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The gold of Hoth (PM to join)

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]​
Great Hoth, the coldest planet in the galaxy. At least that's what Zathra thought even though she never went to Hoth before but man, did she hate the cold a lot. A YT-1300 Light Freighter zoomed through the freezing atmosphere of Hoth. The ship luckily had enough passenger rooms for the whole entire crew including her wookie, Breadsticks. Zathra wore a black leather tundra coat loosely over her shoulders while under it she wore her graffiti style mandalorion armor. This time well, she wouldn't user her helmet she would keep it on her ship in her room. without her helmet, her violent purple and amber orange hair was now visible which was perfectly fine by her. Breadsticks, or Red, Zathra called him either one at times sat in the pilot's seat to her right letting off a series of roars and growls that was typical for a wookie. Man, breadsticks was quite a pain at times but he was kinda like family to her, like the older brother she never had.
"Breadsticks I know you don't like the cold but be glad you don't have to wear a jacket....besides you are guarding the ship"


He sat on a pallet where a few supplies were stacked quietly. His matte, black Mandalorian armor had scratches and gouges in it from some hard use in the past. But it was merely cosmetic and affected not the structural integrity of the armor.

His buy'ce, helmet, hung from being on his belt as the man kept his eyes closed meditating while his hands rebuilt the stripped down blaster. Black, shaggy hair and dark stubble adorned a face which currently wore a frown.

Ever since finding himself transported to this alternate dimension he had lost everything he had known from his previous life. But he was a knight and a mando'ad and neither time nor distance nor strange plains of existence would alter that.

[member="Zathra Fett"]
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Zathra Fett"]

The look on her face said most of it, looking over the equipment and slung the anti material rifle on her back while she walked prepping her dc and smg. Then sliding them into their holsters with a thigh sheath of the different under barrels from Draco and Armatech. She had her work cut out for herself and wasn't sure about all the people who had been brought along as she spoke. "Big crew like this, sure your going to find a big enough score?" She leaned against the frame of the door and was looking at the back of the girls head who was in charge. "Cause I mean I like being the fallback in case we get stranded in a snowstorm. Smart idea to bring a vahla who can keep you warm and alive but even I have limits."She said it with a smile and had a nice cloak for herself to wear out there to protect from the elements while she was already making herself run a little hotter to stave off that chill of willingly going to an ice planet.

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]​
"Yes I'll find enough stuff....I found a map...will more like bought a map for hoth and it showed a cave which lead through to a treasure trove of sorts."
Zathra stood up and zipped the jacket up to her neck but not all of the way so that it wouldn't choke her. Red growled behind and she rolled her eyes. The ship had just landed and the landing struts held the ship up out of that annoying snow. Hopefully the paint on her ship wouldn't ware off because of all of that darn snow. If it did will, Zathra would be pissed seriously pissed off because the credits she spent to get all of the spray paint for her ship was quite a lot. Zathra walked into her quarters and opened up a metal closest near the door and pulled out a E-11 rifle and strapped it to her back via a thick studded leather strap hanging on her shoulder. She then walked out of her quarters and over to the console and pulled out a metal drawer revealing the map rolled up in a metal tube. She put the metal tube in a pocket on the inside of her tundra jacket so that the metal wouldn't get cold and stick to her fingers. Cause, who would want metal to stick to your fingers....even your tongue, that would be painful to take it off.

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
Farlon Orbit stood up from where he was seated. He stretched out his arms to diminish the stiffness from the long flight. Orbit then picked up his rifle, which he had just giving a good wash, like he always did before a mission. His armor although white was not all that clean, but no clone trooper ever cleaned their armor back in the clone wars, lest they looked like a shiny. Orbit was already clad in the pale armor, including the helmet. Lastly his cloak, he always wore a cloak over his armor, as to attract less attention. Sometimes it worked and wometimes it didn't, but he still liked it. Now he was ready to go.

"When do we leave the ship?"

[member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bjork Corsair"]​
"Hopefully, soon." Tiro interjected. "I love this planet, so barren and useful." It was honestly rather hard to see if the man was being sarcastic under the modulation of his helmet.

Tiro stood up from his seat and placed his hands behind his back, as he eyes everyone behind his visor. "Sure is a colorful group here. We should do a fantastic job here." Tiro said in appraisal.

Vanek wore his medium armor for this job, light weight and still gives a bit of flexibility. On a planet like this movement is key, wear to much armor? And you'll grow fatigue within hours of walking. That is of course, unless you have an internal heating system.

His armor was natural well kept for the exception of a few battle scars here in there. The man loves his armor especially when it saves him from a blaster bolt or two.

[member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]​
​"Quit your whining, I thought you said you were a soldier"
Z​athra laughed slightly at what she said before opening up the ramp to the cold winds of Hoth. Brrrr, so that was what the cold felt like....she didn't like it although it was kinda nice when it went across your skin. Zathra pulled the lightweight hood over her head and walked out into the snow. She tapped a console strapped to her wrist and pulled up a minimap of the location or cave they had to go to. Hmm, who knows what they'll find on Hoth...hopefully something exciting. Zathra then brought her hand back down to her side and walked through the freezing cold hugging her arms around her. Too bad she didn't do anything like this at the academy because then she would have had experience with the cold. She crossed her arms and hugged them tightly against her body to keep warm. Brrrrr, this was freezing that was for sure, no doubt about it.
[member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Bjork Corsair"]

The look that she gave when turning to see the soldiers was more one of humor. she hid it under a stern expression as the doors opened and Willa stood there. The heat under her skin rising as flakes that touched her almost seemed to steam around her. She followed behind Zathra out of the ship into the snow with her light armor and no helmet needed as almost a barrier of heat radiated off her. "Just a moment." She didn't stop walking but moved to keep up as the heat was melting some of the snow so she had to work a little more to move her feet that went deeper. Willa moved to try and stand closer as she saw their leader hugging herself for warmth and she offered her arm. "Come on, you are no use cold and the cold never bothered me anyways. That is one of the reason you brought me along after all because I am a heater."
Tiro walked down the ships ramp steadily yet cautiously, looking beyond and near. The blowing wind whistled in inside his helmet, somehow finding a way inside his "plated skin".

"Good thing there's no blizzard to obscure our vision." He muttered to himself.

Tiro stood beside the two paying close attention to the horizon.

[member="Willa Isard"][member="Zathra Fett"][member="Farlon Orbit"][member="Bjork Corsair"]


Bjork rose from his seat while slinging his rifle onto his back. The group was an interesting assortment. It was a job though. Dark blue eyes took in each individual while he listened to them speak. Rolling his shoulders he unclipped his buy'ce and pulled it onto his head, hiding his features.

His helmet sealed and his heads up display powered up. Bringing the operating system up he scanned each member and saved the individual vitals, size, and equipment. You never knew when information could come in handy.

Stepping from the ramp and into the cold he crunched along into the snow. Speaking over the external speakers he suggested, "I recommend syncing comms." The visor darkened against the sun's flare upon the snow.

[member="Tiro"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]
"You were right about one reason, Willa. Fine, fine....I accept your charity. Also, working on it."
Zathra sighed as she continued to fiddle with her communicator on the console strapped to her wrist. Come on, come on...Breadsticks why won't you sync them from the ship? After a couple more minutes in the cold and who know's how far from the ship the comms finally synced and out came the happy roars of Red, probably playing with Zathra's little feline creature she found along with her astromech. He better not break anything like the navigation system, which had happened before. It was so terrible, stuck on Tattoine for who knows how long. Zathra stopped hugging herself and then kept the comms on. She looked at the minimap and they were still a hour or so away from the cave. Great, this would take far longer then expected. Yahhh, No I mean boooooo. Zathra then laid her arms down at her side, if only she knew how cold it was going to be or if she only had experience with the old this could be just slightly easier for her.
[member="Zathra Fett"]

She looked at her and nodded as her coms were syncing up with the others. She was looking for the confirmation blips to show on her wrist while she looked at Zathra and she put her arm over her shoulder and was radiating the heat down to wrap them both in it. "Never charity, now lead the way and we'll gt some treasure." she was looking out into the snow while she thought about a few things and spoke. "And if you're good I'll try and find you a ropo to cuddle at night until you realize the truth." she said it with a smile speakinginto her comlink on her wrist. "Keep an eye out for wampa's just in case."
[member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Willa Isard"]

A broke radio call came trough the comms, too broke to get but small chunks out off, and only of one person who seemed to respond to another.

"Joh, we-- out here for ove-- hours, lets head back to --sse, command say-- found cave." the voice was a female, didnt seem to have seen the ship flying over them.

"Fin-- we can get warm from -- heat," she seemed releaved to hear they were heading back, "Corperate Command, this is-- we are --grid 03556532, mo-- base, out in twen--," there was a break as she waited for a responce.

A male voise came over the radio better quality then the females, "This is Umbrella Expedition Ground Command, we have you on screen, return mark 32 dash 66 and enter the back of the base."

She responded a little clearer, "Roger that Command, we will take the se-- route."

After only a few minutes, white soldier sbould be seen in the far distance that only people with binoculars could see the Corperate Guards. They were still unaware of the ship and its crew and continued on its route back to base.

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
Orbit walked out of the ship unto the frozen planet. He was late out of the ship and was hurrying to the rest of the group. To catch up with them he began to sync his own commlink When he was done he said,

"Alright, if any of you see an impending threat tell me and I will take care of it, got it?"

[member="Willa Isard"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"]

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]​
Zathra heard the commotion of the comms and soon began to worry. Oh no, somebody already found the cave...this could go totally wrong...or it could work to her advantage some how. No, it couldn't work to her advantage...their was no way it could ever work to her advantage. Zathra then sped up until they finally came into sight of the cave for what felt like an hour. It actually took a total of forty minutes which took quite a long time cause duh, it was nearly a full out, it was two thirds of an hour. She looked over a hill of snow and saw something and some people moving out. Great, their went a casual they might have to get busy.
[member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"]

Willa heard the sounds and then saw Zathra moving off as she followed behind and grabbed her rifle, once the hill came and she could see movement her rifle was out as she prepared. The DC there if Zathra needed it for the sniper setup or rifle. She was looking through the scope on the anti material sniper while speaking into her comlink. "Move up, we have movement." She spoke towards Zathra. "We should let them attract some dangers to them and see what pffensive power they have before engaging. Or at the least it could thin their numbers enough for us if they are competition." The small smirk she had on her face though was enough since she enjoyed a good joke.


As they came to the chest Bjork droid to a knee instead of walking over. Looking over the edge he magnified the display on his helmet. "Looks like half a dozen outside the cave. Can't tell about arbor from their bulky clothing though. Weapons are there in the form of blasters. Might be a rifle or two down there. That transport ship should have a canon on it. Any of you slicers? Could try to hack their comms and ease drop to see how many are inside and if they have reinforcements."

As he spoke he unslung his rifle and began calibrating the score for wind and distance. He enjoyed employing the slug thrower because it was a large caliber round that could punch through most medium armor, and if the arbor did stop it the kinetic energy of the round still caused a large degree of damage.

[member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Willa Isard"]
Tiro unholster his blaster and moved up the hill in a crouching position to take a look at all the commotion. He made sure to only take a quick peek in case the group down below had a watchmen.

He looked over to Willa as he knelt down. "And how long do you suppose that'll take?" He tilted his head to the side slightly. "For all we know, they could be picking apart what we came here for as we speak."

[member="Willa Isard"][member="Zathra Fett"][member="Farlon Orbit"][member="Bjork Corsair"][member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
"Don't worry I will handle this, that's my job as the soldier. Just be ready for my signal, I will go up ahead and scout it out. Don't fire."

Orbit left the group from the viewing point, quietly sneaking through the snow. He unhitched his cloak to give him comouflage in the white snow. As he neared the cave he stopped and waited for what the soldiers would do. But he couldn't be seen, not yet.

[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Willa Isard"]

From what could be seen from the ridge above, there were 6 individuals outside a cave, another eight they followed returning from their patrol. As the guards returned from there patrol another three exited the Pelta Transport. The three didnt look like guards, more like light infantry Manalorians with pitch black Mandalorian armor. They spoke with the leader of the patrol and the returned into the ship.

The site didnt know of any other occupants so they seemed to be lazy with their transmissions as they were on the open frequency. The soldiers inside seemed a little worried, and were radioing back about an incident.

"This is science team Bravo, we just finished up clearing the wampa nest, we lost 12 souls to the two beast, we also need 3 evacuated, can you send alpha our way?" Asked a frightened male voice.

"Unfortunately alpha is in another part of the cave, we can send Echo in after you though, they just returned from patrol, they will be there in 10."

"Roger that command, thanks for the assist."

One of the Black Armored Mandalorian ran out the ship waving at the returning patrol, they saw and listened to him. After a small conversation they turned to the cave and took 3 of the guards and ran inside. From the calculations there were one command radio operator, 2 black armored Mandalorians in the ship and 3 guards at the cave entrance.

No other people could be seen, but they were too far away to see in detail or around the other side of the ship.

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