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Junction The Great Battle of Coruscant | Second Great Hyperspace War | Junction of GA-Selvaris, NIO-Raydonia, BotM-Shihon, SJC-Myrkr, AC-Ventooine

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


Lightning Strikes
The Chancellor's Office // The Executive Building // Coruscant
Chimera Chimera // Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe // Suri Vullen Suri Vullen


Adhira Chandra was the most powerful woman in the galaxy. Yet Adhira Chandra was digging her nails into the durasteel of the window sill of the Chancellor's Office high above the surface of Coruscant when the doors to her supposedly highly secure office were breached. She continued to hear her heartbeat in her ears as her would-be assassin entered the room. Her heels scraped against the floor as she scrambled to her feet, her dark brown eyes finally scanning the decaying form of her pursuant executioner. The Chancellor's dusky fingers grasped at her neck to make certain that her sapphire jewels, engraved with the visages of her last eight successors, were hanging symmetrically from her neck. She could feel her robes ripping violently against her legs.

"At last," the old woman said as the figure of the Sith, Chimera Chimera , came into view through the shroud of the smoke that issued forth from his corpse. "You have been sent to destroy me... and in so doing... destroy this Alliance, am I correct?" In any normal circumstance, it would seem to a run-of-the-mill assassin that Adhira Chandra was attempting to buy time while her gallant saviors arrived. However, Adhira was all too aware that there were no saviors coming to her rescue. The attack on Coruscant had been one of the most sophisticated sneak attacks on the capital core planet in the history of the galaxy and all of the Alliance forces were currently focuses on repelling the invading forces. Even her desperate calls for assistance had gone unanswered.

The entirety of the Alliance had been caught completely off guard by the bold attempt to infiltrate and dismantle the Alliance government. Adhira was on her own.

And still, she would not let this moment of despair cripple her government.

"I am sorry to disappoint, you," she smirked at the smoldering killer, still pressed firmly, against the wall. Then, in the blink of an eye, one of his flaming blades lept at her. Despite her long disconnection from the mysteries of the Force, the former Jedi felt the ripples of discontent in the air around her. As the blade accelerated toward her, without thinking, her age-worn hands snapped forth and, between them snapped closed around the shaft of the knife that was meant for her throat. Warm, thick, streams of blood streamed down her wrists and stained the cerulean of her sleeves as the blade sliced into the tender flesh of her fingers.

Adhira cast the cutlass to the ground and walked out into the center of the now-shattered pane. Coruscant spread out behind her, the chaos of the invaded city spreading out in a sprawl behind her. Adhira's hand dripped with blood. "You have been sent by the Maw to kill me," she spoke matter of factly, clearly unafraid of the intruder.

"Your master thinks that by killing me, he will somehow weaken this Alliance..." her dark eyes allowed a wary glance over the ledge, her view disappearing into the clouds below, "yet... while the Maw relies on a singularity of darkness... our Alliance is born of a thousand points of light. I am but a servant of their Will."

"The Alliance will survive me. Democracy will prevail."

Chancellor Adhira Chandra gave one last, triumphant smirk at Chimera Chimera before holding her arms out wide, blood still pouring from the palms of her hands, and falling backward into the abyss of the cityscape below. Her time as Chancellor would end on her own terms. No Dark Lord would stain her term as Chancellor - and the Maw would learn that Alliance was stronger than her own power as leader of the Alliance. There would always be a successor to her office. Democracy would endure.


Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

The snap tension of the chain he grasped caught him by surprise, something which none of his prey had managed. He tilted his head in curious gesture, the mockery of emotion manifesting in a brief moment of humanity from the man who seemed everything but. Against the odds, despite his thorough calculation, the depths of his depraved skulkery- she had defied him. The smell of her blood reached his hollowed senses, she was injured by it, but she still stood. It was not the Iron Woman who had denied him his kill, no, it was The Force. The clattering discard that cast his blade from its suspension mere centimeters from its target saw his fiery orbs slowly close in a blink, the only acknowledgment he offered her that he was listening.

Slowly, methodically, without shifting from his position, the assassin grasped the linked chain with the opposite hand, reeling it in to drag ominously across the floor with her spoken words. Those cursed eyes of his never left her, tracking every twitch, every tensing muscle, every shifting pore of the face she confronted him with- now splattered with her own blood. She was resolute, he credited her there, and sought to die with dignity more than any other he had cut down in the dark before. An archon of the Light, was she, Adhira Chandra, and as much was made known to the only witness in the room.

"Your master thinks that by killing me, he will somehow weaken this Alliance..." her dark eyes allowed a wary glance over the ledge, her view disappearing into the clouds below, "yet... while the Maw relies on a singularity of darkness... our Alliance is born of a thousand points of light. I am but a servant of their Will."

"The Alliance will survive me. Democracy will prevail."

She poised upon the precipice of destiny, struck at a crossroads with her fate suspended above the gaping mouth of Hell by merely a spider's thread.

Chimera watched with hollow interest as his blade met his hand, dragged backward to allow his fingers purchase for what would be his second attempt at cutting the words out of her throat before they escaped upon her unrelenting tongue. Her features warped into a rueful smirk. The assassin offered nothing.

Her bloodied wings spread wide, the embrace of the Galactic Alliance, of its dreams, its hopes. Everything it stood for teetered upon the ledge with the hounds barking below, eager for the crash. He took only a single step further into the room, his presence defiling everything she said, his blood cementing the truth of what transpired on the marbled floors beneath his shadow. It mattered little to the grander scheme if she evaded his blade, The New Sith Order had still punctured the very heart of the Galactic Alliance, just as they had the New Imperial Order. Just as they would all who dared bar their path to salvation.

He cared nothing for it.

Nothing for their delusional vision of a reborn galaxy.

Nothing for their affairs.

There was one thing he cared about in this moment of fate, and she teetered upon the edge of it all. Hand in hand, it was he who guided her there. And in the final moment, where her fate loomed over her head, she defied it. The woman plunged backward, tumbling from the ledge to fall through the smoke billowing from the floors below. She plummeted into obscurity, gone from his sight.

Chimera crept to the bloodied window sill, lowering himself into a crouch as he took in what she had glimpsed in the moments before her fate was sealed.

The words he spoke were lost to all, no one but the ghosts of the slaughtered occupying the room with him now that she had leapt from the ledge. It was a pale whisper that fluttered across his destitute tongue, a mere flicker of intelligence from an animal who seemed to know little beyond the thrill of hunting his prey. And yet, where emotion should have long wilted, his words carried the tender kindling of admiration:

"Until next we meet, Lady of Iron."

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Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | GA | NIO | SJC | AC
Guarantor | Visions of Gold


A nondescript service hatch at the edge of the Senate Plaza, half-obscured by gimer bush, swung open. A grey-haired individual stepped out and looked around to get their bearing before sealing the hatch securely behind them, then dragging a nearby bench over to obstruct the entrance. The man clearly didn’t want anyone else in the tunnel to follow him.

Aerarii Tithe had just finished one of the most unique business negotiations of his career. His deal with Derix Tirall Derix Tirall would undoubtedly come back to haunt him. But a deal could only haunt him if he was still alive, which he likely wouldn’t be right now without his silver tongue.

It took Tithe a moment to adjust to his surroundings. The service tunnel, providing a secret passage to Senator Clynch’s office in the Senate, had been silent and dimly lit. Coruscant was the very opposite. Starfighters and troop transports, allied and enemy alike, screamed between the tower skyscrapers. Anti-capital turrets and launchers spread around the Senate district fired loudly into the sky above. Blasters bolts and thermal detonator explosions were the only sounds heard over the screams of civilians as they fled for their lives.

Tithe withdrew his comlink to call for help and noticed two voice messages.

The first was from Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , advising him that she had taken a Brotherhood bomb to the Netherworld and neutralised the threat. The Vice Chancellor was far from an expert on the Force and knew ever less about the Netherworld, but it sounds like the Eternal Empress had done Coruscant a favour.

The second message sent a chill down Tithe’s spine.

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra rarely yelled, and she never panicked. But her screams as she run through the hallways of the Senate turned his blood to ice. Something terrible was happening to the Chancellor.

“Yes, this is Bursar,” he yelled into his comlink. “I need help, right away!”

“Bursar, Control, what’s your situation sir?”

Tithe explained provided his location and assured the Senate Guard that he was not in harm. The operator advised him to avoid stay in a public area but be ready to run. Tithe didn’t need to be told twice.

Even though Aerarii Tithe did not have a single fibre of Force sensitivity in his body, as he looked back toward the Senate building, he felt a feeling of indescribable foreboding descend on him.

Something was very, very, wrong.


Issue #15 - vol finale



Eyes opened wide when his sweep met no resistance except the air through which it swooshed. The Sith's legs retracted - or rather disappeared into her torso like a sickly goo - before they materialized again, and she strode at him with thunderous steps. Freaky. The raven-haired Jedi wasted no time wondering over her surprising shapeshifting feat. Experience taught that even a second's lapse of focus in a fight may be fatal.

They clashed in a fiery show of sparks and sweat as blue and red blades locked in. With each swing and thrust, with each parry of the blade, he felt his quickness and wit wither away as if debilitating talons ripped through his whole nervous system. Arms and legs turned into sixteen tons of neuranium anchors. Elusive acrobatics and a sharpness of mind were his strongest suites, and they were being sucked away into the foreboding shapeshifter. Her presence expanded through the ethereal like an all-consuming, ravenous maelstrom. It reminded him painfully too much of his father Haytham Kaze Haytham Kaze .

It's her fight to lose now.

A sharp gasp escaped his lips at the sight of Jem paralyzed against Letifer, and the Sith shapeshifter's blade carved another slice of his flesh from his chest. No Jem and Dag maybe would've had enough time to figure out how to counter the Sith Lady, but there was Jem and there was no time. Had to act before he was a drooling corpse.

Break her focus.

Through clenched teeth, the Jedi's free hand rose and a sudden burst of light washed everything away into blinding whiteness. It's a gamble - disorient the enemy, pull Jem away and outta here. Kneels curled and he was flying again into a force enhanced leap while his mind still had an edge. The scorching lacerations, the dislocated shoulder and broken ribs screamed but they were nothing compared to sleepless nights haunted with Jem's final wails.

ALLIES | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENGAGING | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer | Darth Mori

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps


Omen fired away from the barricade as the Maw sprinted closer and closer, firing wildly over the defenders' heads as they charged toward the makeshift barrier. Yes, there were a lot of crazy cultists but they couldn't hit the side of a barn, let alone the Imp soldiers and himself. But the pure volume of fire that was concerning. It didn't matter if the bolts were ill aimed, you only could avoid a horde of flying insects for so long before one stung you. This is why Omen tried to stick below the barrier as much as possible. The Captain had already been taken from the field, the men didn't need another fallen leader to cry over.

The Clone had gestured for his men to stay below the barricade as the fighting started to give them the most protection but that was about to end. The Maw horde was just about in optimal firing range. Wait for it... Wait for it... "Now Men! Fire at will!" With that over a hundred rifle barrels appeared over the fallen pillars and started to tear the Maw waves apart. In all of his 11 years, Omen had never seen such carnage and yet the Maw just kept coming. For every man killed 10 more took his place in the charge. They just would have to kill those 10 next. As the Maw got within grenade throwing range, Omen took off the two bandoliers of frag grenades he had across his body, primed them, and threw them both into the crowd, making significant damage but it was still not enough. What appeared from the mist was an enraged mob wanting revenge, wanting blood, wanting... anarchy. Well, looks like it was time to fully commit.

Omen quickly backpedal away from the defensive line, firing away at approaching insanity before mounting his friend once again, for what he hoped would be the final time. It was now or never and the clone knew it. These Maw forces must be tried and now it was time to capitalize on that fact. Drawing his stolen dread blade, lighting it and pushing Skotah on over the barricade. With a roar, the creature leaped over the barricade with ease as the Trooper pointed his dreadblade at the enemy and cried "THERE IS YOUR ENEMY! SHOW THEM HOW REAL SOLDIERS FIGHT! CHARGE!" And with that the Imperial Regulars jumped over the barricade and followed the pair into the fray, bellowing curses and chants about how they were going to kick the Maw's sorry butt. And they succeeded, for after five minutes of vicious hand to hand fighting or in Skotah's case stomping, the ragged Maw survivors started to fall back in in a rout as they cried out for their Sith master to save their petiful lives. No one however would answer their calls and as Omen ordered for the Imperials to push the rabble as far as remotely possible all he could think about how many lives were lost this day in the start of the new meatgrinder that was the Second Great Hyperspace War.​
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Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


Thunder's Roar
Outside The Chancellor's Office // The Executive Building // Coruscant
Chimera Chimera // Suri Vullen Suri Vullen // Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe // Auteme Auteme


For just an instance, the elderly stateswoman's body felt nearly weightless as it sank through the endless puffs of vapor and cloud, whose unforgiving moisture and chill caused the heavy fabric of the Chancellor's garment to cling to her skin. The wetness, combined with the wind, chilled Ahira Chandra to the bone. The ledge from where she had fallen was disappearing, obscured by patches of thin cloud now and yet her robes whipped violently around her far longer than she had expected. The again, as she fell, it was almost like time slowed. She thought about her husband... "Aarav..." he as surely dead, no matter how much she wanted to deny it to herself.

Then, the elder woman thought of her beloved girls and grandchildren. She would feel the tears welling in her eyes but they did not fall, instead shooting off into the wind that assaulted her face. Adhira clawed herself into a ball, wailing hoarsely against the rush of air. The last thing she thought about was the Alliance. The billions who had depended on her to keep them safe. The thousands who lost their lives at her command. The Balmorran was screaming into the clouds now, letting her weight bear downward, welcoming the embrace of the abyss.

The Alliance would survive. It had to survive. With all of her power she WILLED it to survive.


Unbeknownst to Adhira, a rescue ship had been dispatched to recover her from the Chancellor's Office. Had she waited just a few moments more, stalled, somehow she would have been whisked to safety. Instead, alongside her triumphant dive toward death, the ship made a desperate attempt to keep speed and at the last possible moment, The Chancellor of the Alliance was swept up in a medical mesh fall-dampener. The majority of the damage the fall could have done to her was absorbed... but that did not prevent the dozens of painful fractures, breaks, and internal bleeds that now assaulted her insides.

As the ship hoisted her hammock inside before evacuating to the nearest secure medical facility, she managed to convince one of the medical officers to turn over their comm. Adhira used a serious of intricate patterns and phrases on the pad until it rebooted as the Chancellor's own Command Communique.
"Protocol 174...." she said weekly into the device, "Bursar... Activate...."

With those simple words, Adhira Chandra had effectively transferred the full power of the Alliance Chancellor to him. In a matter of seconds, Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe would find himself able to access a troth of top secret information reserved only for the Chancellor. With that done, she gave one last gasp and turned her head, allowing what felt like a much needed sleep to take her body as the med droids and medics began to stabilize her body in a medically induced coma.
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