Yetari Sellix
The Traveling Doctor
Aldera was quite a beautiful city, with gleaming towers and surprisingly clean streets, and Yetari found this fitting for one of the most well known places of culture in the galaxy. His upbringing on Coruscant was by no means stooped in poverty or a want for much thanks to the regular bits of money his father's side of the family sent to his mother, but compared to this place the middle class area he lived in might as well been a slum. It was a welcome distraction for the wandering doctor besides his ever increasing drinking problem and work, so he decided that once the job was done he would do his best to actually enjoy the city.
Yetari was here to visit the young son of his wife's old friend who happened to be a minor noble of House Qel-Nosh, putting his destination in some of the wealthier parts of an already wealthy city. It wasn't long before he reached the given address, and as he was shown inside by a butler who announced his presence Yetari once again found himself astounded by the wealth of those on the planet. Even as a minor member of the family being connected to a noble house gave them enough wealth and influence to live in a richly decorated home that would put some of the wealthier merchants of his homeworld to shame.
"It's good to see you again Yetari. It's been far too long since we saw you last!" his well-dressed employer said with a smile while making the descent down the stairs, twiddling with his light brown mustache, and greeting the doctor with a firm handshake, "I' sorry about Tulia and Junix, but I really wish you came to us after what happened since helping you is what our friend would have wanted. You don't have to move about like a nomad when we're offering you a chance to live without concern for survival."
"It's a really tempting offer Elric," Yetari lied through his teeth and wore a fake smile, but actually wanted to get away from the very mention of those names, " place isn't here. There are a lot of people out there that could use my help, such as your son. So tell me about what's wrong with him. You mentioned a fever?"
Elric Qel-Nosh lost the smile and motioned for the doctor to follow as he began walking back up the stairs, "Yes, just as I told you before Garret has been feeling...sick since we returned from a trip to Tatooine. My wife wanted to take him to our usual doctor, be honest I wanted to see you and make sure you were fine."
Yetari heard this, but said nothing for the rest of their short journey to the young boy's room, but stopped right before entering, "Don't you ever risk your boy's health again for something so stupid. Now leave me to my work."
The doctor entered the room alone, and after a few minutes he returned to the hallway, "I think it could be Dust fever, but my medical datapad isn't working for whatever reason. If you could call a repair person I'm sure they could fix it quick, which would let me do a more thorough job. I wouldn't want to inject him with the wrong thing after all."
Elric nodded, twiddling with his mustache again as he looked up and made a holo-call to a local repair-place.
[member="Kana Truden"]