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Faction The Great Hunt | Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders


With several captured ships in tow, the small Neo-Crusader fleet departs Contruum into the vast expanse of space. They receive a call from Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl , a Mandalorian Rally Master, stationed on the nearby moon of Dxun. Carduul leads a group of zealous preservers dedicated to the ancient ways and history of the Mandalorians. The Crusaders answer his call, boarding a dozen shuttles and heading to Dxun, where Carduul and his men await them at an ancient Mandalorian outpost nestled in the moon's impenetrable jungles.

Carduul’s men share the pieces of their glorious history that they have preserved. Inspired by these tales, Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r , the Mandalorians' Beastmaster, has an idea. To celebrate their first raid, he proposes reviving a long-lost Mandalorian tradition: the Great Hunt.

The chosen prey for this hunt is none other than Dxun’s apex predator—the fearsome Drexl.


Great Hunt rules:
  • No posting order
  • 5 round of posts each rolling a d20
  • Tally closest to 100 captures the Drexl for his own beast.
  • 2nd and 3rd place get a honorary gift from Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r : a Maalras and a Charhound respectively

If you're not feeling a hunt -- feel free to BYOO.


Hakon moved through the jungle, quiet and alert. The dense foliage pressed close. He listened, his senses keen. He knew the Drexl was near.

The forest grew silent. Hakon stopped. He saw it then, perched on a rocky ledge. It was massive, black scales gleaming. Its eyes burned with a fierce intelligence. The Drexl’s wings stretched wide, its talons sharp and deadly.

The Drexl saw him. It launched into the air with a screech. Hakon's heart pounded. He readied his weapon, muscles tensed. The Drexl swooped down, swift and lethal. Hakon dove to the side, barely avoiding the talons.

The beast's wing clipped him. Pain exploded in his side. He tumbled hard, rolling through the underbrush. Dirt and leaves stuck to his armor. He pushed himself up, breathing heavy, vision blurred. The Drexl circled above.

Hakon steadied himself. He tightened his grip on his weapon. The hunt was on.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

The Great Hunt
Tag(s): Hakon Fett Hakon Fett @Open
: Hunt


Sig had barely recovered from the Neo-Crusaders first major victory when he had arrived on Dxun. The thick jungle before him was as challenging an environment as any. Losing an arm was usually an inconvenience to most. Sig saw it as an opportunity.

The Mandalorian had gotten a new cybernetic replacement arm, starting just below his right elbow and making up the rest of the forearm and new hand. Though where most would prefer synthetic flesh, Sig opted for something less conventional. Reforging his lost forearm’s armor, he grated his red beskar armor to his new arm and hand; effectively a section of his armor was now permanently a part of him.

He’d need the protection. Today he was on Dxun for a hunt. He hasn’t been a part of a hunt in many years with the last time being only a few months before his clan’s destruction. It was a feeling of excitement the didn’t know he could still feel. It was a reminder to him of why he fought so hard and for what he fought for: the way of his people.

Moving through the jungle, Sig kept his carbine tightly in his grip. While he did prefer his duel pistols, he knew a Drexl would take more firepower. He knew he wouldn’t be the only one. The Great Hunt was a call that no true Mandalorian could resist, lest they be dishonored. No he knew that the other Neo-Crusaders would likely be present, seeking the same glorious prize. He grinned beneath his t-visor. Today, glory would be his.

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There would be no formal gathering or meeting.

This was the Great Hunt.

Aboard the "Seasnake" the Falleen inspected his equipment and geared himself for the Great Hunt. His personal vessel was roughly located half mile away from the Mandalorian outpost in a large clearing and had already been established as a camp in its own right. Just as feline predators were solidary hunters, Ninurta was no different. Though occasionally some vode would venture in for advice or tips about their task. All of them had their different styles and it pleased Ninurta to know that few of the hunters were humble enough to ask, but they would receive nothing. Yet.

The other Great Hunt contestants were no doubt learning by experience, the ways of old. Rushing into an encounter that they would find themselves not prepared for and then adapt to. That was the way. " Nature gives many clues and hints. It will be your job to discern them. Now go claim your honor or lose it. It matters not." He waved a group of Neo-Crusaders away.

Despite taking the role of Master of Game, he too would be a time.

Opening a open comm channel he broadcasted to his distant vode. The ones who had already left to participate in the ways of old.

<<" Those who have ears to hear, let them hear. Do not underestimate your trial today. Drexl's are Apex predators. These beasts can grow up to twenty meters in length, their wingspans extending even further. They are covered in thick, leathery skin, impervious to most conventional weapons. Their eyes are sharp, their senses acute. I can personally attest to this. They are accustomed to preying on the largest creatures of Dxun, but we are almost in their food chain. Drexl's are not mindless brutes; they are intelligent, capable of complex hunting strategies. Underestimating their intellect would be a fatal error. It would be most wise to team up for this hunt, although if you believe yourself to be a true hunter, stake your claim in attempting this alone. I know some of you already are. The winners will receive honor, recognition and a handsome reward. I have spoken. Let the Great Hunt begin!" >>
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The Great Hunt
Tag(s): @Open​


Word spread quick, and ideas quicker. Tucked away, in this small corner of the galaxy, in this smaller corner of the forest, the small group of Mandalorians were able to fulfill something they all craved. They have lived, and though it was not to their fullest, it was far better than the alternatives the galaxy had presented them. Until now. The Raid on Contruum had been successful in spreading the message, and this was among the first glimpses of that ripple effect.

Upon landing, they were greeted by a small patrol of what looked to be the tales of old brought to life. Mandalorians bearing the standardized armor akin to that of the original Neo-Crusaders, modernized for the perilous times they lived in - very slight individualistic tweaks, adding the new with an emphasis on the old. Bidding them to follow, they had been lead to that same ancient camp that had been a holdout for Mandalorians time, and time again.

A few battle circles littered parts of the encampment, full of sparring recruits and veterans who wished to hone their skills and earn honor through combat. Another day, another age, they would have been fierce warriors. On the forefront of battle, laying waste to anything afore them in the name of glory and conquest. Alas, this had been denied to them. As the newcomers arrived, there were some veiled looks of intrigue from the old-fashioned helms, bearing a natural wariness and distaste. But all of that was quickly cast aside when the brief meeting had turned into a proposal.

Tap, tap, tap. The sound of a metal staff made itself apparent. Emerging from the shadows of the small compound, one bearing crimson armor marked by white emerged. In hand, what can only be described as a poleaxe served as his weapon. The de-facto leader of this small group of traditionalists had bid his time in the hopes of such an opportunity. Many such claims had come, and passed, with many doing no better than the last. This time, there was the spark of something old, and he would have brought shame upon all who were true Mando’ade to not try to seize the chance.

His left arm splayed wide, the shoulder-cape flowing with the movement, “Vode, I bid you welcome to Dxun. Here Mandalore the Indomitable fell, and the Ultimate took his place. This is the birthplace of our culture’s finest age. An ancestral home, for some of our number, and a beating heart of Mandalorian culture for all.”

Hand pressed to his chest, “I am Carduul Akahl, the Rally Master among us,” Before gesturing forth towards the small group gathered in front of himself, “And I have invited you all here to see your convictions, and re-acquaint the willing with their roots.” With the decree of the helmeted man, he stepped down onto the grass and dirt below.

And so the brief discussion gave way to the proposal of the Beast-Master. The Great Oya’karir, hosted as it was meant to be - a trial of skill, of honor, and of character. Though Carduul’s knowledge of the greater galaxy was limited, he knew enough. This age-long tradition had been taken from Mandalorians, turned into a mere sport by common thugs. No longer. The proof of their resolve will be shown by actions. A fitting way to see their resolve for himself.

With their preparations set, and eager souls ready to venture into the thick brush, he gave parting words to his newfound acquaintances. “The Jungles are rife with danger, and opportunity. In them, may you find honor, glory and knowledge of yourself in battle. We as Mando’ade have strayed from the ways that have brought us glory - in participating in this trial, we shall honor our forebears, and affirm our determination in returning us to the path.”

With the raise of his weapon into the air, there was a shout; “OYA!”

And it was followed in a cacophony of cries around the camp.


The Rally Master had inhabited the jungle moon as a base of operation for quite some time now. Those that were smart may have attempted to tail him. That knowledge of the land was the only advantage he held, for he had opted to go with nothing more than a heavy blaster pistol, his trusted vibro-weapon, and several small tools for survival. There was no shame in pairing up with the other contestants, t’was true; but he felt it would diminish the newcomer’s view if those who so ardently purported the Old Ways sought aid so readily. No, it was better to set an example.

The constant stormy conditions of Dxun were of no help. Rain battered down upon his armor, droplets pouring down his visor in the misty haze. Carduul deftly navigated the jungle towards a common spot. Many animals could get in his way - Cannoks, Bomas, perhaps even a fearsome Zakkeg. Curiously, they had chosen the most fearsome predator on the moon as a target, the Drexl. If it was to prove their commitment, he would certainly admit he would be impressed - if their hunt showed their worth, that is.

The sound of bone and flesh being ripped apart made itself apparent. Crouched in the brush, he slowly pushed aside the foliage to reveal his target. A feeding Drexl, adolescent. The subject of what he was here for.

The vibro-weapon was hefted, and he slowly emerged from the brush. A few steps, like a Nexu stalking their prey, moving in - before he made his move, steps rushed forward to drive the weapon into their hide.

A mistake, on his part. Crrunch; its keen senses had caught those whisper-quiet movements, and with a single motion, it ripped out it’s next bite, whirled about with its large tail, and batted him aside. His weapon embedded itself for a moment into the leathery skin, but to little avail as he was sent tumbling back. A terrible shriek emitted, as it’s large wings spread, and it took flight.

A huff left himself as he swiftly came to his feet - momentarily dazed, but far from finished. His moment of surprise was now over. Now the true hunt began.
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Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r

It would earn him a great status among his people to bring this beast under his submission. He did not care what every hunter here had intentions for the Drexl, but he had ambitions to domesticate it and become its master. He only bore his armor and a spear with no technological enhancements to it. Their ancestors conquered the mighty mythosaurs with primitive tools; why should they not follow their example and prove their worthiness?

The apex predator circled above the skies, after Hakon Fett Hakon Fett made an attempt to ambush it. It would come back down for a swoop, focusing on any lone Mandalorian to avoid being overwhelmed by numbers.

Another warrior was nearby; Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo . Gaanla acknowledged him, but there was disdain in his eyes to see his fellow warrior brandishing a blaster carbine.

<“Why do you hunt with a blaster, brother? Do you not have the strength or confidence to challenge yourself against this beast with primitive weaponry?”>

Was he out of line to call out Sig in this manner? Perhaps, but Gaanla respected strength and so did the Neo-Crusaders. Any warrior vanquishing his foe with a sword as opposed with a blaster had more recognition.

The Drexl shrieked violently before diving down into the thin canopy to retaliate against the Mandalorians.



Location: Dxun
Objective: hunt
Gear: Beskar'gam, boarding shotgun, Ship
Tags: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin

Her ship was nearby, she was still feeling the high of the victorious battle on Contruum and was eager to continue to try and make a name for herself.

But a hunt? She was an assassin, not a Hunter, she was capable, but beyond the fact that a hunt was a noble endeavor in mandalorian culture, she questioned whether it was the best use of their time. But, if she wanted these to be her people, maybe she should allow herself that grace to do something like this. She saw the beast, there were several other vod nearby, her information was that this thing was incredibly dangerous, she would be foolish to underestimate it. She flew low over Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl "Nice speech, rallymaster. I'm Livia, this is your party. You got a plan?" she burned her thrusters a little as the beast took wing. She fired off a micro-plasma torpedo set to detonate off of its wing and get it's attention. It worked and the massive creature arced back around before rushing at the firrerreo at full speed, hoping to have her in its Maw as an easy meal. Livia would not be easy and she barrel rolled out of its way, peppering it with her wrist pistol as it past. This beast would not be damaged by such a simple weapon, but she wanted it to know that in this scenario, she and her vod were the true apex predators.


He was told that they were the old ways.

But to him, everything was new, exciting.

And he wanted the glory, he wanted the thrill-

He did not go as a team. He heard a proverb once, during his recent training.

"If you want to go far, go together, if you want to go fast, go alone".

So, Faydrik was alone, unafraid, and equipped only with his Beskar'gam and his spear. No high-tech gadgetry, no shimmering invisibility. Just him, the hunt, and the spear. He was not a hunter, no, he was a fighter by trade. Only the limited experience he had thus far being trained as a Crusader was going to suffice for now.

He found some tracks- two sets, actually. More than two, in fact. He was some deals away from the rest, but found some markings of battle, and looked up. He heard voices, closer rather than further. He didn't move in the jungle. He turned his head upwards.

He heard the beast, the one circling his compatriots.

It had not seen him.

He needed to move closer. The young warrior began to creep silently, away from the other Mandalorians, and hopefully, out of sight of the predator....

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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Mandalorian Outpost, Dxun
| Objective | Enjoy the Hunt
Careena sat on the edge of a cot in the medical tent of the Mandalorian Outpost of Dxun shortly after their arrival. Despite some minor complications encountered during the operation, their raid had been more or less successful. In that she took pride, seeing that glimmer of hope for their people, showing that even in the face of adversity they were not helpless. She winced as a medic peeled away bloodied bandages from her chest after she had removed her armor on arrival, a vertical wound from where she took an axe to the chest. Thankfully her armor had stopped most of it from doing any lethal damage; nothing a little bacta and some rest wouldn't remedy.​
The medic sprayed the wound with disinfectant before starting to stitch it shut, later applying a layer of bacta and some fresh bandages wrapped around her upper torso. She looked to the medic and offered her thanks, the medic simply offering a respectful nod in return. She put on a simple shirt as her armor was being repaired, tucking her helmet under her arm as she stepped out. They celebrated their raid with a hunt, and their prize a Drexl. She glanced up at the sky as she raised her free hand up to shield her eyes. Who would be successful in their hunt on this day? She was curious to find out.​
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Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Livia Cadera Livia Cadera Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin Careena Fett Careena Fett

Sig glanced over to one of his brothers, Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin , that had landed nearby, calling into question the use of a carbine. He understood the question and where it likely stemmed from. A true warrior would claim there prize with a more primitive weapon such as sword or spear. Indeed he intended to honor that tradition, intending to use his vibroblade knife that was holstered on his left boot.

"Jekai," he simply responded in Mando'a. He didn't explain his methods and wouldn't, not in the middle of an active hunt anyways. Indeed he planned on using the rifle as a means to distract the creature in some manner. Though he wouldn't have the chance to set a trap.
The Drexl shrieked violently before diving down into the thin canopy to retaliate against the Mandalorians.
Sig quickly rolled away from Gaanla as the beast swooped between them, before darting back up into the trees. Sig threw the carbine over his back and drew his blade. As he stood the creature let out another shriek. It broke through the branches above and darted towards Gaanla. Sig made a break for the two, the intention of either landing a minor blow to the creature, or to tackle Gaanla out of the way; which depending on how his Mandalorian brother would react.

Shaabir Kelborn



~what's a king to a god? what's a god to a non-believer?~

OBJECTIVE: Tame the Drexl
TAG: not tagging every single of y'all


Has it even been a year since the last time a Mandalorian called for a Crusade? It's always the same, old story. What had decimated our homeworld, and what had almost killed-off my Clan and whatever future we could've had. Yet this one came in a perfect time. I was a mere gun-for-hire the last time they called a Crusade, stuck in some backwater system at The Slice fighting for petty kings and barons. There wasn't any single reason for me to join the last Crusade, not if there was no credit offered. A year does make a big difference. A couple of extraordinary missions later and now I command a humble fleet of an assault frigate and eighteen starfighters. Seems like there's nowhere to go but up.

That's exactly why I am now scrambling in this wretched jungle, tracking the supposedly intelligent beast, obviously well-equipped with multi-slotted vambraces and a vibroblade attached to my hip. If it wasn't for their insistence on honor, I would've gone long-range, but I digress for now. Most of these folks are misguided, angry young Mandalorians trying to find their place in the galaxy. All you got to do is show them that you respect their vision, then you show them your much more effective way to achieve that.

<Everything's going alright boss?> K-412, my reprogrammed KX-series security droid and right-hand man, asked as he monitored my movement from the mountain on the other side of the planet. My safety comes first after all, a leader is worth nothing if they always put themselves on the first line of fire. Nor am I planning to charge the beast head-first like a fool. Finally getting a clear look at the beast, I dragged my vibroblade on trees and bushes, calling for the Drexl's attention so that it would walk right on my trap.

<Everything's still under control Kay,>

Time to play the game.


There was a hiss followed by a thump when Ninurta's helmet finally was placed over his head. Internal HUD and systems flashed to life and the all to familiar of having 360 degree vision enveloped his senses. As per tradition, the Beast master was equipped with a variation of gadgets and tools but for this task the only weapon he carried was a Static Pike in its collapsed form.

Rounding to the back of his ship Ninurta entered within one of the many Cargo modules of the "Seasnake" and passed the gaze of his visor over an asortment of mounts and creatures. All of which welcomed his presence and stepped forward to greet him in their various ways. A lick, nudge, a massive paw or hand at his chest or back. " Dagina daab. Tayli'bac. Tayli'bac." He voiced and returned some affection to the collective of species around him.

It was his ritual. As much as he believed in dominating a creature and breaking its will, Ninurta also had fostered relationships with all his creatures and understood that their care was now in his hands.

Finally his decision was made and the process of saddling up started with haste. When the Mandalorian Beastmaster exited his ship, He was atop a large insect like creature. It had two large bulbous compound eyes, thick course hairs sprouting from its legs and belly and a massive chitin shell that covered most of its body.

It was a Lava Flea.

Grounding itself in a six legged crouch and feeling the sudden nudge of its owner. Ninurta felt the world blur around him briefly before the Lava Flea went air borne thirty meters in the direction of the nearest drexl activity. For a moment or two, Falleen and his mount could be seen before arcing back down to the forests below and crashing into the scene of Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo , Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin and Hakon Fett Hakon Fett skirmishing a Drexl.
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He stepped loudly on a stick below him.

The inexperienced warrior, while a great fighter, and capable of great interpersonal violence, was not a hunter. Moreover, he was not, in fact, tracking a Drexl tracks. In his foolishness, or perhaps just inexperience and lack of knowledge, he was not tracking the great winged beast that the other Mandalorians were.

No, in fact, there was something much worse for him lurking in the darkness, the shadows of which there was no light that he could possibly make out. Perhaps if he used the advanced sensors on his buyce would he had seen it, noticed it-

But when the Maalraas stepped from the shadows of the underbrush, growling at the warrior, Faydrik realized something:

He wished he brought something other than just a spear and a knife.

He steeled himself, angling the spear at the approaching Nighthunter, who began to circle him, evaluating how best to defeat the armored prey. And, rightfully, Feydrik deduced that if he approached him now, the Nighthunter had certainly came after prey like him before. And more than likely, succeeded. He grit his teeth behind his helmet, squaring up against the beast.

"No easy meal for you, my friend."

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A small figure darted through the trees on a miniaturized jetpack. The Mandalorian known as Lorcan Nanu may have been small, be he had a personality and ego to fit ten giants. And he was here to prove it by slaying a beast even the humans would have trouble bring down! He had absolutely no doubts that it would be he who successfully brought in the biggest and largest prize. All he had to do was find his prey first....
Zandra had little experience hunting beasts as dangerous as a Drexl, not a lot of indigenous fauna in Coruscant's cityscape. One thing she was adept at though, was her ability as a tracker. Noticing little details was a skill the girl had honed from a young age. It paid to be able to find needles in haystacks, even when surrounded by concrete. To that end, she was sent out to help her hunting party find potential areas for the Drexl hunters to search. And she had found trails that seemed to be fruitful.

One path she found was trampled through by some hulking beast. Branches broken and debris strewn about in the wake of the monstrous creature. It wasn't the most challenging beast to track, but the real challenge would be in taking it down. With the other Mandalorians hunting their own prey, this would be a perfect opportunity to earn her stripes, to prove she was a true member of the clans.

One of the greatest aspects of hunting was control, every movement had to be measured in advance. Zandra tried her level best to control ever breath she took, and every twitch of her muscles. Just the slightest mistake and her quarry could sense her, and then the hunter would become the prey. Being ripped apart by one of these monsters was not how she wanted to go out.

As she rounded the last bend, she saw her quarry, a several meter tall larval Drexl. One might think that the larval stage of a creature would be the more vulnerable, not so with these beasts. Even as newly hatched larvae, they could cause massive destruction if pressed. They usually stood between 3 and 4 meters tall, with arms and legs which were absent on the adults. These shockingly humanoid creatures were near constantly hungry, always looking for fuel for their growing bodies.

In trying to get an advantage, Zandra would climb one of the many trees surrounding her, the idea would be to wait for the proper moment, then jump down on the creature while it was unawares. From there she might be able to bring it down more easily, while being away from its claws and teeth.


Location: Dxun
Objective: hunt
Gear: Beskar'gam, boarding shotgun, Ship
Tags: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin

The beast lashed at Livia as it passed by her, catching her armour and knocking her sideways. She popped a series of whistling birds, their armour piercing tips and baradium warheads pinched small holes into the flank of the monster and caused it to roar with pain, but it was still only small wounds to the large monster that was getting angrier. Livia gained altitude before it turned round, trying to seek the height advantage on the monster, she climbed to a couple of hundred metres to see if it was following before readying a grenade to drop beneath her, perhaps he would like a spicy lunch, perhaps not.

It didn't even occur to the assassin that blasting the monster apart from the inside would make it difficult to claim as a capture and even more difficult to tame for riding.

roll rules
19-20 it gets a grenade down it's gullet
3-18 something else happens
1-2 it gets a Livia down it's gullet
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Hunting Party: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r @anyone I missed that’s with Hakon’s party

Roll: Nat 1

3-18 something else happens

As the beast flashed by Livia, Sig readied his knife once more. He watched as the beast flew up the tree behind her, letting out an ear-piercing screech as it did so. His Mandalorian sister had prepped a grenade, the intention of dropping it onto the monster as it neared.

The drop was a second too late, however. The explosion did burn and scorch the underside of the creature but not enough to stop it from smashing into the branches. Sig quickly jumped, his jetpack activating as he did so, and flew towards the tree as Livia fell towards the ground. Grabbing her by the hand, the two quickly returned to the ground. “Good hit,” he said with an affirmative nod.

Before the two could do anything more, the creature screeched and began to turn back to the pair and the hunting party. Sig drew his knife and launched up into the air towards the Drexl.

Bringing his knife forward in a strike at one of it’s wings, Sig had hoped he could ground the creature or at least decrease its air maneuverability.

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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Mandalorian Outpost, Dxun
| Objective | Enjoy the Hunt
Careena slipped her helmet over her head as she walked over to where her unequipped armor lay, neatly piled atop one another save for her chest piece. She slipped into her boots and slid her vambraces over her forearms, whilst sporting simple pants and her shirt before clipping her belt around her waist. She reached over and grabbed a couple of curved vibro daggers, sheathing them in a cross-X behind her waist. She was already late to the start of the hunt, so she would need to be mobile.​
Her HUD lit up as she was already tracing footprints of her fellow Mandalorians, starting after them to catch up. There was bound to be more than one Drexl lurking about, so she would not deny the others the chance to kill or capture their own. Deep into the shadows of the trees she went, moving at half her usual speed to ensure that she didn't pop her stitches while still making decent time to track her quarry.​
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