
- Image Source: Custom work courtesy of [member="Kalyn Shif"], with original art being here.
- Canon Link: GenoHaradan
- Development Thread: N/A
- Primary Source: GenoHaradan
- Corporation Name: The GenoHaradan
- Headquarters: Bastion
- Locations: N/A
- Operations:
Investment Firm
Debt Buying & Collection
[*]Criminal Syndicate
- Blackmail, Spying, Assassination, Etc.
[*]Information Brokering
[*]Tier: III (Capitalism Reigns Mandate)
A gestalt of mysterious figures, The GenoHaradan values secrecy and the whole above all else; born from the necessity to increase strength of the individual through the many. One for all, and all for one; the GenoHaradan stands by this testimate as its operative doctrine.
Each of its members is hand chosen by the Council, brought in for their skills and reliability, their ability to perform against unbelievable odds; paid in innumerable ways. Their brutality, infiltration, and subterfuge is beyond compare when looked upon the galaxy as a whole, though none will receive the infamy other sith seek through such actions. No, where many Sith seek the fear of the galaxy, The GenoHaradan seeks control from behind the curtain, the slow draw of assets to domineer.
Given this secrecy, all members are given a title to thereby go under when inducted into the organization; with all but one knowing them by this at all times. This animosity protects the many, as no single rogue element can compromise the whole; ensuring the continuation of the group. Any rogue element is quickly sought out and eliminated by the rest of the organization, assassination and bounty hunting being a primary means should all else fail.
It is through this The GenoHaradan consolidates its power; aggrandizing its council with every plot.
Making up the whole of the council, the Archons serve as the guiding hand of the GenoHaradan as a whole; with every decision, plot, and group effort dedicated through them. Each is given a vote, singular, to decide on the outcome of the situation at any given time. This includes dispersal of assets, deciding on the future of the organization, and the termination of both council members and knights.
There power is absolute, and their identities played close to their chest. Being apart of the council invokes many privileges, the most notably being the dispersal of wealth through the many means of the group. From the consolidation of large companies, sith artifacts and knowledge, it the council that decides on where these will be sent out. Their meetings are entirely secret, and no member other than those on the council are allowed to view them; breaking of this rule incurs termination.
Standing Council │
Tiamat - The Slavehttp://starwarsrp.net/user/14637-the-slave/
Marduk - Male NPC
Ninkasi - Female NPC
Following the last iteration of the GenoHaradan and its collapse; a single member rose from the ashes to not only claim dominion over the group as a whole, but push forward the next evolution it would undertake. With the framework of eons of consolidated power, the mysterious figure known as ‘Marduk’ brought about the reinvigoration of the GenoHaradan as a whole; with years of effort put forward to build up what no single entity would claim glory to. What he crafted was a secret organization of manipulation, one dead set in pushing the power of its members further as a whole, than apart.
With this in mind, Marduk went through the strenuous effort of contacting other Sith, bringing in two members; the first being the equally enigmatic figure known as Ninkasi, a pseudonym chosen by her for the sake of concealment. The second helped form the initial triumvirate, that of ‘Tiamat’, an upcoming alchemist on Bastion, and a prime candidate for potential. Under this newly formed governing body, the GenoHaradan began to see years of work bear fruit as innumerable syndicates were brought beneath the groups influence and control.
With the combine wealth the group held, influence soon followed as they began exerting it through secret operations around the galaxy. Taking in Sith and Retainers, a new age was created in the underworld, one slowly pressured by the dark sided players few knew existed, and even fewer knew the faces of.
- N/A
Parent Corporation:
- N/A