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Public The Galactic Slave Trade [HSC / Open to All]

Argos of the East

"Don't play me for a fool, Gorba. I know this coalition nonsense ain't lasting.", he said again in the aliens language.

"Matter of time before someone becomes the Majordomo of the Majordomo -", but he was cut off by the loud boisterous demand of information.

He clenched his jaw, leaned back and glanced to the lizard.

"Next time, try and call first.", he said in galactic standard.

"What do you want to know? Their grocery list, what park they take their dog too?"

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt // Karkosuchus



Objective: One [Galactic Auction]
Location: Inside the VIP Lounge
Tags: Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Argos of the East

Karkosuchus could tell that the mighty overall leader of the Hutt Space Consortium was bothered by his presence being there. Although he said nothing that would indicated his annoyance save for a slight narrowing of his eye. His gaze followed away from the hutt lorda to the information broker known as Argos. If anyone wanted information for a price then this was the person to go to.

He could tell he was playing him for a fiddle with his dumb response about his inquiry of the Bando Gora. He might have taken that as disrespect but knowing that having an information broker on their side would give them an advantage over the other galactic powers. Karkosuchus threw down the pouch filled with credits before getting on to the actual information he needed.

"Heh, You know as well as I do. That transmissions are easily sliced into."

He replied with a slight eye roll in response to his statement about calling first.

"Cut the sarcasm, I need to know where their main headquarters is located."

He said with a snap of his jaws to indicated his seriousness, although this wasn't actually a display of intimidation but if he took as such. All the better to showcase that he held no fear of gorba nor argos. Besides having the information about the Bando Gora headquarters would allow him to eliminate his target without much difficulty.

Objective 1
Location her own private booth, surrounded by three rings of lackies.

The slavery business almost cornered by the Hutts!
Tag: Madame Myria Madame Myria | Rackham Rackham | Open

It had been some time since Lady Blue, or just Blue for those without the care for titles, had attended a larger public slave auction. Having at least three body doubles today. One twi'lek was dressed in an elegant blue gown, one was blue in her traditional expensive outfit to catch attention, one was in sleek green and she personally was in a plain blue off-the-shoulder dress. All wore veils to conceal their identity, all moved and acted the same, a practiced routine by now. Tadietti was sitting surrounded by her entourage which was substantial, many of them dressed well. Among her large group, Blue did not stand out where they sat and for good reason, open auctions were a hotbed of trouble, her auctions were usually exclusive events by vetted invitation only.

As far as blue was aware, there had not been many slavers operating as long as she had. Having wiped out much of her own competition ruthlessly and risen high up in the former Hutt Cartel, before it teamed up to be a consortium. She'd survived three incarnations of the Cartel, and she'd survive this one.

Studying who was open to trading and what deals could be done, Madame Myria Madame Myria might find a green twi'lek whispering in her ear, an invitation to the private twi'lek booth, and way through the crowds of guards towards its center. Soon later Rackham Rackham might find himself or an attendant handed a missive with the same offer. In fact any slaver of note, might find a card, word or offer to join the Twi'lek's booth for refreshment.

At such an event Blue obviously wore synthweave and carried weapons of her own, as well as a shield generator. That said, it was the sheer quantity of Hutt Cartel enforcers or lackies that surrounded these four twi'leks which was of note, except one Male Zeltron. Almost all of them were twi'lek as she believed them more loyal to her. Any influence of Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt had been well and truly eradicated, though his assassins were always looking to make a move, as were Mr Black's henchmen looking to make an arrest. The politics of galactic spanning mega-corporations were always fluid.

Surrounded by their three rings of guards, the four twi'leks oversaw their auction. Every so often decisions would need to be made about who to buy and who to sell. Her beautiful assistants she surrounded herself with had the details, they knew the low bids, the high bids. Only very rarely would blue need to give a look, not even a nod, and that was always communicated through a second party never openly. Blue's crowd had brought at least 12 high-priced slaves to auction, alongside the regular humanoids, rarer or even near-extinct species but interesting purchases for the discerning customer.

Her Red Zeltron insisted on selling her first batch of slaves. "Up next 5 Mixed Lasats, a rare species ladies, gentleman, droids, and other welcome guests. They are healthy and well-fed. Do not miss this chance to catch such a rare prize for a mere 15,000 credits a head, not a price that can be bested. Our gracious lady blue will also throw in a case of age Corellian Whiskey and vintage full-bodied Naboo fire wine for the first two buyers." Nima Tann Nima Tann

Blue's auction list:

10x Mixed Humanoids: 7,000 Credits Each. Including Barabel, Noghri and Wookiees.
5x Mixed Lasats: 15,000 credits for each
2 x Miraluka Females 30,000 credits each
2x Uneti Tree 50,000 credits each
2x Young Tankbred Taung, one male, one female, 100,000 credits for each.
1x Cloned Icarii Male 200,000 credits.
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Nasir Drayen


Under an ornate aurodium mask the Prince cleared his throat. Appearances like this one were rare, after all it would not do for COMPNOR to learn of his...unreported earnings. Despite the expressionless visage he wore the Exchange daimyo's annoyance was clear enough. Here sat a man who believed in governing from shadows.

"I'm trying to concentrate," he gestured with a gloved hand down at the slave chattel.

Pausing to imbibe a hookah pipe through his lipless mask, the Prince passed it back over to Gorba.

"Every new enterprise brings the potential for upheaval. Nothing lasts forever, Argos."

He tossed the information broker an ardos disk engraved with his cartel's sigil. It was a powerful symbol of authority, but more importantly a skeleton key to any Exchange financed bank which laundered the syndicate's extensive black market operations.
Rurak 5 Space Station

"Sorry, pal," Driver apologized half-heartedly. He was currently in the process of strangling a Nikto thug, specifically of the green variant. "I used to throw hands with B2s."

Driver was a bit out of it, all things considered. He had only recently woken on Skako to find the galaxy he knew to be completely different than it was when the CIS put him in ice. To make things worse, when he went to drink away his problems (in spite of his low tolerance), a band of thugs knocked him over the head. Said something about selling him as a gladiator, from what Driver had overheard. Of course, Driver was a clone. He was bred to fight, and it would take more than a cheap pair of cuffs and a headache to keep the ex-sergeant down for long. Before long, the Nikto was unconscious, strangled by the very cuffs he had placed on Driver in the first place.

"And I suggest you stay down," Driver suggested. "What is wrong with you, soldier?" Driver asked himself in a fit of frustration. "First you get yourself captured by clankers, then some common thugs? God, I need a vacation..."

Driver winced in pain. The Nikto went down quickly (Driver's military training made sure of that), but the bastard was sure to break a few bones in the process. Just a toe and a rib, but incredibly irritating.

"Stupid glit-biter," Driver spat.

He let out a sigh, leaning against the wall of the room he had been hauled to, a storage closet from the looks of it. Driver had rather cathartic moment upon leaning against said wall. His brothers were long dead, the war he fought in a blip in the seemingly hundreds of years he had been tucked away in that abandoned base. The moment passed rather quickly. Driver had more pressing matters to deal with. He looted the keys of the thug's body, as well as his DC-17 pistols. Driver made his way out of the storage room, quickly deducing that he was on a space station of some kind, though it was far more elaborate than any he had been on before. It wasn't long before he found himself wandering into the room where the main attraction was hosted. Driver wasn't an idiot. Slavery looked the same as it always did, after all. The clone should've gathered this sooner. The goons that had captured him made it clear what their intentions where, after all. Driver had been raised on the ideals of the Republic. The sight of the auction was sickening. Worse yet, the personnel attending were notably well armed.

"You've gotta be kriffing kidding me," Driver hissed under his breath.

He needed to get off this station.
Location: Rurak 5 Space Station
Objective 1
Tags: Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann | Open

The main auction continued on with nothing catching Myria’s eye. The Zygerrian gave a deep sigh. She knew that there were good values to be had and had no intention of returning to Ylesia and telling Lady X she had failed. This was just going to take much more work than she was hoping for. Shopping was supposed to be fun.

As a low grumble escaped her lips a voice whispered in Myria’s ear. She turned just enough to see a green-skinned Twi’lek. Myria thought of slapping the slave species with the back of her hand, but then the invitation was delivered. There was a private booth. One that might have what she was looking for. Myria had no idea how this Twi’lek deemed to know what she was looking for, but she was intrigued.

Myria made her way through the crowd to the suggested booth with her chest pressed out and nose towards the air. Even though the crowd consisted of buyers and she was much more slave than she cared to admit a Zygerrian just had a natural sense of superiority. And on Myria it showed in spades.

When she reached the booth she heard the caller announce a group of five Lasat. The species was a possibility, but as she looked over the bunch she discounted a purchase at the moment. She looked over the booth’s stock and saw some that were much more attractive and she assumed more expensive as well. Good thing that Lady X sent Myria with a big purse.

There were four slaves that caught Myria’s eye, but the price she would have to pay would require more than what was handed over on a datapad and the loud barking of an auctioneer. The Zygerrian surveyed the booth. It was quite an odd sight to find Twi’leks in charge of the sale, but sure enough they were in this case. And it wasn’t hard to find the one in charge. A smirk formed on Myria’s lips as she made her way towards the lead Twi’lek. “Tis a nice gathering you have here. Interested in where you came across some of your stock if you could give me a minute of your time.”

Argos of the East

Argos glances to The Prince with an annoyed tension in his brow. He quipped;

"Thanks for the wise words, Yoda.", tossing the disk to one of his muscle men. The man caught it, glanced over its details with confusion, then slid it into a pocket.

"Give me something I want next time it's my birthday."

But his annoyance lifted and his gaze fell back to Karkosuchus ;

"Not even sure they have a headquarters, croc. They've been spotted in old CIS space, working alongside the cultists that brought about their apocalypse, and are rumored to follow their government in Exile even now. Real trouble is I don't think they're as organized as we think - but your best bets going to be the old Confederacy. I hear if you ask nice, you might even meet with Darth Metus Darth Metus himself."

"That information ain't free, by the by. Consider the bill in the mail."

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt
The rumble of activity in the station had quickly gotten grating on Lirka's ears, she enjoyed chaos: but only the sort of chaos that ended in bloodshed, not this mass of people trying to ferry and sell their goods. But alas, this was the life now. At least for the time being, her true goals had been moving towards escaping this mundane work. All she needed to do was prove her value to Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt the Crime Lord had given her much of the current tools she had to ferry the shackles of slavery to the far reaches of the Galaxy.

But they weren't enough.

She wanted more. But the presentation would have to come first, as she neared the Hutt's audience chamber she noted just how crowded it truly was. Seems she'd have an audience when the time came, as she moved deeper into the station one of the stasis pods hovered behind her, carrying the prize. Unlike some among them, Lirka knew better than to be too crude among the powerful of the underworld: as much as playing the silent giant role had grown tiring, it was time to play out her hand.

She walked to the entrance of the chamber, hands held behind her back and waiting for her summons. For once, Lirka Ka was going to have to actually be respectful to someone other than herself.

Argos of the East Karkosuchus The Prince



Objective: One [Galactic Auction]
Location: Inside the VIP Lounge / Leaving it
Tags: Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Argos of the East The Prince

Karkosuchus listened as the Information Broker Argos explained that he wasn't sure if they even had a headquarters. He was about to just walk out until he was provided with a general ware bouts being the old domain of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It seemed his only option now was to speak with Darth Metus although that seemed like a fool's gambit to himself.

He rolled his eyes about the payment for the information. Tossing the bag of 40 thousand credits within his hand over to argos. If the man wanted to count it that was his prerogative. Turning around now and exiting the chamber, he almost ran directly into the pathway of Lirka Ka Lirka Ka until maneuvering around them somehow.

Moving downstairs now into the main chamber, where the auction was still going on and lots called for the night. Karkosuchus saw nothing of interest to himself and quickly moved to leave the station itself. Walking down the winding hallways of the station passed many people of many different species until finally coming across section 3 where his shuttle was being parked.

Entering inside the dockyard with his keycard, the saurian moved to head to CIS Space or formally CIS Space to uncover the truth about the Bando Gora and his target from none other than Darth Metus or someone within that former faction which might give him a lead.

Rurak 5 Space Station

"Just my luck," Driver hissed under his breath. "This day just couldn't get worse."

Just then, Driver heard a shout behind him in the distance, something in Huttese. The clone turned back to the the other Nikto thugs who had kidnapped him arguing in the distance. There were two. Both were angry.

"Oh great," Driver sighed. "Exactly what I need right now."

Driver only saw one option to avoid making a scene. He'd need to go into the crowd. The clone pilot had interacted with the slime of the galaxy before, but he had a particular distaste for it. These were the sorts who killed each other for fun and sold people simply because they could. In Driver's eyes, they couldn't be reasoned with. Still, he'd have to do his best to blend in to keep away from his captors. On a space station full of gangsters, it's difficult to blast your way out, and Driver wasn't too keen on kicking the bucket just yet. Reluctantly, struggling to hide the repulse on his face, he began to wade through the crowd.

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