Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Hirata Reformation | Lightsworn


Location: Ashina, Atrisia
Objective: Attend meeting of the lightsworn
Loadout: here
Tags: Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina Bernard Bernard Kaleleon Kaleleon Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Alaric Alaric

I just hope you know what you're signing up for, youngling.

"Course, does an Ashmaarian sign up to be covered in pearls?" she laughed. Then laughed again, a reference to her home planet of Lujo that there was no reason for him to understand. "I was born to do this, it's in my blood, just like you and your sister." she smiled warmly at the members of her extended family in Ashla and looked onwards and into the distance, her eyes drifting from focused as she imagined. She remembered Cerea, when she was part of the defence against Carnifex and his Kainite soldiers, she was frightened then, she was frightened now.

"I keep telling myself it's healthy to be scared, it prevents complacency, right?" she asked the older Ashlan before grasping at her hilt and saying a private prayer that Ashla would always protect her.


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