Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Coalition (Open to all Ession, Mandos, and Silvers)

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(Written from my phone. Please excuse grammatical errors.)

The Mandalorians and the Reformation had already worked together on a few occasions. Occasions that had proven that they could indeed become something more if their forces were combined. A strength to secure the galaxy from the One Sith and their allies. A Galactic Coalition to unite those last lights of the outer rim against the rising tide of a very dark sea, metaphorically speaking.

The Mando'ade would maintain their ways. The Jedi would be much the same. The Coalition would enforce morality laws and encourage brotherhood, but otherwise the groups domestically were much the same. The Reformation worlds lived in such a similar way to the Mandalorians worlds that without the beskar clad warriors walking about, one might think they were one in the same.

The Silver Jedi had also been invited. Graxin had met with [member="Coci Sinopi"] not too long ago and established a semblance of friendship. He sorely hoped they would attend, and with luck, my join the Coalition as well. The Jedi of the outer rim needed to be united against whatever might come.

The Archlord waiting aboard the bridge of the Ge'hutuun. Normally a vessel of war, the San-Hill destroyer had been repurposed. It now served as the living quarters of the Architects. This also made it wholly ideal for a meeting of this nature.

The bridge was cleared for any who might attend. All hangers were open to anyone who might land, and they would not come across a living soul on the way to the bridge other than Ession personel. The Architects were still a bit secret, and Graxin would keep them that way until an accord was met.

So there he stood, clad in the mess of durasteel and loose Phrik bindings of the Archlord's armor. His cloak was held in place by massive shoulder pauldrons, and there seemed to be a bit more steel than cloth in his personal take on 'Jedi robes.'

His helmet hung freely from a clip on his belt. The Master's expression was that of a stoic field commander; unreadable in its entirety. It was a mask.

Graxin was feeling a certain anxiety unlike anything he had ever experienced. This would either go extremely well, or terribly. His mind was stuck on allies, but the possibility of accidentally making enemies was there. Still, he trusted [member="Strider Garon"] enough to try for this, and with luck, Coci and her Silver allies would see a point in uniting under the same banner.

"You seem awfully armored for a Jedi." Preliat groused at [member="Graxin Rade"], marching up the stairs. He looked around the hangar bays, and had a flashback, to the first time he had seen [member="Aditya Mantis"]. At the Army of Light. This coalition seemed to be on similar lines."You have my full support. And that being said- if you have both Strider and I's support- most of the Mando'ade will be behind you."Preliat had little interest in the well being of the Sith or their allies. In fact, he welcomed the idea of a united coalition of people and factions to dismantle the Sith. The Republic was failing in that. So the Mandalorians, and all of their friends- would do it for them.

"I also have an idea for a name, if you'd like to hear it."He said, looking up at Graxin. Preliat wasn't particularly tall, but Graxin wasn't a towering beast."But I think that can wait, until the majority of the people get here."Preliat took a stance near the windows, removing his helmet. Removing his helmet in front of someone that wasn't a Mandalorian was a big step for the Field Marshal in showing trust. Not many people had seen him without his helmet, or heard his actual voice, not behind a Beskar'kandar helmet."The Sith, remind me of that story of the beast with the heads. Cutting off one, and many shall take it's place. Can't place the name."His eyes drifted to a nearby star, bathing himself in it's light.

"I hope you have what it takes to defeat the Sith, Rade. I know I do."He half-turned his head towards Rade, brown, predatory eyes glancing over the armored Master."But the Silver Jedi, and anyone else who may come, may not have the stomach for such a thing."He turned back to look outwards, to space, folding his arms, placing his crushgaunt-adorned hands on his armored biceps.
And here was one person stepping onto the ship. He had come on his own, to represent his own in this discussion. The Mandalorians may have been the ones invited, but the Grey were their own group within the Beskar clad warriors and the Zabrak wanted to be sure his were represented. He was dressed in his typical loose clothing, with a gauntlet on his hand and a lightsaber on his hip.

Stepping into the room he'd offer a nod to [member="Preliat Mantis"] . Course, the Iridonian warrior had no idea who the man was, but he figured he might as well be respectful. Then his eyes fell onto [member="Graxin Rade"] . A resounding laugh would emit from Krest as he looked to the boy. Oh yes, he knew him. Both he and Krest were 'sons' of Vulcanus once upon a time.

But that was then, and this is now.

"Name's Krest. Here to represent the Order of the Grey, of the Mandalorians. I wanna hear the proposal myself."

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Graxin Rade"]

The Mandalorians were very much like the ancient Kabuya Samurai that used to fight for the Tzang household in the old days of Atrisia. Much like the Mandalorians, the Kabuya were sworn to a life of service to a ruler and were expected to fight for him whenever he called. They were warriors until the end and were also the eventual reason as to why the Budo'Kaikara tenants were ratified to bar its users from becoming warriors. The war for the fist emperorship of Atrisa had seen to it that they were disbanded, mostly as a way to assure the new emperor would not be threatened by the household.

Ozamu had been studying into their ways, the old ways of the Kabuya that was. He had been contemplating whether or not the act to disband them was really an act that was best for balance. Recent findings were increasingly pointing to the theory that no, it was not. But Ozamu couldn't just cast aside everything he had learned so easily. It was a massive decision to make. He, as the last known practitioner of Budo'Kaikara, would decide the direction of the art for the rest of its existence. As it stood, he had never taken on an apprentice and so the art lived and died with him and so it also changed or dredged on as it was with him as well.

The Old Atrisian entered the room through a door behind Graxin, light veiling his face for a brief moment as he bowed. "Forgive my tardiness, my meditation kept me." he looked first to the Mandalorian. He was a sharp contrast to the elegantly clothed Atrisian Master, whose armorweave robes bore the same beauty as a painting you'd find in a museum somewhere. "I am Master Ozamu Tzang, High Lord of the Ession Reformation."

The woman wasn’t dressed as her usual self, in fact, she didn’t appear as the one that she usually did. She had changed her long black hair, to something of a deep red that fell to her shoulders. Her deep blue eyes were the same, but a splash of freckles adorned her pale skin across her top of her cheeks, tracing along her cheekbone. She was dressed in a simple black lace corset, a pair of black pants and black combat boot upon her feet and looped through the loopholes of her leather pants, was a silver belt. Thrown over her shoulders, hung a black leather jacket. The woman had debarked from her ship, a ship that was plain and very much looked like a normal ship that many other ship owners had. It had no personal additions to it, which was how she wanted it. For if someone did decide to take interest in her, she could just slip away, change form and be done with it all. After-all that was exactly how she had left her master on Nal Hutta and she enjoyed being a free woman. Although, she lacked something, something that she felt that she was missing every day. It was a feeling that never left and so she was constantly trying to fill it with information about anything and everything.

Slowly she made her slow way up the stairs, only to spot Graxin and another man who had appeared to have engaged in conversation with Graxin, for the man was silent while the stranger spoke to him. Well, the armoured man was a stranger to Synthea, not that it deterred her. She picked up the last of the man’s spoken words and a smirk settled upon her pale pink painted lips as a soft giggle parted them suddenly. “Oh dear, I believe that that is quite a statement. Speaking for a faction when you don’t even know if they truly don’t have the stomach for it. I believe, that your words could be taken as a challenge.” The smirk upon her lips widen for a moment before she lifted her right hand to gently take up a lock of red hair into her fingers, pausing before the people that were now within the direct vicinity. Her blue gaze flickered over the figures of the men that were present, pausing as she took in Graxin. Her blue hues stared into his amber eyes before she offered a wink. “It really is a funny thing when someone’s will is tested and tried. We never really know what we can or cannot do until we are forced to face it.”

She paused within her words for a moment before she giggled again. “Oh sorry, I forget that introductions are important. The name is Rebecca Tial, lovely to meet you all. I do a couple of things for the Ession Reformation, so I guess you could say that I’m a mercenary of sorts for them.” Her right hand let go of her red locks as she took another moment to glance over them, noting that she knew one other person other than Graxin and that was Ozamu. Oh well, she was used to being in rooms full of strangers. Syn clapped her hands together and angled her head the other way, excitement edging into her voice. “So, where are the drinks? You cannot have a political meeting without drinks.” The smirk returned in full force and she turned away from the men in order to walk to the edges of the area, the fingers of her hands reaching in to her pockets to pull out a box of cigarettes and feigning disinterest.

[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Krest"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Alex smiled and moved up beside Krest and smiled a bit as she looked between those that had assembled so far. It seemed for now simply those of the Ession and those of the Mandalorians were here at the time. Her eyes now shifted to Krest as she spoke to him a hushed voice, too low for the others to hear. "Seems this meeting came faster than i expected." She smiled as she wore the same simple pure white robes with a white cloak that had an etched silver design much like that of a tree that wrapped around her body as she had the cloak pulled around her to mask her features, including that of her pregnancy. Furthermore her hood was up and much of her face hidden under it as well as her sabers in her sleeves, she was here to observe for now.


[member="Ozamu Tzang"] @Krest @Preliat Mantis [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Synthea Trills"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Arriving on a the ship wasnt to hard for the young woman, the Ession Reformation was literally in their front yard. Whatever reason the man Graxin had decided this would all be done on a ship was beyond her. Had it been her, or Romeo, it would have been on a planet under no one's reign, and drinks all around, but this wasnt her meeting, nor was it Romeo's. This meeting belonged to Ession. She sighed as she made her way to the bridge of the ship, finding it annoyingly cold on the ship. She wrapped the jacket tighter around her slender, and curvy body. Her cheeks blushing from the cold. She shook her head.
-Get it together.- She thought to herself. Anyone who knew Romeo, would see that the two looked almost identical to one another, which was strange considering they were only cousins. Already she had she was halfway there when she stopped, and looked around. The ship was more massive then she had taken in.
-Wow. Is this what the King's Crown is like?- She pondered to herself. Romeo was off on Manaan, fighting the Sith, and had not reported back when he would be returning home. She feared the worst. The reports were coming in that the Sith were decimating the Republic. She continued walking down her set path to the bridge.
Already two were here for the meeting, not including Rade, she knew this cause of the ships in the hangar bay. Who was here, she did not know. She was only here to show face for the Shadow Empire, and it's Dark Jedi. Yes it was known that the empire was lead by a Dark Jedi, and that his family followed behind him...well some of his family.
She sighed again. Now she was at the door to the bridge.
-Here goes nothing.-
She opened the doors, and entered. Her red eyes quickly took in the environment. Windows that were quite large, a bridge that stretched out far, and buttons with different colors dotted the room. As she looked at who was here. She smiled brightly, and walked up to the table, bowed, and took her seat away from the rest of the people already here. Now she had to just sit, and watch.
Anastasia didn't know if she would see her brother again or not. She had always suspected because they were apart of different organizations that she wouldn't. Things had been left less than desirable and Ana would be lying to herself if she said she didn't miss him.

The Galactic Coalition had her full support a million times over. She hadn't joined him originally because she wouldn't leave the Mandalorians whom had taken her in. Now it seemed she would get the best of both worlds. All the pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fall into place. The best part of all was with their combined efforts they could wipe out the Sith for good. They were a plague on society which was ever growing. It had to be stopped now and it was nice to see so many agreed. Soon they would be rid of the Sith. She had hope.

Ana had invited [member="Aaden Renolds"] to join her here. He was after all a Mando and even though he wasn't privy to everything that was going on she had a feeling he would want to be here.

Pink armor clad Ana couldn't help from giving her brother a quick hug as she walked up the stairs. Sure [member="Preliat Mantis"] was standing right there but Ana didn't care. "It's good to see you again. I have missed you." They could catch up later as she knew right now there was business to attend to. "I hope you know, you have my full support."

[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Synthea Trills"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Synthea Trills"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"] [member="Krest"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]

Rexus strode into the hanger with Graxin and [member="Preliat Mantis"], the dark skinned Jedi knight sighed and thought to himself about how all mandos wanted to do was drink protein shakes and ask each other about their pecks. However he was pleasantly surprised to see that this wasn't the case when he looked upon the man. He was well spoken and even though he couldn't name the creature known as the Hydra at first thought it certainly didn't diminish his intellect. Rexus wore a basic Jedi hooded Jedi robe and rather than the odd tunic get up most wore he had on a t shirt underneath with a picture of the infamous Darth Maul. Above it in plain white letters it read

There's a sale at the Maul

Everything is half off.

Rexus gave a soft chuckle when he approached Graxin's side and didn't bother to join the conversation. All that was important was he was here for the meeting to form a coalition against the sith and their rising power. The man stood there proudly and waited for everything to begin and people to arrive. It would certainly be a blast to see how things went.

Crucius Sin

A Sin That Shifts
Crucix smiled as he exited the turbolift. These people were all here for one thing: carnage. They were called here to forge an alliance that would shatter the Sith, and whoever else stood in their way. Despite Felix's presence here, he'd wished to come and see what this motley bunch of warriors would do to stop their enemies. He nodded to a couple of women he didn't recognize, hugged his niece quickly, and then turned to their host. His voice was a sardonic drawl.

"Well, Mr. - no... Lord Ra- No, wait... Archlord Rade... You'll excuse me if I don't bow. Last time I bowed to somebody, I got stabbed in a lung. My big brother's a lovely person."

He smirked as he sat down, and waited for something interesting to happen.

[member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Synthea Trills"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"] [member="Krest"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Graxin Rade"]
"And how do you plan to equip this venture? Or feed them? Wishes and horses? Ah. . . I'm joking about the horses." [member="Preliat Mantis"] 's wife padded over to the group, dressed in her Beskar'gam with the helmet tucked under her arm. She smirked at her spouse, her hand resting naturally on her swelling belly.

Protractible plates. . . they seemed a good idea with the way the Mantis' were going family-building-wise. "Anybody here have the money numbers on how much this . . . quelling will cost? 'Cause I can guarantee you it will put some smaller organizations in so much debt they'll be eating SithSpam out of rusty cans. Bacta ain't cheap. Neither is Tesh-Terenthium and Durasteel. How big are we talking logistically here? What kind of troop movement can we expect and how quick? Anybody? Anybody? Mueller?"

The Atrisian Noble-Come Newlywed Mandalorian, left the fighting to her Field Marshal husband. Preliat was one of a few Field Marshals alive: Second only to the Mand'alor himself. "And where do we repair the ships and kit that get blasted into oblivion? Not to mention the people? You guys seen the Great Big Unholy Worm of Armagooky or whatchamacallsits? They fly that thing places. I've seen those Sith fleets. They can be devastating. My company's shipyards are in Atrisian Space, Fringe Space and the Fringe have an alliance with the One Sith.

A tentative one, but it's there. Anyone going to give them a reason to hop, skip and jump into this shindig?" [member="Graxin Rade"]

Aditya looked to [member="Ozamu Tzang"] and bowed as much as a pregnant woman could bow without yelping 'oh my back! Foot massage! Foot massage!' and waddle to the nearest bench. "Oh, right. Names and stuff. I'm his wife." She stuck her thumb out to Preliat and then scratched her temple. "Aditya A-F-huh. Mantis. That's the one. I'm keeping that one. Aditya Mantis. CEO of the Imperial Shipworks and techno-bunny. I don't fight. I do, however clean up house, make meals, kiss boo-boos euh..." She grimaced at [member="Crucius Sin"] "... but not yours... and ah. . . generally just give out the snark. Sum me up, oh dashing and savage Field Marshal Mantis?"

Catherine Romanov

[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Graxin Rade"]

Catherine wanted to be present for this. As the invitation went out to all Mandalorians, she was naturally interested in being a part of this. The Galactic Coalition was something that she wholeheartedly supported. Anyone working against the One Sith was always a good thing. Their evil reach was encroaching ever so quickly upon the galaxy, that any help was welcome.

Clad in her coal black beskar'gam, she marched out of the hangar, her heeled boots clanking on the metal flooring as she made her way into the turbolift. As the lift announced its destination, Catherine stepped out, slowly climbing up the stairs, towards the main meeting area where a crowd had already assembled. Among those assembled,there were only three recognisable figures. Field Marshal Preliat Mantis, his wife, Aditya and the lovely Anastasia Rade clad in her ever-recognisable pink beskar-gam.

Removing her helmet, before clipping it onto her utility belt, she walked towards Preliat. Placing her hand over her heart, she saluted the Mandalorian Field Marshal before moving on towards the leader of the Ession Reformation, Graxin Rade.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Aditya Mantis"]

"I think I have that covered" Xander replied, answering her barge of questions about logistics and armament and Force knows what else. She was talking faster than an Ewok on spice. Yes, he had seen Ewoks on spice before and while it was very amusing, the little bastards tended to try and take bites out of your ankles every so often. "My name is Xander Corbal, CEO of Stargo Defense Enterprises. I have been dealing with the Ession's Defense needs. Most of my assets are currently located in System's Authority space, but contracts are in place to get shipyards and factories up closer to their home"

The young man eyed the woman for a moment. It never crossed his mind that Mandalorians got pregnant; let alone had actual families.

"I ran into this armored Mandalorian breastfeeding her baby through armor" was just not a sentence you heard everyday.
[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"] [member="Synthea Trills"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Crucius Sin"] @Aditya [member="Catherine Romanov"] Mantis [member="Catherine Romanov"] @Xander Corbal

A sigh escaped the red lips of the Zabrak as he moved to the seating. Without a word he would pull a chair out, and wave for the very pregnant Alexandra to sit. While she could hide it from the rest, Krest knew full well. There were a lot of people talking about a lot of things, but not a single one was talking about what exactly this alliance would mean. Many of them just went on to talk about the future moves and what they would do against the Sith.

"I'd personally like to know what this.. Coalition entails. Many of the people here agree with attacking and destroying the Sith, but what after that? How much sway does one group have with the other on their own matters? I believe understanding the nature of the deal everyone is so eager to agree with would be good, though I'm sure there won't be an issue with it."
"I believe I can lend a hand with the supply problems as well." 'Ice' said after the representative from Stargo Defense Enterprises [member="Xander Corbal "]spoke. "The name is 'Ice'. Some of you know me perhaps." He said with a sideways glance and a slight smirk toward Zander and Ana. And then a small but respectful bow was given to the rest of the group. "I am the representative of STI, Shadow Tech Industries. Although we cannot necessarily supply equipment such as ships on a large scale. We can supply specialist equipment such as weapons, armor, technology along with custom ships up to 1000 meters. We do also offer some main rank and file type weapons on a larger scale as well, and have been supply a couple larger anonymous groups for a while now."

Turning toward [member="Aditya Mantis"] whom he'd actually met at her wedding to [member="Preliat Mantis"], he then answered. "The cost? The cost will be in the billions of credits. But I suspect with nations spanning half the galaxy, funding won't be that big of a problem when faced with the alternative, that being destruction. And as for manpower. Well, I do believe between Stargo Defense Enterprises of the Systems Authority and my own company SolaraTron Industries which both can offer a wide array of droids. I'm fairly certain we can make up for any lack of manpower."

As he began to walk toward [member="Anastasia Rade"]'s side, he added, "But as this fellow says. And my apologies ([member="Krest"]), but I didn't catch your name. But as he says, we should probably get down to the details of how this is going to work first, before we start dealing out contracts and supply bills." Turning toward Ana now, he whispered. "Pas cyar'ika." And then gave her a quick kiss before turning back to the group as a whole waiting for the meeting to proceed to the important aspects.

He was curious what a few people here would think of his presence. Especially since he was very aware of how a few of them operated, as well as some of their former actions which may not be so in line with the ideals as set forth in this congregation of people. It was going to be a most interesting meeting to say the least.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Aaden Renolds"] [member="Krest"] @Xander Corbal [member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Aditya Mantis"] [member="Crucius Sin"] [member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]

She smiled and tapped her fingers on the side of the chair, laughing a bit as Krest pulled out the chair and giving him an amused look. "You do know that i can still do some things for myself right, im not crippled Krest..." She smiled widely under her hood and sat down slowly, still listening to the others talk. So far it had been all congratulations and greetings, she would rather know what it was the Ession Reformation was up to this time, as if she heard right they were no where close to coming in contact with the Sith while the Mandalorians and her people, as well as the Silver Jedi were... speaking of the latter she had yet to see anyone from them, quite curious.

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"I like to dress for the occasion." He replied to Preliat, tilting his head forward in a sort of greeting. "As for names, feel free to share. I'm all ears."

He went to fold his arms over his chest, but then Anastasia was there, and her hugs. He returned the short embrace somewhat awkwardly; there were things unsaid between them, but that was the norm with Graxin and his family. Then there was a bombardment of questions before Strider even arrived, and he found himself a bit slow to find the answers. The Coalition was a good idea in theory, he only hoped those involved would work together effectively.

"Pleased to have you with us, Master Ozamu." He took a deep breath. "And the same goes to the rest of you...resources, yes, we've covered our bases. Stargo and other corporations under contract will help to supply our military needs, and I suspect others will come looking for contracts soon enough--I welcome your assistance, Mister 'Ice.'" Graxin wasn't going to ask about the name.

He offered Preliat's wife, the Atrisian, a nod. The same was given to the Sins. No one would receive any greater, nor any lesser treatment here. It was all very diplomatic.

And then there was Krest. Graxin knew of him all too well, a former Sith Lord, and his order of the Grey. The man was already asking questions that the Archlord had wanted Strider present to help answer, but it seemed the Zabrak was keen on asking beforehand.

It irked him.

"Mandalore and the Archlord, a position of which I currently hold office, will hold equal power. Our governments operate much the same, save for the Reformation's Grand Council. It is in our best interest to work together as one entity to defeat the One Sith and their allies, completely. Otherwise they'll only rise again, and we'll be exactly where we are now." He paused for a moment. "The aftermath is irrelevant. We have no idea what situation we will be in, nor do we know if we'll even be in a position to continue the fight in the long run."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Aaden Renolds"] [member="Krest"] [member="Xander Corbal "][member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Aditya Mantis"] [member="Crucius Sin"] [member="Rexus Drath"][member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Synthea Trills"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Strider Garon"]

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
A fresh coat of gold paint sent three messages. One was to Mando eyes only; another, pretty clearly, went to whoever realized that this particular ori'ramikade didn't care about getting shot. The third was just the freshness. Lives could change, sometimes fast. Gold meant vengeance. All pretty straightforward.

Rel Connory, Bard of the Hyperlanes -- longtime ally of the Mandalorians -- had turned out to be the lost ori'ramikade Galeth Hennst. Long story, and not one he felt like sharing.

Helmet off, he took a seat in the back and listened.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Among the Mandalorians who showed up to hear the proposal was a youngish woman in red armour -- Alec Rekali. Her father had been Rach Kol-Rekali, Martyr of Keldabe; her mother had been Mand'alor of the Pale Blade. Her grandfather was the retired Field Marshal Ember Rekali. She was, and looked, far older than she should be. Temporal distortions were her lot in life.

She took a seat in the back, removed her helmet, and started smoking. Carababba tabacc with armudu spice, hand-rolled -- the cigarra was her one indulgence from the proceeds of liquefying and liquidating that golden Hutt statue on Nar Shaddaa. Well, she'd also gotten waxed and bought a shotgun, but those were necessities.
Strider was only a few minutes late to the meeting. He stood outside the blastdoors to the bridge listening to all those with in begin hammering Graxin with questions, even before the meeting actually start. He could not hear the exacts but it seemed the Archlord was holding himself against the onslaught of inquires. To Strider's right was [member="Ordo"] , A man that had recently been redeemed against the crime's his physical body had committed. The man was a field marshal, one of the great leaders of the united clans and a true totem to what it means to be a cultural warrior.
Problem was, since the incident on Empress Teta there are still a few in the ranks of the clans that still showed distrust in the man. This is why Strider has made a point of keeping Ordo at his side, to show all that Strider Garon has forgiven and moved past.

"Olaror Ord'ika!' Strider would reinforce his support for the fallen warrior with his fatherly like reassurance. Ordo was the son he always wanted, who knew, the boy could actaully be his real son for all the lustful sins the Old man had plowed the galaxy with.

The old man stepped into the room, his Buy'ce off and magnetically clasped to his utility belt. He was confident that such a unition of factions was in the best interested of all that were invested. The One Sith and their allies have proven that they were a force to be reckon with, a force that no one should turn a blind eye towards. The old man would look about the room, knowing that all eyes would be on him the moment he entered. He was a co owner to this agenda and one of the more senior warriors of the Mando'ade clans. Though his eyes scanned about and Caught the likes of Preliat, a man that he respected much but a man he was surprised to see here. The mando was a savage and was famously known for not playing well with others and here he was, cramped in a room with many others.

"Welcome all!" Strider opened his introduction with his deep toned resonating voice "Lets get straight to it. We all are here in the wake of the Sith Expansion. You all recognize the threat they hold over us all" He looked about. He did not need to reiterate on how weak they were all standing alone but he did need to reinforce what they could achieved together "The One Sith is a unstoppable wave of destruction, a storm of mayhem and chaos with in this galaxy with the sole purpose of either ruling us all and eliminating those that appose. A task they have done with great ease thus far........ even against the might of the great Mandalorians" He would rest his voice for a few moments as he continued into the room, taking up the center mark. "Unity is Strength, when there is teamwork and collaboration at such a galactic level the impossible can be achieved. We can be the bulwark against the storm. We can be the unmovable object against the invincible force. But only in unity can we achieve such goals."

"We are not looking to take control of your governments, your cultural Identities and independence. We are looking to form a Coalition to form a shield and spear against the One Sith and their allies. A council will be formed, made up of well respected individuals of each faction of this agenda that have their people's voices and confidence. The Council will be in-charge of coordinating the defense of us all and our offensive might to bare upon our enemies. All that join the Coalition will share resources and man power to to make this happen."

[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Aaden Renolds"] [member="Krest"] @Xander Corbal [member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Aditya Mantis"] [member="Crucius Sin"] [member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Felix Sin"] [member="Synthea Trills"] [member="Ozamu Tzang"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]

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