I am a son of the Mountain.
As the lifeless bodies of their enemies fell to the ground Malakai could not help but be impressed, he could sense the woman channeling the dark side through her. Yet he was still a bit weary of if she could control it, Malakai had been immersed in the Dark Side of the Force since birth and even he was tempted by the power shadowing them. He made nothing of it, as he turned back to their path. They had reached the end of the chasm and with it, the cave system they had been searching for.
He looked back to the skies, darkness was falling upon them and he welcomed it, the apprentice had enough of scorching desert suns to last a lifetime. He made his way towards the cave's entrance. The air was thick with the Dark Side of the force, he took a moment to inhale, absorbing the years of hatred and evil that had made this cave it's home.
As his eyes flickered softly he looked to [member="Enma Jayss"] while pulling his hood back over his head. "Stay close..."
As they made their way inside of the cave Malakai ignited his blade, the violet hue tagging itself to the darkness, providing light for the two as they moved about.
He looked back to the skies, darkness was falling upon them and he welcomed it, the apprentice had enough of scorching desert suns to last a lifetime. He made his way towards the cave's entrance. The air was thick with the Dark Side of the force, he took a moment to inhale, absorbing the years of hatred and evil that had made this cave it's home.
As his eyes flickered softly he looked to [member="Enma Jayss"] while pulling his hood back over his head. "Stay close..."
As they made their way inside of the cave Malakai ignited his blade, the violet hue tagging itself to the darkness, providing light for the two as they moved about.