Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The gold of Hoth (PM to join)

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]​
"Ok, I'll set some remote charges under the ship. Willa and Bjork fire upon the guards once the explosives go off. Farlon and Tiro, after all of that's two sneak down and take out anybody down their that survived the avalanche I'll cause after the snipers take them out. Be back in a flash!"
Zathra flipped off her hood revealing her violent purple amber orange hair and then she ran off. With her hood off, she would have much more visibility otherwise...will as much as you could have in a blizzard. Although, she did put on some ear muffs and a ski mask once she got near the ship. She crawled under the transport and took out two charges and put it at he front of it, she then took out four more and put two in the middle of the ship and two at the end of the ship before crawling out from under the ship and running back to the group. She knelled down on a hill a few feet away from her group and then grabbed the remote detonator and nodded to Willa and Bjork just as she detonated the explosives. With that, a green explosion rang out and Zathra stood their slightly in aw. Yes, it worked the colored explosives worked!
Tiro slightly squinted as the abnormally colored explosion threw ship part every which way. Ion explosions are one thing, but he's never seen such destruction coming from such a vibrant color. "Oh, my. That's new."

Tiro circled around the other side of the hill awaiting the wave of blaster fire that would soon come from his teammates.

[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"]

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
As he walked out into the snowy world, bundled up in sub zero temp gear, he said to the group, "I wish the cold didn't bother me...anyway...." Being the intellectually inclined group member, he didn't want to come off as whiney, just matter of factual. He knew that he needed to keep a lower profile and find somewhere to chill, but he hadn't quite meant to come to a place that could freeze his gettse off.

His purpose here was two-fold: He needed to collect a rare organism here that might hold gamma nullifying properties and treasure was the wealthiest way to pay off the expenses of life. Everything was going fine...until the group decided to prepare for war over possible claim jumpers.

"What, you guys are just going to shoot the first people we come across??" He was trying to stay as far from anger as possible, instead trying to remain reasonable with them. There wasn't much to do with his smarts, so he watched as [member="Zathra Fett"] ran to their transport and back, holding a det trigger. Oh, shiaska... He thought to himself.

He watched, stupefied by the display of unnecessary vandalism, property destruction, and pretty colors. "Well, if we ever had the chance play the innocent bystander card, we definitely don't have it now" said Bhaltair. "I'm going to try and make some extra medical supplies from the...snow. Maybe I can pack snow into any holes you guys receive if you get shot. It should "numb" the pain and staunch the bleeding. Preserve those vital organs, you know?" He added these last sarcastic pokes as he got down to avoid the inevitable enemy fire.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] | [member="Farlon Orbit"] | [member="Tiro Vanek"] | [member="Bjork Corsair"] | [member="Willa Isard"]


Bjork nodded slowly as he asked down his sights. "Yes ma'am." Then he waited. The brains behind him, [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] , but could have just been the way he handled high stress situations.

"Don't worry. Our crew seems competent. Just same osik different day." He covered [member="Zathra Fett"] as she set the explosives and made her way back without incident. Then she set them off.

He was training his rifle on the neck joint of one of the armored guards and fired, knowing it was a weak point in most suits of armor because of the need for flexibility for the neck. The round pierced the throat and created an exit wound the size of a fist. His second target took a round straight to the eye.

"Two down. Providing cover fire for Farlon and [member="Tiro Vanek"] ."
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Zathra Fett"] @otherscauseIamtooooolazytogobackapage

Willa didn't nod she gave a small thumbs up as her hand went to the sheath on her thigh taking the attachments. The armatech grenade launch snapping into place under her rifle was always a good sound as she waited for the explosion and expended her senses out. It wasn't enough to see them she was feeling the guards and her slugs from the anti material rifle. As she heard the explosion and felt the heat her finger squeezed the trigger as the shot came out with a crack as the shot was going to the guards running and she breathed in. Force energy working on the slug as it was nudged ever so gently from its course to smash through the faceplate of a guard and down through the soft part of his neck into the kneecap of another who was left screaming. She reloaded quickly and fired a grenade into the snow as it went off and sent another two flying before the small spark from the grenade ignited them into flames. The vahla's eyes glowing with golden red fire while she spoke low. "For the goddess." She was moving and repositioning herself for another shot as she reloaded the grenade launcher under the barrel of the rifle.

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
Orbit waited for the avalanche to come down, he was near enough to the soldiers that he could begin a firefight. But the leader of the expedition had told him to wait for an avalanche, to even the playing field. But when Orbit saw their insingia he knew exactly who he was fighting, Admiral Jaster. Whatever he was doing here Orbit would get revenge for what happened on Bakura, 36 of Orbit's men died there in a pitched battle there. And it was time for cold, hard, revenge.

[member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]​
G​ood now the only question was, how to do the avalanche without sliding down the hill. Hmm, what to do....what to do, no more like how to do it. Zathra looked through her pack and came up short a explosive, she was out of explosives save for one and she was saving that for later. They might need this explosive for later anyways, plus why waste it. Zathra took off the ear muffs to hear clearer and then looks at the hill. How to do it, how to do it.....hmmm. Zathra grabbed a ice pick attached to her belt encase they needed something for the cave and she struck the ice pick into some cracking ice beneath her. A loud crack let off and then Zathra took the ice pick out of the ice and jumped. She got caught on the side just as the ice and snow collapsed down, maybe burying a guard underneath. Zathra hung onto the edge via her ice pick and then she climbed up onto the edge of the cliff with the help of her snow leather boots. She looked back down at what she had done, good job......for her first avalanche.

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
When the avalanche fell, that was the signal. Orbit let loose a barrage of fire from his DC-15 a blaster rifle, letting it pepper the troops guarding the cave. He yelled in the frenzy,

"This is for Bakura!"

They began to fire back and Orbit took it a notch down. He was prone almost covered by a snow drift and Orbit kept a constant row of fire form that position. He did not want to die today.

[member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Tiro Vanek"]

The guards didn't know what hit them, the transport blew up and body's, ship parts, and snow went everywhere. Only the guards at the cave seemed to survive and as soon as they picked up their guns, two hit the ground. The last guard by the door hid behind a pile of snow and blind fired as much as he could, he was perfected by the cave opening from the Avalanche.

As the fires of the transport subsided, two body's limped out, it was the two black armored Mandalorians. They took cover behind wreckage peices of the blown up transport. Doing their best to cover one another, calling out posistions of where they saw blaster fire.

A voice range over the open com channel, "This is Echo Patrol, we just heard an explosion, what's goin on out there?"

One Mandalorian took cover and another voice opened up, "This is Choms, we got hit hard, unknown force just blew the transport, only me and Shiv survived, commands down and it seems Greens is by the cave entrance trying to hold his own, we will try to pull back to the cave, get back to Bravo, they will need reinforcements."

The Mandalorian popped back up and started firing again, they bothe hopped between wreckage until they reached the cave entrance. They jumped behind the snow barricade the guard was hiding behind. Then tried to enter the cave to retreat from the oncoming fire.
As the attack commenced, Tiro ran down the side of the hill kicking up snow as he did so. Once he made it to the bottom, he quickly made way to Farlon’s position, firing as he did so. After nearly getting clipped by a bolt, Tiro dove into the snow in a prone position as well.

As the smoke began to clear, Tiro peek over the slump of snow in front of him seeing the wreckage and bodies that were once active.
“I don’t see any more movement. If any survived they fell back into the cave.” Tiro said over the comms. “And I didn’t even get to fire a shot.”
[member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Bjork Corsair"]

Willa saw Zathra drop a wall of ice on the shings while she was moving, her eyes tracking where shots were coming from and without firing more shots she was repositioning down range and looking at the shots coming from the destroyed shuttle. Two black mandalorians as she fired another grenade shot reaching out to it to slowly kick it up. The grenade as it dipped kept going so it didn't detonate while she moved to get it to drop behind the cover of the mandalorians there were there. She held her hand under her body to melt the snow and sink herself so she wasn't visible easily. Still could be detected but they would have to look for her. "There is some people you can shoot at the cave entrance. and there."

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
Orbit left his position, his rifle still letting loose lasers left and right. As he inched closer to the remaining three he tried to remain close to cover. Then he jumped out and made a somersault toward the last few men. First the guard, he unleashed a rapid fire of bolts, an almost fatal fate. He rushed over the man's body and directed his DC-15a at the last two, the black mandolorians,

"Surrender, you have been outmatched."

[member="Willa Isard"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]
Tiro hopped to his feet aiming his blaster at the cave ahead, he walked slowly towards the ships wreckage to use it for potential cover.

"Their Mandalorians, I doubt they'll surrender. Unless we're in for quite the surprise they won't lay those blasters down, no matter what." Tiro said.

[member="Willa Isard"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]
[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Zathra Fett"]

The two Mandalorian were able to escape into the cave as one gave [member="Farlon Orbit"] the middle finger before fleeing. The soldier found this funny and they both ran at full sprin down into the cave.

The guard was frozen in fear as his comrades left him as they assumed he was dead. The blaster fire he received scared him and he throw his weapon out. Raising his hands in surrender he yelled as loudly as he could in his fearful voice, "I SURRENDER, PLEASE, I SURRENDER!!"

He stayed behind the barricade scare if he reveals himself he would be shot.
"Well. Lookie here." Tiro said as he moved closer to the scared guard. Tiro grabbed the surrendering man by the arm and lifted him up. "Your call for surrender is accepted."

He looked up over the hill to spot the rest of the group and waved a hand at them.

"We've got a live one!" he yelled over the comms.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

Farlon Orbit

Tough, Disciplined, Die-hard.
"I want him, besides all the menial jobs automatically go to me anyways, I'm the soldier. I want him and his buddies."

Orbit inherited the responsibility of carrying the man. Because of his injuries of which Orbit himself inflicted upon him he carried him fireman style. But Orbit wasn't sure if he could carry him all the way back to the ship so he called out on his commlink,

"Hey Zathra, I need a speeder or maybe could you get that ship of yours over here! I want him in the brig immediately!"

[member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Zathra Fett"]
Tiro gave Farlon a frown behind his visor before shrugging lightly. "By all means, go ahead." he then turned his attention to the cave entrance, watching in case the two Mandalorians had the nerve to charge right back outside.

He almost expected something like that to happened, you never know when it comes to Mando's.

[member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]


[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

As the fire fight wound down and finally ceased Bjork rose to a knee as he carefully switched out magazines. Then deftly he reloaded the newly ejected mag before sliding it into a pouch for easy access.

Activating the comlink built into his helmet he spoke while slowly turning to visually check their six and setting a different channel to scan for radio chatter from their opposition. "No visual unfriendlies but with those two escaping our presence will be noticed."

He grimly glanced at the plume of black smoke wafting from the wreckage. "Our element of surprise is gone as well. If they have reinforcements elsewhere on the surface or in orbit, they'll be headed this way."

Rising he hopped over the ridge and landed on his butt to swiftly slide down the show until he was near the scene of carnage. Rising he walled toward the entrance standing to one side of the opening.

"Inside forces are surely alerted as well. If we stay together we could jam communications. That should show down enemy response time." He looked at Fett. "Orders?"

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Tiro Vanek"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] [member="Lauren Walsh"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]​
"Fine, fine....but if my ship blows up....your paying for it cause it wasn't cheap. Eh, yeah Red bring in the ship...we had a problem, your right I caused the problem. Ok, good, got it. Oh, hmmm.....ok we head into the cave as a group so that they can't picks us off one by one."
Zathra then skidded down the hill and looked around the wreckage. She did feel bad about doing it but heck, they could have done the same thing to them they had no way of knowing if these guys were hostile. She attached the ice pick to her leather belt via a iron ring that looped through a hole in the rubber handle of the ice pick. She pulled off the ski mask and the ear muffs and set them in her pack before walking over to the cave entrance. She reached her hands down to her leather holsters and took out two of her six blasters and kept them at her sides. Soon, her ship flew by and landed atop the snowy ground and a ramp descended from the bottom hull of the ship. Red, the wookie walked out and roared at Farlon to get the prisoner inside. They didn't actually have a brig but they did have a large cargo hold. A cargo hold could still work but it wouldn't be as efficient. Zathra walked into the icy cave, it wasn't as cold as the outside luckily so she kept her hood off.
Tiro jogged his way to the cave entrance and scanned the perimeter of it's interior. As he was satisfied with how the area looked thus far, he moved further into the cave.

"Look out for detpacks or mines, they could easily blow this cave ontop of us." Tiro suggested.

He then moved even further into the cave leading with his blaster.

[member="Bjork Corsair"] [member="Zathra Fett"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

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