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Private The Hunt Begins

Darth Reign Darth Reign

Kai'lyn's head lowered, his body shrinking back as the man's tone shifted, watching him warily like a skittish dog ready to flee into the underbrush at any moment. The change unsettled him. There it was again—more grand talk about great futures, promises that rang hollow in his ears. Was this man really all that different from other Sith, or did he just think he was? The thought circled in his mind, but before he could dwell on it further, it faded the moment he heard the word "feed."

Something clicked. Recognition sparked in his eyes, his posture shifting as if a switch had been flipped. His head perked up, and he sniffed at the air, as though trying to sense something just out of reach. The change was immediate, his wariness giving way to sudden focus.

"Yes. We can barter for this. This is an acceptable agreement," he stated quickly, his tone firm, though a touch of eagerness laced his words.

The rakish youth was thin, almost gaunt in appearance, his wiry frame betraying just how undernourished he was. He wasn't quite starving, but there was a sharpness to him—a raw edge, as if hunger had shaped his life and his present being. His sinewy body seemed always on the brink of action, ready to dart away or strike, whichever the moment required.
The Dark Lord made note of the shift in the acolyte's demeanor. It was obvious the young man had been brutally treated throughout his life. Well, the youth had shaken him slightly, it is not often someone spoke to the Diarch in such a way, the only one that had being his fellow Sith Lord Nexion. He had tried for years to gain control of his anger, but he was not always successful.

As the Acolyte perked up at the mention of food, Reign knew he had him. It was obvious the child was underfed. Kicking himself for not employing the tactic earlier, he said
"Let us go then, we can take my ship, I will have food waiting for you there" and walked towards the shuttle.

Comming ahead he advised the staff to prepare a large meal for their new guest.

Kai'lyn Kai'lyn
Darth Reign Darth Reign

Kai'lyn followed along eagerly, his steps quickening with a sense of unspoken relief. It was clear he didn't grasp much about the Sith, let alone the intricate webs of social hierarchy that seemed to govern their world. Such concepts were likely far beyond his current understanding, and, truthfully, he cared little for them. What did it matter where one stood in the grand scheme of things if following this man promised a meal?

His motivations were simple, driven by immediate needs, and if this path led to something that could fill his stomach, then he was all too happy to fall in line.

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