Lavender Haze
"Behold a valley filled with bones, bones on every side."

Name: The Reanimate Host of Ziost
Intent: Necromancy Intensifies
Affiliation: Warok the Defiler
Availability: Common
Quality: E - Rabble
Type: Infantry
Strength: 100,000
Description: At the battle of Ziost, the Primeval and Silver Sanctum's clash left an untold number of casualties. After the conflict, Warok the Defiler called upon Sith sorcery to dominate the ruined corpses and give them new life. They rose again upon the soiled snow, a mighty army enslaved to his bidding. Their ranks are filled with stormtroopers and soldiers, bodies often shattered beyond recognition or else appendages missing and flesh torn. They feel no pain, but are incapable of wielding weapons. Their bites will spread the necromantic infection, thus their victims often soon join their ranks. Hollow husks of former beings, no consciousness resides in these creatures, who could scarcely be called sentient. They can be directed to do simple tasks, but are no more capable of higher thought than mutts. Killing them is difficult as they can be completely dismembered and still wobble about, but decapitation or a bolt through the brain will permanently end them.
There are 10,000 per division, for a total of 10 divisions. Other than that, the command structure breaks down as Warok's control is not so far-reaching as to manage each individual reanimate at the same time. Rather, they are composed into horde-like groupings and then sent to swarm an enemy, or mill about and guard some object or location en masse.
- Cannot feel pain.
- Can only be killed by destruction of the brain.
- Bites spread the infection.
- Cannot use weapons.
- Cannot talk.
- Incapable of higher thought and reasoning.