Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heathen Priestess, High Priestess of the Mawite Khanate
Objective: To Speak with the Khanate
Location: Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Equipment: Sacrifical Dagger | Sacrifical Dagger | Staff | Crown | Amulet of Many
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Open
<"ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


The Dark Empire was now able to do what the Maw had not been able to do before, and that was to take Tython. Although Y'sanne knew it would happen, as the Avatars had told her in one of her religious visions. She still believed that the Dark Three spoke to her in visions, in whispers, through the Force. It wasn't so important now, though. Something else was more important. It was that she was in constant contact with the warlord of the Scar Hounds Tribe, Thomas Barran Thomas Barran , who was now the leader of the Mawite Khanate under the name Great Khan. Since the collapse of the Maw, the Heathen Priestess has never left the remnants of the old Maw, but has continued to maintain the faith of the Dark Three in the remnants.

By now Y'sanne was probably the only Heathen Priest, or Priestess, which is why she called herself the High Priestess of this religion, or the High Priestess of the Khanate, although she knew that the old Warlords, the Mawdalorian members, or even the Knights of Ren, for example, did not follow the religion of the Scripture of the Hidden Maw, but another. But that didn't stop the priestess or the Great Khan from calling the old survivors together. Those who had previously survived the fall of the Maw and remained in the Unknown Region for the past nearly twenty-five years. However, with the Galactic Alliance too close and the Dark Empire too far away, the Khanate are likely to be forced to move from their old home.

And of course, it was not to be forgotten that the old tribes, their remnants and many others almost immediately joined Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis ' call and went to the Dark Empire. However, a significant part of the Scar Hounds Tribe still remained on the former planets, with Mar'Zambul at the centre and the Mawdalorians led by Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze remained on New Mandaloro, as did Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert on her own planet. However, the Knights of Ren led by Detritus Ren Detritus Ren were already in Dark Empire territory. Of course, everyone is involved in the wars, it's just that the exodus from the Unknown Region is not quite over yet, and that was an issue that was important to address at this meeting today.

The meeting took place in one of the half-demolished arenas/stadiums of Cinnegar. The place was mostly destroyed, with Khanate members sitting on the ruins and stones, others moved closer to the podium in the middle of the stadium/arena, where the very tall priestess with horns and demonic wings was already standing. The arena's public address system and holographic projections had been set up so that anyone could see and hear the meeting no matter where they were in the arena. When the crowd had grown quite large and the time the Great Khan had appointed had arrived, she stepped forward as she raised both hands and spoke. Her voice could be heard by loudspeakers everywhere.

"WAR! DEATH! REBIRTH!" she said in greeting, and the names of the three Avatars were echoed by members of the Scar Hounds Tribe. "Thank you to everyone who answered the call of the Great Khan and came here today. We have a lot to talk about, together, that could determine the future of the whole of Khanate, as well as the lives of everyone present and left at home. It does not matter if one is a member of the Scar Hounds, a Mandalorian, a member of the Knights of Ren, or an old Mawite warlord... we must shape our future together in this new Empire, the Dark Empire!"

Here Y'sanne waited a few moments, then continued speaking.

"But the agenda will be discussed by the Great Khan, Thomas Barran Thomas Barran !" she said and stood aside on the podium, allowing him to come up and start talking about Khanate's plans and future.

//The thread was made with the contribution of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran .//
1st Post






Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Maestus Maestus Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran
Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull Ronar Ronar Erion Justeene Erion Justeene The Grunt The Grunt




Patience, not vengeance - this is what prevailed in the end.
And I have no complaints to offer, for sweeter outcomes awaited.

For everything, a ripe ol' time to live it. Determination bearing fruit.
Stepping out with arms extended wide, and to the great acclaim and applause of the Marauder masses, a victorious Bloodhound looked out across a city for which he had bled already, almost dying for a metropolis that likely still despised everything about him. But not the High-Priestess of the Khanate's long-standing predominant faith, not those who gathered on conquered ground, and even in their disdain for all things orderly, appeared more than willing to hear their Great-Khan's reasoning for standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Imperials - of all people.

'My warmest thanks are due for the kindly announcement, High-Priestess. But before I begin, I'll note that I await the long-overdue theological discussions with the Heathen Priesthood - an' long overdue purely for the fact I have renewed purpose awaiting as a gift.'
It was no secret by then that Barran's preference for naturally-nurtured radicalization clashed with the methods and philosophies of the Dark Three's clergy, but deep down Thomas knew already that nothing was lost in the faith the Marauders still had in War, Death and Rebirth most of all; continuing devotion to deities they still considered as the highest celestial authority, still recognised by then as the Mothers of Rhigar, the very Avatars of the Great Cycle for whom the Maw still fought proudly. All that remained by then (and as silly as it would seem to all involved in eventual hindsight) was the revelation of renewed faith itself, and though Fate would decide the ripest time to pluck their paths from the aether, the Great-Khan warmly anticipated the day such revelation came to pass.

Smiling with hand over heart as his head bowed in appreciative warmth for all the Heathen Priesthood had endeavoured for the sake of the Scar Hounds.

'But anyways - enough with that for now, the High-Priestess is right. We brought you all together to have your own say on the matter, for surely the warriors of the Maw would have something to say on the matter. Thus I give all the freedom to dwell and expand on all that crosses the mind of our future.'




At the very edge of the ruins, reclining in a random lawn chair she had found in a store she had looted, Minako Aoki-Barran looked up to the sky with a rather tired, bored expression. War? Death? Rebirth? Wake her up when it actually happened. She was here for her great uncle and his girlfriend. But quite frankly, she had very little interest in the Dark Empire itself. The Scar Hounds were just fine being the looters they were, getting cool shiny things and stuff. They needed no imperial, strict empire telling them what to do. Alas, her uncle thought it was a good idea. So, here she was, listening to the drabble of the Dark Empire and Scar Hounds doing something like conquering worlds. Minako had no interest in these grand politics or galactic power plays. She only cared about making her grandfather happy, which was why she was here at all. But furthermore, she had another objective in her mind as well. She sipped some soda, wondering. Did any of the imperials trace back to the days of the New Imperial Order? Did they know someone by the name of Aoki Mira?

As she contemplated these things, she haphazardly lifted her soda can slightly at the queues for the audience to roar war death rebirth nonsense. As she took another sip of the pop, a voice sounded from behind her.
"Shouldn't you look a little more alive for this? This is your grandfather's dream, after all."

Minako sighed and cranked her neck to see her lifelong caretaker, the Den Hound, standing behind her. He had been Minako's private caretaker and nurse since her uncle had discovered her, and the Den Hound had known Aoki Mira as well. Minako was undeniably bonded with her eternal babysitter, even as a grown up, as he had never left a need unmet... all but one need. Minako appeared just as lazy as always, but signs of affection were seen in her eyes.

"And I'm happy for my grandfather. But I don't know why shouting gibberish and joining forces with some stuck up Sith elites are so important. I'll go wherever he needs me to go, but he knows our doctrine here. Like any of it matters anyways."

She blinked, remembering something, before reaching and digging into her pockets. "Oh, I got something for you from Empress Toto."



Minako tossed a small object at the Den Hound, who caught it on queue. He looked down to see a scomp key, ready to hook up and use.

"You broke your last one right? Thought you'd like it."

"For someone who says she doesn't care about things," The Den Hound smiled, "You actually show consideration sometimes. In your own way. You know..."

Minako looked back at him, sipping her soda.

"You've grown into a fine Hound, and a beautiful woman. If you cared a little more, you could truly become a legend like the Blood Hound. For for all it's worth, I'm proud of you."

Minako awkwardly looked away, not knowing how to respond to the compliments. She crunched her empty soda can and threw it at her caretaker, a blush of embarrassment on her cheeks, "Your sentimentality is gross, Mister Abhaile."

The two started laughing as Minako felt the soda can get harmlessly tossed back at her shoulder, "I can't help struggling to cope with you being all grown up! But look ahead, I think the Priestess gave the floor to your grandfather."

"Finally!" the Akita Hound shoved her garbage into a satchel and sat up a little, "Something worth listening to!"

Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd


Tag: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran
Location: The summit
Objective: Meet the Khanate

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


Hex was a scar hound now and as such had been included in the list of people attending this event, although, she was fairly certain that if she had not been the sister of @Keilara Kala'mydand therefore loosely family of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran she doubted she would more than an entry level grub fighting over salvage with the other hounds. But instead she was here, feeling increasingly confident and relaxed amongst a group which most alliance propaganda had labelled as monstrous. She lifted herself out of the worn chair that creaked as she moved.

' wouldnt have even been recruited...'
"There is that, yeah."

She looked at the fairly sinister looking woman who introduced the session. She reminded Hex a little of some of the cyberpsychos from home, but not, it was odd. Still, everyone seemed to listen too her.

You've grown into a fine Hound, and a beautiful woman

"Yeah she has!" Hex laughed as she saw her friend and grinned at her in a form of greeting as they all listening to Barran speak next. Could she have a say on the matter, should she? She didn't really have a dog in the Scar Hounds fight yet, she was enjoying herself, stretching her legs again and getting back to her tech, but seriously, the hounds needed dragging up by the bootstraps.

"We should capture Denon and kick all the corporates off world!" she said aloud, as the floor was open to general comment, it was a ridiculous comment but she was only half joking. "I've been working with T'aemin Squad, the would make good shadowpunks given a little practice." Her airborne force on their hoverboards were an excellent combat unit. "But damn the average scarhound might as well be a monkey with a chainsaw." she laughed and shook her head, it was a crude organisation, she had seen smarts in some she had hung out with but refinement was lacking. Very lacking.



Location: Empress Teta, The Gathering
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Hex Hex

Detritus had returned once more to the Mawite remnants, although very different when he first answered the call laid out by the Emperor in the dark reaches of space. He had been summoned, although he had been wary of attending at all. He had been appointed as Shadow Priest by the Emperor himself, and had been responsible in the religious and spiritual matters regarding the Maw. Still he questioned what place did these remnants have within the Empire. The Knights of Ren would continue to serve faithfully in bringing about the designs first started by the World Eater. Still, when he arrived he had felt uneasy.

Empress Teta was a spoil of war, he could feel many presences swirl all around as he made his way to the gathering. He had heard rumors of Heathen Priests that still lived. He made note that any threat to his position would be dealt swiftly. He had his own plans for the remnant. The destruction of the priests to solidify his position, the reformation of the Mawites to better suit the Emperor. Though that would come within time. Now, he kept his true intentions to himself, though he couldn't say if the Mawites were to be trusted to follow along the Emperors ambitious goals. If worse came to worse than Detritus would have to bring about plans into motion. For now, he would attend as perhaps the most important representative on the Tribunal. Only if Barren himself could attend the meetings, or else Detritus might as well start speaking for all the Maw as a whole. While they all shared the same beliefs, the Knights of Ren were quickly punished by Solipsis to better serve his purposes. In turn would Ren carry out his vision to the fullest.

Detritus emerged within the gathering. A dark aura could be felt for the man covered in Orbalisks carried an unholy air about him. He hid his mind from them all, as he walked into the room in a stride, the mix of orange and black robes billowed with each step he took towards the group. He dare not look at the priestess, for he saw all of them as responsible for the Maw's defeat, heretics that should be cleansed in the name of the World Eater to offer a sort of penence after the loss that was the War. Detritus slowly took his seat, still he remained as silent as the grave. He eyed all of them within the space. "Greetings... I've come to discuss our future going forward.... For now we should stick to the vision of our Emperor. Nothing should impede his plans, we stick to the targets he wished, then we will seek out others in due time." Many would question if Ren had come as a Mawite or Solipsis's representative in this gathering. He wouldn't make it known, yet it was clear that these remnants were something to keep close to the Empire, and perhaps grounds for his own machinations to take hold.​
2nd Post







Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Maestus Maestus Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran
Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull Ronar Ronar Erion Justeene Erion Justeene The Grunt The Grunt




Interesting.... I recognise this face-
Thats right - this is the one who spoke bravely on Carlac.

Ren! Thats the clan he's from!

'Greetings... I've come to discuss our future going forward.... For now we should stick to the vision of our Emperor. Nothing should impede his plans, we stick to the targets he wished, then we will seek out others in due time.'

Scoffing at first, the Great-Khan didn't take long to appreciate the man's audacity, and for the second time in less than a year, a norm of old that became scarce in the two decades of relative serenity. A norm of which the Bloodhound had missed greatly, though the prison break certainly brought the drought of courage to an end, but in Detritus Ren - the audacity verged on the most-brazen of precipices.

'Welcome, Lord Ren.... Think nothing of the sudden silence, you've only gotten their attention after all.'
The deafening silence continued, as it wasn't just the Shadow Priest who was falling under everyone's scrutinous gazes at the time, wordless watchers would be sparing focus for the one who was yet to answer to the Khanate's collective demand for a lasting, final decision from the Omen of Durace. However, making the situation more tense than the attending Marauders would ever know (and in truely existential fashion) was the fact none but Ren knew his newly-attained rank and title in this newly-anointed Empire, though his presence as a Dark-Imperial delegate alone was enough for the other attendees to know he was someone important to the Emperor, and enough to know a leader from a diplomat.

'As you'll likely know already, its not every day a culture of Solipsid creation is challenged on it's purpose.... Regardless, you will have your long-awaited answer tonight - here, on the surface of Empress Teta!'

Thats right, Marauders.... You heard me fine an' well.
I have your eyes an' ears now, all in the palm o' my hand.
Pulling the golden-skull mask from his face, the Great-Khan of the Mawsworn rested it politely atop a nearing rubble pile, placing it in a position that faced the crowd from a high angle as he chuckled to himself, sounding a little more manic than amused before his one-eyed gaze turned to the gathering once more. But in the act of revealing his face to the new arrival, Thomas knew that Jin's attention would also be set on a face he would have seen on Carlac just months before, removing the eyepatch to reveal that same rubied right eye for effect, and perhaps revealing something of his trickster-like nature in turn. A moment of which the Bloodhound would remember well in the following years, yet the mild wheeze of elation would subside quickly, as a nod of sincere, though wordless assurance would be shared from Barran to Ren before turning his attention to the growing crowd around them.

It wasn't just random Mawite Marauders joining the spectacle either, but curious Dark-Imperial soldiers of differing contingents had begun to join the others with ears wide open - all very likely to lend approving voices to the Shadow's Priest's impending responses.

This added something of an extra weight of pressure, but as far as the Great-Khan viewed the sudden development, their singular, non-combative postures didn't pose enough of a threat to assume the worst-case scenario awaited, as there was nothing in their behaviours that indicated Barran's words would fall on dissenting ears either. The allied troopers and tank-crewmen had (as much as the Bloodhound himself had, just moments before) just walked themselves into the midst of a debating forum's makings, a perfect setting for all that Thomas had to say and reveal that night, as no news ever travelled so quick in the Galaxy as hearsay's great rumour-mill, an ancient, universal truth that only gained more power in the era of the Datapad.




Warden, Magnarra and Marauder of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: To attend on the meeting
Location: Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Equipment: 2x Geysa Hybrid Pistol | Assault Rifle | Armour and weapon (weapon is lightsaber resistant) || OPBC-01m
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran | Hex Hex | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Spindly stood back a little and watched from there. The twi'lek woman didn't go quite close to the podium, after all she wasn't the leader of the Scar Hounds, she was "just" a Magnarra and the Great Khan's paramour. The Magnarra title was won by the woman during the Second Great Hyperspace War, and she was a long time lover of the Khan. As she looked through the crowd, she noticed her own "niece" and the Matriarch's sister. Although Minako was not the woman's niece or granddaughter by blood, Thomas had raised the girl and she had helped to do so. She would not have been able to say whether she considered her as her own daughter or just a niece. But it didn't really matter; she knew full well that the family was not just blood.

She could not remember her own parents, her own family; there were memories that never returned after the brain damage. Her family and much of her past was like that. She didn't really mind; she had found a new family. She sometimes wondered what her original family had been like. Were they caring, perhaps abusive? She couldn't tell it. But she was happy here now. Happy? She was not sure she knew the meaning of the word or what it meant. For the Magnarra, she would have preferred to say that she was content with her life as it was. She had her lover, she had a high military rank, the Tribe was successful, she had Minako. She had a family, which was not just Thomas and Minako, but the whole Tribe… maybe the whole Khanate.

As she looked around, she noticed Hex Hex and Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran talking to each other. Or so it seemed to her and even the Den Hound was there.

"I know you are not religious, children, but listen to what the priestess says. Not just what your grandfather and uncle." she said kindly to the two girls.

As much as the woman's slightly raspy and husky voice could be considered kind. Meanwhile, her lover continued to talk, and then the current leader of the Knights of Ren, Detritus Ren Detritus Ren , appeared. She snorted at Ren's words and spat disdainfully to the side. Though Spindly had always been a follower of the Avatars, she was now planning for the long haul, seeking long term glory for the Dark Three rather than sacrificing her own life in the first battle. Things changed when the Scar Hounds Tribe lost their steady supply of slave-soldier supplies. One thing was for sure, she didn't want to be a cannon fodder again, or rather any longer.

~ Feth the Emperor ~ she thought.

As she thought about this, the conversation on the podium continued and Thomas offered the opportunity for those who wished to speak openly. She didn't want to come out and speak, she was used to talking about these things with him anyway, either openly or when they were alone. They knew each other well enough that she didn't have to say her thoughts out loud now. Thomas knew them, and if the Great Khan wanted to, the man could reveal them today.

"There will be big changes in the life of the Tribe and the Khanate today, even if no one is standing up to speak." she told the girls again.


Heathen Priestess, High Priestess of the Mawite Khanate
Objective: To Speak with the Khanate
Location: Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Equipment: Sacrifical Dagger | Sacrifical Dagger | Staff | Crown | Amulet of Many
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran | Hex Hex | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Open
<"ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


It was indeed what Y'sanne expected, that the Great Khan stepped forward and began to speak. While this was happening, she was thinking. For the moment, she didn't really know their exact position within the Dark Empire. Long ago, back during the Second Great Hyperspace War, the current Emperor, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , was the Prophet, the Voice, of a church of her religion. However, now the situation has changed a lot. The Empire was now mainly an empire, it relied on the imperialists, it was much more centralised than the Maw was then, which was mainly made up of clans, tribes and different groups. Back then there were a lot more Heathen Priests and Priestesses. But now there was only her, and she didn't know how much the Emperor still cared about the role of the Prophet.

For religious reasons, she thought it was worth knowing. True, most obeyed the Emperor's call and went to Dark Empire territory, even most of the Khanate. But she knew full well that past and present loyalty should not be confused with religious worship and allegiance. Thus, although she was still faithful to Solipsis, she had reservations about the situation and wanted to clarify it. But she was not naïve, she knew that the Emperor would not come to such a meeting. Although the Khan had a great deal of influence in the Empire, or at least among the members of the Khanate, she hoped that as many of them as possible would come.

Finally, the son of the late Kyrel Ren arrived, now leading the Knights of Ren. After the man's words, Khan spoke again, and then, when the two men had finished speaking, she spoke. Her voice was not loud, however, as they were standing on the podium, so the words of the priestess could be heard by all.

"Tell me, Lord Ren…" she turned to Detritus Ren Detritus Ren . "Will you and your Knights follow the Scripture of the Hidden Maw and remain members of the Church as your father and his Knights did, or will you decide that the main religion of the Khanate and older Brotherhood is no longer suitable for you?" she asked him.

She called it a major religion because the number of Sith, or Final Dawn members, was far smaller than the number of slave-soldier or sacrificial Mawites. And even now the Scar Hounds Tribe still followed that religion. So it would have been nice for everyone to know that they were not only allies, but also partners in faith. As a woman Heathen Priestess, the issue of religion was very important to her. If she could know that she could count on the Knights of the Ren, perhaps she could set about training and raising a new generation of priests and priestesses. As it stands now, if she dies, there will be no more priests/priestesses left in the Heathen Priesthood and the religion would sooner or later disappear…

… and the woman could not allow this.



TAG: Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd , Thomas Barran Thomas Barran , Detritus Ren Detritus Ren , others

Yet another tribe of the Maw made its presence known, though quietly. Their banners flew in the breeze of the arena. Each depicted the same symbol: a red bird of prey, mangled into a pointed form characteristic of Mawite symbols. They were the Bloodhawks, a band of marauders who traced their lineage to the Mawsworn tribe, once led by great Maweth and later Thaurond. Alas, Maweth saw his glorious death at the Scouring of Csilla, and Thaurond had since parted ways to destinations unknown since the original Brotherhood of the Maw disbanded. Standing at their forefront was their chieftain, clad in durasteel painted crimson.

He was Atakam Khazos, a Sanyassan who had found himself the protege of Maweth all those years ago. Though the former Mawsworn chieftain treated his tribe much like family, Atakam was almost akin to a son or little brother. Now the marauder found himself assembled once again among the remnants of the various warbands that had followed the Maw. The Bloodhawk Chief took note of Maw-allied Mandalorians, but more especially to the various Scar Hounds and Knights of Ren. Back during the Second Hyperspace War, Atakam had witnessed sacred carnage at the hands of the predecessors of the current tribesmen. Thus, he had a respect that only warriors could understood. Now, however, he was curious of how loyal each was to Old Ways, as this khanate of Mawites found itself allied with the so-called "Dark Empire." He heard the Great Khan speak, offering recognition to come forward.

"GREAT KHAN! WITNESS US AND RECOGNIZE!" The Sanyassan roared in as respectful tone as a barbarian could, "I am Atakam Khazos! And these are my Bloodhawks!"

His retinue, one that was perhaps no more than 200 tribesmen, made ruckus by rattling their armor and shields. Many screamed out "Fire and Blood" in various languages, the unofficial slogan of the Bloodhawks.

"We are of the line of Maweth, who fell in glorious battle at Csilla!" He raised his war-club in what seemed to be a gesture of respect for the righteous dead, "We offer sword and fealty to you, should you bring glory and battle in return. WAR! DEATH! REBIRTH!"
Last edited:


Location: Empress Teta, The Gathering
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Hex Hex Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos

Detritus entered cautiously within the chamber, his arrival marked by an eerie silence as he was met with the eyes and faces of the Khanate, most of which he saw as either a threat to the great work under the Emperor's eye, or beings to watch closely. He viewed the surviving Heathen Priests with disdain, but had kept such views mostly to himself as he made his way through the chamber, sitting comfortably in his chair, the Khanate Barren had greeted him almost as if a friend, knowing it was to both emphasize his command and the control over what Mawite remnants remained. It was clear that there was a slight tension in the air, even if it had been mostly unsaid.

Detritus would nod his face hidden by his helmet as the only respite from creatures that had continuously consumed every fiber of his being. It was a strength and a hinderance all at once. Still Detritus would show some civility as he nodded towards Barren. "I think nothing of it Khan Barren. I do not expect my presence to be pleasing to some. Regardless what is to take place, I trust in your judgement. Under the World Eater's eye." He would say with a nod, as he often referred to Kyrel Ren now a martyred dark saint within the Knights of Ren and Mawite remnants. His gaze next went towards the faces of those he called heretics, or those he should have thought should have fulfilled the goals of the Maw. To die in the service of the Avatars. How they still lived was beyond him.

The Priestess would question him, question where he stood among the Mawite remnants, and the growing Dark Empire. Detritus felt familiar with the idea of Imperial superiority manifest across the galaxy, enough to fuel his own ambitions for the great work to continue. He desired to see the Imperial flag stand above all, mixed with his own philosophy and views of the Mawite Hidden Scripture, for he thought that he was the way.

There was a pause, a moment of suspense as Detritus looked to them all, but towards the Priestess that dare questioned him. He cleared his throat as he began. "Priestess, I believe you know as well as I do that we follow the same path. We read the same scripture, yet we are two halves of the same whole. The Knights of Ren have always been part of the Mawite ways. They will not stop now, for we wish to bring this galaxy to destruction and rebirth. But our methods is where they differ. You cling to a path that is more chaotic, I use methods that combine chaos with Imperial might. I am of the Maw. I am the Emperor's humble servant. But ultimately my loyalties and that of the Ren belong to the great work laid out by the same scriptures, and the architect that guides us all." He would say, the familiar religious zeal was present in his convictions. He dare not be questioned for the path he walked. He trusted what the scriptures said, but he also knew better than to go against the Emperor for he was too powerful as was made evident on Carlac.​
3rd Post







Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Maestus Maestus Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran
Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull Ronar Ronar Erion Justeene Erion Justeene The Grunt The Grunt




A pertinent point indeed, Reverend Mother.
I fear I have been too callous in my judgements.... Much too callous.

Nodding in silent, patient curiosity, the Great Khan stopped in other trains of thought to consider the implications of Ecumenical unity, and along with it - stopped to consider how the Khanate would grow with time enough to prosper.

As if all the answers were within reach from the start, and in the One-Eyed Woad's stereotypical bout of diminished perception, the very solutions to all these Dark-Imperial, Mawsworn concerns (in all it's obscurity of chance-) began to step into the forefront of Barran's mind. It was almost as if the Bloodhound couldn't see beyond the detections of his own snout, as if he couldn't see the forest for the trees for far too long by then, and perhaps enough that it nudged a subtle reminder of the Great Khan's moments of pig-headed pride, such that seemingly refused to welcome his own unconvention as an old acquaintance.

None of it would get in this way this time, and in the wake of Ren's response, the solutions would seem all the more viable to endeavour, even if only a few were to bear fruit down the line. The chance, the opportunity for Ecumenical unity was enough to leap into the unknown without complaint, and yet - there were still other matters to discuss and declare.

'Well-said, both o' you, but if I may.... I would personally request that you both convene a council for all Khanate an' Dark-Imperial theologians, an' soon. So if that appeases enough, I advise keeping our clergies' queries in reserve for now.'

The Bloodhound stopped in his amble to frame his next statement, and would likely have responded quickly if it wasn't for the unexpected arrival of a particular Mawite warlord, calling out in demand to be witnessed and recognized, operating in good keeping with a tradition of which Barran never once discarded in the decades following his ascension. It was adherences such as these that stood as reasons why none ever questioned the Woad's status as the Mongrel's successor, just a few reasons among many as to how one such as Thomas could hold the reigns of Mawsworn power for so long, adding weight to the significance of seeing a smile creep across the lips of their Great Khan, reacting in appreciation for such strength of zealotry.

Gestures of which all Marauders would see as faithful tributes to the way of true Marauders.

'This won't take long, Lord Ren.... Regardless, I would be honoured if you observed.'

Stepping forth, the Great Khan would join the Warlord's salute to the dead with one of his own, a gesture of which no Marauder there would forget, not for as long as the Dark Three permitted them to live. With the Mongrel's sword unsheathed and held aloft overhead, three links to the previous century were in plain view for all the Mawsworn and Dark-Imperial warriors to see, and when the Bloodhound warmly decreed,'By my order, this warrior is witnessed, this Brother is recognised. Thus Khazos earns the right to prompt a Khan's salute for our martyrs.... An' wi' that, earns a place amongst his brethren once more. Welcome back to the Maw, Brother Atakam.', all those who had bled to conquer Empress Teta would know their links to the past would be absolute.

'Now go, join your brothers among their brethren of old - there is much I still have to say here.... Enjoy the show.'

Yeah, I think its time.
But the Grand Unveilling is still approaching.

Patience.... Patience.
The reign of any leader would be difficult by the early years of the 10th Century ABY, let alone that of an Emperor, this a Great Khan could understand. Though perhaps even moreso for an Emperor suffering the pains, the traumas and memories that followed resurrection, suffering the strangeness of living a life beyond death; this, however, a Great Khan could also understand, and perhaps more-easily than any mere aches suffered at the heights of prominence. Glaring truths of which had seemingly escaped the recognition of the Khanate and the Dark Empire, and to what seemed an absolute extreme, for none would think on the implications of Greats reaching accords that suited both factions, nor on what it would mean for an already-weakened collective of civilisations.

But in equalling levels of shortsightedness, mirroring that of the Marauders and the Magnars who led them, it seemed as though Lord Ren's leaders refused to see the Khanate's potential in the long-run, blinding their own senses of foresight in turn. Whether purposefully or not, Thomas cared little and less, and on both counts at that, but in seeing his chance to speak to the Dark Empire through Detritus, knew it was only proper to give voice to the misgivings of his bloodied masses. Especially not with the latest adverse circumstance considered, as there was no way the Mawsworn Khanate would allow themselves to forget the Core Worlders' orbital bombardment on
Battlefront: North, and in this - Barran would feel that pain as they did.

'Forgive their eyes, Lord Ren.... But I must confess, I feel that wrath as they do, as like my Brethren, I also grieve for the warriors we lost along the way. Warriors we need now, but are resigned to await us in the Nether instead. A problem for a new century in it's infancy, an' every part as much now as it was for the last.'

Nail Darkhan's death would be avenged, his memory held dear by many, but the root of the issue still remained unsolved, leaving irreparable gaps in the wall that was the Maw's warfighting renown. On this matter most of all, (more than all those the Bloodhound expected to find mention that night) Barran knew that his response would be the most-emphatic of voices given to the misgivings thusfar, and with it, a perfect means of bridging the final waiting gap between talk and it's grand, consequent revelation.

'But therein lies the beating heart of the issue, an' the fact Marauders have always counted their dead should be enough to know something's amiss.... So if your masters have have any designs on our assured loyalty in the long-run, then rest-assured they'll get nowhere fast if attitudes don't reflect that intention soon.'



Heathen Priestess, High Priestess of the Mawite Khanate
Objective: To Speak with the Khanate
Location: Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Equipment: Sacrifical Dagger | Sacrifical Dagger | Staff | Crown | Amulet of Many
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran | Hex Hex | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos | Open
<"ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


While Y'sanne waited for a response from Kyrel Ren's son, another Marauder stepped forward, addressing first the Khan and then everyone else. She turned her gaze to Atakam Khazos and nodded in satisfaction when he spoke the name of the Dark Three. After this, the woman, being a priestess, could not remain silent. She had to say the blessing all the way through to the demonic-looking woman.

"May the Dark Three bless you and your tribe!" the woman said with religious reverence in her voice.

Why was it so important to the woman that the remnants of Maw, who now made up a significant portion of Khanate, remain true to the Avatar faith? Partly because there were so few left, and while in Maw it had been the main religion because the Sith were not so numerous and they were only one person, now in the Dark Empire the Avatars were not important. It was a more centralised Empire, a grouping of people who would never follow the true faith. And if the Knights of Ren now refused to do so - because she knew the Mawdalorian group followed their own faith - the whole of Khanate would be quite divided. And they should have united.

She believed that the Khanate were more trustworthy than the other half of the Dark Empire, since it was the Khanate who had served Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis back in the days of the Maw, and the others were exactly what they were against. She didn't trust the Imperials, the Avatars told her in dreams and visions not to. Of course, these were just the fantasies of a crazy and religious woman, there is no way of knowing whether the Dark Three actually told her or not. So she waited, waited for him to answer the question, for she could not know what the answer would be at the moment.

The answer soon came; and it was exactly what she had expected. Even if he lied, she and Khanate got the answer they needed. If the Knights of Ren ever did anything that was the opposite of what was just said here, they could always be called heretics in the future. Y'sanne finally nodded gratefully in Jin's direction.

"Thank you for your honest answer, Master Ren!" she said with a grateful tone in her voice.

She then stepped back and let the leaders speak. The woman had never really gotten into politics, as her church was not very strong, and now she was alone to the best of her knowledge. So the woman preferred to just listen and let the men speak. Publicly, she only spoke on political issues, in the background of course she discussed political matters with Thomas Barran Thomas Barran . But the Empire didn't need to know about that... yet.



TAGS: Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran Hex Hex Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos

Outer Circle of the Ruins

A meeting of old and new blood had been called. A gathering of the remnants of the Maw by those that knew the ways before their downfall within the galaxy. A call made to summon those pieces back together to move forward and act upon the great plan that had been laid out before them prior. To make anew the very reason they came to be. Everyone that had gathered watched with eager eyes and listened with intent.

Kurineth had come to watch and listen. The Pups she surrounded herself with had come to revel and solidify their bond to the old ways. To remind them of the thing that gave them purpose. The Pups around her chanted the greeting back when the Priestess had spoke. The only one that had trouble being the Pup directly beside Kurineth, with a dark bruise blooming around his throat and equally dark shading dotting his shaven head.

His knuckles bloodied and a finger in need of removal after the play fight with Kurineth had become a little too excited. Both Kuri and the battered Pup in torn and shredded rags showcasing the scrapes, gouges, and bite marks.

She wore her own split lip and bloodied nose with pride. Hands covered in a mix of dirt and blood with an all too eager smile on her face, even with her arms crossed. She listened to the talk by the Priestess, intently watching the trio speak. Kuri was content playing her part and did not feel the need to speak. She was the fighter amidst the dogs that had all the pretty gear and fancy powers. The literal gauntlet the Pups she had made herself a part of to throw themselves against while they weren't busy trying to tear down and burn the galaxy clean of the filth that muddied it.

Chatter caught her attention nearby, letting her eyes slide away to spy a group speaking between themselves.

The largest with green skin around her height, while two others much smaller in stature had her direct attention. Kurineth committed them to memory, sure she'd seen them somewhere as a punch to her side brought her back.

"Pay attention."

Her arms tensed, freeing themselves as the smile twisted into an ugly frown. She rounded on him, shoulders squared and teeth bared as the Pup met her stare.

"Touch me again an you'll be joining the cycle before you earn your place." Words hissed against the clenched teeth as she stared him down unblinking. The Pups around them watching with grins and sneers before the Pup backed down finally.

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4th Post







Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Maestus Maestus Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran
Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull Ronar Ronar Erion Justeene Erion Justeene The Grunt The Grunt




I feel it approaching....
Mercy did say it was a ship like no other, but I underestimated that statement.

I greatly underestimated it's weighted implications.

Looking to Ren, it was clear the Imperial emissary could feel it too, and making it all the more apparent, Barran would find that same recognition in the eyes of Stradd in turn. A presence of cosmic magnitude approached the planet's outer orbital-sphere, a spacefaring construction large enough to appear like a high shadow - holding it's place like a hawk over the ruins of the city.
'Well, well, well.... It would appear my moment is upon us, FINALLY!!!!'

With face (and rubied right eye) bared to the Mawsworn, the Imperials and Empress Teta's clouded surface, all would see the reverent glee in his revelation, and consequently find that Barran Khan had been waiting patiently for this moment, revelling in the sweetness of the reward that ascended the mere pageantry of the Woad's impending declaration. Even as the smiling Bloodhound drew back the right-arm sleeve of his cloak, goosebumps were shivering the imagined into fruition before his conscious gaze, shuddering the glory of grandiosity into life as Thomas drawled,'Aye.... There's muh cue, an' with it - my prompt to give Lord Ren his answer.', in his usual Prestonian-Basic brogue.
'It all depends on the varying levels of interest expected of Emperor Solipsis, humour me.'

First offer: utilise us as Sellsword Barons, as hired mercenaries, holding conquered planets until their respective Moffs relieve and reallocate us at will. The only condition in this case, we would still need a world of our own to hold as our personal headquarters within Imperial territory - there for secondary function as a consulate if it pleases.

Second offer: bind us in wartime alliance, for the Marauding, Nomadic elements to work in cohesive unity with all Imperial contingents, this would ensure lawful precedent to occupy the planet we found within Imperial territory. This alliance will compel the Mawsworn elements to come to Imperial aid if and when it is required, though the condition attached to this would be decreed access to mercenaries, making us more effective as the secondary attack-prongs we are quickly becoming already.

Third offer: rule us as our overlords, taking Mawite hordes into the ranks of a modernised civilisation, this we wouldn't mind with the right, conservationist policies keeping the culture of the Khanate's new homeworld in mind. The only condition attached to this is simple, but doubtlessly the most-brazen - requiring the Emperor to reconsecrate his soul in service to the Avatars of the Hidden Maw.

'The things we could achieve with a Holy, Avatar-Blessed leader once more.... An' here I stand, existing as a micro-exemplar of impending Solipsid macro. Food for thought.'

The hairs on the back of the Bloodhound's neck were standing on end by then, feeling the exhilaration of making his gamble once and for all, and though there awaited chances of political danger, Barran was more than Barran-enough to understand the risks that went with the grandest game of all. Not even the Khan himself could keep from admit,'Oh, man! What a thrill, eh? I wouldn't have it any other way, Lord Ren.... Not even a little, for what worth is life - if its not lived on the very precipice?', turning to his paramour with the most-gleeful of grins, one who understood this invigorating truth more than most. It was this trait that attracted the Woad to the Twi'Lek in the first place, and in the moment they shared a knowing smile together, the presence of the approaching ship became all the more intense, further adding to an already-memorable moment.

'The very knife's edge of existence.... What a fething RUSH!!!'
Raising his eye to the clouded skies above, relishing the grand reveal with arms outstretched, ecstatic in the formation of a memory he would never forget, Thomas laughed in the presence of all who were there to watch the events unfold. A grand, aspirational moment of auspice in the continuation of Scar Hounds and of Mawsworn history, though the Great Khan would find himself surprised to a much-greater extent than that of the moments before, sighing with mouth agape in awestruck wonder, silenced as the approaching craft sent the nearest clouds scattering in all directions. Not even the high-points of his previous life could match it, creating the most-surreal sensation for a man who had never known it before, surpassing even his accepted challenge of faith on Tython - screaming through the greatest of sensory experiences under bombardment.


Surpassing all but the emotion of resurrection.



Tag: Open​


A faint shadow stood in the corner of the half-destroyed ruin; the words spoken close enough to his code to notice.

Keth first conquered Tython alongside the One Sith, blackening and twisting the world with corrupting energies. The second time, his forces cracked open the ground with volcanic scars at the old Jedi temple, attempting to shatter the moon alongside a Sith ritual. Only a stubborn Jedi or two barely stopped his forces from causing more damage.

Their AI sat at the planet's core, consuming resources to further their aims. In time, all would bend to his will, even if it took an eternity. Hollowing out potential, Keth was almost nothing now—barely a spirit in place of the man, just an impulse to act, consumed by Krayt's reborn armor and ended by Taeli Raaf, like the fire in which he burned so many others. He interfered at critical moments to tip the balance, as the long conflict demanded.

The shadow observed.

Khanate, Khaganate.
The Golden Horde and the Golden Host.

It seemed the galaxy had aligned these two destinies to call him, or perhaps someone had cleverly manipulated events to bring this crux point in the Force together. The ancient Kethborn, barely ever moving from his tomb, was drawn to discover why this synchronicity occurred. He was not alone. Although faded to almost a shadow, barely able to see those not strong with the Force, others stepped out to bring their physicality to the meeting.

Various creations of the One Sith—his alchemy, viruses, code keepers, monsters, sun guard, agents, midnight guard, tortured souls, the dead, apprentices, generals, Echani, and tribal warriors—stepped out of the shadows one after the other by his side. A long history of bloody conflict, he and his many followers had served to the One Sith ideals. The long conflict never ended.

Nothing moved in hostility; they had either come to kill everyone here or listen. Perhaps both. If you felt safe in their company, you were a fool.

Keth said nothing, observing the power struggle he had watched for hundreds of years. Moving itself to where significance might be found. The words were not necessary, only the struggle, the eternal conflict. The question was which tool the shade would select to represent him in this group's incarnation of dark side energy or if his zealous sister's spirit form, glowing like a golden statue nearby, would take center stage.


The shade looked skyward to see what the future held once more.
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Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd Raien Keth Raien Keth Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull

Detritus truly didn't know what his answer would bring. Truth be told he wasn't sure how long the Maw remnant would persist. Many of the religious body had perished on Exegol, along with many of the leadership that clung to the very ideals. Solipsis had returned, but for the first time in nearly a millennia would Imperial supremacy have a chance to reign supreme from the Core Worlds. Kyrel Ren in another life believed in that same dream, in a way did Detritus honor his father by serving the Emperor. As to his place within this Maw Remnant did he feel increasingly wary, for he felt that the ones in this room would, or could betray Solipsis should they feel the need to. Detritus felt that by keeping his true thoughts hidden could he know more of what this Horde want. If need be would he report directly back to the Emperor, but for now they wouldn't know of such things.

Detritus remained silent until this Heathen Priestess's probing didn't reveal his true intentions. It seemed he had answered correctly, even if he had some disdain for her defying the very edict that the rest of the Priesthood died behind. Detritus would give a nod to her in response, for it seemed that he had met some expectations... for now. Detritus would remain quiet until the great Khan would present options for which the Horde would integrate itself within the New Order. He proposed an ideas of which the Mawites could integrate flawlessly with the order that would replace the crumbling Alliance. For once did Detritus find himself in slow agreement with a few of the ideas that were being put forth.

"My great Khan. I would suggest for the interests of this horde, the second option would be preferable. If the Emperor's plans succeed, then it would be best for the Mawites to fully integrate themselves into this new Empire." Detritus would remain silent as he looked further to see an announcement and what appeared to be a massive warship. Detritus could say nothing, but felt surprise. Where is this going and where would this Horde lead?​


Heathen Priestess, High Priestess of the Mawite Khanate
Objective: To Speak with the Khanate
Location: Cinnegar, Empress Teta
Equipment: Sacrifical Dagger | Sacrifical Dagger | Staff | Crown | Amulet of Many
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran | Hex Hex | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Atakam Khazos Atakam Khazos | Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull | Raien Keth Raien Keth | Open
<"ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Of course, Y'sanne also felt it when the Ark arrived near the planet. It already transported enough individuals to be felt in the Force. Since she'd been around Mar'Zambul constantly, and especially on the planet for the last quarter century, she knew perfectly well what Ark was, and that they'd started building it around the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War. Considering how big a 'ship' it was; a space station really, she was not surprised that it had been built for so long, not to mention how many people it could house. Just as Khan had said.

The huge space station began to crawl in front of the planet's star, causing a solar eclipse. The woman heard Detritus Ren's words and spat contemptuously at the ground as he spoke about the Mawite tribes merging with the Imperials. She had been Imperial once before, in the Ashlan Kaiserreich, the woman felt that no one from here would be fit to be Imperial. Most Scar Hounds lived and died with the idea that only the strong mattered. No, these Marauders weren't just soldiers, they would never have had a good place there. Different culture, different values... different religions.

~ Heresy! Allow me to cut out his tongue and... ~ the woman telepathically sent to Thomas.

The priestess didn't continue with her words, there were two options, she could sacrifice his tongue to the Avatars, or she could send it to Solipsis, so that once again the Emperor would not ask them to give up what made them strong. But the thought was not spoken aloud or in thought by the woman. Although the woman seemed rather demonic, unable to think, she was a good diplomat and knew when to be quiet. Fortunately, it was at this moment that the Ark became fully visible in the sky, a gigantic space station 100km long, wide and tall, looking like a pyramid.

"Raise your eyes to the sky, Children of Avatars, and rejoice! Behold the Ark!" the woman shouted as she raised both hands to the sky, where the space station was indeed visible.

The Ark

She looked around the crowd to see how they would react to seeing the Ark. Then Y'sanne raised her head again to look at the space station as it assumed a geosynchronous orbit around the planet, presumably so that the Mawite units on the planet could then board this new home.

~ Ren has shown us what he's up to. We must guard our values and sovereignty far better than we thought before... ~ the woman again sent a telepathic message to the Khan.

In cursing to seal our fate, conviction is born.
Tag: Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Minako Aoki-Barran Minako Aoki-Barran | Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco | Hex Hex | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Kurineth Cull Kurineth Cull

Two Kethenites stepped out of the dim shadow, their voices chosen in this moment of significance and dawning understanding of what was to come. They stirred most in witness to the mother-ark's arrival so they would represent them. Althenea Uos (Kerrigan) and Atticus Varan (???)

Excerpt from the Book of ???
From the sky, it came—a proud, bold creation. A heart made whole of metal and will. Carrying their lost paths through the black.
When their blood marked the ground, they bound themselves once more in ritual and oath.

Raise your eyes to the sky, Children of Avatars, and rejoice! Behold the Ark!

The two ritualists raised their Runic Oath Shields high, gripping the axe of embers and the black alchemized blade. "Skybringer! Cast great name over world!" Althenea's broken-basic voice began a low ritual chant under her breath in broken basic, and the voiceless but faithful Atticus slammed his axe against his shield three times.

The youngest of the Kethenites seized their moment. Unaware of her lineage, the granddaughter of Siobhan Kerrigan Siobhan Kerrigan . stood beside her bond-brother, Atticus, lost to family and line. She looked at the sky as if to challenge creation itself to reveal its secrets.

Althenea's chant grew stronger. Though a novice in alchemy and sorcery, she was a natural ritualist. A small jade glimmer fell over the surrounding space, descending upon her gifted blade gripped firmly in her hand.

Intensifying her ritual while becoming quieter and more personal. She cut her palm and let her lifeblood drip upon the earth; Atticus did the same, raising their eyes in reverence. Forming a blood oath and pact, bound by her fledgling Sith ritualism. Boldly, they claimed the Ark as their home and their place within the Khanate as direct representatives of the Kethenites, believing bold gestures drew respect.

"Pacts made." Althenea extended her bloody hand, challenging anyone to take it. "Pledged under first sight of Mother-Ark." This was the moment to forge a significant pact about their new home, leaving it open to what that pact would be, and who would take it. Khaganate to Khanate, Golden Horde to Golden Host. Few things were off the table, with breaking their existing oaths as the only barrier they couldn't cross.

Bold, dangerous, sacrificial: Kethenite.
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