Gray remained seated in the middle of the cavern with his legs crossed, arms across his knees, and eyes closed. He was focusing on the force as he felt it all around him. He felt every individual crystal as is cried out to him to be used, but they each had a different feeling to them. He knew there was only one choice then for the one that called out to him and he needed to figure out which one it was. He needed to find a way to block out the other crystals and find the one that was meant for him. The one that was desperate to be in his hands and his hands only. He focused on sharpening his grasp over the right sensation, the right voice. He began to block out individual crystals he knew were right, but it was going by slowly. He had to focus on the crystal, identify it as the wrong one, block it out of his search, and then move onto the next one to repeat the process. He started off doing things that way, but as he went along he became quicker about it. He got quicker and quicker until he finally hit the point that he was ruling out groups of crystals at once. He began to move at an excelerated rate.
Gray had almost eliminated every single crystal when he found the right now. It was positioned in the ceiling near the center of the cavern. It was almost at the highest point in the cavern. He didn't open up his eyes but instead focused on force sight to look at the crystal. He could see it up there far out of reach. He reached a hand out and began to try to pull to gently to him. The crystal hummed excitedly at the force was directed from him into it. He kept at it until the crystal finally came free from the wall and he gently floated it into his hand. He closed his fingers around it and opened up his eyes. He could still feeling it humming contently in his closed fist. He smiled at it before he stood up.
Gray walked over to the caved in area and said in a voice that echoed down the cave walls, " Star, I got it. I found the right one. So I can leave now right?"