Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The needs more Jorin

Akodya Mune

@[member="Calen Derics"]

Calen Derics

@[member="Akodya Mune"] I'm glad you do!
@ARC-052 "Dish" You will never shoot me, and if you happen to get a shot off on me, I wont be effected. (if everything adds up right)

Calen Derics

Its easy to dodge shots when you are a vampire and run at speeds that can match a speeder, then add that I am a force user. sorry bub. :p

Calen Derics

Yes I do? I own a few of my own and have been shooting since I was 7, As a force user, we have a "sight" or spiedy sense that warns us of danger, thats how Jedi and Sith can block blaster bolts and attack and block at very quick speeds. Move quick enough, and in every direction, and you can avoid bullets. and who said I was coming towards you?

Now to refrain from filling up your Bio with hate posts and whatever else, if you wish to discuss this more, PM me. If not, Then I will leave this thread and leave you alone.

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