Dunames Lopez
Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Xal 3, near First Order space but not quite in it yet. First Order regulations were rather overbearing as far as filmmaking were concerned so Star Tours, while a rather faithful instrument in the First Order schemes, especially dominions, Dunames, visibly tired of dominioning under Logistical Command's orders, assembles what camera drones she could, the very same that were used by Taking off on a Star Tour for filming at the Galactic Games. Twenty camera drones, of which twelve were positioned at strategic locations inside goal zones (one top-dead-center, one behind-dead-center, and two more at each end of the goal zone, and that's for one goal zone), were deployed during the games by Taking Off on a Star Tour to film about the Games using live streaming. That particular AT-AT barge having its paint re-made for the shooting of The Gospel and Testaments of Ardgal Raxis, it acts as a mobile behind-the-scenes location while principal photography starts.
"Star Tours has not only been involved in the financing of this movie, the closest thing we have to a bankable actor is [member="Ardgal Raxis"], which also helped us reduce the cost by providing his products at a reduced cost"
"I would have loved to cast Jessica, but she is far from being a bankable actress. The reason why she appeared in that movie was because the movie was built out of historical records. Plus she is a polarizing figure especially along the eastern part of the Core Worlds" Emelanda told Dunames.
"But Jessica can use a high-recoil weapon with no more consequences than you would a blaster carbine" Frank protested. "Perhaps it's because of where the movie fits inside the First Order's bread-and-circuses"
Dunames turned to Ardgal. "Ardgal, we chose that part Xal 3 because it was close enough to a former base of outlaws that smuggled weapons"
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
"Star Tours has not only been involved in the financing of this movie, the closest thing we have to a bankable actor is [member="Ardgal Raxis"], which also helped us reduce the cost by providing his products at a reduced cost"
"I would have loved to cast Jessica, but she is far from being a bankable actress. The reason why she appeared in that movie was because the movie was built out of historical records. Plus she is a polarizing figure especially along the eastern part of the Core Worlds" Emelanda told Dunames.
"But Jessica can use a high-recoil weapon with no more consequences than you would a blaster carbine" Frank protested. "Perhaps it's because of where the movie fits inside the First Order's bread-and-circuses"
Dunames turned to Ardgal. "Ardgal, we chose that part Xal 3 because it was close enough to a former base of outlaws that smuggled weapons"
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]