Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Golden Hour [TJO | Republic]

Metallos was by no means a small planet. In fact, it boasted almost 900 billion in population. Their task was not small.
The shuttles departed in uniform from the Praxeum, belching into the blackness of space until the clearing and landing admittances were requested. The pilots knew their duties, and passed them on without qualm. The shuttles, when a few hundred meters above the stratablocks of the wealthy, broke away to two separate destinations.

1 shuttle lead the delegates to accomplish Task I. These were a mix of those with talented tongues, and those who sincerely needed to learn when and how to stay their minds for the benefit of the situation. In this shuttle, was [member="Anya Kalos"], [member="Michael Sardun"], [member="Konahrik the Forgotten"], and. [member="Nico Minuro Ike"], [member="Lupe Baracka"]
Task I: Attempt to bridge the divide between the wealthy and the poor by discovering a point of unification.

The second shuttle smoothly navigated to the lower levels, where a dense smog attacked the viewing panes of the shuttles. It was mostly dark outside, despite the suns that orbited the planet. Rocking slightly, the shuttle hissed to a stop. On board this shuttle, to accomplish the second task, were those who were better versed in the art of healing. [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Adele Adonai"], [member="Noriko Ike"]
Task II: Provide medicinal relief to those ill in the lower cities (Medicine can be found on board. Healers, flex those abilities!)
The Padawan fell sheepishly silent and Kiskla left him to study a small datapad with information of Soresu on it. She would return to @Jy'aad Evliar once more when he was prepared to continue the lesson. When she turned to exit the training chambers and check on her comrade in the control centre, her light eyes detected the frame of the man that had once threatened her in the senate room. And yes, Kiskla held grudges. Especially when they were consuming alcoholic beverages on her new ship.

"Commander Rohn, make sure that's your last one and it's disposed of properly." She almost added something about him being disposed of properly. "Are you here to assist the voyage to Metallos? Because this is the ship's last stop." Lie. It was the last known stop. After this, the students on board would fall victim to her orchestrated jumps throughout hyperspace that dipped and dodged and were wholly untraceable. Therefore, keeping the Jedi on board safe. She waited there, long enough for [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] to reply -- and long enough for the hallways to introduce a lone figure with a lunch pale in hand. Oh. Darn. The nearer the figure got, the more she realized it wasn't lunch, but something less exciting: tools.

"Master Merrill, thanks for joining us." She'd reached out to him after the convocation. He'd seemed a sensible sort, and after holding hands with Darron something about a brief conversation had passed through her psychometered vision; something about Selab? While Kiskla had investigated, it hadn't turned up much. What had turned up, was [member="Jorus Merrill"]' keen ability to find things. "Most of the students are on their mission of compassion to Metallos. Good timing -- this gives us time to talk." She nodded her head in the direction Jorus hadn't come from, but toward an area that would branch off to the right of the praxeum; the meditation chambers and on a level below were the archivist holds. That would be a few steps to come.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
Nico had her orders and relaxed her head against the wall while letting the ticks of the shuttle come, she wasn't to worried about this task. Bridging gaps was simple enough as it stood and she had liked the idea of talking to people. Or she expected it to fall into the usual problem of something happening and emerging while her grin showed on her face now. Good dreams and thoughts entering her mind while she opened her eyes to look at the others who were coming with her. Shrugging to herself they couldn't all be bad.
Noriko was interested now, the healers and medicine something she would work with while taking a solid look. Strange she had been sitting next to Nico but meh she just brushed it all as plot conveinance. Her hand going to her hair and pushing it aside while she checked her staff and spared a moment to think about her master and what he might be doing. She did worry about him and Vulpesen had proven useful in terms of teaching even if she also learned from wherever she could allowing a thumb to touch the padded armor. She was ready to go with the others.
[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

He followed the Grandmaster down past the meditation chambers and toward what shipsigns labelled 'archivist holds.' "Yeah, I'd imagine it's normally a good bit louder. When I was retrofitting the old praxeum ships for the Order -- the Baas-class, you know'em, frigate-scale bulk freighter conversions, lot smaller and more utilitarian than this -- we had to work with passenger density and travel figures. There's always more Jedi." He smiled faintly. "Always more than you'd think."

He hefted the toolbox as he walked, a gesture to draw her attention to it, but didn't open it. "Something I thought about saying at the Convocation, Grandmaster. The One Sith didn't get the holocrons -- the two big ones, the Great Holocron and Tionne's. Je'gan Olra'en told me about the drop vault -- nice rig, too. Wraith-administration stuff. Diagonal chute, repulsorpods, Grandmaster's-eyes-only. First decent artifact security in the Jedi Order. Gave me all manner of ideas. Anyway, this is them. I got in, found Wraith and the 'crons, Olra'en took care of Wraith -- that fether jumped down the chute half a klick long -- and I bailed. Full disclosure, there was also the Baas holocron, but that one's in the custody of people that need it and will use it right, people with as much of a right to it as the Republic's Order has to these."

They turned a corner; he paused and cracked open the toolbox to let her take a look. The Great Holocron and Tionne's Holocron were arguably the two most important Light Side repositories of knowledge in history. They sat nestled in fit-cut foam and a layer of nullification resin. Each was larger than a normal holocron, and multifaceted.

"Always knew they weren't mine, though there was a need for safekeeping and still is. Always knew I'd bring'em back once I was sure your Order had the seeds of its old self. My only condition is that you seriously beef up security."
The second shuttle smoothly navigated to the lower levels, where a dense smog attacked the viewing panes of the shuttles. It was mostly dark outside, despite the suns that orbited the planet. Rocking slightly, the shuttle hissed to a stop. On board this shuttle, to accomplish the second task, were those who were better versed in the art of healing. Kian Karr, Adele Adonai, Noriko Ike
Task II: Provide medicinal relief to those ill in the lower cities (Medicine can be found on board. Healers, flex those abilities!)

Beyond the mask of serene cordiality, Jedi Knight A'dele Adonnai knew that what would come of this day would be another day versus an internal trial for her. While she was a member of the Circle of Healers, she was by far the one who would still struggle with the art. Unknown by all save the most keen of senses, there was a reason to why the Iridonian female constantly meditated for nearly three quarters of her day.

A deep steadying breath would prompt the woman a measure of calm. Serenity. She could do this. It was a matter to taking small steps at a time. With this in mind, A'dele stepped away from her normal wallflower duties and proceeded to accept the leadership role of those who would be among the group aimed to provide medicinal relief to those ill in the lower cities.

They would first need to gather their resources. Then find suitable methods of transporting the medicine. From there, once they arrived to the lower cities, the set up of a triage would take place.
Kian had closed his eyes as they made their way in the shuttle to the lower city of. Kian was not much of a healer, but he was a gifted telepath. While he was not able to perform advanced healing arts for the body, he could help to heal the mind. In addition to this, he'd seen enough of battle to know how to use medical supplies.

Kian rose form his seat, preparing to depart the shuttle as it came to a jolting stop. He could see that it was dark and foggy outside and Kian felt sorry for the inhabitants of this area. Kian's eyes, covered by the goggles that protected his eyes in oxygen rich environments, adjusted fairly quickly to the dim lighting. Dorin was a very dim world as well. Stretching out, Kian could feel pain, suffering, and fear in the force, but he could also feel hope and strength. These people were strong and they could be made even stronger with just a bit of help. They had to be careful though. Kian had come to realize that sometimes those who are in the most need of help are often the ones too proud to accept it.

Turning his attention to the others, Kian saw that there was another padawan whom he had not had the pleasure of meeting and a Jedi Knight who he also had not met previously.

"I'm Kian Karr," He said, figuring it was only right to introduce himself, "where shall we begin?"

[member="Adele Adonai"] [member="Noriko Ike"]
Neither sandwiches nor screwdrivers were contained in [member="Jorus Merrill"]’s toolbox. The latter was a relief, for Kiskla was adversed to handiwork and technology. [member="Marcello Matteo"]
had insisted she fix her own star fighter once, and the struggle had been real. She’d very nearly thrown a tantrum.

But wanderings down memory lane aside, Kiskla listened to the accented Spacer while he displayed his treasures. Her body bent to get a glance. The polyhedrons emitted a small glow respectively, and Kiskla peered at the dimensional prisons of knowledge with both appreciation and fascination. Her slender fingers twitched with the desire to reach out and touch.

Kiskla’s Master had never really used holocrons for her instruction. But she did appreciate them, especially since she was a curious young thing — and she’d heard much about Master Solusar and her knowledge. Her wealth of understanding on lore and application was unparalleled, and the contents of Jorus’ presentation would be well used. Especially with all her knowledge on history — things Kiskla often overlooked in her training years. Now, she could use the information more than ever.

Cerulean gaze then drifted to absorb the intricate, ancient carvings of the dodecahedral holocron next to the blue one. A prior centrepiece to the Jedi Temple. Kiskla’s teeth clicked shut and she looked up at the short-haired navigator with a somewhat wan expression. It was like a quilt of information, with random patches and scraps to contribute to the massive story contained within it’s design.

“So you heard about the Ossus mishap.” Kiskla frowned, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “There are a lot of things I want to do, get The Jedi back to their roots and out of their currently murky state is only one of them.

Security is a concern,” she straightened “The last time a major flush of contents happened, was because there was room for err. Everything was stored in a single vault — I intend to allocate our resources through our different regions and enclaves.

Master Alince is currently working on it, though we’re open to suggestion."
[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Adele Adonai"]

Noriko looked at the Kel dor and shrugged while she turned to the knight. The question there in the air. "I don't know start with whoever is sick and go from there hoping we don't get infected with soemthing and need to waste the medicine." Best plan she could think of while standing up and stretching her back and neck popping. Then her knuckles before speaking. "I'm Noriko it is nice to meet you." She went towards the entrance of the shuttle and ran a hand through where her head was shaved. "Well time to have some fun I suppose."
[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

The lunchbox shut. This deep into the ship, this close to the archive vaults, the silence changed in quality, from mere temporary abandonment to something more like reverence. "I heard about Ossus, yeah, but I was definitely thinkin' about the oversight that put these suckers in my hands rather than yours. And even the Tython raid a couple years back. Archivists an' librarians an' archaeologists are important, don't get me wrong, necessary even -- but you can't expect'em to be competent when it comes to security. From what I hear, and my sources are pretty fething good for this stuff, the most opposition anyone really got in one of those three incidents was Tython, an' thaIt was one high-quality blast door and a couple of Knights.

"I've stolen an awful lot, Grandmaster. I've jacked the biggest warship in the galaxy, first time as wheelman, second time solo. I got these two out from under the nose of the One Sith. I know the tricks, an' I'm available for recovery should your librarians let these go too. If that's what it comes to, though - if your archivists let these get taken again - fair warning, if it's me that tracks'em down, I might wind up finding a safer spot for'em than the Order. Not that they're mine, but a man does get to feelin' responsible for things he loves."
The second shuttle smoothly navigated to the lower levels, where a dense smog attacked the viewing panes of the shuttles. It was mostly dark outside, despite the suns that orbited the planet. Rocking slightly, the shuttle hissed to a stop. On board this shuttle, to accomplish the second task, were those who were better versed in the art of healing. Kian Karr, Adele Adonai, Noriko Ike
Task II: Provide medicinal relief to those ill in the lower cities (Medicine can be found on board. Healers, flex those abilities!)

"Greetings, I am Knight Adonnai," A'dele would introduce herself to the Kel-Dor and Ike, although the Iridonian knew well of the majority of the Ike family who was part of the Order. Along with those who had been exiled as well.

She would turn to [member="Kian Karr"], "I will place you in charge of overseeing the transport of medicine to the lower cities." she would tell him, "The Circle of Healers are already enroute to meet you there. Once there, we will be building a triage area." she turned to @Noriko Iki "I will place you in charge of overseeing it's construction."

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