Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hunt Begins!! (Rael sul B'an)

He nodded and grinned as he gave the thumbs up to his hunting partner. His hands had been covered in Boar-wolf blood. "Alright well, that's done. Where is the mother though?" He asked with a raised brow as he looked over to the direction the two beasts came from. These where small but fairly large. The really big one wouldn't be that far off. Its gonna be pissed at [member="Rael sul B'an"] and Kit. Especially because they smell like Boar-wolf blood.

Rael shrugged, and started dragging the two Boar-wolves together. "Honestly, I think these are enough for me. I hope you don't mind, but I really do hate this planet..." The Kaleesh looked around at the forest. "Let's just skin these quickly, and get out of here." Rael started moving towards the two animals, looking to Kit for confirmation.
He shook his head "Where is your hunters spirit Rael?? The Bigger the game the better the price" He grinned as crossed his arms. "You cant simply just go with just these smaller animals." He tried to get [member="Rael sul B'an"] to at least grab the original prey. Kit had felt what to him was the thrill of the hunt. He was ready to keep going and at least get the mother Boar-wolf

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to do it yourself. I prefer to quit while I'm ahead. Too be honest, I do really need to get going." Rael starting moving around, skinning the beasts. He didn't look to kit at all. Once the Kaleesh was done, he took half of their catch, leaving the other half to kit. "Good luck to you, Kit." The tall alien adjusted his spoils of the hunt, and started walking out into the forest.

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