazing personality is my number one weapon! ;)
And my right hook.


Whomp, whomp, whomp, whomp whomp.

It was a rather odd sound to hear amidst the chaos, but that low droning whomp would come from the east. At first they would appear to be tiny little dots. Birds perhaps? Tharantas? No, no, those were only on Alderaan. There were no such flying creatures here --

The whomp grew louder, and those silhouettes off in the distance grew larger.

A crackle would come through the comm at the Galactic Alliance Forces in the ground. Crrshhhshhhh. [ Galactic Alliance, this is Commander Herik of Omega Pyre Aurek - Nine - Four Task Force. We've received a mayday call. Require confirmation of assistance?]

After all, can't have a paramilitary organization just bulldoze in!!

Aeron, in the meantime, had hopped into a transport shuttle. Honestly, she could use some unwinding. Like knock heads together unwinding. Blarg, the politics of being a Prex. One normally never gets to have all the fun anymore.

Ocher and flaxen hair blew in the wind, the two tone hues of her trademark hair dancing along her shoulders.

[ Prex, we have confirmation that some sort of deadly gas is being used! ]

Her lips thinned. Figures.

[ Ensure all the men are suited up.] she told them, grabbing her own helmet . [ Upon confirmation from the Alliance, send the droids in first. ]

She wasn't putting her men in danger recklessly.

That had already happened on Coruscant chasing after a dead woman once.

Four bright blue points of light detached themselves form the background of stars. Asmus flicked three switches to take the ship out of cruising mode and into atmospheric engagement.

He also turned the music.

When the assault had appeared from nowhere, the Alliance had called on any aid the Merchant Fleet could provide again. He'd been in a nearby system and had sucked in all the the fuel he could from the expansion pod before dropping it off.

The tactical HUD flickered into life on his viewscreen and he was given a vector to follow. The screen was lost to the bridge orange glare as he hit the atmosphere. All four jets roared as he shot over the combat theatre at a high altitude.

With a flick of a control he reverse the port engines. A fraction of a second later he reversed the motion. His ship, Thunderstruck, was flung around a hundred and eighty in a fraction of a second. All engines flared as he arrested his moment and dropped like a stone.

Repulsors whined into life as his brought his drop to a halt. Both his vertical and horizontal momentum came to a halt just metres from the ground. With engines still firing that was quickly changed. He threw up a trail of dust as he accelerated along just metres from the ground.

The music was finally turned off.

As his vessel approached, he pushed the cannon down fifteen degrees. It span within its mount as it warmed up for its first round of fire. As the enemy line came into sight he pulled down on the trigger. It only fired for three seconds, but that was all it took for him to pass over the rebel lines. Earth was thrown up along a line over a hundred metres long, hitting the rebels at their most secure section of the line.

"Give me a priority target," he called as he skimmed the ground for nearly a kilometer. Rather than banking slowly around he put all engines into full reverse. The ship came to a halt, turned on the spot and then accelerated back towards the battlefield.
Jacen Voidstalker said:
Jacen scrunched up his face as pain blossomed at the touch of the cleansing swab. He sighed, muscles visibly relaxing as he settled his thoughts, allowing the pain to wash over him without catching hold.

Meeting Avalore's eyes he permitted himself a small smile. "You might be the first person around here she hasn't instantly taken a dislike to."

"Go, keep her safe. She's not always prone to take her time over decisions," he said to Brom with a shrug. "We're working on it."

His attention returned to the work Avalore was doing. "No need for cuff. It's one thing to put my body on the line, but I can't trust my own faculties at the moment. If I can't trust my decisions, I can't put myself somewhere that could hurt someone."

Not being cuffed also meant that when those drugs had been purged from his system he could get out of here. "I just want to monitor. If the front heads this way I'll need to help us evac."

Avalore's expression softened though the lines of concern remain etched--potentially permanently it seemed--at the corners of her eyes and along her brow. A faint frown weighed on the sides of her mouth.

"She's in need of a friend," the Healer said quietly as she leaned forward to more closely examine the worst of the man's wounds, now clean of debris and beginning to clot, "but I don't think she realizes that...or wants to." It was hard admitting when you needed help, especially after spending so long with only yourself to count on. There were difficult truths to this galaxy that Avalore could understand, yet this never made it any easier to witness or recognize those truths in others. Trix wasn't the sort you could blatantly provide solutions for, she had to figure them out on her own.

A tight sigh, she set aside her medical tools and supplies, willing away the headache and the thoughts of her boys at home on Sulon, so far away from her reach.

"Right," the woman rubbed at her forehead with the back of her wrist, "I'm going to close this up the best I can. I need you to sit still and meditate, slow your heartrate and your breathing while I work. You can monitor when I'm done."

The Healer flexed her scar-riddled hands several times to loosen the stiffness and dull aching of the finger joints, took a slow breath and moved to hover her hands over his side. Eyes shutting she honed her focus in to the wound and set to work weaving her Healer magic through the Force.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]


She of the Trillion Thorns
Silently eyeing the Chief Healer from where he stood Brom watched her tend to Jacen, his own face darkening. The first sensations of death of the resulting collision between rebelling forces and the Galactic Alliance had begun to seep into his awareness. Similar in nature to a scent folding in on the winds, there was nothing to stop the chill it wrought along his skin and down his spine. The Master gave a nod to Jacen, "I will do my best," before turning quietly and departing from the Medical tents.

Front Line - [member="Trix Bastin"] [member="Ruby Wilded"]

Through the smoke and screaming of blaster bolts Brom swept his way between the ranks, a veritable wedge wall encroaching to the front line where Jacen's Padawan had taken up position. He arrived through a flurry of bolt fire, batting away the charges with a blade of molten white hissing in his right hand just in time to see her sever a man's head with her own blade of red.

A frown etched itself deeply into his expression that had nothing to do with the smoke burning at his eyes and airways or the incoming numbers of enemy fighters.

"Padawan Bastin!" he called over a hail of gunfire, raising his left hand to form a shield of Force Energy around himself and the young woman, giving her time to recoup her footing and perhaps a bit of her humanity, "Might I suggest disabling your opponents. Wanton slaughter is not our modus operandi, killing is a last resort." Though he had to yell to speak over the chaos of the battle his tone was not one of admonishment, but a strong reminder of the code she represented as a Jedi.

Even the New Jedi Order had a moral code to uphold despite their more militant approach.

He smiled briefly, his shield flickering as a fresh barrage of bolts exploded against it, "Let's try this again!"
Location: Belsavis Surface
Allies: GA - [member="Brom Burnside"] [member="Ruby Wilded"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Enemies: Everyone else

Trix snapped out of her trance as the decapitated head of the rebel slapped to the ground in front of her. It rolled across the rocky earth until the broad nose nudged the front of one of her boots, halting the head so one blank eye could stare accusingly up at her. She jerked her foot away, gaze fixated on that single blue eye. The saber clutched tightly in her left fist deactivated with a dejected hiss.

"Padawan Bastin!"

Trix jolted in place as a shimmering curtain of pure energy descended over the landscape of the field in front of her. Several enemy blaster bolts slammed into the hazy wall and dissipated in a shower of green sparks.

"Might I suggest disabling your opponents." The owner of the voice, and apparent source of the bizarre shield, was the man from the medical tent. "Wanton slaughter is not our modus operandi," the man continued, closing the distance between himself and Trix. "Killing is a last resort."

Trix felt white-hot anger blossom deep in her chest at his calm admonishment. She was trapped on a planet infested with creatures and humans desperate to kill her, had been wounded in the course of staying alive, all directly as a result of enforcing the will of those she had only recently met. And this...stranger...wanted to discuss the morality of killing in self-defense?

Trix opened her mouth, all rational thought absent in the face of her mounting anger.

The man flashed white teeth in a sudden smile, the brief warmth enough to cause Trix to hesitate. The curse words hovering on her tongue vanished.

As though summoned by the pause, the calmly logical aspect of herself made itself known.

You need them.

Trix clapped her mouth firmly shut as the thought echoed in her head. She forced down the lump of anger wedged in her throat by swallowing, and pulled a long, deep breath through her nose,

Play by their rules.

Another wave of blaster fire spattered into the shield and vanished. The Jedi turned from her and activated a saber of shining pure white.

"Let's try this again," he said.

Trix managed a sharp nod of assent. She snapped her saber hilt back onto her belt, her hands trembling with repressed emotion. Then she bent and pulled the weight of her discarded rifle back into her arms.

Remember - you can't go back. You can never go back.
Well-Known Member
Allies - Members of the Oversector Coalition, and hired Mercenaries such as [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="KeCholo"], [member="Vex Kumud"], [member="The Executor"], [member="Kuvantu"], [member="Gulliver Foyle"], [member="Jan Valdum"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Enemies - The Galactic Alliance, like [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Sieb Tevv"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Berric Kelso"], [member="Anika Od'Manteiv"], [member="Loske Matson"]
Location - Above Belsavis

To Admiral Sieb Tevv, Captain Borne respond, "There is a weapon on Belsavis, the likes of which this galaxy has not seen in hundreds... thousands of years. We have information detailing that you have communicated with this weapon, intending to use it upon your enemies - namely the First Order or One Sith nations, whom we also fear. But what you seek to unleash is unthinkable, and we could not allow it even if you should find someway to control it. So try as you might, you can find no moral high ground in shamelessly destroying the good men aboard my ships who's only mission is to save lives. Call off your forces and surrender the superweapon - we must see it destroyed." The Captain fought his emotions as he watched the sundering chaos. It was unimaginable how the Galactic Alliance could destroy the frigate so quickly even as he sent as many pilots as he could to bomb the shields off of the enemy starships. He thank his only advantage however, in that this fleet was decentralized in appearance. Pin-point the "Flagship" would be no easy task, considering the capital ships were all of varying classes and designs, with a large portion of them not even intended to be military vessels.

Like a game of battleship, the Alliance would guess and sometimes hit, and might at some point in the battle find a critical ship. Until then, Captain Borne continued his communications with the Alliance, until they blew up his ship or decided to stand down. Everyone knew in the Coalition a lot of people would die. That was the price of freedom.

The Governor, in his bomber, dodged what tubolaser fire he could, even as he watched fellow bombers and fighters get downed beside him. The only thing he could do was to keep his hands on the yolks, and launch his torpedoes at key structures, hoping to chip away at the shields, and possibly take out communication towers, or other critical equipment arrays. It was essentially all he could, was to fire, and hope he lived to fire off another barrage.

Meanwhile on the ground, Maxicar Rudge would roll out the makeshift mortar cannons they had crafted out of a few small landspeeders, and prayed for accuracy. Unfortunately, their mercenary never showed. They were left on their own to their own devices, which was very few. It was at this moment that they initiated their attack on the Esh-Ka tunnel outpost.

It began with the sound of mortar fire. Their dinky mortar guns attached to dreadfully slow landspeeders, exploded one after the other. They were aimed for what the Maxicar had guessed where also enemy mortar cannons. He hoped the initial firing would be enough to gather an advantage here. If those could be taken out before the Tunroth arrived, there might still be a chance to change the battle.

The militiamen charged with a Standard Unit supplementing their numbers....

In the distance, the last transports landed, carrying the absolute elite that the Coalition had to offer - the Tunroth Hunters. At around 300 hundred (though many were missing likely from AA fire), the Tunroth would add the skill, strength, and numbers to the quickly dwindling and overwhelmed forces of the Coalition trying to neutralize the position. They would have to move quickly however, as the AA towers will no longer be as much of a target now that the best and greatest had landed. It also seemed that the Lortans were in trouble, and in need of assistance... this was their chance to gloat over their former butcher's about how easily they would save them from destruction.

Forming up into many different squads, the Tunroth would begin to charge into position. Some would shoot with a blaster, but many many more of them would fire a storm of armor piercing arrows into their enemies. Any alliance soldier who got close enough would feel the wrath of the melee weapons tearing them apart. These hunters would be the saviors of the Coalition by the end of the day.

They were certain of it.

Sieb Tevv

Location: Space over Belsavis
[member="Fatty"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Berric Kelso"] | [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Trix Bastin"] | [member="Brom Burnside"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Anika Od'Manteiv"]

"What?" Sieb's mouth hung open for a moment, unable to comprehend the staggering amount of miscommunication, false signals and confusion that had taken place in order to cause all this madness. "Superweapon? I swear to you on the holy volcanoes of Sullust, we have no such weapon. Please, stop this pointless violence. I will call off my forces in a ceasefire, but please do the same. No one else needs to die today. I will take you wherever you need to go, just stop firing."

Turning to his communication officer, Sieb said, "Broadcast this to all Galactic Alliance assets."

"Attention, Galactic Alliance forces this is Rear Admiral Sieb Tevv. Cease all hostilities against the unidentified forces immediately until further notice."

A turbo laser discharge shook the ship and Sieb whirled toward the taccom. "Cease fire, damn it, cease fire!"
Location: Defensive line protecting the AA guns
Allies: Avalore Eden Jacen Voidstalker Dominik Borra Ryan Korr Loske Matson Berric Kelso Sieb Tevv Trix Bastin Ruby Wilded @eron Kreelan
Enemies: Fatty Ghorua the Shark Jan Valdum Grim Vizsla
Equipment: In signature

She opened her mouth to respond and immediately had to protect herself as the Mandalorian fired on her with some very loud rounds. Two clipped her, spinning her with the explosive force unleashed by them and leaving some very big bruises, but she sent a wave of Force energy to stop the remaining bullets of the cluster backwards. Luckily she wore phrik armor, but that was going to hurt later.

Still, her danger sense was spiking right now and throwing the quickest glance down, she could see a grenade rolling towards her and her senses told her to not be anywhere near it. Flipping backwards from it, she could see that same yellow-ish green cloud issuing from it that had done a number to several of her soldiers. Nerve gas, and the Herglic was striding towards her to fight, dragging a large saber pike.

"We're the Alliance, not the Republic," she corrected, bringing her lightsaber up in front of her. "And what weapon are you talking about? We aren't here for a weapon. We came to secure the prison and stop the Esh-Kha and the other monsters here from getting out. Plus, do you really think Jedi would condone some sort of superweapon?"

She was going to say more before she heard the command from Admiral Tevv over her comlink.

"All GA forces, stand down," she ordered, keeping an eye on the Herglic. "I repeat, stand down. Do not keep firing. I repeat, cease your fire."

Slowly, but as the message permeated the ranks, the men under her command holstered their weapons or shifted them out of a firing position. The AA guns actually fell silent as they also had received the command from the Admiral.

"Look, this is all a great and tragic misunderstanding," she said, deactivating her lightsaber. "My men are standing down, please have your forces stand down and we can all talk this out and bury our dead."
Allies:Coaltion Forces [member="Fatty"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Grim Vizsla"]
Location:Don't care

Jan Valdum hopped out of the crater and was about to engage the sniper when he noticed something. All the enemy troops have stopped firing. The AA guns were silent in the sky. Jan looked around as the Remnants of the Militia force stood with thier weapons drawn, unsure how to proceed with these new predicaments. Jan listened as the enemy commander yelled for a cease fire. He actually felt relieved when she finished talking. A cease fire is just what they needed.

Jan slowly walked through the troops. Some had started to flee as soon as the GA forces. Jan let them go, he felt too tired order them back to thier positions again. Jan came upon a young wounded militia soldier, holding his hands to his stomach. Jan kneeled next to him and slowly pulled his hands away and looked at the wound. The young soldier gasped in pain.

"................What's you name?"

"......Tali..Si" the young soldier tried to gasp out"

"NO,no don't say anything. Just focus on putting pressure on that wound." Jan said

Jan turned to a soldier lying flat on the ground a few meters away, and threw a medpac to him. It landed by the other soldier's hip.

"Help this man." Jan said, as the man nodded and ran to Tavi and began to use the medpac on him.

Jan turned to towards the front line and made his way to the fron where @Ghorus the Shark , and the Mandalorion were. Jan walked past them to the enemy GA commander.

"........The Intel provided to us for this briefing, stated that their was a super weapon on this planet and GA forces were in control of it. You are saying that we fought for nothing. That we attacked here for nothing. That your men and my men died for nothing. That someone just kraked up, and this whole thing is a tragic misunderstanding?!" Jan said softly and louder and louder as rage coursed through his body. Rage at himself. Jan just lowered his head after the outburst. He kept on thinking of all the men that died, and Tavi somewhere back there struggling to stay alive.

"..........I have orders, and have been given a mission. That is something I don't take lightly....But, I will agree to this cease fire, for the men under my command.We can discuss this.........tragic misunderstanding while I wait for orders from my superiors....I hope your telling the truth." Jan said.

"COALITION FORCES, STAND DOWN AND TREAT ALL WOUNDED AND RECOVER AS MUCH AS OUR DEAD AS YOU CAN! I REPEAT STAND DOWN." Jan broadcasted through all coms and through his speakers on his armor too. Jan turned to the Jedi before him, and stared at her for a couple seconds. Then slightly bowed his head giving the superior enemy commander respect and thanks for giving the cease fire.
Allies: GA
Enemies: Coalition
Location: Belsavis

"A ceasefire?" Dominik exclaimed to himself. "Why would there be a ceasefire..?" All he could do is wonder. All he was told was to stop firing. Said nothing about keeping his finger on the trigger. He watched as the man in brown started to care for his men, tossing a medpack to one before going over to the Jedi. At first he was soft in speaking, then grew louder and louder. Dominik got ready to shoot him in the head if he tried anything. Fortunately, he didn't. It was a good thing that he wasn't as crazy as other merc's that Dominik had met.

He turned his scope to Ghorua, zooming in to inspect him. Yup, that was him alright. Same armor and everything. There was little to doubt after seeing that blaster, but one could never be too sure. And that one wearing beskergam.. He hadn't met many people with that armor. He got back on comms with [member="Taeli Raaf"] , saying "If you want one of them dead, just say the word. And what's with this ceasefire?"
Allies: [member="Fatty"]; [member="Ghorua the Shark"]; [member="Jan Valdum"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance; [member="Taeli Raaf"]; [member="Dominik Borra"]; bae [member="Aeron Kreelan"]; [member="Sal Katarn"]
Location: Surface of Belsavis; Besides The Shark

Note: Tagging those relatively close to me.
Equipment: Signature

Grim's scope followed the athletic moves by the Jedi and would've kept on firing until the sudden call for ceasefire by the Jedi out of nowhere. His finger twitched on trigger. Every other occassion he would've kept firing but the abrupt end of hostilities from both sides kept his finger from pulling the trigger. The Aliit'buir of Clan Vizsla was very disappointed at what had occured, he had relished the fight and the possibility to bring back home the glory of ending a Jedi.

He still kept his rifle ready for anything fancy that might happen while his senses were sharpened to any sudden moves that might put him in danger. For a few seconds he remained flying in the air until he finally realized that things would most certainly not to go to blows again as his data feed produced information for the call of ceasefire.

"Y'all be very lucky today, Jedi that you ain't gonn' be eating your own threats. It'd bring me great honor to hang that lightsaber ya holdin' back home." Grim chuckled as he lowered his rifle down and looked at the large Herglic beside him. "We still getting paid, ain't we ?"

Looking around, Grim's eyes fell upon Jan Valdrum. The man who was tasked with leading the bold move against the forces of the Galactic Alliance. He seemed quite aggravated from the whole loss of life due to misunderstanding. Grim, as much as people thought Mandalorians as savages, was not delighted by the sight of so many lives wasted on nothing but neither was he moved. War and its consequences were engraved in his DNA.

"An ale would be nice now."
ALLIES: [member="Grim Vizsla"], [member="Jan Valdum"], [member="Fatty"]
ENEMIES: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Dominik Borra"], [member="Sal Katarn"]
MOOD: ???

Ghorua's blood had begun to race at the prospect of dueling a Jedi. Technically, he had fought a few, but none of them were of the calibur standing in front of him. He was preparing to charge through the yellowy vapor when he heard her call back. Ghorua paused, thinking hard. Could it be a ploy? A way to lower his defenses? Of course they had a weapon, that's what Ghorua was here to stop. He came to the realization that something was definitely amiss. Then he heard the ceasefire.

Ghorua the Shark, towering over everyone in the area, simply looked past everyone. He could tell forces on both sides were nervous of him. What he would do. What he could do. But Ghorua wasn't the enormous rage-monster most would think of him. He knew when to turn in the towel. He looked between them all. One second. Two.

Finally, he put his saberstaff back on his bandolier, and brought his hands up to his helmet. With a solid ker-thunk, the black visor came off. Under it, a round Herglic face, a small frown on his face, his brow creased. Large black eyes looked to [member="Taeli Raaf"] with an almost unreadable expression. Under his calm visage, a storm of emotions raged. Happiness that he wasn't dead, anger at the pointlessness of it all, and a subtle sense of deep sorrow. He had the emotions of a soldier that was tricked into fighting for the wrong cause. His large hands clenched into fists.

Suddenly, Ghorua pivoted to [member="Grim Vizsla"], a slight smile on his face, hiding his inner emotions once again. "We better get payed. I don't like fighting for nothing." Ghorua turned back to Taeli, and gave a solemn look. The one time he thought he was doing something selfless, and it turned out he was the bad guy again. "I'd go for a drink."

With that, the massive being began to walk away from the battle, his lust for war quenched. He'd find a civilian transport, and get off the planet. Then, he needed to go bar-hopping. The seemingly mindless beast had a lot to think about.
[member="Avalore Eden"]

Even through the pain, Jacen found he could push through into a state of meditation. Odd to think back to his first tentative steps onto the battlefield as a Jedi. He had become accustomed to allies by his side and the enemy a distance away. Fighting a Yuuzhan Vong in personal combat had tested his mettle. It had nearly broken.

Mostly through his countless hours of practise during his probation with Adele he could maintain a level of serenity at the worst of times. That keen focus kept him alert, kept him alive. Mostly.

His focus was turned inwards as he felt the Force affect his body. It was almost a difficult task to relax, not to react to that touch. Instead his focused on slowing his breathing, taking the cadence of his pulse down to a minimum. He closed off the pain receptors from the worst areas whilst his focus was in this direction, dulling those stabbing needles.

Perhaps it was that his walls were thin in this state, or Avalore determined on the task allowed the stray thought to escape.

When she was finished he quietly murmured: "We'll get you back to Stali and the boys. Once I'm done dying." Then he fell sound asleep.
Forward Ground Command - Medical Tents
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

It rarely ever worked when she asked her patients to meditate while on the table. Mostly it was to put their mind on something other than their grievous wounds, to give them another task outside of worrying over loss. Sometimes it was enough just to keep them quiet and still, other times and rarely was it something they actually accomplished.

Usually only the tired ones that ever managed it, and judging by the sensation of Jacen's pulse slowing beneath her hands the man was exhausted. Serves you right for taking on a terentatek you big oaf. Avalore set her brow and continued her work, feeling sweat bead at her temples and sting at the gash on her cheek.

Minutes passed by in what felt like hours and the Healer could feel her fingers beginning to tighten and constrict again. With a release of breath she let her control of the Force filter away and looked down upon the once-gaping wound for appraisal. It would still need stitches but he was a far cry better off now than he was before. At least now he wouldn't bleed out.

"We'll get you back to Stali and the boys. Once I'm done dying."

Brown eyes blinked down at him as she wiped hair from her face with the back of her hand and watched with a hint of alarm as he passed out. She quickly pressed her fingers to his nape, searching for a pulse, and sighed as she found it beating slow and steady. "Don't be such a baby," she hissed at the sleeping man, "you're not dying yet."

The Healer Aide standing off to the side tending to his more minor wounds looked over, "Master Eden, would you like me to finish up here?"

"No," Avalore sighed, "get me the Stitcher."

Somewhere off towards the entrance of the Medical tents a buzz of murmurs rippled out. News of the cease-fire was spreading quickly.


She of the Trillion Thorns
[member="Trix Bastin"] [member="Ruby Wilded"]

Brom wasted no further words as a fresh wave of Rebellion soldiers crashed upon the lines of the GA. In the midst of smoke and dust, the wailing of blaster bolts and the cry of opposing forces, the Master's shrouded figure cut through the chaos with the sizzling hiss of his lightsaber. Pointed, controlled movements batted away oncoming bolts as he pushed forward into enemy numbers to break their surge apart.

Bolstered by the Force he was neither graceless nor graceful but a mountain moving slowly, calmly along flat ground, pressing through the onslaught and parting the masses. The Jedi's offensive was direct and personal, closing the space between himself and his opponents to disarm and incapacitate. True to his words, he neither maimed nor killed - though a particularly keen rebel fighter did lose his carrying arm after a tenacious exchange that left Brom with a bolt through his right shoulder.

With a moment to breath as the Alliance forces filtered in behind and around him, taking up the new forward clearing, Brom looked around for the Padawan.

"Master Burnside! Command is calling for a ceasefire!"
"What?" Brom had to holler back at the man over the din of dying firefight.
"We don't have all the details but those are our orders."

Something didn't feel right though Brom wasn't sure it had anything to do with the ceasefire.

"You should get that looked at in the Medical tent!" the soldier moved on to continue issuing the order.

The Jedi grunted, glancing at his bleeding shoulder. It could wait, first he had to find Trix and the other young woman who had followed her out here.
[member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Trix Bastin"]

It wasn't the drug-induced fog that kept Jacen calm as he roused from a deep slumber, it was the way the Force had settled. When he'd last been awake the fighting had reached its peak. All those living beings full of emotion, the anger and the pain, all sent the flow of the Force swirling. Now that field was calm, a slow ebb and flow. There was still local disturbances; Jacen was in a hospital full of wounded after all.

Raising his head from the pillow, Jacen took a look around. Most were sleeping. He caught the eye of a soldier across the room. It was one of his Dogs, the Special Forces men who worked with the Hounds.

“Robozombie or sith hound?” Jacen asked quietly.

“Regular joe with a blaster,” the man replied through a pained smile.

“Fighting’s come to an end?” Jacen asked.

“Yeah ceasefire was called whilst I was being brought back from the front.”

Jacen nodded slowly. He would have asked more, but could sense that the soldier was out of both further insight and breath. Instead, he noticed movement outside. Several med droids passed the doors and he sensed a familiar presence.

She must have been finishing some more rounds with the stable patients, but she just seemed to be passing this room. Being next to the doors he decided to risk a hushed whisper, not wanting to wake any of the others.

“Avalore? I think I’m done dying now, can I get up?”
Location: Belsavis System Outskirts.​
Allies: The Galactic Alliance.​
Enemies: Insurrectionists, Soldier's of Fortune, Vile Imperial Scum.​
- Ceasefire -
The order had been given, and while she was far from accepting, Astarii had relayed the command to her subordinates. It was clear that these seditious souls had believed that the Alliance had found something, this World Razer, and allegedly considered utilizing it's awesome and terrible powers to further their goals in wiping out the Darkness that shrouded their path to dominance. She couldn't blame these idealists for adopting such a mindset as if it were the Hapan Captain that had found such a devastating weapon - she would've released it from its earthly prison. Only to demand in return, that the World Razer would scatter the One Sith to the wind, allowing her to mock the ashes of their bones. As the Javelin weapon system began to cycle down, Astarii had found time to mull over such an emotionally errant line of thought. While she would've crushed her former masters into the dust, what was to stop the World Razer from chasing after her once the task was complete? And that was being optimistic in regards to the vast, and ancient consciousness adhering to its promise after it had been freed.

Nevertheless, such a margin of possibility was on the wrong side to be worthy of consideration.

Breathing out a sigh of frustration through her thinly pressed lips, the Captain of the Eidolon ascended the steps to her basalt command throne and seated herself within it's embrace. She would see to it that her crew had honored their Commander's order and saw to the cessation of hostilities. Though they were too far out to make a significant difference in the midst of battle, the Eidolon would refute the chance of giving those that had shot first the chance of ever catching them unawares again. It's guns and shields still ran hot, while the sensors still probed the target-rich environment for any sign of resuming the battle. However, the technicians that manned their gunnery stationed ensured that no target-lock was ever achieved, merely sweeping their weapons back and forth - waiting to jump at the chance to sink their energetic fangs into this ragtag armada.

"Second!" She called out, casting her silvered Emerald eyes out into the Command Deck, sweeping the crowd for any sign of her executive officer. After moments of searching, he was found standing beside the Lieutenant stationed at the primary communications terminal. "Ayy- Aye Ma'am!" He returned after stifling the urge to laugh at a joke that was previously shared between the two men. Narrowing her eyes at such a display, she pushed the interesting thought aside of shooting the man on the spot and ordered him to approach her throne. Once his polished boots had clicked against the basalt dais, she sat straighter within her throne's embrace - before issuing a stream of orders akin to a thunderous staccato of cannon fire.

"Second, I want you to re-task our fighters to act as escorts for our dropships as we re-establish our foothold over this world. I also want you to send a gunship towards the edge of the star-system and have them investigate whatever it is that our sensors have picked up. By the star charts we have on hand, nothing should be out there - and from what I've seen, it looks like it's a transport of some kind. I want confirmation before the duty rotation shifts into a new cycle. We can ill afford another disastrous surprise showing up on our doorstep, especially so soon after beating back the Vanguard forces in this sector."
[member="Brom Burnside"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

The order to cease fire was slow to echo across the front lines. Men locked in desperate battle continued to fall, their killers unable to retract blades already lodged deeply in flesh, or blaster bolts already burning away the remnants of protective armour.

They were perhaps the most tragic deaths of Belsavis - snatched away in the first few seconds of tentative peace.

Trix, placed as she was in the midst of the most concentrated fighting, dealt with the situation as only she knew how.

She slammed the butt of her rifle into the face of the rebel trying to impale her on a vibroblade, feeling bone shatter beneath the impact. The woman's screaming cut off as she crumpled to the ground. Trix rotated, rifle wedged back against her shoulder, as another rebel loomed up to her right. The man's pale face wavered in her sights as he planted his feet and skidded to a sudden halt.

"It's over," Trix snarled at him. "Stand down."

The rebel's dark gaze, shadowed with a strange mixture of loathing and relief, flicked from Trix to the unconscious woman lying in a puddle between them.

With a grunt, Trix lowered her rifle and took a step back. "Help her," she said.

Trix shouldered her rifle with a snap of her wrist and turned her back on the enemy soldiers. Then she started to stalk back through the GADF lines.

The chaotic din of combat had faded to be replaced by another melody of the battlefield. The guttural moans of the wounded. The harsh bark of orders as teams of medics moved amongst them. The cries of soldiers as they sought out comrades. And beneath it all, thick and heavy enough to drown out all other noise, the echoing silence of the dead.

As Trix plodded forward the adrenaline of the fight drained away. Beneath it lay the exhaustion she had ignored when charging back into the field, supplemented by her considerable wounds. Her head was once again pounding, a sharp radiating pain streaking down her right side suggesting that she'd reopened the wound Eden had worked so hard to bind.

Distracted as she was mentally cataloging her hurts, Trix almost slammed into the broad form that materialised in her path. She jerked back to recognise the face of the Jedi who had berated her earlier.

"You don't need to worry," Trix told him, her words bitter in the face of the surrounding despair. "I'm done killing today."
Well-Known Member
Allies - Members of the Oversector Coalition, and hired Mercenaries such as [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="KeCholo"], [member="Vex Kumud"], [member="The Executor"], [member="Kuvantu"], [member="Gulliver Foyle"], [member="Jan Valdum"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Enemies - The Galactic Alliance, like [member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Sieb Tevv"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Berric Kelso"], [member="Anika Od'Manteiv"], [member="Loske Matson"]
Location - Above Belsavis

Captain Borne's response was at first startled, but immediate. "I wi- CEASEFIRE! CEASEFIRE!" At that moment, the fire in the skies seemed to haphazardly go out. Torpedoes exploded, starships exploded and ruptured, everything too late to be taken back. This was unexpected. This was not the plan. This was not the intel they received, and now Captain Borne, not trusting the truth yet, reluctant to believe in the militant superpower, called for the ceasefire as a tactical advantage. They were losing men, and starships, fast. A short interim would be beneficial for the rebels to gain a foothold on Belsavis. It would give them more time to find the weapon before they used it... but if what they said was true...

"Riverbasin, we've got a communications dispatch for you... the Governor." At this moment, while the ceasefire in space was relayed to the ground, Captain Borne contact the Governor's starfighter as it return, slightly damage. Had the ceasefire been called any later, there was no guarantee Ryker Kel would have been able to evade the Alliance fighter.

"Governor Kel... the Alliance have called for a ceasefire, they- they're telling us they don't have a weapon, and will bring us wherever we need to go to prove it. What's going on?" A knife seemed to plunge deeply into the internal organs of the Governor, but his mind remained at edge. Running around with the fear of his enemies. They could be lying. They are putting our guard down. They are setting up a trap. Even as these thoughts rebounded in his head, his heart had to weigh up to the possibility that he could have been wrong, and all of this was for nothing.

"I don't rightly know Captain... my heart fears the worst, while my head screams of all our fears. Be weary Captain, but cooperate. Set a redevouz point with one of their representatives and I will meet them there. We will get to the bottom of this." At that moment, Ryker started flying his Y-Wing down towards the planet...

"Ceasefire? You're joking..." Maxicar Rudge couldn't believe his years, as a superior up in space gave down the order. The GA would halt their attack... they believe this all to be a giant misunderstanding. "Karking damnit! Stop the mortars, STOP THE MORTARS! There's a ceasefire. I repeat a.... karking ceasefire damnit!" He only hoped they wouldn't return the mortar fire. The fiery Lortan was absolutely furious. They came all this way, laid down their lives, and now it might be for nothing? He wanted to kill these Alliance bastards!

The Tunroth, would continue fighting for much longer than the rest of the Coalition forces. They had become enthralled in the thrill of the hunt, and failed to notice the decreasing number of explosions and blaster fires. One Tunroth, by the name of Shotaa Tark had just plunged one end of his bow down into the throat of an Alliance soldier he had come across.

It took minutes, several of them, before a nearby Coalition Standard militia to run over, waving their arms at them and shouting. Meanwhile hundreds of Tunroth ripped apart the limbs of their enemies, shattering their bones with the Kiltars, or showering them with armor piercing arrows, knocking them out with a special non-lethal poison. Shotaa nearly impaled the Coalition soldier who leapt up in the defense of an Alliance member who nearly suffered his fate. The expert Hunter, was able to exercise his restraint.

"CEASEFIRE! CEASEFIRE! CEASEFIRE!" The boy roared, cowering before the mighty alien.

"What?" Shotaa was surprised... shocked. A ceasefire? Had the Coalition... had the cowardly Lortans - already surrendered? That was impossible! Outrageous! How many had died for this cause, and now that wanted to stop? You cannot stop a war you started, you fought until you couldn't. You can't take back something as horrendous as war, that above all else the Tunroth knew... it felt clear to him that the Lortans had never learned this.

"The Alliance! They have called a ceasefire!" That... only increased his surprise, and piqued his curiosity. Again the question became... why?

Soon the other Tunroth would follow suit.
Forward Ground Command - Medical Tents
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

"Get those crates on the trolley, Field Team 3 needs to resupply-"


The Chief Healer stuttered to a stop as she heard her name uttered through the flaps to a recovery room. She blinked, looking around for the disembodied voice.

"I think I'm done dying now, can I get up?"

Bemused, she took three steps back and pushed the entry flap open, staring down at Jacen from where she stood. He'd been out for nearly an hour now and looked as though his recovery was coming along. Bandaged, sutured, and bearing several taped-on wound poultices, he'd probably feel a tad encumbered. Avalore smiled.

"No-no, you're only mostly dead. You haven't quite finished yet, ask me again when rigor mortis sets in," she whispered back with a short glance around at the others in the partitioned room. She quietly stepped inside and moved to sit on the edge of his cot. A small flashlight lifted to his eyes, testing pupil response back and forth before a hand went to his wrist to check his pulse and then to his forehead to feel for fever. Avalore's lips drew thin, warm, but Jacen had always seemed to run his engines hot.

"I see you've managed to detoxify most of the drugs from your system," Avalore tapped the man on the forehead and leaned in, "stop wasting my good drugs. Someone else could have used them."

A sigh came next as she sat up, "Command's called a ceasefire. The Rebel forces think we have a superweapon, according to the reports coming in at Comms. From the sounds of it they're going to meet for tea to discuss the issue. I'm sending teams out into the field to collect the wounded. I imagine they'll scoop up a few Rebels in their efforts..."

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