Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Great Hunt - A Prelude to the Crusade.

Outer Rim Territories
Sith-Imperial Administrative Oversector II
Carrion Sector
Sojourn, Hunter's Moon
Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"
Khyros noticed the slightest hesitation in his battle brothers face, and after a few moments of internal confusion he believed he knew what caused it. Not all who came to the Sun Guard did so from other mercenary companies or from the birth canal, as Khyros felt he had. Some came to the life after having served in one of the various factioned militaries that tended to be far more strict as a rule when it came to courtesies than mercenary companies. Even ones as elite as the Sun Guard.

Khyros filed it away for future interactions, but wasn't the type to apologize for such a slip. Everyone in the Sun Guard needed to get to a place of comfort, and everyone had to find their own way to fit in. Apologizing right now would not do anything but alienate his brother.

Khonsu Amon said:
“I,” he began. “I was curious to see if you had a creature in mind. Something down on the surface that you’ve been keen on hunting.”

Khyros paused to consider as they reached the troopship where his quarters were. He keyed it open while he considered, then offered for his superior to enter the ship first.

Khonsu Amon said:
“As I would like to join you, rather than accompany the various dregs that populate our hangar bay. It seems they’re more likely to die on the planet’s surface, and I want someone worthy to stand at my side.”

Khyros smiled and nodded.

"If I were going to be prideful, I would want to slay a Krayt Dragon." He chuckled, then took the lead to his quarters. He opened the door and stepped into the cramped space. He unceremoniously began to change from his workout clothing and into the clothing and armor he would be wearing on the hunt. "Instead, I am looking for either a Rancor or a Nexu. On the last hunt I participated in, I went after a Rancor, but only managed to lame it before I lost it in the brush of Dxun. If you would be willing to aid me in hunting either of these, I would welcome your presence."
[member="khonsu amon"]​
Arash Garshasp
Location: Sojourn, Hunter's Moon- Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"


Arash nodded fiercely towards Priesse, as it hardly mattered much to him on their ability to ride a swoop bike. Though it would make things easier for us Arash mused silently, but figured that if there were anytime to learn how to ride one, today would most certainly be the best moment. He turned himself around, and to allow himself to keep his attention to his hunting party, Arash decided to walk backwards towards the hanger.

Time to test out those eyes in the back of my head.

"Riding a swoop bike won't be too difficult, if anything attempting to keep up with me would be the more challenging part," Arash commentated, his finger rubbing his chin as admitted to his more reckless behavior. Not that I'm going to really change my style of riding but maybe I should slow a tad bit down.

A chuckle almost broke free from his thoughts as remember Surya's 'cheating' ways with her Force abilities. Arash never found his lack of ability discomforting but most certainly grew weary whenever his sister was in one of her moods. Yes, you definitely need your own swoop bike Surya, there had been times when Arash was certain that the gods sent Surya to punish him should he ever get too overconfident with himself.

Arash gestured towards Priesse with both arms, "Well than, Pre, how about we do some practice runs with the bikes and after we get-" He paused a moment, his attempt to find a rather optimistic word, "-After we get more practice riding with one another. Coordination of course will come with due time." Arash explained, of course if he could do his part correctly, these beasts would be perfectly lined up for the others take advantage.

[member="Surya Almasi"] | [member="Priesse Brinari"]
Sojourn, Hunter's Moon
Orbital Skyhook "Corinthia"

Designation - Illyria Syresh
Status - Feigned Confidence | Self Doubting
Armor - Auxila Combat Suit
Weapons - Helius BR | Xiphos Vibroblade
Interacting With - [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Silas Furian"]

"I'm nobody anymore. The Mandalorians took that from me, my identity, my belonging. I need to find my place, a new place to call home. Among all...all of this karking crap. Then, at least...I will know if I deserved to live."
Illyria Syresh

Illyria's soft golden eyes caught sight of the man across from her beckoning at someone to approach them, her gaze briefly shifted to whomever he was gesturing towards though it was hard to make out who it was among all of the golden-armored individuals scattered throughout the place. Perhaps it was the man in the dark armor, perhaps it was the man in the light gold armor, perhaps it was the one in the ornate armor...whoever it was she knew not. She didn't need to know who it was, the mere idea of two people talking to her and including her as if she were one of them helped to bring comfort to her troubled mind and to her troubled heart. It helped to ease the pain she felt, the heartbreak, the sadness.

The young woman's gaze flew back to the man across from her, her eyes falling on his form as he began to speak to her. At hearing who she was, she couldn't help the look of surprise and shock that was on her face. She had heard tale from her father about a 'Khonsu Amon' beforehand, her father always would remark that he was a great warrior and a great leader of the Golden Company. He spoke as if he knew the man, though as to whether he did know the man or just idolized the man and his deeds she knew not. Nor did she need to know, she knew her father, if he spoke highly of somebody...that person was to be trusted without hesitation. Though, that didn't still her not rapidly beating heart at now knowing she was face-to-face with a great warrior of renown. It was hard for the female zabrak to comprehend that a man of great standing and rank was sitting across from her and acting as though the two of them were both friends that hadn't met one another for a long few months.

Despite the shock and nervousness she felt now, she was reassured by Khonsu's presence near her. If he was willing to sit with her when she was trying to deal with her own grief and worries, then that spoke of something Illyria herself couldn't comprehend but knew it's significance without doubt.

Illyria reached out her gloved left hand, her armorweave fingers clasping around the cap of the bottle, taking it off with ease. She hesitated at first, wondering how much it would burn as it went down. But, she trusted this man through how he was acting alone, he was nice thus far, why shouldn't she trust him? The young woman then brought the cool glass of the bottle up to her lips and bent the bottle upwards, allowing the alcohol to flow into her mouth and down her throat before pulling it away. Almost immediately she felt the burn run down her throat, it wasn't particularly painful, not as painful as she had been anticipating and the taste...the aftertaste was phenomenal. She then took another quick and short swig of the alcoholic bottle before pulling it away again, wiping her mouth with the back of her free hand, giving Khonsu a small, genuine smile.

"Wow, that...that was actually really good. Thank you, Khonsu!" Illyria thought for a moment, her eyes falling upon Khonsu as she pondered something to tell him, something worthy of who he was...yet nothing of worth or wonder came to her mind. "So..uhm, what...what are we doing down there, exactly?"

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