Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Grand Reception

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro
"Ah...Commonwealth..Thee Commonwealth, naturally I am quite aware of their exploits on the galactic stage." The Neimoidian responded to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell with a noticeable shift in his gaze, accompanied by a sudden but respectful bow, as Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro made her way towards them from behind. Sentapoth had taken noticed, that they had spent some time with the Trade Monarch before coming over to the pair which meant they must had connections within the vast expanse of the Trade Federation.

It would do well for him to be polite in order to not be moved down to secondary postings like Administrator of Trade Allocations. A rather useless post with lots of paperwork, and no hope for actual promotion to a top-grade with a high salary. "A pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Y-Y-Yvarro. I hear the Commonwealth is doing well these days, from local reports" He responded with a gentle tone to her welcoming words. Lacking substantial knowledge about the Commonwealth, he would need to feign familiarity until he could gather more information.

"Extremely favorable, favorable to all parties involved. The Imperials are licking their wounds from the crushing defeat on Coruscant and the Alliance is already mobilizing whole spades of territory." The General reported confidently after Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell introduced him, taking another glass of water from the passing servant droid.


Lodd attentively listened to Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro 's response regarding if she had ever visited the neighboring bridge-cities nearby like Tarko-se. His smile faltered for a brief moment, as she explained that she had not yet had the opportunity to explore the other settlements on the planet due to time constraints and the considerable long distance between the Commonwealth and the Purse Worlds.

Such an answer was acceptable given that she was open to an offical tour which might enable them to improve diplomatic relations away from the current crowd which was becoming larger by the second. "Such an arrangement will be satisfactory, Miss Yvarro. Kindly convey my respects to her Majesty, and we will anticipate welcoming your delegation for an official visit." The Neimoidian said to Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro still nervous at the prospects of an assassination attempt, watching her depart from the group although not before assuring her that he would be able to engage in a private discussion with them at a later point in time once the main event got wrapped up.

He was only given a momentary reprieve from conversation as both Marquis Tertius C. Nargath and Valkoryen Sunfell approached the pair. "Your well wishes are deeply appreciated, Marquis Nargath. I trust that you are rather occupied with the ongoing conflict between the major powers? " Lodd asked Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath , wanting to know what the N&Z Umbrella Corporation was doing in regards to the Core War and the possibility of a new front opening with the Alliance and the Sith Order. He speculated that Lord Carnifex might have knowledge of these developments but was maintaining secrecy for security purposes.

After the question had been asked, the Neimoidian Monarch shifted their gaze towards the towering figure of Valkoryen Sunfell, whose appearance starkly contrasted that of the Dark Lords. While Carnifex exuded an aura of darkness, Sunfell emanated a radiant light akin to sunlight, enough to illuminate the room in a hypothetical sense as the two forces clashed with one another for dominion.

"Thank you for the congratulations, my friend. I apologize for not being familiar with your name?" He expressed his curiosity to Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell , eager to delve deeper into the enigmatic persona. It is possible that this individual holds significant sway and authority, or is on the path to success in the business realm. Regardless, understanding their connection could prove beneficial for the Trade Federation.


Aruteous Pundar


Aruteous Pundar, Pirate Lord of Neimoidia, strode through the grand halls of the Trade Federation Palace on Cato Neimoidia with purpose in his step. Despite the opulence surrounding him, Aruteous despised these fancy gatherings that the Neimoidians were so fond of. As he passed through rooms filled with swaying figures clad in rich fabrics and dripping with jewels, he couldn't help but sneer in disgust.

The dull drone of conversation filled the air, mingling with the clinking of glasses and the soft music played by a small orchestra in the corner. Aruteous wrinkled his nose at the sight of the wealthy elite, their smug expressions and haughty demeanor making his blood boil. They knew nothing of the hardships he faced as a pirate lord and leader of the Neimoidian Underworld.

Aruteous couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in his own home. The lavish surroundings only served to highlight the vast divide between him and the Neimoidians who ruled over Cato Neimoidia with iron fists. They saw him as a threat, a rogue element that needed to be controlled, but Aruteous refused to be tamed.

As he reached the end of the corridor, Aruteous found himself standing in front of a massive double door that led to the grand ballroom. The sound of laughter and music spilled out into the hallway, beckoning him to join the revelry. But Aruteous had no desire to mingle with the elite, to exchange pleasantries and empty compliments with those who would sooner stab him in the back than look him in the eye.

With a sigh of resignation, Aruteous turned on his heel and began to walk away until spotting an interesting individual in the corner of the room. He made his approach with nary a word, save for the small raise of a glass of Neimoidian wine.

"You seem to be enjoying the party, but I suspect that you did not come here just for the caviar and high-stakes gambling."

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His hand twitched, his lips dried, a chill settled in his stomach. He prepared to fire anyway. Aeson pulled the rifle to him, his crosshair hanging slightly above the Sith Lord's head to compensate for the wind and drop from his perch. Verpine tech. Or was it Mandalorian? The lines blurred on weapons out of Roche since the bucketheads saved those quirky bugs from near extermination.

He pulled the trigger, the Verpine shatter rifle firing through a suppressor. The round metal projectile hurtled through the air to claim the head of one the greatest threats to peace since the Gulag Plague.

Ivalyn gave a polite and considerate nod toward Makai. "Well, I'll definitely keep that in mind," she said plainly, then turned to General Fidos with a wide smile. "Ah, well, it is quite an event, isn't it? This whole sordid affair with the Dark Empire."

"It's quite alright if you don't know much about us," Ivalyn added, trying to reassure the General. "We are a rather small nation, but we hope to expand our connections with the greater galaxy."

She fell silent for a moment as the General spoke with Makai directly. Then she remembered, "Oh, you know, if you'll both excuse me for just a moment. I remembered I needed to speak with Darth Carnifex regarding Panathan culture." It was something she had meant to do before her arrival, but now that he was here, it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

The Commonwealth's representative moved away from the General and Mr. Dashiell, making her way toward Darth Carnifex. The atmosphere grew tense as she approached the imposing figure. The room seemed to hold its breath, the air thick with anticipation.

Suddenly, everything felt like it was happening in slow motion. Ivalyn felt a sharp, searing pain and looked down at her chest. Blood seeped from the wound, and she didn't even have a chance to react before she crumpled to the floor.

The shot intended for Darth Carnifex had struck Ivalyn instead. The room erupted in chaos, but for Ivalyn, everything became eerily quiet. The Daughter of Djorn Bline Djorn Bline lay bleeding, her life slipping away on the cold floor.

Direct interaction: Aruteous Pundar
In attendance: Aeson Keel Aeson Keel | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | Sentapoth Findos Sentapoth Findos | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell | Âkuanam Rafthis Âkuanam Rafthis | Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath | Diodoros Diodoros |

Now this was someone more to Wynter's liking.

A Neimoidian, sure, but he seemed unlike most of the slime balls (figuratively, not literally. Wynter didn't care if your skin was covered in slime to keep it from drying out outside the water. It was heart that truly mattered) representing Neimoidia.

"Neither did you, I take it." Wynter responded quite in the same fashion. To the point, sharp and cool. "Years ago these people would have stepped over my body out in the streets, but now-"

Whatever else Wynter wanted to brag about was cut short when suddenly a shot ran through the crowd. Aimed for the Sith Lord Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex that Wynter couldn't detect, but finding its home in Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro who he definitely could see. Eyebrows rose up. "I suppose introductions ought to be cut short, perhaps we can continue this discussion somewhere less... exciting?"

A soft shrug as he grabbed one of the bottles on the table and began to march his way out of the hall, taking pain to avoid the panicking crowd.

It was never wise to get caught up in a stampede of panicking limbs and crushing heels.

If Pundar followed him, he'd notice that Wynter's thread to the room was full of unlikely misses and chances taken. Each time someone stepped in front of him... they stepped right out before they could slam their way into the smuggler. Luck was usually an intangible quantity, but Wynter had much of it to spare.

It had served him well during his business dealings... as much as it did avoiding being shot in the face by a sniper or crushed under the heels of whining nobles.

Aruteous Pundar


"Goodness no, I'd rather drop dead then attend one of these partys." Aruteous disdainfully said to Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham , fully rejecting the idea of having come to this gathering for superficial amusement and secretive negotiations. He prided himself on being a Neimoidian of Action, unlike his peers who preferred the safety of financial and commercial pursuits.

His newly found associate was about to make another comment before screams and panic broke through the assembly, as Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro dropped to the floor from the dead-man's bullet.

"Unfortunate, but business is business." He chuckled at the thought of someone dying, while merchants, bankers and planetary leaders rushed towards the exits of the Trade Federation Palace and security teams worked to secure the scene and the newly appointed Trade Monarch.

Aruteous followed Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham , noting the man's remarkable luck as people cleared a path for him without even getting close, despite the mass stampede of individuals.

The sole positive outcome of the assassination was the cessation of the tedious conversations and clinking of glasses, bringing great satisfaction to the Pirate Lord. Drawing nearer to Wynter as they traversed the palace, he maintained his grip on the neimoidian wine glass, occasionally taking small sips to soothe his anxiety.

"Tell me, what kind of agreements and prospects of have drawn you here all the way to Cato Neimoidia?"


Location: Trade Federation Palace
Tags: Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell

Tertius was rather glad with the recognition from the Nemoidian monarch, nodding gently as a sign of respect and as a positive reaction to the monarch's inquiry about his own business.

"Let's say that I have grown to find a certain distaste towards companies and individuals who value their beliefs and principles more than the very core of doing business," The Marquis hoped that the noble Nemoidian would understand the meaning behind these words, for he did not denounce anyone's principles or hated the idea of living by them, but in truth, having principles and beliefs that weren't corporate in nature more often than not clashed with the very principle of doing business, especially when such principles and beliefs came alongside a moral rigidity that allowed no compromise or adjustment. "Aside from that, we are attempting to pierce the veil of other markets in order to significantly expand our operations. Ofcourse I will not bother you to much with the details nor divulge too much of our own operations, but rest assured that the N&Z will intend to keep good relations with the Trade Federation."

As he spoke though, Tertius realized that a massive figure had appeared in the group, a stark contrast with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex who inspired dread and desolation in his wake, this new arrival bore a glamour which inspired courage and valor, truly the complete opposite, yet nonetheless an equally imposing sight in the form of Valkoryen Sunfell Valkoryen Sunfell . He had not personally met the High Lord of Zakuul, but through the small scale operations run by N&Z EnSol on Zakuul, he at least had heard of the man before.

"What the...!?" In utter shock, the Eriaduan noble gulped down his entire glass of liquor, his attention completely torn away from the whole conversation. He wasn't quite sure, did he hear one, two...maybe even three shots in the span of but a few moments? It wasn't clear and since he wasn't hurt, panic wasn't exactly setting in either. However, when he realized that at least one person had been shot, the Chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation understood that it was the representative from the Dosuun Commonwealth who had apparently been shot and had collapsed to the floor. "Why are there always those nutjobs that ruin the fun for all of us... next time I should bring my own security detail for these things I reckon."

Moving swiftly through the crowd, Tertius hoped he could be of some assistance to the collapsed lady Yvarro, not out of any kindness, but because he knew that if he could at the very least make a good impression and help her out in a moment such as this, it would be highly beneficial for the future. Luckily, the majority of people present were Nemoidians and though he himself wasn't a military man or a trained martial artist by any means, this fact did give him enough of a physical superiority over the majority of people to easily make his way towards Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro .

"Someone get a medic or a medic droid right here right now," The Marquis shouted as he managed to push through few of the dumbfounded spectators. "Lady Yvarro, you have been shot... stay awake, do your best to stay awake...where is the damn shot, where's the wound..."

Removing his overcoat, the Marquis tried to prop it up underneath the lady's neck, attempting to make sure her breathing wasn't impaired should she fall unconscious. "Really, what is wrong with you diplomatic all get shot or stabbed more often than I can count."

Tag: Aruteous Pundar

It was strange to think that someone was just summarily gunned down in front of them. Wynter was not a stranger to death and violence, neither did he know Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro at all. But he had assumed this place would be boring and entirely secured. Instead it had turned into a mess almost as soon as he had arrived.

He wondered if she'd survive... and if she didn't, he wondered what consequences would there be for the Trade Federation.

"And yet here we are. Attending... and remarkably alive." Wynter responded cheekily as they left the messy hall behind. He was already seeing medics arriving on scene.

Maybe that meant the woman had a chance.

"Well, sir, in my experience the more opulence and wealth is on display... the darker the deeds are under the table to keep it all going. There is always a need for sentients willing to dirty their hands." Said in a tone that was relatively wiped clean of concern or doubt. "What is your name? Clearly you are not one of them... but you are at home here regardless."

There were so many players and only so little time to get to know even a fraction of them.

It would be good to get to know one more.

Aruteous Pundar


"Yes fortunate that we live to see another profitable venture.." Aruteous replied with relief to Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham , being somewhat grateful that the gunmen or gunman's bullet had avoided the pair entirely. It would not do well for a power vacuum to engulf the Neimoidian Underworld. The last thing they needed was a bloody turf war breaking out, causing chaos and destruction in the already volatile criminal network and drawing the full attention of the Trade Federation.

It appeared that Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro was still alive, albeit barely, as the Neimoidian and Trade Federation Medics made great efforts to prevent her from perishing on the floor of the Trade Federation Palace. A smile played on his lips, curious to see how the Trade Monarchy would navigate their recent trade obligations to the Commonwealth in the event of the death of one of their primary representatives.

The fleeting thoughts dissipated rapidly, for it was not within his realm of interest, pausing briefly to look back at the individual before returning to the private conversation between them.

"Indeed, I must apologize for my lack of manners. My name is Aruteous Pundar, also recognized as Rute Pundar. I possess a moderate level of influence within the Neimoidian Underworld, enabling the passage of specific goods past customs inspections." The Pirate Lord spoke with unwavering confidence, seamlessly stringing together his words, fully aware that the Criminal Underworld offered greater profitability compared to conventional commercial enterprises. This line of work demanded a unique set of skills and a level of ruthlessness not commonly attributed to his kind.



Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : General Sentapoth Findos Sentapoth Findos | Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

One moment Miss Yvarro was leaving and Makai was speaking to the General about the rather banal topic of industrial production and how wars and battles and even business were built on output, when a shot rang out. It was only instinctive to turn towards the noise, only to find Miss Yvarro on the ground in front of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Brow furrowed for a moment, even Makai knew the Sith Lord wouldn't use something as crude as a blaster to murder someone. Didn't seem his style.

Iced blue gaze searched for any signs of shooter or armed idiots looking to make a robbery. Sometimes these types of parties attracted such opportunists, but Makai expected Palace security to be top notch, especially with big names in attendance. This wasn't a lower nobility house ball, this was a major organization.

More shots quickly rang out into the crowd, causing him to duck instinctively. A Pantoran official not too far off from him dropped, now some in the crowd were eager to leave. Chaos reigned. It was in this moment, he realized he really needed to keep Thirty-Seven around more often.

The half-Galan moved towards Miss Yvarro, seeing a man already kneeling over her. He was asking for a medic droid, which frankly, Makai didn't expect to have one near. He squatted down and felt the skin on her cheek. Ice cold. A clear sign someone was losing blood.

As if the massive chest wound wasn't evident enough.

Fingers felt for a pulse, barely.

He wasn't quite sure what to do but knew that with the amount of blaster fire in this space it wasn't safe. Nor wise. Considering himself somewhat strong for his frame, Makai repositioned himself along her side and moved to place Miss Yvarro over his shoulder in a 'fireman's carry' which made it easier to stand in his squatting position.

Blood was immediately soaking his black turtleneck.

"Its not looking good for her.."

Yvarro flung over his shoulder in the carry, Makai made an effort to quickly get out. As he neared the exit, trying to carry Miss Yvarro and fumble on his intelli-chrono for assistance, he was met by a hoarde of Commonwealth Guards. At least maybe now he could get out without risk of being shot.

Quite the bad look for the Trade Federation and the Alliance, in his opinion. If they couldn't secure the safety of one small party...


"Yes..Yes..a terrible affair with the Dark Empire, horrible for business practices and defense expenditures. Nevertheless there is a pathway forward to a more peaceful galaxy, if you believe the hawkings of the Holonet and their reporters." The Neimoidian General's expression shifted slightly as he addressed Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro , now finding himself in a significantly more favorable position than earlier in the conversation.

If the Commonwealth was monitoring the holonet reports from the Galactic Alliance's branch of the Network, they might see the war being discribed as an early triumph with the Imperial Offensive slowing down and reports of the Imperial Armada withdrawing to more well-defended sectors underneath their control.

The perspective was naturally skewed, causing Sentapoth to experience anxiety as the discussion transitioned from military matters to discussions about the Commonwealth. The Representative intended to elaborate on her diplomatic expansion plans, but Yvarro withdrew herself from the conversation to engage with the Dark Lord standing within the vicinity of the recently appointed Trade Monarch.

"Wha-" He was on the verge of addressing Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell further, the sudden noise of a bullet shattering glass reverberated through the room, causing a wave of panic to sweep over the crowd. Both Neimoidians and foreigners alike hurried towards the nearest exits, while security teams swiftly mobilized to contain the situation.

Leading the retreat was the General, who prioritized preserving his budding career in the Trade Defense Forces by making a swift exit.

[Exit Post]


The last thing she saw was the Marquis rushing towards her, his face etched with panic and concern. The ballroom, once filled with music and laughter, was now a scene of chaos. People screamed and scrambled for the exits, the atmosphere thick with fear. Ivalyn lay unconscious, blood pooling around her, while the Marquis tried to staunch the flow.

Makai Dashiell, alerted by the commotion, pushed through the panicked crowd. When he got to her, and scooped her up, the High Representative would've been a dead weight in his arms. Her body limp and cold to the touch. Commonwealth guards, dressed in their clean black suits, intercepted him. Their faces were grim, their movements precise and efficient.

The irony of it all. Ivalyn had been the one who swore she'd be secure at an event on a Galactic Alliance world, let alone a Trade Federation one. It was supposed to be safe. But now, her life was slipping away, each second more precious than the last.

Suddenly, more shots rang out, shattering any remaining semblance of order. One shooter, a pureblood Sith, raved about betrayers as he fired wildly into the crowd. The shot that had felled Ivalyn was from a sniper, far away and unseen.

As her life hung in the balance, Commonwealth agents quickly applied trauma spray. The spray sealed the wound, preventing further blood loss and numbing some of the pain, but Ivalyn had already lost a significant amount of blood. They placed her on a stretcher, securing her with care and urgency. The agents' hands moved with practiced speed, utilizing a trauma kit designed for combat scenarios.

The agents rushed her aboard a Steadfast III corvette, a Commonwealth medical ship equipped with a rapid response trauma center and emergency care facilities.

Nearby, at a restaurant, Merryn Sellek waited for Ivalyn. She noticed the Commonwealth medical corvette descending and her heart sank. There was only one reason such a ship would be in atmosphere. Panic seized her as she realized the implications. She bolted from the restaurant, summoning a shuttle with haste, her mind consumed with fear and desperation.

As the corvette began to lift off, heading toward space, Merryn's shuttle raced to intercept it. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat a reminder of the urgency. She needed to be with Ivalyn, to understand what had happened.

Meanwhile as Ivalyn was rushed into surgery, agents of the Commonwealth moved to debrief Makai, ensuring every detail was accounted for.

Inside the corvette, Commonwealth medical personnel worked tirelessly to stabilize Ivalyn. The trauma center buzzed with activity, the air thick with the tension of the critical situation. They contacted Commonwealth Medical Services on Avalonia, preparing them for the emergency arrival.

As the corvette ascended into the stars, Merryn's shuttle followed closely, her thoughts a whirlwind of dread and hope. She could only pray that Ivalyn would survive this ordeal, that their future together wouldn't be stolen by this senseless act of violence.

The High Queen, informed of the attack, prepared to address the nation. Her heart ached for Ivalyn, for the perilous state of diplomacy, and for the uncertain future that lay ahead.

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Tag: Aruteous Pundar

As they put more distance between themselves and the great hall Wynter heard more gunfire. Perhaps the assassin was being neutralized or there was more than one shooter involved. Either way, Wyn was happy that he had left that room behind him. Still his eyes scanned their environment carefully until they ended up at a balcony overlooking the courtyard.

Above them several ships sped away.

Perhaps one of them carried the victim, but certainly most of them would contain the rich and influential, who hadn't been counting on so much excitement tonight.

"Pleasure meeting you, mister Pundar." Inclining his head towards him as he leaned with an elbow on the balcony railing. "Wynter Rackham, Captain of the Undoubtedly. One of the fastest ships this side of the Corellian Run."

His eyes met the crime lord's.

"And entirely understanding that in a business such as ours we sometimes must take action seen as unpalatable by others." Most smugglers had a code they lived by. They didn't hurt innocents, they didn't handle slaves, they'd attempt to minimize the casualties or they'd put their life on the line because deep down inside of them they were actually a good person and just misunderstood.

Not Wynter.

His code was simple: more money, less problems. Sure, he had a soft spot for sentients that reminded him of his own youth. Stubborn creatures that weren't willing to lie down and die. But a soft spot wasn't the same as having a code. Not by a long shot.

"I regularly cross the borders between Alliance Space and the Dark Empire for instance." A capital offense if they knew what he was smuggling. "Do you know anyone who might be in need of a trustworthy courier?"

Aruteous Pundar


"The pleasure is all mine, Captain Rackham. It is not often that I converse with someone who exudes such confidence and clarity about their future. An uncertain future given our line of work, slowly dying out as the galactic powers absorb more and more territory." Aruteous explained, offering a soft bow in respect to the Captain of the Undoubtedly who had quite a reputation within the Criminal Underworld. Among the beggars, petty kings, and slave drivers that dominated the upper levels of the Criminal Power Structure, only a few could boast specialized status, but those who did possessed a unique set of skills that allowed them to thrive.

Rackham was one of these individuals.

It appeared that they were also queuing up for employment, presenting a great chance to broaden his connections and become less dependent on the favor of the incompetent individuals within the Trade Federation.

Wynter's assertion regarding the necessity of taking initiative, even if it meant engaging in unsavory tasks, was indeed accurate. The Underworld was unpredictable, and it would be foolish to disregard lucrative opportunities in favor of a misguided set of principles.

"You have come to the right place then, Caaaptain. I am in search of skilled individuals to transport items from one location to another without inquiring too extensively. I am prepared to offer an additional commission and double your rates if you are able to complete tasks within the specified deadline." The Neimoidian said, throwing the glass once filled with wine over the balcony into the depths below. His focus was not on credits, given his significant dealings with both the IGBC and the Trade Federation, despite the discomfort of interacting with those individuals.


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