Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The House Call

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor

Aldera was quite a beautiful city, with gleaming towers and surprisingly clean streets, and Yetari found this fitting for one of the most well known places of culture in the galaxy. His upbringing on Coruscant was by no means stooped in poverty or a want for much thanks to the regular bits of money his father's side of the family sent to his mother, but compared to this place the middle class area he lived in might as well been a slum. It was a welcome distraction for the wandering doctor besides his ever increasing drinking problem and work, so he decided that once the job was done he would do his best to actually enjoy the city.

Yetari was here to visit the young son of his wife's old friend who happened to be a minor noble of House Qel-Nosh, putting his destination in some of the wealthier parts of an already wealthy city. It wasn't long before he reached the given address, and as he was shown inside by a butler who announced his presence Yetari once again found himself astounded by the wealth of those on the planet. Even as a minor member of the family being connected to a noble house gave them enough wealth and influence to live in a richly decorated home that would put some of the wealthier merchants of his homeworld to shame.

"It's good to see you again Yetari. It's been far too long since we saw you last!" his well-dressed employer said with a smile while making the descent down the stairs, twiddling with his light brown mustache, and greeting the doctor with a firm handshake, "I' sorry about Tulia and Junix, but I really wish you came to us after what happened since helping you is what our friend would have wanted. You don't have to move about like a nomad when we're offering you a chance to live without concern for survival."

"It's a really tempting offer Elric," Yetari lied through his teeth and wore a fake smile, but actually wanted to get away from the very mention of those names, " place isn't here. There are a lot of people out there that could use my help, such as your son. So tell me about what's wrong with him. You mentioned a fever?"

Elric Qel-Nosh lost the smile and motioned for the doctor to follow as he began walking back up the stairs, "Yes, just as I told you before Garret has been feeling...sick since we returned from a trip to Tatooine. My wife wanted to take him to our usual doctor, be honest I wanted to see you and make sure you were fine."

Yetari heard this, but said nothing for the rest of their short journey to the young boy's room, but stopped right before entering, "Don't you ever risk your boy's health again for something so stupid. Now leave me to my work."

The doctor entered the room alone, and after a few minutes he returned to the hallway, "I think it could be Dust fever, but my medical datapad isn't working for whatever reason. If you could call a repair person I'm sure they could fix it quick, which would let me do a more thorough job. I wouldn't want to inject him with the wrong thing after all."

Elric nodded, twiddling with his mustache again as he looked up and made a holo-call to a local repair-place.

[member="Kana Truden"]
Being assigned to keep watch of the service communicator was like being put in charge of catching up on your sleep schedule. There was barely ever a call and when there actually was a call it was all solved by resetting or restarting the thing. Simple stuff that could be done over the phone, but not today.

The store was as lively as usual, the occasional soul scattered around the room being persuaded by one of their salesmen about their amazing deals and why they really needed the item they're looking at as well as the item right next to it. A holorecorder and a toaster, a toaster and a projector. Really, it was all placed randomly throughout the store without any real organization or structure, something Kana was supposed to have taken care of ages ago but never had the time to do. Taking her feet down from the counter she stands up and stretches her arms in a yawn. Maybe taking a look at the items and figuring where they should put it all was a good start? Yeah, she should do that some day.

As she leans over the counter and puts her head in her hands she receives the call. The Qel-Nosh's? Well this was interesting, they hadn't been in contact for a few months. The call was for service too which usually meant they wanted Bran to go but he was too busy in the workshop. Calling out to her boss she asks him what to do. After giving it some thought he decides it is for the best if she went there herself.

Jumping at the possibility to get out of the store for a short while she quickly grabs her jacket and toolbox. The noble family lived nearby, getting to them was just a matter of time. Grabbing a ride at the taxi depot let her get there even faster. On the way she tried to imagine what their place looked like. She had never been there, was it a big majestic estate or a small but impressive mansion? ... What if it was like her parent's house? She clenched her fist. No, it was probably not like her parents' house. It mustn't be.

But it was, it was even more in-your-face about it. Their estate was grander, nicer and made her parents' home appear like a womp rat's nest. The decorations, the banners and the everything. The only thing that was missing would be the abusive treatment of their kids and the whole thing would be like a scarier and wealthier reflection of her past.

The butler lead her through the estate towards the others. The interior was just as in-your-face about the Qel-Nosh's wealth as the exterior. Part of her wanted to question how well-deserved it was but it wasn't really in her place to question those sort of things. Eventually the butler stops in front of a large doorway and gestures at her to enter. There were a lot of people in this room.

"You're the repair specialist, I assume?" Elric asks her.

"Uh huh." She nods.

"I thought Bran was coming."

"He was busy."

"Well, that's a disappointment."

"Yep." Kana nods indifferently. "What seems to be the problem today, Mr. Qel-Nosh? I was told something about medical equipment."

Her possibly quite rude attitude didn't pass her by, she just had little patience for Mr. Fancypants when they were practically standing in the hallway of her worst memories.

[member="Yetari Sellix"]

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
In order to pass the time before the repair person's arrival Elric and Yetari talked about the past, inevitably leading to topics and memories that the doctor would have preferred were ignored. The appearance of the awaited savior being trailed by the faithful butler thankfully ended this for him, but after a very quick conversation about the replacement of someone named Bran it was fairly obvious to all present that this woman was not very glad to be there. Whether it was simple disinterest or something that Yetari couldn't quite imagine that made her this way, he knew it would be best for everyone to let her finish up and get out as soon as possible.

The doctor slowly walked up to her with the medical datapad, and offered it to her while giving her a quick scan. She was pretty, almost far too pretty to be working as a repair person, but had an aura of quiet desperation that almost came off her in waves and made her seem older than she actually was. He didn't even need his unwanted force sensitivity to sense her discontent, and even with a blank look on his face there was a twinge of pity that ran through his brain. She really did not want to be here, but neither did he.

"For some reason when I turn the datapad on it lasts for a few seconds and then just shuts off. It might have taken a bit of a beating during my last big figh-, uh, house call, so you should probably check the power source first. Not...trying to do your job or anything miss, just trying to help."

[member="Kana Truden"]
"For some reason when I turn the datapad on it lasts for a few seconds and then just shuts off. It might have taken a bit of a beating during my last big figh-, uh, house call, so you should probably check the power source first. Not...trying to do your job or anything miss, just trying to help."

A man had approached her, a tall man, scar across his cheek. A doctor? Not the first thing she'd thought when she saw him. Maybe it was said scar or maybe it was his indifferent facial expression? Weren't doctors supposed to be the tall, ever-smiling saviors of all life in the galaxy? Idle fantasies aside something about him felt strange. Sort of like, no she couldn't put her finger on it. It felt like he was both there yet at the same time he wasn't. Shaking her head to come back from daydreaming she speaks up.

"Oh it's okay, seems like it's part of being a customer." She feigns a smile and a laugh as she grabs the pad from his hands. "Don't worry we'll, errr, fix it up in no time."

She put the piece of electronic down on a nearby table and quickly turns around to face her 'exalted' audience.

"Sorry, I would like it if everyone left the room except for Doctor... This guy." She points her thumb at [member="Yetari Sellix"] and tilts her head in his direction. "I need to concentrate and I just can't with this many people around."

They were probably all cursing her name as they all left the room one after another. Maybe she was being a bit too harsh on them? In truth she didn't mind an audience at all but there was just something about this audience that felt so... Familiar. Shaking it off once more she turns to face the man next to her.

"Sorry, I think I forgot to introduce myself." She says and extends her hand towards the Doctor. "I'm Kana Truden, but you can call me just Kana if you'd like."

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
Yetari threw up his own weak smile as she promised to fix his device, glad that at the very least the awkward tension was gone...a bit. It immediately returned at her demand for almost everyone to leave, with the various house workers and Elric himself grumbling as they saw themselves outside of the hallway. Doctor 'This Guy' was allowed to stay however, and was even a bit surprised that the repair person even introduced herself. A disinterested employee doesn't do that when they just want to do the job and get back to whatever pointless thing they were doing before, so what was it that made this girl so upset? Yetari went over the various possible origins of someone uncomfortable in such a setting as he took her hand and firmly shook it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Kana." he couldn't figure out her source of discomfort, but was more worried about the child at the moment anyways, "I am Doctor Sellix, and while in most cases I would prefer to be called such you may call me Yetari."

It was a lie since he never really pushed the issue of his name or title, but maybe if the doctor put up a friendly enough front it would encourage her to be a little more comfortable. There was something familiar about her though, whether it was maybe the last name or something else he couldn't pinpoint, but the feeling was still there. In any case Kana just had to fix this one little thing and the nightmare could be over for her and the small child.

"I hope this thing won't be too difficult to fix. It is an important part of my work here, and I bet you can understand the importance of even a single tool."

[member="Kana Truden"]
"I hope this thing won't be too difficult to fix. It is an important part of my work here, and I bet you can understand the importance of even a single tool."

"I certainly can, Doct- Uh sorry, Yetari." Kana responds as she slowly reaches out for her screwdriver and starts flicking a few locks along the back of the pad. "So tell me, how many of your big fights, no wait, 'house calls' consist of chucking your pad at your patients?" She smiles. "It would seem kind of counter-productive don't you think?"

The lower part of the pad was cracked. Broken but still salvageable, it was almost like a somewhat strange metaphor as she flipped the hatches to reveal the loose wires inside. She was probably giving the situation way more thought than need be.

"It's okay, I've wanted to chuck my pad at people several times as well."

Looking inside once again it's clear that the repairs wouldn't last for a long time. There were several components with small cracks in them and a few of the wires needed to be soldered into place but nothing too serious if it was to be used for just a short amount of time. She grabs her soldering gun and gets to work.

[member="Yetari Sellix"]

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
The good doctor watched Kana work with curiosity, seeing the way she meticulously operated on it as if he was doing the same on a living being. It was also the first time that she gave a real smile, and her humorous comments made it seems as if the girl was finally warming up. Or at the very least not as upset as she was before. Yetari cracked a small smirk of his own against his will, and was immediately reminded of the wife he had lost. The situation in those days was reversed though, with a younger Yetari cracking jokes and doing whatever he could to help the ever-serious Tulia get away from her own problems. Now the only joke he had left was his own life, as he wandered the galaxy in search of something to make sense of the chaos.

"So Kana, do you and your family live in the city?" It was really basic small talk that most people become annoyed by, but to be honest Yetari just wanted to keep talking. The girl was finally in a decent mood, and it was good that at least one of them had to be, "I'm from Coruscant, but as long as the Sith run the place I...can't ever go back there to check on it. Damn force-users..."

He crossed his arms and leaned on the wall as she was repairing his datapad, every one in a while fidgeting when he could hear the young boy's rustling and moans of pain.

[member="Kana Truden"]
Surprised. Eyes open wide. Heavy, shaky, unstable breathing. Control yourself, Kana he didn't know. But it was questions about both my family and Coruscant. Does he know or suspect something?

She quickly turned her head to look at the man once more.

"I-... No I..." Words, speak words. Explain yourself. "...know of. People. On. Coruscant."

She clasped her screwdriver with all her might. She wasn't even sure herself if it was to fight the tears or her anger. With a few severely hindered and rigid movements she continues her work. It's just about done but there was still some minor problems left with the power supply.

It's been six years since you last saw them, Kana. They could be dead for all you know, fight it! You can't afford to mess this job up! Your vision is getting blurry, ooooh no. Get over yourself!

"Sorry. I don't. Talk. About my parents." She wipes her cheeks and clears her throat. "... or Coruscant. Please."

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
At first the look on her face at the mention of Coruscant confused him, but as she spoke, or at least tried to, he could tell there was more going on than he knew. Kana was quite upset, and eventually she was reduced to what seemed like a tearful breakdown. She mentioned how her parents and Coruscant was a topic she would prefer not to discuss, and like a light bulb Yetari suddenly formed a thought in his head.

Maybe her parents and family died in the attack, and just like when Elric or other people mentioned his dead wife and daughter he had foolishly brought up a painful memory for the young girl. A mixture of guilt and his own buried pain began to swell within him, and the doctor barely managed to hold back his own tears as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I' sorry I brought up something...this...painful for you. I'm sure your parents...were good people who loved you." Yetari swallowed as much of his own pain as possible, to at least try and seem like a stable person she could lean on in this short time of emotion, "I lose loved ones in the Sith invasion too, and understand where you're coming from. Even so, there is a boy who needs our help in there so we both have to do our best. Please."
The lower parts of the power supply was cracked but easy to fix. Adjusting the wires, smoldering them back in place and finally being able to seal the device brought her calm. However...

Yetari put his hands on her shoulder, praising her parents, calling them good people. People he didn't know, the worst people in the galaxy, good people. She wanted to punch him square in his face. Throw his pad, break it into a million pieces. But she knew better.

"They are NOT Good people." Angered by his words she can't control herself. "They're a bunch of hypocrites who step over their own morals just to make a profit. They treat you like garbage, they leave you out of everything they ever do and as soon as they had the chance they ditch you on Alderaan!"

What had she done?! Covering her eyes and rubbing her temple she descends into a pit of shame. He didn't deserve that, he didn't know this. She hands him his datapad back.

"Sorry, you didn't deserve that." She couldn't look him in the eyes after yelling at him like that. "I am just... My... parents live in a house like this on Coruscant and last I heard they sold themselves to the Sith as soon as they heard of potential profits."

Anger had turned to shame turned to guilt. In no way could she justify yelling at the man like that.

"I'm sorry, I'll have to stick around some more in case something goes wrong with the pad. I-It was pretty busted and I am not sure my current repairs will last very long. I'll, uh, be out of your hair soon enough though. We should see to that kid."

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
Yetari could feel Kana's anger when discussing her parents, and when she described them it was no surprise she hated them so much. To be so cold-hearted as to abandon your child to another world alone was something that the former father could never understand or forgive himself, but to also be so greedy that they turn to the Sith? He had never met these people, but the evidence of their cruelty was all over Kana' face. The distressed young woman handed him the repaired datapad, and without saying a word Yetari gave her a quick pat on the back before going into the boy's room. Learning of what was hurting her this whole time was fine, but it had been at the cost of prolonging the situation with the child's fight with the fever.

Once Yetari was in the well furnished room he approached the boy with his datapad and began scanning, only to realize that it was indeed Dust Fever. That was his first guess from even before, but would it have been better to take the risk and work on an assumption just to end the boy's suffering? The doctor in him did not agree with that, and he began stroking the groaning boy's hair to keep him calm while taking out the injector gun and a container of the proper antibiotic. He pulled up the boy's sleeve and wiped the part where he intended to inject clean, then gently forced the needle of the injector in the spot right above the elbow before pulling the trigger and putting the contents in the body.

"Kana?" He said loud enough to be heard outside the room, "Could you come inside for a moment? I want you to see the boy who you've just helped with that repair."
She burrowed her head in her arms as she leaned against the table. The doctor had left the room and she wanted to do nothing but disappear from the face of the planet in shame. To lash out at someone like that over something they had no way of knowing about. To have been reminded of her parents again. To even mention them in a conversation. To open up in anger to a total stranger. People had experienced bad things and most of them moved on so why wouldn't she? Maybe it was the constant reminder that had arrived every few months when their ship came by. Though come to think of it that didn't happen much anymore since their allegiance swap. But she had seen their new trade partners, she knew what kind of people they were. Her parents had gone off the cliff, they were no better than the gangsters they traded with anymore.

The doctor's voice rang through the room as he called her name. Slowly getting out of her chair she tries to find a way to delay the inevitable meeting with the man. Her tools were probably not in their right places. She looks over at the other side of the table. Strange, she must have already packed them. Shaking her head she heads towards the Doctor's room. With a few knocks on the door frame she quietly steps inside and nods at him with a weak, awkward smile on her face.

"I, uh... Yeah..." The sight of the kid she had 'helped' made her stop in her tracks. Suddenly she felt... Important. "Wait, did I help with that? But, I mean you did the, I... Nooo, I mean, I just did the repairs."

Her face shines with something she wasn't sure of what. Pride? Joy? Her torment had indirectly helped ease the little kid's suffering and that was good enough for her.

"But I didn't even hear any crying from where I was! He must be one tough little dude, huh?" She smiles at the kid. "So what will you become? A senator? Maybe an Ace Pilot? Oh I heard those are really cool!"

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
Yetari watched as Kana came into the room, and how her face went from one that was in great pain and depression to one that lit up with something much better. She began to thankfully smile again, and talking to the child seemed to lift her spirits somewhat even as the child began descending into an easier sleep. Just as with Elric's son this girl's torment was over, at least for now. Yetari began putting the pad and injector away while throwing the empty cartridge in the nearby trash disposal, then carried his light bag over to her.

"He really is a tough kid, but we should let him sleep for now. He's still got some ways to go before the fever finally dies out." He smiled, glad to see her in better spirits, "And what will you do now? I was going to grab a drink or two at the cantina before getting out of here, but you're more than welcome to join me when you're off of work. Unless you have a hot date or other plans of course."

Kana reminded the doctor of himself when he was younger, when he would do what he could to bury the pain of not having his father, but to her credit she had to deal with things far worse in the parent department if what she said about them was true. Hopefully she would find a way to move on without them, and not end up like himself when she got to be his age and wander the galaxy in a pointless search for new meaning. The loss of his wife and daughter still hurt everyday, but the opportunity to help someone younger than himself was always one that eased the pain somewhat. Maybe someday he could help enough of them to numb himself entirely.
"I-... Actually, you know what? That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually." She turns toward Yetari. "First round is on me, on account of that yelling I gave you."

The store was probably empty anyway, it always was on days like these. People came in looking for a bed light and left with a bed light and a datapad. Come to think of it their salesmen were actually really good, almost too good. Besides, a drink with Yetari could be good. Last time she stumbled upon a stranger in the cantina it had ended with a surprisingly well. Though the memory seems kind of vague she can at least remember that it was a good time with strangers. Hopefully anyway.

She starts to make her way out of the 'estate'. Her work there was done there already and she did not want to linger around anymore. Stopping at the doorway she turns to Yetari once more.

"Can't say much for the other round though, or the ones after that." She puts on a smile. "I'll let you finish and meet up with you outside."

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
Yetari nodded at Kana with a smile as he watched her go outside, most likely more than willing to leave the house of wealth, and then he turned to go meet Elric and the others in the nearby hall. The only ones left were Elric and the butler, everyone else having dispersed out of boredom most likely, and the two of them stood there with curious looks on their faces. The minor noble stepped forward and bowed slightly, before taking the hand of his child's helper. The doctor expected that such people who usually didn't deal with much sickness would overreact to a simple fever, even though it looked more serious than it really was.

"You've saved my son Yetari, and for that you have my thanks."

"You're welcome Elric, but next time hire a doctor nearby instead of making the kid wait for a sorry guy like me." He was still annoyed by it, but at least he could get out of there and maybe not have to deal with their charity anymore so he threw on a smile.

The noble nodded in understanding and handed over a credit chit with the payment. And soon enough Yetari was walking outside of the manor as well, waving to Kana as he walked over to her.

"Alright my friend, where do you go to drink around here?"
Kana waves back at Yetari as he meets up with her and he asks her where she goes to drink. For a second she can't really answer, usually she just goes to whatever place is the closest which also usually meant the place right around the corner from where she lived. She had however heard of that new place a short distance from here, but considering the area and the type of people that lived here it was just fair to say that she had already had her fair share of Holier-Than-Thou rich people. Then again, she had no idea what kind of place doctors visit. Better to ask, right?

"I, uh, don't know actually." She shrugs. "Well, I mean I do. I just know there are two options here. We can either go to a fancy place around the corner or a more 'down-to-earth' place that is closer to the spaceport."

She gives the man a quick look, inspecting his appearance. The docks might work, while the outfit might be a bit too snazzy the scar is bound to scare any potential troublemakers away.

"To be honest. I think I'd prefer the spaceport. It's closer to home and people tend to leave you alone. Beside that I know most of the people there." Looking over at the Qel-Rosh's home she gives Yetari yet another shrug. "I'd rather mix with a dockworker than fancy pants any day of the week. No, errr, offense intended."

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
"No offense taken, and since you agreed to pay for the first round I think you should have the honor of picking the place anyways. Besides, I'm sure some of the interested young men you know at this place would probably pay for the rounds after the first and keep me from spending too much."

Yetari smirked at his own little jape, and then it turned to a grin once he realized that it was the first real attempt at humor he made in a while, and that this could actually be fun. Before now and after the Sith invasion of Coruscant each bit of joy was meant to just distract him from the rest of his life, but for once he was ready to simply enjoy himself. Kana was twisted by more tragedy than girls her age should ever have to go through, but she still reminded the good doctor of himself when he was her age, which was keeping the usually depressed man in good spirits. He had more energy than what he was accustomed to, so sitting around in a stuffy place full of pretentious wealthy people sounded awful compared to the possibly interesting place by the docks.

"Just lead the way dear Kana. I'm getting a bit too thirsty here, and the credits from this job are burning a hole in my pocket."

Yetari was ready to get there, have a drink, meet some new people, and possibly talk some more with the girl who was keeping his spirits up. He knew not to discuss her parents now, but maybe he could learn some other things about her life. He wasn't ready to go back out into the cold galaxy alone again just yet, so the doctor wanted to make the most out of this while he could.
"Alright then. It's this way." Kana takes the lead. After turning a few corners and going down a couple of blocks you spot the cantina's exterior.
A Cantina, Aldera
The laughter of friends, playful tunes of the band and the warm temperature. If you didn't know better you could almost think you'd entered a slightly colder Mustafar Processing Plant. Not quite, there were certainly no magma or greater sources of heat here other than the sheer magnitude of people that seemed to be here this evening. It wasn't packed but it was definitely not empty. The people around you didn't look as fancy as the people in the upper class district, but they certainly didn't appear especially poor either. All in all the scale seemed to tip somewhere between the borders of lower-to-regular middle class citizen. That is of course if you're going off of a system from a galaxy far, far away. No, everyone here seems content, maybe a bit hot but considering the name that must have been this place "thing" to begin with.

"Remember to take your jacket off before entering." She says and proceeds to do just that. Exposing the white top underneath the leather jacket. "It's a bit... Warm in there."

As she steps through the door the warmth slaps her in the face despite her being prepared for it. She was used to it and so was everyone else who went there regularly. The owner even called it the 'Tatooine Surprise', though to him it was less of a joke and more of a comment on his homeplanet. Proceeding deeper into the cantina with the Doctor in tow Kana finds herself interrupted back and forth as a few of the local patrons welcomes her back. She responds to each of them with an awkward "Eyyy" as she points at them. Really she hated doing it, but since it was one of the first things they had seen her do around here it had sort of become a recurring joke on her expense. She looks at Yetari, this must all seem really dumb to him, but in a sense they were all family around here.

"It's a long story." She says and gives him the same awkward smile she gave the others. "Let's just say I've been here... A lot."

After paying the bartender for two rounds of "That thing I always get and can't remember the name of the day after" she grabs a booth in the more quiet area for her and Yetari to be able to talk to each other. Though she had little idea of what, the idea of listening to his problem this time around seemed way more interesting than ranting about her own worries.

"So the rule is, no family talk." She says and takes the first sip. The alcohol's burn felt good as it made it's way down. "I am not really sure what to discuss though."

She gives it a second. She had to think of something.

"What about work stuff? That's gotta be fun, right?" She says and laughs. "Not really, but you wouldn't believe the amount of times some wannabe adventurer has approached me and asked for a crate-load of Computer Spikes! Always breaks my heart when I have to tell them we don't sell those without the right paperwork."

Yetari Sellix

The Traveling Doctor
Yetari followed his new acquaintance assuming that the cantina in question would be a bit below standard, but was pleasantly surprised and glad to be proven wrong as he entered the establishment. It was a bit warm just as she had warned, forcing the doctor to remove his black coat and straighten out his dark blue shirt before being hit by the sudden wall of heat and tugging on his outfit to air it out some. He followed Kana as others began calling out to her, getting a less than enthusiastic response as she made a path through the crowd before turning and giving an explanation for it. When she said she came here 'a lot' Yetari wondered if these visits possibly meant her getting drunk and thinking of her past, which hit a bit too close to home and forced him to give her a simple nod in understanding.

It wasn't long until they had their drinks and were seated at a booth thankfully farther away from the more populated area, and as the doctor gave his drink a look over before tasting it Kana began laying down a few ground rules for their conversation. The topic of family talk was put especially off limits, which was more than fine for him, and she brought up questions of work. He didn't really mind discussing his current work since it mostly consisted of travel and some periods of self pity in between, but her laughter was contagious enough to make him crack a small smile of his own. Whether she was sad or not, he had to give her credit for being able to stay so positive at times.

"A shame for them I bet, and I wouldn't be surprised if you have received many strange customers in your line of work. Mine mostly consists of working with the dead and dying, but there are times when it has its perks and interesting adventures." Yetari took a sip of his drink, and his face scrunched up a bit as it went down, "You really should consider taking a break some time and just travel around the galaxy Kana...just to see what's out there or to help other people. You would love it in no time!"
The doctor's face as he took the first sip said it all. He did not see that burn coming. Kana had to cover her mouth to hide a small giggle. The mention of traveling the galaxy though, funny how that works. She wasn't exactly a stranger to it. However the most she had ever seen was the spaceports of Alderaan, Manaan and Hapes so maybe it didn't really count.

"Actually," She says and takes a second sip. "Space travel is how I got to know most people here. I used to be in charge of deliveries when I worked for that company on Coruscant."

Mention of family? Rule broken. Great, good going, Kana. Well, at least it wasn't as much of a bad memory as a lot of the other memories.

"But you're right. I always wanted to see what I was missing out on." A third sip and she furrows her eyebrows. "Don't know about getting into fights though. I've never carried much else than a small blade that I've never used."

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