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Faction The Great Hunt | Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders


Location: Dxun
Objective: hunt
Gear: Beskar'gam, boarding shotgun, Ship
Tags: Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin

Livia regained herself and re-entered the fray, she sent a brief scowl at Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl under her helmet, if he wished to challenge her capability as a living weapon she would be more than willing to show him first hand. But not now, now was a time for focus, the beast was wounded and lashing out violently, it didnt know they wished to capture it, right now in its mind it was kill or be killed. It was weakening though and Livia made another move, leaping towards the beasts back as it focussed its front on her allies. She lept up with her repulsors and jumped onto its back, grabbing on one of it'd spikes with the strength of her crushgaunt as it tried in vain to shake her off.

Livia watched the space between its head and it's neck as it moved, her master had taught her anatomy, where to strike for the greatest impact, she was watching and waiting to see where it's skull met its spine, that wonderfully vulnerable point where the nerved were as exposed as possible. As soon as she saw her moment she fired her shock gauntlet into it, sending thousands of volts of stunning energy right into the drexl's brain stem. She felt the muscles in its back tighten and convulse, if it wasn't knocked out entirely it would find that it's nervous system was no longer its ally.



C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Mandalorian Outpost, Dxun
| Objective | Subdue the Drexl
Careena sheathed one of her knives as the Drexl thrashed about, raising her free hand up as she let loose with the whipcord launcher, aiming for their thrashing maw. The weighed end wrapped around its mouth to prevent it from making a meal out of her fellow warriors as she twisted her arm around the cable to tighten and attempt to bring it down. Drexl were powerful creatures, and by herself this feat would be impossible, and she'd be thrown around like bait from a rod, but with the combined efforts of the Mandalorians present, she put her trust and faith in their ability to each divide the Drexl's strength and attention enough for them all to bring it to heel.​

The Great Hunt
Tag(s): Livia Cadera Livia Cadera


The crimson-clad crusader had made his thrust, and it twisted its maw into the way to try to catch the maneuver. Performing a swift feint, his weapon flicked aside just as his other hand cast the grappling line forth, wrapping around the outstretched maw so that he could attempt to wrangle some more control out of it.

That, unfortunately, seemed to be a mistake. It thrashed violently at the foreign object that clamped itself around its fanged mouth, rearing its head back suddenly and taking Carduul with it. Braced as best he could, he slid for a few moments against the mud before being swept up, whirling through the air - a sensation he was used to, but not exactly at the behest of another creature.

With the motion, he oriented himself - at least, tried to as best he could - and thrust his weapon towards the leathery skin of its back, attempting to deter it from thrashing so violently. The blow connected, earning a shriek of pain and a few droplets of blood from the thick hide. He was so close to being able to touch down upon it, and get a proper footing to begin reining the giant beast in - but his attack instead made it whip its head forward…

Where Carduul was sent hurtling, grappling cable still in hand, into a nearby tree. It forced the air from his lungs, pain erupting from his back that bloomed across his chest and body, accompanied by a loud metallic thud. Once again, his armor had narrowly saved him from a more permanent injury - though reeling from its frantic outburst, he once again gritted his teeth, and steeled himself for what was to come. Perhaps it had been unwise to come mostly alone. At this point, it was less a fight to capture it, and more a fight to survive it.

Coming to a slow stand, there was a brace with the poleaxe, before his jetpack burned to life. Death flashed before his visor in the form of the powerful beast’s fangs, bearing down to bisect his head from his body. Yet he stood undaunted, and he was rewarded for his tenacity.

Suddenly swerving with a twist mid-air, the poleaxe cleaved upwards and severed one of the fangs that would’ve otherwise have caught him in its grip. A pained, shrill cry emitted from the Drexl, as his short burst of movement led him to touch down with a sliding halt against muddy ground once more.

Whirling, his weapon was taken and pointed forwards threateningly at the beast, of which leaked crimson from its maw. Beady black eyes remained upon the crimson figure, as if debating what to do. And in that moment, the Drexl decided that its prey was simply too much trouble to spend anymore effort on. Seeing an opening, its wings spread, and it took off. Carduul made no effort to pursue, panting heavily beneath the helm as he stared at its exit.

He may have been unsuccessful in his hunt, but at the very least, he had remained unscathed. Even surviving such an encounter earned a bit of honor, and claiming a trophy from such a fearsome foe would doubtlessly earn more. The Rally Master winced as he held his side - feeling perhaps a broken bone or two beneath the red shell of armor. Steps sauntered over to where the intimidating beast was, before slowly stooping down and collecting the severed fang.

True, it was not the result he intended, nor as glorious as the original goal. But he held a feeling glory would not be in short supply very soon.
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Proud atop his Lava Flea, the Beast-Master nodded to the Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin and Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo in their endeavor and gave another nod to the others on their own hunts. A nod that would not be seen but in the Master of the Hunt's own mind. Behind bone, chitin and beskar the Falleen watched not only the two vode in front of him, but a vast array of holo-feeds connected to his internal HUD.

Hidden in the jungles of Dxun, Seeker droids silently watched and observed. Stalking the stalkers that participated in this Great Hunt of Dxun. They had seen the wisdom of Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl and his deadly partner Livia Cadera Livia Cadera . They had observed the movements of Careena Fett Careena Fett , Hakon Fett Hakon Fett and those close to Ninurta himself. The droids perception had even captured the minute details of Lorcan Nanu Lorcan Nanu in his bravery. The strategy of Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin and the cunning tactics of Shaabir Kelborn .

But alas the Great Hunt was at its close and its challenge would soon foster a single champion.

A champion that Ninurta already knew.

<<" The great of Hunt of Dxun is at its close! Night is falling and our time is coming to a close. Return back to the ancient Mandalorian Outpost and I will have the resualts of the Great Hunt posted and ready for your viewing. Bat ibic tuur cuun srabus ninayr apon mhi">>

He relayed over comm's and with a crouch of his mount was flung above the jungle tree.


Meanwhile back at camp, each participant would have no trouble finding the results of the great hunt. A new tent had been posted up and it was adorned with a gundarks skull. Inside each hunter would find the a large holo-screen is data recorded on each hunter according to their actions, tactics and efficiency. In here they would see who was Dxuns Great Hunt Champion and what they would be rewarded.

1st place ~ to Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin

x1 Drexl
x1 Dxun's Bane [Vibro-axe]

2nd place ~ to Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
x1 Maalraa

3rd place ~ Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin
x1 Charhound

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