Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Plawal Rift
Omega Pyre - Star Caf
Arceneau Trade Company - PharmaTech

With Omega Pyre Security protecting the grounds, the agrifields were relatively safe from what manner of toil and trouble went on elsewhere. Coming to a stop at a particular section of the orchard, Saffron's hazel gaze went drifting over the large flowers blooming upon the tree.

"Belsavis has rich, volcanic soils that are well drained," explained the Morodin horticulturalist. "Bringing the cloned botanicals here would prove useful in our research for creating new and more fruitful strains."

PharmaTech in cooperation with Arceneau Trade has long since worked on the 'Eden Project'. It was research and development into bringing back lost botanicals and growing endangered species. There were several worlds where research and production was in effect, and Saffron had come to Belsavis to promote the newest location.

A small nod came from the blonde. "That is good news," said the young blonde clone with a ghost of a smile. "Native strains as well?"

At the Morodin's nod, the sluglike creature motioned for the Companion to follow him.
Objective: Not one yet!
[member="Loske Matson"] might bump into you! or whoever else is on the hanger bay.

Lo, and behold! Choli's investigation did indeed send her bumping accidentally to the young blonde. Or more aptly, sent R2 rolling into the starfighter that Loske currently was sitting in.

"Arr-Two!" Choli would hiss out, sending an apologetic glance at the starfighter pilot. "Sorry!" panning her brown gaze, Choli would narrow her attention at the series of other pilots jumping into their ships.

"Well... let's go make ourselves useful, Arr-Two."

Now, how they would do that well... that was up for debate.
Objective: C

Elaine got the word that any in range of the howlers are know dead, or had escaped down the tunnels. This was where the real fight begun, as she had no idea what was down there, or where they lead to. She then began to order her troops, to form up she was going have to go in them tunnels. She left a battalion of infantry behind to guard her command center and artillery pieces, her and the rest four thousand plus men began to march towards the various tunnels. Her scout troops who where already in forward positions, kept monitoring the the tunnels. Though they did not enter, they started to find more exit points. This was a concern as they could come out at any point and anywhere, she sent message back to her artillery keeping them constantly updated with her position, just encased they where ambushed by the Esh-kha.

Her Housecarl marched around her, making a sheer wall metal between her and the out side positions, this did make feel safer. They where her best troops, and the best equipped she could make them. Not only did they have advance power armour, they had thul reapers as well. They cut a path through lighter infantry with no hassle, and losing very little in return as well.
[member="Sam Kazroy"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member=Abel] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Sam Kazroy"] [member="Michael Byrnwulf"]
Objective B
Post 5/37 [Yes 37 everyone, we're going for 150 and everyone can do up to 1/4]

As Jacen backed away, sparks flying as those metallic claws caught his chest plate, he idly wondered if these were Qorbin Fal’s creations or something that had been buried down here for millennia. Either was bad news. The Vanguard had been here before the Alliance. Perhaps they had been unlucky and accidentally released these beasts and been forced to flee, but Jacen suspected they had gathered samples, carried out their experiments and then unleashed all the prisoners to leave the Alliance something to deal with. Certainly the Vanguard had been here some time and yet the shuttles had only left this site when the Alliance fleet had arrived.

As he dropped back he brought his saber around and into the middle ground. Point towards the technobeast’s chest, it had to keep its distance or risk being skewered. It clearly had enough intelligence to avoid damage when it wanted to as it backed away and looked for another route to attack. None was provided and one of the soldiers behind Jacen fired a burst of blaster bolts into its belly. It crouched forwards and Jacen came at it, slicing it apart from head to waist.

“Ayme, how are you holding up?”

Objective D
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

With every metre of ground made, Marcello would find the density of sithspawn reducing. None linger in the chamber directly around the World Razor. Something about the prison of that ancient entity seemed to keep them at bay.


Captain Meneer Chrome
Objective E: Naturally
Post: 1/30

“Belsavis is on the edge of the Senex Sector, “ Lieutenant Chrome stated as he briefed his men. “There are two or three domed volcanic valleys in the glaciers,” he continued, “The domes are standard light-amp with apex-mounted antigrav systems to take the stress. Brathflen Corporation built the first one many, many years ago. The home of colonies. As if there weren’t enough habitable planets to live on, people decided to live there. Including Jedi. And it was a place they hid during the Great Jedi Purge. So we’re going to see what we can find before the Galactic Alliance set up a permanent home there.”

“We’re heading for a house and laboratory Jedi Master Plett built in the Plawal Rift. Any questions?”
Loske smiled softly at [member="Abel"]’s reply. One day he would get back to his farm, and if she could, she’d do what she could to get him there. Even if that meant taking an undocumented flight to where-eversville for the Padawan. Abel had a home, somewhere to long for. That was nice, and Loske was a person who was void herself, and wanted to fill others up with so much more if the opportunity presented itself.

Alarms started ringing, their desperation escalating with the volume. It was distracting enough for her not to be prepared for the heavy pebbledrone that collided with her.

“Ah!” Befuddled at the intrusion, Loske clamped down on her dashboard to make sure nothing got crushed.

Blue eyes fluttered out of shock, assistance to focus probably coming from the assisted ring on her finger.

She was anxious to bite the bit, but this [member="Choli Vyn"] said she wanted to help.

And Loske was myopic - “Can you fly?”


Captain Meneer Chrome
Objective E: Naturally
Post: 2/30

They made good time and landed adjacent to their target.

From the black rock of the ribbed volcanic cliffs sprang girders, supporting in their turn the webbed weight of durasteel with columns as thick as a man was high. Graceful as birds, the girders soared out over the nothingness of mist and flowers, every crystalline facet of the intricate plex roof they carried bevelled and angled, designed to catch and multiply the smallest gleams of the weak sun’s light.

Scrims of mist flowed like streams among the hanging garden beds that depended from the lacework of transparisteel vaults and domes, pendant gondolas as big as houses, some high in the swift-shifting streams of mist just under the plex, others lowered on cables nearly to the level of the broken turret of the stumpy stone tower that stood on the lava bench: all that remained of the citadel of the Jedi.

“That’s quite an engineering job for a bunch of space wizards.” Meneer turned to see his staff-sergeant standing beside him.

“In running around the galaxy with glow-sticks,” said Lieutenant Chrome, “I assume they encountered and befriended not only reliable engineers, but those trading corporations who were both interested in the exotic fruits and vegetable fibres the unique climatic conditions produce, and honest enough not to completely exploit the natives of this and the other volcanic rift valleys on the planet. The first representatives of Brathflen Corporation made their appearance, to the best of my calculations, within a year of the Jedis’ departure. Galactic Exotics started development of shalaman and podon orchards here very soon after that. They joined with Imperial Exports to dome the valley, mostly because of a plan designed by – I believe – the Jedi Master Plett himself, to grow vine-coffee and vine-silk on the adjustable platforms beneath the dome.”
Objective D
Allies: GA
Enemies: World Razer ([member="Jacen Voidstalker"])

Marcello spun swiftly to his right as he lowered his stance. The arcing slice of the last Sithspawn came so close to severing the Rogue Master's head from his shoulders that loose strands of hair briefly whipped around Marcello's face. Instinctively, Marcello reached over with his left hand to support his right. In the same motion, he pushed the hilt of his lightsaber backward, driving the dark blue blade deep into the abdomen of the remaining Sithspawn.

Maintaining positive control of his weapon, the large Jedi immediately vaulted towards the ceiling in between the Sithspawn's arms. As he did so, he utilized his abdominal muscles to draw his knees towards his chest. During the initial roll of his body, Marcello kicked his legs out to whip his body's inertia around such that he vaulted over the top of the Sithspawn. A solid burn line from the Rogue Master's lightsaber was quickly obscured by a mass of internal organs and entrails spilling out from the Sithspawn.

By the time Marcello had dropped to his feet behind the beast, it had fallen over dead. Remaining in a crouched position with one hand holding his activated lightsaber, the Naboo native allowed his glacier-blue gaze to drift around the darkness. There was a stillness in the air as Marcello forced his breathing to stabilize. Eventually, he deactivated his lightsaber and resumed his silent trek.

Approximately ten minutes later, Marcello approached a dimly lit set of stone steps leading down to the lowest level of the Tomb...and the prison of the World Razer.
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Abel"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Sam Kazroy"] [member="Ayme Katash"]

Trix arrived with a second wave of GADF troops, tactfully slotted into the third rank from the front. She'd traded in her stolen assortment of broken armour for a secondhand GADF set several weeks back, no less dented or scratched than the first, but snugly fitted to the smaller proportions of her body.

She could vaguely sense other Jedi in the pitch dark of the temple ahead. The screams of the creatures they had engaged reached them even at a distance, weaving through ancient carved pillars heavy with dust, pausing to gather strength in the arched ceiling of the temple, and descending down upon the advancing group like a surging tide.

The soldier at Trix's side stumbled as the wave of sound swept over him, his heavy boots kicking up a cloud of rich earth. Either an alien who had been cursed with enhanced hearing...or a meathead who hadn't had the pleasure of meeting these creatures face to face.

Trix clapped a hand on the soldier's armguard to steady him. She missed the answering nod of thanks, her grey gaze already fixed on the flicker of blaster fire now visible ahead.

Without being ordered the GADF group shifted into a dog trot, rifles snapping to shoulders as the flickering light shifted into a full blown engagement. Now the screaming was broken by the high pitched whine of light arms and the deeper rumble of heavy weaponry at play.

Trix flicked the safety off her own rifle, mentally cataloging the presence of her smaller blasters where they were strapped to each thigh. Two grenades, three vibroblades, and a dead man's lightsaber rounded out her arsenal.

Enough to keep her breathin' until she found Katash and Voidstalker, though nothing to guarantee her odds once she hit the front line.

Should have brought more knives.

Trix grimaced, spat out mouthful of dusk, then joined the rest of the group in a roar as they swept into the fight.


Captain Meneer Chrome
Objective E: (Han) Solo
Post: 3/30

“Company coming.” The staff sergeant spoke quietly as they emerged from the shuttle. The scanners had shown no life readings, so Lieutenant Chrome was surprised – but believed his second-in-command implicitly.

“Batten it,” said Meneer. “Get back in the ship.” Any foe that could sneak up on them against a full battery of sensors should not be engaged lightly.

An blaster bolt slammed against the hull inches from his face. He wheeled, the whole world seeming to jerk under him, sent a lance of blaster fire in the direction of whoever was firing at them to make them keep their heads down, and scrambled back through the hatch.

Gamorreans on the whole, seen against a backdrop of more civilized worlds, generally appear clumsy and slow. This is at least partially a function of their stupidity: They don’t understand much of what goes on around them, and tend to knock things over when they’re not calculating how to use them as weapons in the happy event of a fight breaking out. In this ruin of a world with which they were familiar, the huge, muscle-bound bodies moved with terrifying speed, and in the drooling porcine faces showed neither intelligence nor the need for it.

They saw what they wanted, and they attacked.
[member="Sam Kazroy"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member=Abel] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Sam Kazroy"] [member="Michael Byrnwulf"] [member="Trix Bastin"]
Objective B
Post 6/37 [Yes 37 everyone, we're going for 150 and everyone can do up to 1/4]

That loud cry seemed to herald the arrival of that other unruly padawan that had joined the New Jedi Order. Fortunately they seemed to be coming to the business end of this encounter. Kazroy and Corek's troops had performed efficiently in the face of a terrifying foe and that first wave had broken. Jacen advanced slowly and his group took their time. At every downed Sithspawn a member of the team paused to put another bolt into the head. These things were tough as nails as no risks could be taken.

It almost shocked Jacen that in this battle trance, where emotion was kept aside for cold logic, that he thought of how much easier it was logistically not having to deal with captives.

"Finish the last of these, then it's our turn to go hunting!" he called, knowing there were far worse monsters down in these depths

Objective D
[member="Marcello Matteo"]


The ghostly spectre of the World Razer appeared to cast its sinister green hue across the cavern. What senses it had regarded the newcomer. To attribute human intelligence to such a vast, ancient being would be folly. But it had grown wiser in its imprisonment. The last time it had tried to reason with a sentient, the Burning Way had been activated, sealing it even deeper. But everything faded over time, even Rakatan technology.

"WHO ARE YOU?" the discordant voice echoes around the chamber. "WHO DO YOU REPRESENT?"


Captain Meneer Chrome
Objective E: (Han) Solo
Post: 4/37.5

Blaster bolts ricocheted off the hatch as it slammed shut. Meneer stumbled, before gaining his balance and climbing up the emergency gangway and onto the bridge, where the pilot was leaning forward across the main console to peer through the glassine viewport at the attackers peppering the ship’s sides.

“See the big guy there? That’s the alpha male.” His staff sergeant spoke with authority. Meneer looked where he pointed at a huge Gamorrean who was now pounding the hatch cover with an axe made of a hunk of stained blast shielding strapped to a hardwood shaft the size of Meneer’s leg. His helmet was covered with plumes and bits of dried leather, which Meneer realised a moment later were the ears of other Gamorreans.
Objective: Not one yet!
[member="Loske Matson"]
[ 5/20]

A call out from above drew Choli’s attention. Her dark head perked up, brown eyes striking blue. They went wide for a moment, then the question registered.

“Yeah!” She told her, nodding her head with avid animation. A beep, boop, hoot beside her leg from R2-D9 confirmed and backed up her claim.

“I can fly. So can Arr-Two.” Well as her astromech droid.

“I can help!”

With those words, Choli sealed her fate!.


Disney's Princess
Techno Mobs
Obj B - p3 - w/ Jacen, Noah, Abel, Ayme, Micheal

Jacen ordered a clean up so the Party could push deeper in. Easy enough given that the Pyre was having a field day. One last grenade feel amongst the Cyborgs with a dazzling display. Impoding and sucking the group towards the epicenter before enrapturing all of the demons in a glittering fiery glow. Boom. Sending even their raw metals spurting down straight into hell and beyond.

The sound was glorious. ...Boom'ba'da'room!

"Okay! Clear right side!"

Sam gave with a shout. Giving only a moment to the others to finish up and push ahead. The Tomb still sizzling from the battle's smoldering debris. Sss. Brrr. ...Mmm. Yeah. Just the way I like my bacon, she thought.

Loske managed a small “Uuhmm..” in response to [member="Choli Vyn"]’s original hesitation-turned-enthusiasm. Good thing she couldn’t hear Loske digesting the information out loud. “Okay. Great, you can stay on my wings. We can tag-team these guys.” Her thumb jut over her shoulder to indicate the action happening beyond the mouth of the hangar - where colours of plasma streaked against the blackness.

Thumb then turned to her pointer finger, which stuck out toward a standard X-Wing to her right. “Get yourself checked up, and follow my cue. Takeoff in under five.”

With that final suggestion, she reached behind her and pulled the yellow-goggled space helmet over her ponytail, the padding snug against her skull.
Objective: C

She finally reached the first staging area of the Esh-Kha, and her men began setting up defensive positions. She was busy getting all the data of area, for her artillery back at base.
This was going to be long drawn out affair, they had retreated into tunnels, and they could take forever to seek out. As she had no where to hod prisoners, she order her men to kill the wounded Esh-Kha. Though she told keep stum about it, as the Galactic Alliance would not approve. She did not have the man power, or the medics to look after them as well, besdie they would do the same to her. They knew just get on with it, after all they where loyal to her, and knew what resources they did have, and it was never enough.

Soon as she had set up the new camp, then the tunnel fighting would begin..
[member="Sam Kazroy"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member=Abel] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Sam Kazroy"] [member="Michael Byrnwulf"] [member="Trix Bastin"]
Objective B
Post 7/37 [Yes 37 everyone, we're going for 150 and everyone can do up to 1/4]

Jacen was hoping that every encounter could go that way. He picked his way through the charred remains of the Techno beasts, wincing as he saw a pair of soldiers who'd been caught in the open and dragged down.

His hopes would not come true. The corridors ahead were dark and narrow, forcing the group to split into smaller units. Down there was another deadly obstacle before they could meet the juggernauts down in the depths. Some early form of Tuk'ata, with a twist. Smaller and more agile than the form known during the Old Republic era, these had skin that could change colour to form an adaptive camouflage.

Jacen could sense them, though what he could sense he did not know. Malevolent, hungry presences. Had the soldiers gone in alone, the beasts might have hidden in the shadows and stays away. But they had a mighty instinct to attack servants of the Light.


Objective B

Warily, Abel and his friends ventured into the shadowed passageways. The young padawan took care to step over the bodies of the fallen, technobeast and soldier alike. He stuck with a squad of soldiers that took the leftmost passage, separating from Master Voidstalker and the others.

Grim darkness fell on the men and women of the Alliance, eerily silent in the sudden absence of shrilling blasters. The air smelled of rot and decay. Mildewed corpses and strange mushrooms. Abel could feel the fear curling off himself and his companions like smoke from a smoldering log.

Abel squinted into the shadows, frowning. He'd thought he felt something else, but -

A sudden keening sent chills along his spine, then something large and tusked erupted from an alcove's umbrage. A shifting, black shape that tore into the soldier on point. The creature slammed into her, bowling her over, then pinned her to the ground with a massive, clawed foot. Her scream was cut short when it leaned forward with all its weight, crushing her ribcage and squishing her lungs with a horrible crunching, squelching noise.

Panicked breaths rushed from Abel, close to hyperventilating.

The other soldiers immediately opened fire, blaster bolts pouring into the beast, but seeming to only annoy it. Abel stepped forward, lightsaber held in a two-handed grip and yelled something lost in the shattered silence.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Noah Corek"] | [member="Ayme Katash"] | [member="Sam Kazroy"] | [member="Trix Bastin"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
[member="Sam Kazroy"] [member="Abel"] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Michael Byrnwulf"] [member="Trix Bastin"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Objective B
Post 2 of 37
OOC: Sorry personal issues took a bit of my time

When the fighting started Noah smiled. Not because he was a pyhscopath, with his position as Colonel of the Omega Pyre he had to have monthly mental exams all of which approved him for field duty. No he smiled because this was where he belonged, after turning thirty-seven a few months ago Noah had officially spent more time as a soldier than he ever had as a civilian and he wouldn't have had it any other way.

Noah chuckled as everyone pulled out blaster rifles and heavy weapons and he casually just lifted his cloak, taking his Revolver in his right hand and his Honor Blade in his left. Noah was like a madman firing his 12.7mm Revolver in his right hand, scoring headshots and chestshots one after another. In his left hand his Honor Blade, sharpened to almost scalpel sharpness, cut through sithspawn like a knife through butter.

Finally after it all cleared up Noah took a tally of his kills. Seventeen with his Revolver and five with his blade. Not too bad. Not too bad at all.

Following Jacen and company further down the tunnel the only thing that could be heard from Noah was either the reloading of his Revolver or the wiping of blood and other bodily fluids from his blade.
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Abel"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Sam Kazroy"]

The second wave of GADF troops veered into a tunnel on the right, carrying Trix within their midst. She swore softly as Voidstalker and the others once again dropped from sight. The Temple was a twisted warren of interlocking tunnels, deftly crafted to keep the invading forces from amassing too much strength in any one location.

"At ready," the voice of the burly Sergeant leading Trix's group crackled through her earpiece. "Camouflaged enemies engaged. Switch to infrared."

The Sergeant's helmet swivelled, his visor fixing on Trix. "Might want to drop back - Voidstalker notes they're drawn to Force sensitives."

Trix spat out a curse and shoved the infrared goggles perched on her head over her eyes.

The Sergeant offered a shrug of his broad shoulders. "Suit yourself. Might need that glow stick of yours though."

Trix hefted her rifle, unwilling to part with its heavy and familiar weight, before snapping it into place within reach behind her shoulders.

A low keen announced the arrival of the next wave of creatures, the sound reverberating through the cramped tunnel. Her goggles whirred, noting two, then four, then a dozen heat signatures. The blips froze, then abruptly doubled, several scuttling up to come at the group from the ceiling.

Trix growled in response, half in challenge and half to steady her nerves. Her right fingers curled around the hilt of her stolen saber. A clunky tool of burnished silver and black, made for hands much larger than hers. Hands that had used the weapon to deliver pain and suffering.

Not the weapon of a Jedi, but of a servant of the dark side - the Sith.

She raised the hilt. It felt solid. Right, in a symbolic sense. For she too had dealt her share of suffering.

Trix would not hide her sins. She would wield her shame openly as a means to remind her of what she was.

Of what she needed to atone for.

The saber crackled to life, the glowing red blade bathing Trix and the tunnel in flickering fire.

Let them come.

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