Murba Jiidak Anzani
Beast Hunter

It was morning time on the planet Cholganna, and deep within one of the many jungles lay the compound of the Underboss Murba. It was a lightly fortified circular complex with outlying watchtowers and central structures. There was a mist covering the canopies of the trees caressing them with it's presence, with the sun gently warming Murba's skin as he hovered around his compound on a personal hovercraft. Ahead of him was his favorite Nexu, Claw, an adult female with a brown coat with black streaks. Claw's tail flicked apprehensively behind her as she stalked forward infront of the Hutt, occasionally jerking forward playfully pouncing towards invisible prey. "Claw, must you be so energetic in the mornings? I've yet to even greet our guests who are meant to be arriving soon!" Claw tilted her head looking back at the Hutt before laying down.
Murba settled himself near the entrance to largest structure in the compound which also served as his private sanctuary. Murba licked his lips, giving a glancing look to Claw. "Hopefully these mercenaries won't keep us waiting any longer. I am growing restless! The longer we wait, Claw, the more chances that we'll miss out on a good hunt..but I suppose patience is the trait that separates good hunters, from great ones." Claw arched her back in response, and then stretched to lay down near him. Murba recalled the conversation he had with his new boss some time back shortly after he had joined the Crymorah Syndicate. He had asked him to spread the word that he was in need of skilled hunters and mercenaries to assist him in capturing a group of Nexu that had been evading him for some time, and now it was time to wait and see who answered the call.
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