Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance/Sith Triumvirate (Interest Check)


There is your answer. :)


[member="Mira Gyndar"]

Im still going through with this regardless.

But good night!
Thanx for the Shout Out No! XD
Dragon Ball>DBZ>DBGT

Also, a Sith Triumvirate might make better sense if the One Sith was somehow broken apart. As it stands, the only faction that can stand up to TOS is the Republic/Jedi. Otherwise, you would have to ally with the Ravens or OP, and at that what point?


Because having a choice of Sith is a good thing...not everyone wants to be in the One Sith. [member="Tellos"]
I honestly dont ,like the One Sith. Never have, Never will.


Disney's Princess
I've seen a similar story done on the planetary level before. Not an galactic one though. Two Sith helped create planet-wide stability amongst many powerful warring nations. Eventually evolving their treaty conglomeration into a single governing body that then ruled the planet with a iron fist. It was cool because it took a wild, wild planet and tamed it. The people got their everlasting peace at the expense of all their freedoms. Outwardly it was a utopia with unparalleled prosperity. Inwardly it was the Sith Lords who controlled everything.

It was a fun read. Hope to see you do similar. :D



Im working on it, I'm working IRL so I am thinking on how to go about it while I am working. If you want to help out or anything, let me known.



XD I dont fear the reaper

besides, we're to be seen as Sith to begin with lol

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