Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Republic (Ideas)

As of recent, the Mandalorian and Sith Factions have been growing exponentially, as has the site. There has been much talk about constructing a Republic Faction as well. This is something that I'd love to see accomplished. I have a few ideas of my own and I'm sure that you all have some floating around as well, so please share your thoughts and let us create a thriving Republic. Below are my own thoughts, feel free to let me know what you think.

The Republic (Rule of Three)
As I was browsing Wookiepedia for some ideas, as well as to learn the last known state of the canon-Republic, I came across the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. This was not the traditional republic. It was an organization which combined three exceptionally powerful regimes into one. Playing upon this, I came up with an idea for the Republic.

At the helm of the Republic would be: The Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, The Chancellor of the Senate, and the High General of the Republican Military. These three persons would share equal power and responsibility in terms of guiding the galaxy. The unification of these three bodies would call for the unification of the existing Jedi on the site, the establishment of Republican military characters, and also the establishment of Republican senators. I've noticed that we have an abundance of senators on the site already, so I'd propose a literal election to occur that would result in the Chancellor. The reigning leader of the Jedi Faction would of course act as the aforementioned Grandmaster.

The Senate would function as normal. They would vote on matters of galactic importance and the majority vote rules. Basic matters will not even be brought to the Triumvirate's attention and will be handled by the Senators themselves in sessions. Larger matters, such as warfare and whatnot, will be brought to the Triumvirate to vote. The Jedi will operate as they always have, acting as a police force of sorts for the galaxy, upholding the law and what is right throughout Republic space as well as working with foreign relations in order to grow the Republic. The Military, of course, will be concerned with national defense.

As far as how the ranks will go, I pretty much followed what I learned from the Clone Wars. Members of the Jedi Order will be considered as officers. Padawans, depending upon age, will have the authority of lower to mid rank officers, where Jedi Knights and Masters will be considered Generals. The military itself will follow a three-tier ranking system that will keep things simple: Enlisted, Non-Comissioned Officer, and Officer. (These could probably evolve into labels sometime in the future, or possibly a Commando tag)

In this build, I can see the Republic growing and thriving. Once again, I'm open to any and all critiques you have. Let us collaborate to achieve a great Republic! =)


Disney's Princess
Excellent research and application Verd. However. I'd like to note that it will be the Leadership of any eventual 'Republic' Faction that will determine their own course of action in this regard. The Faction leaders will make the Faction substance.

I'd also like to mention that it would be critically important to first hear what Ben has to say about the organization, goals, and affiliations of his new 'Jedi Order' Faction. Especially before any Co-Faction oversight committee begins to dictate the 'galactic responsibilities' of itself and others.

Also. There may be in the future many Light-Sider and Dark-Sider Orders in operation at any one time. It would be ill conceived to allow any one of these Force-User Communities, (Factions), preference, (or by extension: supreme leverage), into any political power structure above it's own. Especially when said power structure is a governing body on a galactic scale. Compare perhaps: A separation of church and state.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, is all I'm saying. :D


Disney's Princess
Hehe. Oh Zef. I'd just hate to have Karen sit in front of another Republic Court and War Committee, explaining again and again how come her actions were merely perceived as 'too brutal, ruthless, and unnecessarily violent' in her eventual and judiciously systematic-slaughter of the Mandolorian armed forces. In defense of truth and righteousness, of course.

After all. I just prefer my religiously motivated zealotry. Over their government courts, committees, and coffee shops. No doubt any Mandalorian would agree. Off with their heads! :D :p
Slaughter of the Mandalorian armed forces ? I will have a whole fleet painted with the blood of the jedis.
Anyways having no ties at all with the Republic would severly render the Jedi almost useless. The Sith got their own Empire, they are a war machine and that's because it's part of their philosophy, sort of. The Jedi on the other hand look like primitive japanese war monks that live in temples compared to the Sith. It's a whole different story when you are a military force not just some peaceful order. I am sure you are understanding what I am trying to say. It's just you would be much easily wiped out if you don't have a military back on your side. I mean unless this site's Jedi Order turns something based on this and considering the situation in our timeline now it wouldn't be illogical for this to happen.


Disney's Princess
Lol. I'm just pushing your buttons Zef. Hehe. ...And I'm sure any future Republic Faction will be more than happy to step up to any fight in defense of truth and justice.

Go get'em soldier. :D :p

Kai Xyn Dependus

The Sexiest Jedi Alive
I mean of course, it wouldn't necessarily be a likable idea to that deeply weave the Republic & Jedi together, but considering each faction's circumstances can they really afford to not be unified. Of course, now this is only ooc knowledge but when looking at the massive steps being taken by each faction, if both factions don't step up soon things will be looking quite ugly whenever someone does decide to finally do something for either faction. Though, this does lead me to another idea but idk whether it would work considering the time frame issues but I was more so thinking of another clone army except this time they are sworn to the Jedi and not the Republic. Of course, they would more and likely be allowed use to the Republic but to prevent certain Orders in the sixties to be reenacted they're main loyalty would be to the jedi. And I know that some in the galaxy would have objections to the Jedi having their own army, but if one thinks about it hard enough. Who would you rather have an army, some rather peaceful 'monks' or not having one and having some mentally insane 'monks' using their army to control the galaxy?
Well-Known Member
Hey, guys, I have a radicle idea similar to the Army of Light. What if, the Jedi and Sith are all seperated from the Gulag plague (as already stated and addressed as a problem) it could be that Jedi Lord's do exist independant of the Jedi Order. What if several systems throught the galaxy were under the control and protection of Jedi Lords (decendants of the New Jedi Order) and now here they are being reindroduced to a galaxy that can finally breath! I'm thinking on the lines similar to this, and obviously the Sith never seem to change and at the moment don't seem to "have a Rule" (i.e. Rule of Two, Rule of One, ect.) what if we radically changed what it meant to be Sith, or Jedi, or Empire, Republic, Triumvirate, ect, ect, ect. I think that would be pretty sick :D
Let me step back as Admin and step forward as a role-player on this discussion.

The Jedi are standing alone right now. There's a Sith Empire and a pretty large number of Mandos poised to ruin the Galaxy, and we have NOBODY that wants to step up and take the reigns on the Republic/Army of Light? (Army of Light, in my opinion, is the same thing as the Republic during the Clone Wars, with the only difference being that "Army of Light" is a pretty lame name.)
Simply put, when haven't the Jedi and the Republic worked arm in arm? XD That was my main rationale for aligning the respective organizations so closely, there's been a long history of cooperation between the two canon-speaking. Especially since one of the most recent Republics (Luke's era) was founded in part by the Jedi. So, all that being said....
I honestly am contemplating about making the Republic, but I'd like to hash out some ideas before getting started. Y'know?
I'm willing to take one of these three Republic leadership positions.

A combined Jedi/Republic faction makes sense OOCly because there are limited writers at the moment. Combining our resources makes sense until such time as we have enough to perhaps separate the factions.

Also, the time is coming for: and a combined Republic/Jedi Order would have enough people to easily get at least some of the planets we really want.

Regardless, I want to join a Republic faction. I hope that we can make it happen. if the Jedi don't want to join us that would be sad, but we'll press on alone I guess. Unity is strength!


Disney's Princess
I'm going to step back here and let Ben talk about his vision for the Jedi Faction he founded. After all, Ben stepped forward and made the Faction, and now it's our turn as it's members to support him in making it a creative success. *wink*

And I have no doubt that the members of all the other Factions will strive to do the same with their groups as well. Republic included. :D :p

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