(Apologies for taking a bit to post. RL issues and whatnot
Graxin held his tongue for a time. He needed the most relevant issues out in the open before he could give his reasoning, otherwise his words would be picked apart by all those gathered. Some wanted to glass entire worlds. Others thought the Coalition was a waste of time. The more levelheaded worried about logistics, and more were busy spewing insults at one another.
The Archlord of the Reformation took a decisive step forward at the center of the gather, and stood as what he hoped was the center of their attention. The anxiety was gone, replaced with a cool sense of purpose. These were not gods. They were not the Jedi Council, ready to judge him for having dissimilar views. They were just people, all thrown together in the same osik pile.
"I would ask for silence, if only so that I can address as many of your concerns as I possibly can." He brought a fist up to his lips, and coughed politely. "I think that some of us fail to see the threat that we face. My friends, this is no meeting for galactic domination, or an alliance to rule the galaxy. This is an appeal for survival of our way of life."
It didn't directly address the concerns, but it was a start. "Before this war began, the Republic was a galactic superpower. Arguably fielding one of the most powerful militaries in our galaxy. Look at them now." He gestured off to the right. As if on command, one of the monitoring displays lit up with a tactical map, showing the One Sith's rapid encroachment into what once was the Republic's core The Architects were wonderful helpers when it came to negotiation."The Sith have not lost a single battle against the Republic. Not a one. If you believe that any of us alone can stand against what a united Republic could not, then I invite you to it."
His arm fell down to his side, and he turned about to look at each individual in the room. "I have studied the One Sith since the battle of Coruscant. I fought them on Ossus, and there I failed the Republic in the eyes of the Jedi Council. I understand what they are capable of. They are legion. For every Jedi in the Republic, there are ten Sith Acolytes. For every Mandalorian warrior, a dozen shock troopers. For every Jedi Master, a council of Sith Lords. They are not like the Sith Empire, nor the Sith of old. These Sith are united, and that takes away the single advantage we had. They don't fight for power like their predecessors."
He paused a moment, and centered his attention on [member="Aditya Mantis"]. "I admit, logistics is not one of my talents. As you can see, we have need of such. If you would help in that endeavor, it would be greatly appreciated." Then to [member="Preliat Mantis"]. "I agree that the Sith need to be exterminated. I believe in redemption, but these are different creatures. While I don't condone the destruction of worlds, nor do my Jedi, if they infest one to such a degree as, say Alderaan, I will personally press the button."
My Jedi. I can never go back to the Order, can I?
"We must all understand a single truth. Whatever comes afterword, this is for the survival of our people. Jedi and Mandalorians have both warred on one another, and fought alongside each other. It's time we united against our true enemy and their allies. I ask you this not as Jedi." He motioned toward [member="Anastasia Rade"]. "I ask you as a man concerned for his family. My flesh and blood are Mando'ade. My sisters are terrified that the One Sith will come and terraform their home. My brother has been reduced to a mindless animal because of their experiments, and my mother can barely control the panic on our home world."
He breathed a heavy sigh, and shook his head. His expression fell from that of a resolute centurion, to a tired man that just wanted to get home to his children. "I want the Jedi Order to be able to return to what we once were. Guardians of peace. I want the Mando'ade to have their homes and not worry about the Sith coming to destroy their way of life. I want the people of the galaxy to live without fear of being invaded by monstrosities. If we fight as one, then anything is possible."
That was the end of it, or at least it was. Someone in the crowd had brought up the Fringe or whatnot, and the possibility of he himself becoming a tyrant. Lovely.
"What of the other galactic powers? The Protectorate is unreliable and would sooner turn its guns on us under a pretense of morality to steal our resources. We've no need to deal with them. The Fringe keeps to itself, and from what I've seen, they have done nothing to stop the One Sith. Let them sit in their decadence."
He made a point to leave the ACA out. The fact of the matter was that the ACA might join the Coalition once it spread far enough. Giving an opinion on the matter would only be detrimental.
"As for tyranny, I am no king, nor do I wish to rule. I left the Republic to stop the Sith and protect the outer rim from their allies. I in no way hold absolute control over the Coaltion, I only birthed the idea. This beast is ours to tame, not mine alone."