Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Grandmaster's Lesson [Open to all Jedi]

A Light Shining in Darkness


With the slow collapse of the Sith Empire, and the dangerous egg shell-like politics of the Jedi - Wyatt had found a need to separate himself from the vast majority of the ‘Light Sided’. He had been accused of trying to usurp power in the Jedi by establishing himself as Grandmaster, of attempting to make the Jedi ‘singular’ in opinion and belief, and yet it was many of them who had struck the idea of Jedi Peacekeepers being proactive in their approach. It was these thoughts that had weighed the Jedi Master down for weeks; as he realized now more than ever -​
The Jedi were difficult. The Path of the Light was rabid in its paths, and it was difficult for the many to look out past their own; even Wyatt’s, built on isolation up until recently left him vapid on methods to deal with such things. What he thought was the Force guiding him to unite the Jedi, may have been nothing more than the coaxing reminder of their fractured Order; and that filled the man with an unreasonable amount of mourning - for the hope he had, and the potential of the next generation of Jedi.​
But it was the next Generation that would have another chance at this - to become the Jedi he had failed to become, that so many of his ‘generation’ had failed to become. He sighed ever so lightly as he wandered onto the floor of the class room; cleaned and done up after the cohesive efforts of Jedi Knight Ryv, and the combined ability of the Jedi Order he helped guide now. His responsibility was no longer to the Jedi as a whole - but to these, to raise them to be better than him, and those that came before.​
A smile fell on his lips like soft embers in snow, cool and frozen after only a moment of appreciation. Many were coming today, to see what Wyatt could teach them about the Force; and he had hoped to do exactly that. Premonitions, ever so slight guidance - all of this could be used to push them in the right direction, in the direction of peace, prosperity, and the liberty of galactic sentients abroad.​
When a great number of them had filed in, and found their place with knees on pillows placed on the ground, Wyatt stood to his impressive height and gave them all a wide smile. Some returned it, and others did it only in the reflection of their eyes - enough for him to feel pride in the flock that he helped shepherd now.​
Thank you, Students, for coming.”, he offered - as though they bestowed upon him a great honor.​
Introductions won’t be needed for me, I’m sure you all know who I am by now.”, he mused, being the chief caretaker of Peace - their home, and the Coruscanti Jedi Temple, he had become somewhat of a paradigm in the Jedi Order.​
Today, I wanted to teach you all about the Force - about sensing its beck and call, knowing how to understand the language it whispers, and even to speak back to it. Can anyone tell me where the Jedi began?”, he said with a glance about, before pointing to someone with their hand up.​
You, please answer for the class.”​
The Light that Banishes the Dark
A'Sura has sensed that these were dark times for the Jedi, especially the Dark Side of the Force is growing all around the cosmos of late. With the events that have transpired of recently, many are stepping foot at the dark side, some seeing it for themselves, no doubt A'Sura is close to it like many. The temptation for violence against the Sith is breathing down his neck and he knows he would want that so much.

He had learned of Grandmaster Wyatt Morga is teaching a class and decided to attend. He, of course, took a front-row pillow and sat with a full-lotus meditation position.

Today's lesson, explained by the Grandmaster, was about sensing the force beck and call. This is something that Jedi would need to learn, especially what is happening now. Grandmaster Wyatt had to ask where the Jedi began. A'Sura without saying a word thought and mouthed the name of the planet, Ahch-To.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga


It hadn't been long after the Jedi gathered before the Grandmaster that Gida decided to enter. She didn't enter far however as she didn't feel it her place among the rest of the order, instead choosing to witness the teachings from the safety of the wall. This was an opportunity for her, one that was rare to come by.

She folded her arms as the Grandmaster spoke for he had created an irony unintentionally, she did not know his name. Understanding his importance however she had gathered he was the Grandmaster of this temple and hoped that by listening in she could learn more of where, or rather when she had found herself in.

His first question for the jedi however was one she already knew, for it was knowledge she too was taught as a youngling. Adamant in not intruding but rather observing she bit her tongue, waiting to see how the Jedi of this era knew their history.

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Quinvee Dogen

Quin wasn't a Jedi. He couldn't even really feel the Force like his twin older siblings, though that didn't stop him from pretending in his youth. What he was, however, was a scholar of the Force and its history and his once in a lifetime chance to explore and live among the Jedi and study them on Peace. He attended lectures, read through their libraries, and explored the strange combination of Jedi and Zeffo technology they called home. He looked around this particular lecture though and saw that it may have been one for younger learners and padawans, but he had jumped at the chance to hear the Grand Master speak. Nobody seemed to answer the question so he hazarded a guess and raised a large green hand from the back of the lecture room.

"The Jedi and Sith had their origins on Tython didn't they?"

Gida'Vida Gida'Vida A'Sura Den A'Sura Den Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
A Light Shining in Darkness
For a moment, Wyatt looked upon the large, green scholar with some inkling of recognition - before finally settling on the man’s name. He had seen him studying in the Coruscanti temples before, and while not a Jedi himself - Wyatt had no qualms with the spread of knowledge, so long as it was safe.​
Indeed it is, Quinvee.”, he said with a smile, before quietly second-guessing himself, knowing many had heard different stories before him.​
Well - in one interpretation, they did. And even then, it’s a complex story of what the Jedi Order is, and was when it began; but for our purposes today, it was the answer I was looking for.”, he said with a quick haphazard lesson on the rampant dynamics of Jedi Historical Theory. A class in itself would be required to go into depth about the subtleties of it all.​
The “Je’daii” Order, as they were once called, began on Tython many millennia ago after the Tho Yor transported innumerable Force Sensitives to the planet, of varying species and depositions. While the purpose of this is still up to debate, one thing is clear; the environment of Tython allows that Force Sensitivity to be easily recognized and accessed for those on the planet. Tython could easily be considered a holy world, for those religious of you, and it is not hard to see why - very simply, the Force is exceptionally strong there. It is easier to experience it wash over the senses, feel it in its unadulterated form.”, he said with a quiet sigh - nearly missing the ‘unpolluted’ nature of Tython, the few times he had visited.​
Some of you may even notice that sensation now - as the nexus beneath the Jedi Temple does much the same, though on a far smaller scale. Even if you’re not sensitive to the whims of the Force, you may even notice the calming sensation of it.”, he said as he glanced about those that had gathered.​
Another question - What significance did Je’daii Master Daegen Lok have in the stages before the fight with the Infinite Empire? How did he achieve this?”​
if they're watching anyways

Auteme absolutely, positively, undoubtedly would not allow herself to be overshadowed again. She'd opened her mouth to speak earlier when Master Morga had asked his first question and pointed to her -- yes, she was positive that he'd seen her raised hand from behind the green giant who sat in front of her -- but she'd only managed to get out a "The-" before the much louder Quinvee gave his answer instead.

Maybe he'd just thought Master Morga had pointed to him. That was okay. She'd just move a bit. While Master Morga spoke, Auteme slipped out of her desk and moved a row forward to the very front. If she was right there, no one else could possibly mistake that she was the one being addressed. Perfect, right?

Well, not entirely. A question about Daegan Lok wasn't really something that interested her, so it wasn't ideal. But she did need to establish herself as a presence in this class. Most of the other students and listeners were much older than her. Daegan Lok made her a little squeamish, yes, but she was a scholar and Jedi all the same as the others here. She just needed to show it -- and she was excited to be in a room where her being a history nerd wasn't totally embarrassing and she could ramble all she liked.

Auteme jumped in with a response as soon as Master Morga had asked his question. "Daegan Lok... well, I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to in terms of significance," she said, flipping her notebook open to the page about Daegan Lok. It was neatly written, organized, and colour coded -- because what are we, animals? -- but she barely looked at it as she spoke. "But you could say he had a vision of the Infinite Empire's eventual invasion of the Tython system. He was extremely brash and arrogant, and that led him to 'do the forbidden' as Hawk Ryo put it, and he went into the Chasm, an area on Tython that was known to render those who went there insane. And that happened. He went insane and had a vision about Xesh, the Force Hound, and an army wielding Forcesabers." She paused to take a breath, and tried to consider what Master Morga's point was. Something about the power of a nexus? Precognition and visions?

"Because of his insanity and, you know, breaking the rules, he was banished to Bogan-" presumably everyone in the room knew about Tython's moons and their significance in the Force "-and ended up meeting and escaping with Xesh. If I recall correctly, he tried to organize an invasion of Tython himself in an attempt to take over the Je'daii and prepare the system for the Rakatans. For whatever reason he was made a general and commanded the Je'daii when the Infinite Empire did invade the system. He managed to hold them back, but... well, he was insane, and corrupted by the dark side from his exposure to the Chasm's influence and his obsession with the vision he had there. He made a speech about victory at any cost after the Rakatan's defeat." Not a very good role model. Hopefully what she'd said supported whatever point Master Morga's point, but if it didn't she wouldn't be too bothered. Daegan Lok was not someone she much liked.

Spasa began spending alot of time in the Temple on Coruscant because of its seemingly endless offering in lessons. She took up residence on the lower levels caught within a rather unusual phenomenon, to which only one so far had been gifted invitation to explore; that would be Jedi Knight Loske Matson. The reformed Nightsister understood the Jedi only in regards to legend which directly applied to her people, when Allya came to Dathomir and taught the Force. Since then, her people told their tales which always painted jedi in a negative manner, the elder Nightsisters being quite fond of the Sith who frequented their huts. Recent personal experiences were quite negative, until coming to the core systems, and meeting the Jedi here.

She understood about Tython completely, having been shaken from her core beliefs there. Although sadly she found herself on the most part on her own far too much since then. No mentor unveiled to dedicate their time to assist in finalizing her evolution. Her understanding is left incomplete, her studies mostly on her own, and she feels a longing she cannot define with words.

She had acquired many journals in her time, read more than she could ever list today. Not very long ago this sorceress began to study the Ashla, with the intent to learn how she could counter it with Bogan skills. So her journey into the Light began, she had made herself known to Ashla unwittingly, and this Mistress' plans were destined to be thwarted. What she could not tolerate at first, dwelling in the Light which at one time only burned her flesh, now she lives within it by choice.

She was shy to appear, but she did come, and like always, sat silently, respectfully taking everything in.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
A'Sura Den A'Sura Den
Gida'Vida Gida'Vida
Quinvee Dogen
Auteme Auteme
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It had been some time since Allyson had visited Coruscant, a lot had happened between her time visiting now where she was getting healing treatments from the Jedi healers. She was feeling a bit better and decided to wander a little, explore the temple she had been staying. Everything was starting to feel normal for once, and she wasn't sleeping as much. It was a good feeling not to have to sleep most of her days away or be heavily medicated. She didn't have the tolerance for it anymore - it had been too long since her spice running days.

Allyson heard voices echoing, and she continued down the long hallway, her stride slower with the small limp she nursed from her endeavor. Arriving at the door where the voices were coming from, Allyson poked her bandaged head inside. Wyatt was teaching a class full of students. It instantly reminded her of the time she got lost at the Rest and came across a lesson taught by Jason Dragonsflame. She smiled softly and slipped into the classroom. She remained parked in the back with her arms crossed; she listened to the lesson, and the students answer.

They were smart, but they had a great teacher.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
Auteme Auteme
Quinvee Dogen
A'Sura Den A'Sura Den
Gida'Vida Gida'Vida
Spasa Spasa
A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt listened intently as Auteme, studious as she was, gave a lesson on the history of Daegen Lok; from his status as Master to the eventual status as a general leading a battle against the Rakatan Infinite Empire. As much as he hated to imagine it, the reality was that the Dark Side corrupted master had helped lead to the creation of the Jedi Order as we know it - precarious as it was to admit to such a thing.​
Daegen Lok failed the Je’daii with arrogance, assuming he could handle the dangers of the Chasm - that much is true, but the focus here isn’t his failings, but the few things he did right, and how it plays into where we stand now.”, Wyatt said as he took a few steps to a different place before them - to better involve those not in the center of the class, likely to Auteme’s annoyance.​
When Daegen entered the Chasm, the Force saw an opportunity to change the course of history. With the Infinite Empire bearing down on the Je’daii, Daegen was to be a vessel for the Force’s word - but it was denied by them, and the warning of his precognition was not heeded, very likely leading to more deaths in the initial invasion than most would admit, and lost to our records now.”, he said with hands crossed over his lap.​
Often, we do not hear the Force due to our focus on tradition - rules, organizations, or politics can often deafen us to its call. This has taken place throughout the Jedi’s history, sometimes with outside influence to corrupt that foresight the Force imparts.”, he said with a downturn of his gaze, knowing he too had deafened himself more than once.​
Yet, we must do our best to understand it. Feel the subtle whispers of the Force in every aspect; even as it grows harder to do so everyday.”, he acknowledged with a shake of his head.​
For Daegen, he was gifted with precognition through Tython’s abundant force energies, and dangerous enviroments. Many Jedi have done so without these nexus, but for us now it is harder yet than it ever has been before. For those well versed in metaphysical theory, why do modern Jedi find it harder to see visions of the future and hear its beckoning call?”​
if they're watching anyways

Auteme... wasn't sure if she liked that point.

Yes, she trusted the Force -- it'd never led her wrong before -- but ignoring things such as other people, organizations, and one's duty were not worthless in comparison. Spirituality and true connection to the Force might involve that, but balancing compassion for the galaxy as a whole with the love for the people close to them was what Jedi had to do to be happy and do their best work. Still, Wyatt was a much more experienced Jedi than she was...

Maybe she was reading a bit too far into his words. Master Morga could easily be giving a seminar on meditation breaks during busy work days. They were important, after all; Auteme meditated regularly and she'd probably go crazy if she didn't. She quickly scribbled down a reminder to do so after this lesson.

The padawan basically transcribed his words into her notebook, then got to work organizing them on the next page, assuming that someone would answer the question soon enough. But there was an awkward moment of pause when nobody did. Obviously they were waiting for her to answer! Look how quickly they were learning. With her usual excitement and vigor her hand shot up to flag down Wyatt's attention. She barely let him 'pick' her before she launched into her explanation.

"Well, there are a lot of theories pertaining to this, and they do draw back to historical examples, so I think it works. First, for us Jedi, it's possible that the dark side is clouding our senses. Emperor Palpatine, during the days of the Clone Wars, was able to cloud the minds of nearly every Force user across the galaxy and prevent them from seeing the future in the same way he did. It wasn't perfect, but it was effective. At the moment, the Sith Empire has been the most powerful it's ever been, in its current iteration at least. It wouldn't be out of the question that many people are feeling the effects of a mass clouding in the same fashion as eight-hundred and eighty years ago.

"Second... well, despite the almost ceaseless conflict, there have never been more sentient and organic beings across the galaxy than there are now. With so many creatures to keep track of, so many variables, foresight can never truly be perfect. Even Palpatine, who was again, a master of the power, understood that there was an amount of flexibility that these visions had. It was imperfect. Still -- this lends into the arrogance piece you were talking about -- he put too much confidence in the ability and that made him overconfident, and he died. Four times, I think.

"Equally important is that there has never been more Force users -- particularly powerful, active ones -- than there are right now. I'm going to use the idea that the Force is a being itself -- I don't entirely think that's right, but it's a good example here. If the Force is a creature of some sort, it has to think about all the things that are happening with itself. Maybe we've reached a sort of limit in terms of total Force power. Or instead of lending power to somebody who's trying to see the future, which is really straining, it'll lend power to someone who's trying to lift a rock.

"This kind of lends to my personal idea that there's a limit to the total number of midichlorians in the galaxy, like a sort of galactic cap, and now that it's maxed out -- and we're still kind of pushing it -- the Force is having trouble as it tries to do all the things we ask it to do.

"But the most likely... this is with my third point, and the point about Palpatine having that slight uncertainty -- the galaxy is in a state of chaos right now. Dozens of major galactic-region-spanning states have risen and fallen, not even in the last decade. There are so many Force users, powerful ones at that, and so many influential people that the future is constantly changing. Listening to the Force is like listening to a thousand voices who all have unique ideas on what's going to happen next."

The padawan finally sat back once she'd finished, again hoping that she'd given Master Morga what he needed to make his next points.



It had been a while since Lon Vondon had a chance to walk down the halls of his old stomping grounds at the Coruscant temple after quite a messy mission that involved a certain Hutt out in the Outer Rim. He took his time slowly savouring every step as he walked down the halls taking in the commotion that was the temple with the younglings laughing and the minders chasing after them helplessly and the Padawan holding their data pads rushing off to their next lesson. He missed not having to be knight with such big responsibilities and craved the feeling of wanting to be a a Padawan again.

He couldn’t help but notice a class held by Master Wyatt Morga three doors down the hallway on the left . He stopped at the edge of the doorway not wanting to interrupt a lively discussion between the master and a Padawan. He simply bowed his head as a sign of respect to let his presence be known. From what he could gather of what they were discussing it was about the purpose of the Force and the origins of Sith and Jedi. Granted he did not do much study on the history of Jedi as a Padawan he knew enough to comprehend what was being said. What intrigued him the most was the different views of the Force as living being and a force that was neutral in itself not good or bad but rather the intention of the user when using it. Not totally sure of himself he just stood and watched as the lesson went on.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
Quinvee Dogen
Auteme Auteme
A'Sura Den A'Sura Den
Spasa Spasa
Gida'Vida Gida'Vida

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A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt glanced to the door to offer a small smile to Allyson Locke Allyson Locke and Lon Vondon Lon Vondon , glad they could join, but aware he couldn’t outright interrupt the lesson to speak to them. His gaze moved back to Auteme, letting his hands rest in front of him in doing so. She was smart, he could appreciate her curiosity, knowing that she could very well be the smartest person in the academy gave him a quiet smile; hoping she could always leverage that to her best interests.​
The Sith once had that theory - Darth Bane, I believe spread the idea that the Force was limited, and by killing the Sith he would get stronger. I can’t say I agree with his assumption, but its certainly a… theory.”, Wyatt said with a quick comment on her idea, vaguely worried about its mirroring of Darth Bane’s own assumption.​
While much of what you say may be right, the most percievable and least questionable to us is the chaos that we live in, and the strength of the Dark Side. When powerful enough, such as Sidious, The Force becomes clouded - something I would like to show you all in time.”​
Wyatt moved to rest against the desk of the ‘teacher’, a spot centered in the middle of the front of the class. There, he turned to focus on just Auteme, as she was the most involved at the moment;​
Seeing far into the future as the Order once had is difficult once more, much because of the Dark Side’s strength. Jedi visions are often restricted to only a few seconds, perhaps a few minutes at most; and that is for the most skilled of our Order. Precognition is not the easiest thing to achieve, regardless.”, Wyatt sighed.​
Still, for those here, I would like to impart the beginnings of such things. The foundation of precognition comes from being centered, being able to hear the Force without a filter or bias. To begin, you’ll likely only be able to do this while meditating - but the goal is to eventually impart it into your lightsaber forms, or anything more active.”​
When you meditate, make sure to let every thought pass away. Filter through your sensations, physical as they may be, and focus solely on the quiet static of the universe, beneath everything we experience. Learn how to focus on the Force, and what it wants from you - and you’ll find the echoes of the future in your every waking moment.”​
For those of you able to, try now. Do what you can to separate the noise of the Force from the physical reality we live in.”​
She had kept quiet, having studied Force Powers, but not history. She hadn't heard of the historical figured mentioned, for she had never come across any of their grimoires.

Spasa knew from her Dark upbringing about utilizing the energy of the dead through the creation of relics. She wouldn't say it makes her stronger personally, but she used their essence. Since her redemption she put the practice of enslaving spirits and demons behind her.

She personally only procured precognition with items which were expressly used during moments of passion. Naturally when Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga mentioned that precognition could be used during Lightsaber practice, which in turn needed be achieved during much meditation, her brow rose in utter perplexity.

Born a natural Medium, she struggles with true meditation, and mostly ends up communing with the spirits! When Master Morga mentioned what she could achieve in the end with proper meditation technique, she marveled at what he described.

'Do that now??' Oh she couldn't dare! She felt too self-conscious.
if they're watching anyways

Oh. Oh no. Did he think...? Oh jeez. That was not the source of the theory she'd drawn; it'd slipped her mind. To be fair, Darth Bane was incredibly intelligent and an extremely powerful Force user, so she was okay with that, but he was also evil and probably insane to some degree. On that note, Auteme raised her hands, a worried look on her face, trying to signal that she hadn't meant to draw that comparison.

Alas, the move had cost her valuable time, so she redoubled her efforts to make notes on what Master Morga was saying. Eventually it lead to him asking for a bit of practice of the power of precognition. Practical application... a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Auteme was quick to finish up her notes on the theory and Master Morga's instructions before setting aside her notebook and doing as he said.

She closed her eyes, allowing her own thoughts to flow. A variety of things passed through her mind. She wondered about Ryv, her parents, Loske, Aaran, Bernard... what if she could see into the future and find a way to protect them, or prevent bad things from happening? That would certainly be useful... did she just hear somebody fart? She was pretty sure somebody just farted. Why wasn't this working? She was following the instructions... was she doing something wrong? She should've asked for more guidance. It wasn't right to just hop in like this. Did Master Morga know what he was doing? Well, he definitely did, but Auteme certainly didn't...

Auteme couldn't seem to find her focus just yet. Maybe some of the other students were having better success. The padawan opened her eyes and glanced around the room, searching for somebody who seemed actually focused.

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Tag: Auteme Auteme Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Spasa Spasa

Lon wasn’t very good at meditation. He usually was the guy who couldn’t sit still preferring to take action but for the sake of Master Morga he would give it a shot. Following along with the rest of the class in the background Lon closed his eyes and began to focus letting the force guide him. He couldn’t see much in his mind’s eye most of it was older memories from his time in the temple. He looked upon them in fondness. They were much simpler times, much different then the days they were now. War had changed him he wasn’t as happy go lucky as he once was in his youth.

As Lon started cycling through the memories they started to morph into a amalgamation of his worst fears and memories long forgotten held deeply in the throes of his subconscious. He could feel the goose pimples form on his skin as he relived each memory in extremely vivid detail. It was like he had merged with the rest of the memory no longer a person looking back on the past.

It was difficult to ignore the emotional static even though he knew that it wasn’t real He had to frequently remind himself that they weren’t real, that they were in the past and that it was time for him to move on but something held him back from fully accepting the fact. The force worked in mysterious ways not in the ways Lon had typically would associate with it but it always worked and he had to learn to trust what he was being given to see. Instead of fighting he would need to surrender the force. It was a being that existed before and probably after time too. It was eternal and knew everything about the present past and the future.

That’s when it happened the memory stopped and Lon was transported into a inky black nothingness all except for the slightest glimmer of light. Lon walked slowly towards it gabbing the glimmer of light and placing it into his hand. That’s when he saw it a vision. It was brief but from what he could glimpse of it was many battles ahead many victories and many losses for the Jedi and the Sith. Just as quickly as it came the vision disappeared.

Lon out an audible gasp as his eyes flashed open as the darkness melted way giving a way for light and the classroom came back into focus. This was the first time he had time he had an actual force vision. This wasn’t the first time he had precognition but often it was during the heat of battle even then it wasn’t as reliable and given the new revelations from the Force was quite frankly difficult to process.

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A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt offered a glance across those assembled, even moving to help one of the students. While his teachings were too quiet to be heard for the whole class, many would find guidance in those around them; as the community that was the Jedi involved deep sharing of knowledge, guidance, and the easing of teachings to the next generation - even if that transfer was often horizontal instead of vertical.​
Auteme herself would glance around the room, and would find the person next to her focusing - though his face was somewhat struggling for a moment before relaxing. His eyes opened, he glanced to her, and offered a gentle smile - she would recognize him as Padawan Calin Monn, a peer in the academy for two years, though far less at the Coruscant temple or official Orders.​
Are you having trouble too?”, he said with a casual cock of his brow.​
I do too… I found focusing on your breathing helps. Sometimes to levitate yourself can too.”​
The Grand Master walked through some others, taking a moment to help those that needed it, until he came across Spasa. He hadn’t seen the woman before, but she had a style about her that garnered some attention. Noticing she hadn’t attempted the exercise, he gently rested a hand on her shoulder and gave a kindred smile -​
Please, give it a try. Even if not for precognition training, for the mind’s ease.”​
Though after he said it, his head turned to see the other near him, who gasped air as he came from the vision. It wasn’t often someone was able to see something in their first attempts, but very likely with the darkness that clouded the galaxy he saw something dark and foreboding; a future that may be, but hadn’t been.​
He gave a final look to Spasa, offering that same reassuring smile as he spoke;​
I’ll be back. Do not be afraid to ask questions.”, he offered.​
Though when he turned away, and walked towards Lon Vondon Lon Vondon , there was more concern in his features than he might’ve admitted. Before him the man sat breathing heavy, and even if he did not seem to express it entirely - Wyatt could tell he was weighed down by the anxiety of what he saw. He closed the distance between them and offered a quick nod to him, as though to acknowledge what the man likely experienced -​
Often, the first visions one see are of danger, destruction, the denial of hope… The Force can be cruel like that. What did you see, Knight Vondon?”, he asked quietly, though he had a slight suspicion as to what it could have been.​


Tag: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Auteme Auteme Spasa Spasa

“Often, the first visions one see are of danger, destruction, the denial of hope… The Force can be cruel like that. What did you see, Knight Vondon?”

Closing his eyes as he gathered his thoughts coming to terms with what he had just witnessed. His mind replaying the the endless bloodshed over and over in a never-ending loop. “Let me show you.” Lon said in a low shaky voice. He didn’t want to scare the Padawans in the room. What lay ahead was a dark future he didn’t want to rob them of their innocence and ruin them with the future knowledge he was now privy to. The Padawan’s were not prepared for what they were about to see. He sensed that Master Morga knew that. It was much better to show him, telling him wouldn’t do the vision justice.

It wasn’t hard as it was still fresh in his mind but that didn’t stop him from wincing trying not to have this emotions get the best of him. Images of fire, disembodied arms, scattered lightsabers and the countless bodies both Jedi and Sith flooded his mind as he transmitted what he saw into Master Morga’s mind.

Lon could see Morga’s face contort as he too saw Lon did. It didn’t make it any easier seeing it on someone else’s face, it just made the reality of the vision even more real. It made him afraid of what was to come for the order and everyone who had been affiliated with them.

For the most part Lon was a cool headed individual going into the heat of battle with a clear sense of purpose. This time it was different, the uncertainty, the doubt it all just kept piling itself on top of one another but throughout all of that one thing was clear. It was fear. Fear of the destruction and the instability this war had caused. His time on the battlefields did not prepare him for that possibility. He was aware of it seeing the effects on others but seeing the vision triggered something in him. This was the first time that it truly hit home how much this could affect not just the people the Jedi had sworn to protect but the Order itself.

He was trying to be less of a space hermit, and truth be told, the Aurora Hawk sometimes needed maintenance, regular upkeep he didn't have the skill or know-how to perform on his own. Chloe had left the Hawk to him, and though the remnants of her presence within the vessel got fainter by the day, he would make certain the things she entrusted to him were well kept, even with no knowing where she might be, or if she even was, anymore. Ever since she left, he hadn't had anyone else aboard; he'd largely kept to himself, but personal demons were exceptionally hard to hide from. Forgiveness of the self, it seemed, was the hardest to receive, but with the resurgent light, there was more he could do.

When had he last set foot on Coruscant? Hindsight blurred, the years at times melted together. With the Hawk docked for maintenance, making his way to the temple pulled up memories of a very different, younger man terrified of the visions that the Force impressed upon him, taken in by the Jedi when there was nowhere he could go but up; other inputs filtering across his awareness were certainly not his own, but scars pulsing - this world, like many around it, had bled so much. Points along the timeline of what was, and faint whispers of what might yet come to pass. It was such whispers that these students courted, led by Master Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga , as Jannik observed - a man he'd not seen since an encounter with a Leviathan. He'd let himself in, with quiet pardons asked of those he slipped past, some minutes prior while the instructions for the practise were spoken, and parked himself near Allyson Locke Allyson Locke ; the intent of the class was a thing that called back to his own days as a padawan, being lead in the exercise of farsight to help him better handle himself, when the visions hit.

Surely I would still be at the bottom of a bottle without having had such guidance and counsel, trying to burn the visions out of my mind...

His mouth approximated a wry smirk; he would forever be thankful for that guidance. When one such inkling touched upon Lon Vondon Lon Vondon , he felt the occurrence keenly, turning his focus to the knight, as if he could see what Lon saw. Visions were not always clear in their meaning, nor were they a solid indicator of what would be; such was his life's calling, a historian, a watchman of a different stripe. When the gasp drew the instructor's attention, Jannik focused, watching with muted interest, curious as to the reasoning when the Knight declined to speak what he saw, instead showing Master Morga alone... but then he understood it, for a number of reasons. He himself had scrawled and transcribed his own journals for years, but nary another soul had peeked into their contents: they could be misinterpreted, misunderstood, or worse, by a less prepared, untrained set of eyes, or in this case, ears.

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Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga noted the wallflower in the back. Not many knew her history. Not many would believe it by looking at her today. Hi. My name is Spasa. I was in a freak happening resulting in me, and another second me entirely. I have this one mindset, and my otherworldly twin the exact opposite. It doesn't even sit well with herself. She felt it couldn't possibly be said in any way that made any sense to anyone. She doubted even Cedric would understand.

Why would he urge her to try? Does he have any idea what could happen? She found most Jedi don't even truly believe in god, which she has no idea how that can be so since they feel so deeply.

Still he urged her to try. A strange look of Oh, please don't shadowed her visage for a brief moment.

She had only known darkness, and the beings which dwelled within. They made her one with them. Since her turning away from the darkness, Spasa's only close practice to meditation would be her singing incantations. She heard the singing again as she thought about it. Her heart did not slow, but it felt like it sped up. Spasa closed her eyes and in a moment her thoughts were carried on a journey.

Spasa stood alone, inside the Empyrean. Beauty of abundant life existed all around her. The meadow is in full bloom, and everything that lives within it flourished. Wispy butterflies flitted past her, and travelled out of her range of vision. She realized that she feels serenity here. It is most certainly an unmistakeable attainment.

Spasa felt the cool water on her feet as she stood upon the water of the babbling brook. Under her feet she realized the inhabitants of the Nether World writhed, their focus intent upon her existence. Looking straight down into the water she saw her own reflection mirrored back at her, but it is not what it seems. Her reflection is in the form of her sinister counterpart Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé . The look in her eyes portrays that she is coming.

Surrounding the meditating redeemed woman, spirits of light and the demons of darkness swarmed, calling out in warning. Her battle will not be over until her Soul is again whole.

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