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Diplomacy The Hirkenburg Accords [Open to FACTION LEADERS and KEY DIPLOMATS]

3rd Post








Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti




Ah, Heady....
I did not know he was affected this much by the downfall.

But then again, he fought doggedly near the end.

Being forced to remember that fateful day, seemingly held in place to watch as history caught up with him once more, the Lord-Imperator sighed in grieving remembrance - silently glued to his one and only triumph over careless, casually-wrought destruction.

'Metharranson.... You needn't torture yourself like this, as you an' I both know where that might lead. Chin up, brother.'

As the Woad lifted his own head in pride for what he was, his attention then turned to the bodyguard standing with him, calmly (though warmly) making a point of advising,'Rhas, my young friend. This also counts for the remembrances you inflict on yourself in turn. After all, we made it this far, an' anyone who remains from our darkest days is more than worthy of a little pride.', tapping on the empty seat next to his own in prompting the newest addition to take his place as part of the delegation itself. Yet despite the sword-wielding bodyguard's sworn obligation to obey the orders of his superior, this choice would be left to his own judgement and consequent decision, though Lord Michael hoped Thade would make the right choice in the end, silently wishing that Rhas knew a beefier salary-projection when he saw one.

'Well, you've spoken now.... No use in toe-dipping at this stage, but its still your choice.'

'Now, as for you, Senator.... I'm admittedly growing impatient. So please, make a resolution from the drafts you have o'er yonder - its time.'
, Lord Michael drawled whilst turning his attention back to Siyarr once more, tapping on his watch in another, though-silent request to wrap up the process of scribbling proposals. Or at least, as according to the others with eyesight enough to see the gesture, though Heady would've known something else resided within Antlers' gesture as he concluded,'Ye know more than most that time is not to be wasted now, Br'er. You know what dangers approach.', returning to that same leaning, relaxed seating-posture once more.


~=Don't go thinking you were the only one - for mine own sleep was invaded.=~
~=That same nightmare - those same visions of Galactic annihilation.=~



4th Post










Tags (Mediators): Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Tags (Delegates): Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Thade Rhas Thade Rhas
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti





~=Always willing to weather the storm, as was your father if I recall correctly.=~
~=But now, with a realm on the verge of eradication, near-total collapse - even now.=~

~=Get your chit together, Antlers.... Honestly, the Galaxy needs you stronger than this.=~

The pause would have appeared palpably tense to those lacking Force-Sensitive or Force-Intuitive capabilities, and perhaps even difficult for the gifted ones to detect in turn, as the form of telepathy used between the Goidel and his Novanian friend was trained by other, mystically-driven means. As the entities to whom they prayed, (every part as Druidic as it was Shamanic in comparison-) as much as their spirits were embued with Midichlorian power, would appear differently to all wielders and intuitives alike, Force-adjacent for as long as these entities resided in realms-within-realms.

'Alright, I'll call a brief break - we can reconvene within the hour. I'll have the proposal ready for then.'

After making a quick, slow-panning gaze across the collective beyond the speaker's floor, Siyarr knew this was a wise decision, seeing the sighs of relief across the room for himself as one of his subordinate officials dutifully exclaimed,'All rise!', in the wake of his rather-timely call for a pause to proceedings. From the point of rising from his seat with notes in hand, and beyond that of all rising with him and standing until he had left the room, the Senator still felt more than a few eyes staring his way, though the stresses attached would be dispelled all the quicker in his usual batch of calm self-reminders. The Dreamer knew for a fact there would be risks of mockery and ridicule attaching to failure here, but with it, increasing chances of failing after succeeding on a grand, interplanetary stage, the grander failing of the two by far.

Alas, unfortunately for Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran, his early oratory success meant no potential failure would remain possible but the grander, near-success of the latter.

Well, well well.... I wonder if I can swing that majority today.
We shall see soon enough.



Maldor stood, observing the break in the proceedings.

So far, everything was going well.

While his arguments had been honest ones, his purpose here was not. He well knew that the Emperor would only honor any agreement for so long as it suited him. The scion of House Mecetti did not believe that Velran had the slightest bone of honor in him, nor any understanding of the benefits of restraint.

However, any agreement reached might constrain other parties who had a better sense of honor, or at least long-term self-interest.

If others honored the agreement long enough for the Emperor to gain an advantage, then the mercurial egomaniac would be satisfied. Otherwise, the document would be worth less than the sort found within a primitive refresher unit.

Some part of Maldor hoped that he could convince the Empire to hold fast to its agreements. That he could show that there was long-term gain in intentional, mutual restraint. But it was a thin hope.

Today, he'd settle for not being murdered after this session was concluded.

Small victories.

Some days, that's all you could hope for.

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Thade Rhas Thade Rhas
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Empress of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
Objective: To attend the Accord
Location: Cato hall, parliament row, Hirkenburg, Archais
Equipment: [Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Onrai Onrai | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Thade Rhas Thade Rhas | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


"If we don't discuss the problems of the past, the same problems may arise later, in the future, which could cause a huge inconvenience to Accord." Ingrid said in her usual icy cold voice to Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion .

It wasn't a backlash, just a fact. And who knew that better than the Eternal Empress? The Eternal Empire had suffered a lot from this, and for a very long time no one trusted them after their support of the former Sith Empire during the Civil War. Even as she just wanted them as expendable pawns against Bryn'adul. And she didn't trust Onrai or the Dark Empire led by Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis at all. She knew exactly what the Maw's plans were at the time, her lover Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood was also a warlord of the Maw. She suspected that Solipsis would not give up her old dreams and desires, which was the destruction of the Galaxy and to rebuild it by his design.

Meanwhile, the intriguing and similar remarks continued, and the red-haired woman remained speechless. She only glanced at her niece for a moment when the young girl spoke. Ironically, part of her family believed in ancient gods brought back from Valkyri times, the other half of the family were Ashlan believers. Meanwhile, Ingrid was a full-blown atheist. It occurred to her, just for a moment, that Lilia was not for this world with this naivety. The Galaxy was cruel and didn't favour the weak, trampling them underfoot, making them disappear forever.

But there was something else at stake here. Ingrid wanted to say something about the prisoners of war, something that was in short supply in a situation like this. House L'lerim and HPI alongside with the Brighter Future Foundation had always been famous for sending donations to planets and nations when they were in need. Such grants, such assistance, were also important. The Eternal Empire was not sacred, it was built on secrets that had to be kept from everyone. So good PR was necessary, something Ingrid had learned well from her late husband, Adrian Vandiir; after all, the Sith Lord did the same in his days. But it seemed that the red-haired woman would have to bring that topic up later, for now there was a break.

She had been in enough diplomatic negotiations to know the customs, so none needed to tell her to stand. Of course she did, and then, when the current leaders who are holding the Accord moved out, she returned to her seat. In her mind she was already calling MANIAC, the AI that was in the biochip in the woman's mind. Ingrid had to make a few calls before the accord resumed.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Michael Barran Michael Barran Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim

Vanessa couldn't help but laugh. "Truthfully, it's equally fascinating to suggest the Trade Federation wouldn't gladly enslave everyone in their demesne and exploit worlds to destruction were it profitable enough for them to do so. That said, I was never one to push for senseless destruction as a business strategy - Kinoss and Ool were exporters and moneymakers for a reason while I ruled them, and certainly came out of the post-Maw world better than their peers." He did raise a point, though - as it stood the entire back and forth argument the parties were making was essentially useless given there was no punishment that could yet infringe on those who broke the agreement.

Well, were it to even get signed.

Then came Lilianna. Vanessa barely held herself back from giving a squee at the sheer utopian and idyllic viewpoint that the young Ashlan had. Her entire view of the galaxy, as a place where everyone was equal and treated the same way, was so innocent, so precious that it nearly brought a tear to the blonde woman's eye that someone could be so impressively naive.

The CSA representative gave his usual comments. Of course, the Corporate Sector basically ran on legal slave labor, so it wasn't surprising he was insistent on keeping people alive.

A break was called, and the woman's eyes trailed off, paying attention to the Ashlan woman. She knew that others, such as the Mecrosan, were just as aware as she that this would realistically be a paper document to be shredded, cut, and abused against one another as needed, but if nothing else, the back and forth was quite part and parcel. Deciding to make an introduction, the onetime Sith Lord decided to go visit the woman in question.

"I can appreciate your idyllic ideals, Lilianna." She said. "While I don't believe the galaxy is utopian enough for them to take root, I respect your willingness to be frank and open about them." She said, before offering a hand. "Vanessa Vantai. A longtime resident of the galaxy."
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Crown Princess of Aaven, Priestess of Ashla
Objective: To attend the Accord and learn
Location: Cato hall, parliament row, Hirkenburg, Archais
Equipment: Noble Attire | Ashlan Rosary || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Onrai Onrai | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Thade Rhas Thade Rhas | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


I was quite embarrassed when finally several people seemed to agree with what I had said. I could not deny that I was still afraid and worried that I would cause a huge problem with my words and my inexperience. Although others seemed to have said things that sounded rather strange. But I was afraid and worried for my planet, for my people, since the Sith Order was so close to us already. I hoped that eventually those systems would not fall under their control. The Ashlan Crusade had once successfully cleansed this region of the Sith, before Tancred and I were born. But now they are expanding again. I missed my twin brother...

As I was thinking, I suddenly found myself hearing someone say that there was going to be a break and that everyone should stand up. So I did, and in the meantime I decided to look around the building now that I had some free time to do so. However, I did not have the opportunity. The envoy from the Dark Empire approached me, with whom my aunt was rather cold and distant.

~ MANIAC, who is this woman? ~ I asked the AI in my mind.

As she approached me, a strange feeling came over me. I almost felt like I was suffocating around her. It was as if something icy cold had started to run down my spine to my heart. My chest started to tighten and I was gasping for breath, not to mention that my heart was beating very fast. MANIAC had indicated a panic attack as a medical problem, contrary to my earlier response. Confused and shaking, I stepped back from her as she held out her hand in my direction. Is this what the Dark Side is like? I had never felt this before and I didn't want to. I wanted to run away from here, somewhere safe.

Unable to reach out to return the handshake, I instead wrapped my arms around myself as my back hit the wall a few feet behind me. The temperature readings said it was normal, pleasant weather in the building, but I felt my soul freezing at this moment. Slowly, very slowly, after about half a minute or more, I was able to see on my retina the information MANIAC had given me about Vanessa Vantai. But I think I realised this when I saw her and my aunt talking inside.

"You are an enemy of our family Ms. Vantai..." I said a little confused. "Perhaps you would like to convert and follow Ashla? For some other reason I don't know why you would want to talk to me..." I continued, confused.

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Bastion sighed as the Accord's devolved into bickering of old feuds some of powers that were no longer relevant to the current field. Truthfully he wasn't sure why the Eternal Empire was present. The Ashlan lady seemed well meaning but horribly naĂŻve. The Trade Federation and Corporate Sector were as always concerned with profits. The Sith justifying their actions while thinly veiled attempts to sieze even more power. The Dark Empire little better seemed more interested in getting shots in then seeking reasonable resolution.

Michael Barran Michael Barran seemed to try to get things back on track with a call for things to move forward. Bastion himself was growing not quite impatient but resigned that these seemed to be the way of things in the Galaxy no matter what era they were in. Bickering, Jockying always trying to position themselves for strength. This. This was why the Galaxy needed the Empire. A well bastion of Order that gave everyone a place that was best for the society at hand. People having a purpose to save the state beyond their own selfish desires. True strength and unity. Where authority was respected and obeyed.

The level of resentment and tension in the room continued to build as the bickering continued. Some of which seemed to be directed at him.

"I lost everything I had when the Swarm swathed it's path across the Galaxy Empress " Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Bastion said scathingly emphasising the Empress of an Empire that no longer existed. "At least Imperial factions are trying to revive their Empire and their way of life. The Eternals have fallen into oblivion."

Bastion sighed in regret at the scathing comment.

"My apologies that was.. undignified." Bastion admitted regretfully. "Of course we should remember our history so as not to repeat past mistakes. I merely meant that getting bogged down into old feuds does nothing but keep the feud alive. It is the present we should look for the betterment for those who are still here. Justice is hollow if it is the people who suffer from it."

Bastion himself was growing irritable though he did his best not to show it his outburst was evidence of it. An officer remained composed under any circumstances. Fragrant displays of outbursts were undignified at best.

The Independent Senator Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran called for a break in the proceedings. Perhaps not an unwise suggestion given his own restlessness.

"An excellent suggestion" Bastion agreed wholeheartedly allowing himself a relieved sigh of agreement.

Bastion removed himself from the meeting chamber sighing and stretching his muscles. Briefly wishing he had time for some training. Ever since the freezing he had felt sluggish slow he needed to keep his body in shape just as much as his mind. He believed the two invriably connected besides he refused to become the caricature of a fat plump moff who was past his time sending others to die for him. When and if he had to lead his men into battle Bastion believed in leading his men not hiding behind them.

Bastion glanced around the room looking for the other delegates wondering if they would form clusters based on party lines or if they would mingle seeking new allies or advantages. Bastion supposed he should be doing the same. Noticing the presence of Moff Mecetti, Bastion figured he might as well start with what he came in for the first place. Assessing and meeting the Imperial's to decide with faction he would publicly declare his support for.

"Mof Mecetti" Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Bastion approached in parade rest with a nod "Moff Bastion. I appreciated your wise counsel in there. It's refreshing to meet another Imperial with prudent views again."

Tags: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Onrai Onrai Castor Crane Castor Crane Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Michael Barran Michael Barran

Maldor nodded towards Marcus as the man approached and spoke.

"May cool heads prevail," he said, and wished he had a glass of wine to accompany the toast.

"It may seem on its face that this is not going well, but I am quite pleased so far.

Grievances are always aired. But if this was the Senate of the Galactic Alliance, participants would have insulted each other and left in a huff rather than remain for a proper discussion and vote.

Instead, we have a recess. Flared emotions will settle. Some basic agreements may yet come together. Any agreement whatsoever can be the basis of a treaty. And a treaty, once formed, can be expanded with future amendments.

Small steps, none miraculous, but all towards the horizon."

He glanced around.

"All my optimism aside, I would not mind a drink and a bite.

Talking is not a dry business, and tempers are always improved by a full belly."

Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Onrai Onrai Castor Crane Castor Crane Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Michael Barran Michael Barran
4th Post








Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti




'Eh, I wouldn't take that the wrong way, Vanessa. As yesteryear's resolve often manifests in many interesting ways, an' in terms o' suchlike Ashlan leanings, you only have Fel's Empire to thank for that - for ours was the only one who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with their sort.... History, the roots of the finished article y'see here.'
Lord Michael had been listening to the conversation between the two talking delegates, silently studying the body-language between them as they eventually strolled into view, an interaction in which Barran would otherwise have lost interest quickly, if it weren't for the clear difference between them. Sensing the underlying chasm between Order and Chaos deepening between them, as it had between the Tattered Regent and his own brother, Barran would feel the obselescence of Light and Dark terminology intensify when he continued,'Not so simple as Sith against the Jedi any more, as the true carriers of their Light and Dark paradigm have evolved beyond it.... One light is not as another now, suchlike one shadow detaching from it's kin beyond mutation, especially these days.', sensing the complexity of the issue as the pale-blue of his irises darted back and forth between vocal opposites.

'Different shades in plurality, but make no mistake, confusions will only continue for as long as people live to blur the lines between us.... Thus my prescribed suggestion for you, Vanessa, would be,"Tribalism.", beneficial though that would be for all of us.'

It was then that the Lord-Imperator's focus drew to fixate on the Ashlan delegate, and though his gaze remained unshifting in it's cold, unexpressive demeanour, his tone was cordial enough in asking,'Lady Liliana - a word, please?', sudden and curt though it was. With a smiling nod sent her mother's way, wordless assurance was given as to what the Woad's intentions might have been, confirming,'Its nothing too serious, just diplomatic requests that can't wait beyond the conference. To be taken with you when we adjourn here today.', with Datapad showingly brought from the left-side pocket of Lord Michael's waistcoat for professional purpose and effect.


In Umbris Potestas Est
Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Michael Barran Michael Barran Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim

Vanessa immediately grew worried as Lilianna had a straight-up panic attack. Vanessa, being the more-cordial-than-usual individual that she was, quickly used her power to get Lilianna a bottle of water, which she soon brought over to the woman in question. "Slow breaths, slow breaths, relax your muscles, and drink some water." It was a sealed bottle from the concessions at the meeting, so there was zero risk or possibility that it had been tampered with in any way.

In response to Lilianna's comment on regaining lucidity, Vanessa couldn't help but give a soft laugh. "I am no one's enemy unless they make me one - or choose to be mine. I was the one responsible for transfiguring your family matriarch into a being of unfathomable power after all, courtesy of her absorption of the vestige of the Night Spirit." She shrugged. "Ashla is not a deity to worship - that said, Vianism may be something more appropriate. She can likely help you with your issues."

Then came the one who had suggested a discussion of 'tribalism.' Evidently he wanted to talk to Lilianna. "We might want to give her a moment, Michael. Let her drink some water and calm down from the panic attack."
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Bastion nodded ameniably to the counsel of Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti .

"Indeed may own outburst was regrettable" Bastion admitted with a reluctant sigh "An Imperial officer should be maintained and composed even when faced with opposition- especially in opposition."

Bastion shook his head at his own behavior.

"You are more optimistic than I am" Bastion admitted skeptically "Although admittedly I hope we are more efficient than the Galactic Alliance Senate. Even if they reached a conclusion it would be bogged down in procedure and the courts for months before a declaration was made let alone one that would be enacted effectively."

"I hope you are right and this recess will settle some of the ill feelings"
Bastion acknowledged though doubtful "An agreed upon and signed treaty would of course be optimal. Whether or not it is honored it would provide a useful precedent and something to build relations on in the future."

"A wise notion full bellies always leads to clear thinking and a forgiving nature than a hungry and angry one."
Bastion chuckled "After you."

Bastion gestured toward the refreshments table set out for the council.

As they made there way toward the table Bastion noticed the delegate from the Eternal Empire.

"For myself I should apologies to the Empress before the recess is concluded and we reconvene."

Approaching the Empress Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Bastion gave a short bow.

"Empress L'herim. I should apologies once again for my outburst it was inexcusable."

tag: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Castor Crane Castor Crane Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Michael Barran Michael Barran Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Empress of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
Objective: To attend the Accord
Location: Cato hall, parliament row, Hirkenburg, Archais
Equipment: [Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Onrai Onrai | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Thade Rhas Thade Rhas | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


The red-haired woman did not respond to Bastion's insult when he mentioned that the Eternal Empire had fallen. After all, the Empire was still there on Kalidan, secretly protected under shields, and their plans still existed. She sacrificed the vast territory of the Empire so that the ultimate goal of the Empire would be preserved and not lost. But Ingrid did not expect anyone to understand this, for no one knew what the ultimate purpose of the Eternal Empire and the Wardens of the Shroud was. And to achieve that goal, sacrifices had to be made. Sacrifices that most people would probably have been unable to make because they were so painful. She made them.

During the break, Ingrid sent messages about HPI to AI, who forwarded them. She also read the news that MANIAC projected onto her retina. It was actually very pleasant. She stopped reading for a moment when she felt a disturbance in the Force from outside. A panic attack from Lilianna. She was about to stand up, because she sensed that Onrai was around her, and Ingrid was treating the other woman as an enemy. After all, it was Onrai who had made the red-haired woman what she was now. A semi-Force entity, a shadow creature. And for her, family was second only to the Eternal Empire - that is, duty.

However, just as she was about to get up to go out and intervene, she also sensed that Michael Barran had gone to help her, so the redhead stayed in her seat. A few moments later, the woman received a message on her biochip from the commander of the Shadow Company soldiers waiting outside that someone wanted to speak to her. And he asked if Ingrid would see the other envoy. She answered with a single thought, which was a "yes", and he received it on his biochip. The whole exchange was done with mental agility, but it was not telepathy, it was simple technology. She turned to the incoming Bastion.

"No apologies are due, Bastion Moff. Such diplomatic discussions are always emotionally charged." she said in her usual cold tone. "Please, have a seat." She pointed to a nearby chair. "What do you think about the Dark Empire showing up here?" she asked him.

Ingrid didn't want to influence him by convincing him that it was a mistake to let Onrai come here, she thought they would learn from their own mistakes, but the war against the Core Worlds didn't show nearly the goodwill that the Force Entity was trying to show here.


Crown Princess of Aaven, Priestess of Ashla
Objective: To attend the Accord and learn
Location: Cato hall, parliament row, Hirkenburg, Archais
Equipment: Noble Attire | Ashlan Rosary || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Onrai Onrai | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Thade Rhas Thade Rhas | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


When she came closer with the water, I felt even worse and stepped back even further to maintain my distance. Her proximity was awful, cold, freezing. Inside I prayed to Ashla to help me and to get this woman away from me. If the Dark side is so horrible, I didn't want to be anywhere near it and I now understood why the Templars and the Crusaders were fighting them and protecting Ashla's influence.

"Please, don't come any closer!" I said hoarsely and with a voice that was trembling at the same time.

In the last few months since I left the Citadel I've been walking the streets of Aaven, meeting people, especially near the Ashlan Cathedral. But I never felt like that. I was not prepared for this; maybe if I hadn't spent most of my life at home, locked in my room because of my illness, I wouldn't have felt this way. I could not have known. I didn't want to argue with the woman about Ashla, because she probably doesn't understand the Oversoul. Now I was part of it to some extent, it was the only way they could save my life and get me healthy.

And as for family history, it was one of the first things I learned as a youngster, not only of the L'lerim but also of the Kala'myr bloodline, although it was less interesting or long. But Eina told me much about this woman, that neither she nor Eisa could embrace my aunt without causing her great pain, for it was Onrai who made the Eternal Empress what she was today. I was still unable to speak, for I still felt as if I had an iron grip on my throat and I did not reach out for water. At that moment, however, a friend of our family, Michael Barran, the Lord-Imperator.

"I would like to ask you, my Lady, not to decide for me... Lord Michael, like his late father, is an ally and friend of our family. It is almost as if he were my adopted uncle." I said to her, my voice still trembling with fear, but I still had an infinitely polite tone.

I stepped closer to the Lord-Imperator and stepped half behind him so that I could feel his aura rather than hers. When he finally looked towards me, I made a formal curtsy to him.

"I always have time for you, Lord Michael. My father was hoping that you would be here to give you his regards, and he would be pleased if you would visit him sometime." I gave my father's message to the man, though I was still shaking with fear and cold. "Does the Dark Side always feel this cold? As if it wants to devour me and tear my soul apart..."

I continued to speak just as loudly, and even though I was half behind Lord Michael, Lady Vanessa could certainly hear my words. Perhaps this will make her understand that I did not mean to offend her, but that her nearness is a very bad feeling. Meanwhile, I said another quick prayer to Ashla to help me erase and make this horrible feeling go away.

Bastion bowed with decorum at The Empress Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim magnanimous acceptance of his apology.

"Most magnanimous Empress. Thank You."

Bastion had planned to make the rounds of the room introducing himself to as many people as possible. One never knew when previous contacts would come in use, and even if they never met in person again, it was still useful to meet and size up the powers of the galaxy. Even if most powers had sent delegates rather than heads of state it was still a way to gage policies and reactions of those in the room. Bastion supposed he would have to forego the brief introductions to accept the Empresses offer of a seat. It would be rude to refuse after all.

Bastion frowned, as he considered her question.

"I'll admit the Dark Empire concerns me. They represent.. well the darkest aspects of the Empire, I served and would like to see rise again. they are if nothing else appropriately named. I admit I leaned towards Tarkinism in my youth before the fall believing a position of strength was the only way to enforce Order. The Fall of the NIO has shaken that belief somewhat. I believed we were strong and yet we still fell."

Bastion fell silent as he remembered those days.

"but Chaos isn't Order just it's opposite."

Bastion sighed.

"Still it is a disappointment, part of my attendance of this meeting was to reintroduce myself to this new galaxy and decide where if anywhere I should pledge my support. The Dark Empire had been an option I had been considering."

"Regardless I believe diplomacy has it's merits and meetings like this are crucial to the well being of all of the galaxy and do not deny that there presence here is an important one. Perhaps if they continue coming to the table we may be able to gain some concessions on reasonable behaviour and what is expected of those who rule."

"I had intended to introduce myself to this representative of the Dark Empire. Not out of any hope of changing their mind you understand, but one never knows when it might be useful to have an acquaintance in a contact from across the board. If nothing else I may be able to assess them better."

"You are of course welcome to join me? In the interests of diplomacy of course."
Bastion offered "Though I understand if you would rather keep your distance. Or if you have other matters to attend to. There always seems to be some sort of urgent matters that need your immediate attention when your in charge."

Marcus said the last with a slight smile hoping to take the sting out of any offence he may unintentionally have given while providing the Empress with an opportunity to do her own preferences away from Onrai Onrai or towards any of the other delegates.

TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Castor Crane Castor Crane Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Michael Barran Michael Barran Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
5th Post








Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti





~=Blame not names nor ideals, Vanessa. Blame not yourself, nor our allegiances.=~
~=It is only the warring energies that course through you both.... Paths apart.=~
Like L'lerim, Barran could also sense the dark power emanating from Vantai at the time, equally as vexed as the young Ashlan but better-equipped to hide it from his enemies by then, and in the effort to maintain the peaceful calm established by the host planet, the Protectorate's Lord-Imperator would delegate the dangers as well as he could. Not for his own sake, nor for the others joining the Protectorate's delegation for the Accords, but for the sake of saving as many lives as possible, for the delegations and for all in the Galaxy.

'I won't keep you long, Lady Liliana. State business as I said.... Right this way.'
When asked by Lady Liliana, and in a public disregard for her own voice, if the Dark Side always felt this cold, the subsequent mention of a soul-tearing sensation did nothing to ease Lord Michael's concerns. But like with all Goidelic families, patience and restraint always ruled above all within all their suchlike clans, and in the inward reminder that House L'lerim were entrusting their their future to Clan Barran, relented in a personal-note to handle these concerns of Force-Sensitive concern later. Yet there were no cultural norms of white-lie coddling in Goidelic or Carrack cultures, thus the Tattered Regent had no choice to admit,'Sadly so, but believe me - there's much worse to worry about in the Galaxy, especially today's Galaxy. Now, follow me.', with a mutter as they strolled away from the gathering throng outside the conference hall.
'Remember your training.... You're better than this.'

Walking a little further down the hall, the old Woad stopped for a moment to look around, making sure there weren't any prying ears or droids around to hear him say,'Ambassador.... I need you to pass along some intel, sensitive enough to keep secret.... Some decrees, and an official offer of alliance-renewal. Those are easy enough to keep public, though the edicts attached can be considered - um... Quite sensitive, t'say the least.', passing along the relevant datapad in surreptitious, discreet fluidity whilst sweeping the area with another panning gaze. Everything the young Ambassador needed would be resting in the palm of her left hand before she knew it, though fortunately for L'lerim, Barran would make a point of looking his young ward in the eye, stepping into his mentoring role once more for Lady Liliana's sake.

'You will face your fears with grace, an' remember the power of your brother's words.... Delegate as I would, take note o' this an' that, an' make sense of it all later.'

Before he could even think about walking back towards the other delegations, the Tattered-Regent rested a reassuring hand on the shoulder of his Ashlan ward, little though it would do to shield L'lerim from all that would follow that moment, that hour, nor even that day. Though as for whether the moments of calm and peace would last much longer, not even the old Woad could answer that question accurately, nor honestly for that matter; granting all the more precedence for the retired Druid's small healing-transfer of energy, not knowing when the Ambassador's next chance would be, nor if Lady Liliana would find energies with time to fortify those protecting her soul.

'Alright, lets join the others.... Good luck, Ambassador.'


In Umbris Potestas Est
Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Michael Barran Michael Barran Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim

Vanessa looked at Lilianna and gave the woman a soft smile as she backed away, eventually retreating behind Michael. Seeing that she was in somewhat shuddering shape, Vanessa handed Michael the water bottle before stepping back. When Lil made the comment asking her uncle about the Dark Side, she piped up. "Who said anything about the Dark Side? I don't do anything with that anymore." A true statement, though it was likely the abhorrence of the Anti-Force was even more potent. Lilianna would need to harden herself and grow stronger over time if she was to hope to stand up to her enemies. If she retreated as she had merely at the presence of one such as Vanessa, the woman loathed to consider what would happen if she ever ended up in a circumstance where someone could attack her.

She was like a fluffy little marshmallow.

As Michael walked off, Lilianna trailed, and while Vanessa wished to follow, she decided against it. In time, they would come back, and perhaps continue conversation. Perhaps another would interact with her. A myriad of possibilities yet awaited.
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Bastion bowed and left the Empress to decide for herself whether or not to join him. Given her reservations about The Dark Empire he wouldn't be surprised if she'd rather avoid the interaction. Then again this meeting was supposed to be about diplomacy after all so perhaps she'd want the conversation. Bastion didn't know her well enough to make an educated guess over what she would do.

Bastion approached Lady Vanessa with a welcoming position.

"Lady Vanessa. Moff Bastion. Currently Independent" Bastion said the last with a regretful smile "Just wanted to introduce myself properly. While useful and important the meeting room does create barriers to easy conversation. Breaks like this are important for making introductions, establishing contacts. Even from across the room."

"I have only recently returned to the galactic stage so this meeting is an important one for me to gage the state of the galaxy. Representatives such as you are an important aspect of the discussion. I'm glad you've come to contribute. If nothing else we are both Imperials, so we have that in common."

"How are you finding proceedings?"
Bastion asked curiously and he hoped politely "Not to pressure you of course. For myself I had hoped they would be a little more productive."

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Castor Crane Castor Crane Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Michael Barran Michael Barran Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim
The big Mandalorians walked into the building without a word. His heavy steps and long strides ate this distance down the corridor like a Hutt on holiday. His grey armor tinged a red so deep no amount of cleaning could remove. He carried a heavy sack in one hand as He moved toward their meeting, a heavy laden bandoleer filled with lightsabers of both Sith and Jedi hung acrossed His armored torso. He had very little to say to this gathered group as He walked up to the chamber door, there was no tap tap tapping, He told the doors to Move and they did.

He walked into the center of the room, and looked at the gathered creatures. The cold T-shape visor the only face they would need to remember. He tossed the sack into the middle of the group, Spilling the contained heads into a lopsided roll across the surface.

"You're all useless." He said with disgust before He turned and calmly strode back out the way He had come. They had the Mandalorian answer to their discussion.

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Onrai Onrai

Maldor was in the midst of enjoying an appetizer when the largest Mandalorian he'd ever seen walked into the room.

The hulk glanced about, threw a sack of...


Into the midst of the room.

Then he strode out again.

The exiled Scion of House Mecetti looked at the spilt sack of carnage, his appetite fleeing from him.

"I'm not sure I've ever met a Mandalorian who was worth knowing," he said to no one in particular.

Then he discarded his half-eaten appetizer into the nearest garbage bin, glancing at the heads to make sure they weren't anyone he knew.

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Onrai Onrai Onrai Onrai Ordo Ordo
In Umbris Potestas Est

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