A Light Shining in Darkness

With the slow collapse of the Sith Empire, and the dangerous egg shell-like politics of the Jedi - Wyatt had found a need to separate himself from the vast majority of the ‘Light Sided’. He had been accused of trying to usurp power in the Jedi by establishing himself as Grandmaster, of attempting to make the Jedi ‘singular’ in opinion and belief, and yet it was many of them who had struck the idea of Jedi Peacekeepers being proactive in their approach. It was these thoughts that had weighed the Jedi Master down for weeks; as he realized now more than ever -
The Jedi were difficult. The Path of the Light was rabid in its paths, and it was difficult for the many to look out past their own; even Wyatt’s, built on isolation up until recently left him vapid on methods to deal with such things. What he thought was the Force guiding him to unite the Jedi, may have been nothing more than the coaxing reminder of their fractured Order; and that filled the man with an unreasonable amount of mourning - for the hope he had, and the potential of the next generation of Jedi.
But it was the next Generation that would have another chance at this - to become the Jedi he had failed to become, that so many of his ‘generation’ had failed to become. He sighed ever so lightly as he wandered onto the floor of the class room; cleaned and done up after the cohesive efforts of Jedi Knight Ryv, and the combined ability of the Jedi Order he helped guide now. His responsibility was no longer to the Jedi as a whole - but to these, to raise them to be better than him, and those that came before.
A smile fell on his lips like soft embers in snow, cool and frozen after only a moment of appreciation. Many were coming today, to see what Wyatt could teach them about the Force; and he had hoped to do exactly that. Premonitions, ever so slight guidance - all of this could be used to push them in the right direction, in the direction of peace, prosperity, and the liberty of galactic sentients abroad.
When a great number of them had filed in, and found their place with knees on pillows placed on the ground, Wyatt stood to his impressive height and gave them all a wide smile. Some returned it, and others did it only in the reflection of their eyes - enough for him to feel pride in the flock that he helped shepherd now.
“Thank you, Students, for coming.”, he offered - as though they bestowed upon him a great honor.
“Introductions won’t be needed for me, I’m sure you all know who I am by now.”, he mused, being the chief caretaker of Peace - their home, and the Coruscanti Jedi Temple, he had become somewhat of a paradigm in the Jedi Order.
“Today, I wanted to teach you all about the Force - about sensing its beck and call, knowing how to understand the language it whispers, and even to speak back to it. Can anyone tell me where the Jedi began?”, he said with a glance about, before pointing to someone with their hand up.
“You, please answer for the class.”