Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission The Healing of Ukatis [Open to Donors/Relief Workers]

When it raines... it pours.

Refugee Camp - Makeshift Medical Clinic
TAGS: Jalen Kai'el | Shan Pavond | open for additional interaction


Samara opened her mental doors, freeing her thoughts, and allowed the currents of the Force to flow into the little boy's form.

Behind her closed eyelids, the Jedi healer began to see with an inner vision, traveling through the child's cellular pathways: tissue, nerves, muscle, and blood. And with the Force, she could touch with fingers infinitely small and precise; able to grasp one molecule of the viper snake's venom and flinging it out of the small dying body.

One down, many to go...

After succeeding with the first one, the Liann sought out another and another and another... It was a race against the clock to see who would be the victor. Samara would never give in, never back down. Challenge accepted. She had to win, nothing else would suffice. A life was at stake. A child's no less.

From there the Master Jedi found more of the reptilian poison, nudging and herding the microscopic destroyers away from healthy cells preventing further damage. Each one was then isolated and ejected into the Force. The task was incomprehensibly large and tedious. The poison spread and replicated quickly, scattering itself through billions and billions of cells in the boy's body.

But finally... the last of the venom was found and extracted. How long did it take, well the sun had moved from one side of the sky to the other by now.

Samara's eyes slowly reopened, and then the blonde wearily stepped back from the crate where the boy was lying atop, making room for the medical droid to reassess their patient while she took a break.

Detoxifying and curing poison is a very draining healing art. Even with the aid of her Silver Sigil, a healing amulet given to members of the Silver Circle, the master healer was totally spent. A piece of dark chocolate was retrieved from a pouch on her utility belt and slipped into her mouth with delightful haste. It was Sam's go-to while recovering from an extended healing session.

When the young boy began to regain consciousness moments later and groggily called for his father, the look of joy and relief in the man's eyes as he scooped up his very much alive son, well it was well worth any discomfort Sam had experienced. The Force was indeed with them this day.



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