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Faction The Hunt for the Dark Empress [Part I]

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
While coming down through the ash-heavy clouds, the Jedi strike team would have observed the following situation, which was now clear to the survivors on the ridge as well:


EDIT: Changed the map to make clear that Wyatt's landing point is his, and the rest of the Jedi aren't locked in to land there. Enjoy.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Valery Noble Valery Noble Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Romi Jade Romi Jade Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Valik Valik Cord Cord Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Avalore Avalore
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A primal scream tore through the air and rattled Avalore's ears. She couldn't see who it was, a flash of light seared through her body and burned with intensity that fire could never touch. It passed almost as quickly as it came but the pain left her weaken and hollow. She found herself on the ground as her vision regained shape and color. Her throat ached.

She glared up at the Jedi but was forced into action as two Drengir appeared over his shoulder. Grass caught in her trigger as she pulled it with the gun still laying on the ground. Fire shot out at an awkward angle and eviscerated a vine before it could reach Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion . She had half a mind to let it next time.

She scrambled onto her knees and pulled the weapon in. Her second shot caught the next Drengir with more precision. Both of them recoiled, the green flames refusing to snuff out of the surface they burned.

Some of the grass around her had caught but they had more pressing matters. Five Drengir came in on their other side, their roots disrupting the uncorrupted dirt ahead as they burrowed.

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He could sense the hunger, but not in a mammalian hunger. Not a need, but a craving. A dark craving. Something ancient but not something he encountered much of. It started to formulate in his mind as to what exactly it was, and it was not friendly. Was it… it couldn't be, they were lost to the Unknown Regions for millenia now…

As the ship arrived at the port, Coren nodded. It was now or never. "We need to move. Go where the Force brings you, there is… need for us all over." He stated. Grabbing his lightsaber, he made a bee-line for his interceptor, and older A-Wing with a bit of imbuement. He really missed his proper fighter, a golden Silk Limited Rassilon that was probably the apex of what the company had to offer.

But his A-Wing was going to be plenty fine. As he launched from the hangar, he allowed the Force to guide him, and send him where he was needed. He felt the battles below, the people fleeing, and the hunger of the Drengir.

He had only heard rumors, what he could gleam from the Order records. They would hunt the Force. If he went for the civilians, they may chase hi and it could harm those he was hoping to protect. There were gatherings of light and dark… That was where he was going. Landing the ship not far from the battle, but far enough. As he got his bearings, he dropped any extra cloak he was carrying, instead in Jedi leathers.

The Force was being called to him as he pushed his body beyond its limit, following to where he could tell the familiar signature of Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion , and the unwelcome sense of Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin . As he leapt, he was hoping to time his strike with Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga . Jumping, the Jedi Master called on Force Light, hoping to cause any kind of combustion as he came slamming down off the roof, enhanced by the Force, to cut a trail through the Drengir to their quarry.
He didn't have a fighter to hand currently. Nor was he used to using one. So as the others filtered out to the hangar to prepare, he slotted on armor and meditated. The process of putting on the Aing-Tii armor was almost ritualistic if anyone watched, and the carapace markings lined up with the silvered chrome sworl tattoos all across his body. Once they had accepted him as one of their own, and taught him much. Though the results weren't as the Monks had hoped. His mind turned to his children, his departed wife, and fondness washed over him as he checked the fit of a bracer before standing from his kneeling position in the armory.

As he felt the signature of Coren ripple and change, he closed his eyes, drawing a lightsaber, and took a step forward. An astromech on the ship beeped in exasperation as it wheeled towards Julius with something and suddenly it's master just... Wasn't there... He was planetside, having arrived just before Coren landed with Force light. Ahead of his old friend, but easily behind where his jump would take him. It was rather like using a heavy MG to clear a landing zone a bit ahead of time. Julius had become a blur of speed and lethality and the silver-green blade of his lightsaber, reflecting the darkness at his heart that more than matched he drenginr, but never embracing it, back at his opponents. Vapaad came easily to him after the decades of his teachings from Darron Wraith on Coruscant.

Tendrils fell still twitching and Julius began to slow as the Drengir focused in on the sudden new threat, giving Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion and Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin time and space to breathe as Coren would slam down with his trick moments later.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Valik Valik | Cord Cord | Avalore Avalore
A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt the Hero, Wyatt the Grandmaster, Wyatt the Unifyer - he'd been called a thousand names over 300 years of life, but today he would earn none of them. Drengir ran rampant on a world already destroyed by war; leaving refugees too stubborn to leave bleeding and dying in the streets. Those that weren't outright eaten, that is - and Wyatt could do nothing to save them. Surely, Force Light would cleanse the Drengir from areas at a time; but there was little their strike team could do against such a large incursion.​
They'd need a true army for this. Exactly what he hoped he wouldn't have to deal with.​
For the moment, there was only a single option; get Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin off planet, reconvene in orbit, and plan their next move to assist the world. If they spent the time fighting the Drengir now, they'd only allow the Empress to esacpe - and would do little to truly help these people without true coordination. It was a cost Wyatt knew had to be paid - but it was one he wished he could pay himself.​
Setting his jaw, Wyatt used the Force to leap high in the air - air rushing past him as he got a survey of the area around him. At the apex of his jump, just as his robes began to fall upwards once more - the Aing-Tii arts came to life. Over the hyperspace anomoly, through crowds of Drengir, the Force dragged Wyatt just before the company of the Sith. Everyone would watch as the Jedi Master broke free of his teleportation, using the momentum of his speed to cut a blood swath through the crowds of plantoids on their way to them.​
While Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire grabbed their attention, while Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser timed his strike in time with Wyatt's own - Wyatt had already cut down a dozen drengir with his blade. They would rise again, but the damage would keep them crippled for a needed few seconds. His gaze would fall upon those gathered, and he would offer the decree -​
" Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin , you are charged with crimes against the Galaxy and her people. Surrender yourself to our custody, and we will do what we can to save this planet and your ship.", he said with a dangerously flat expression.​
Behind him, the Drengir began to reform.​

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
Avalore Avalore Valik Valik Cord Cord Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Romi Jade Romi Jade Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Valery Noble Valery Noble

" Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin , you are charged with crimes against the Galaxy and her people. Surrender yourself to our custody, and we will do what we can to save this planet and your ship."

And here came a Jedi strike team as prophesied, carving through the Drengir onslaught from behind, right up to the north ridge. Their incursion brought a temporary calm. As their purpose became clear, Ashin's eyebrows rose and kept rising.

She took a few seconds to weigh her options, then held out her wrists to Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga

"So helping them is contingent on my surrender? Spectacular. Thousands are dying, you fanatical little fuck."
A Light Shining in Darkness
"And thousands more will die so long as our attention is split. We're less than a dozen, Ashin - your crimes are too great to let you leave, and until we have the confidence of your surrender we can't afford to turn our backs on you."​
He moved a hand to his belt and took out force cuffs - one's that would hold her. He floated them to her as he spoke;​
"Don't pretend you care about the lives at stake. The fear I can sense on you isn't for the planet, it's for something greater. Secure yourself in these bindings, and we will do what we can to help you."​
His face was stone, his heart was ice.​

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
Without hesitation, Ashin put on the cuffs.

"So you're doubling down on your fanaticism, then. I'm accountable for a great deal — but not for your choice to ignore their suffering."

Her face hardened.

"But don't pretend you know my mind or my priorities. Considering you haven't stated a charge, I doubt you even know my crimes. Do what you will, whoever you are."
A Light Shining in Darkness
"Can you make a list of the endless?", he said with a frown.​
"Speak your poison. I know Sith of your ilk can not help themselves but sow discontent, but know every word could weaken my resolve. The weaker my resolve, the less likely I can stop the other Jedi from being executioners. The less likely I can save your ship, Ashin."​
His eyes narrowed at her before he brought up his wrist communicator;​
"Bring the transport. We have Ashin, she needs to be brought back to the ship ASAP."​
With that, he clicked it off, then turned to her;​
"Now tell me what is on your ship and how we can help."​
Korr got back to his feet, back aching. Still, he managed to stand tall, a frown darkening his brow as he looked between the woman who he now knew was Ashin Varanin and what looked like a Jedi strike team, with some familiar faces. Mostly former Grandmasters like himself.

He understood now why the Force had called him here.

The Jedi nodded to one of the familiar faces, though the scowl didn’t leave his features, “Coren.”
Repairs had been finished, and they were ready to take off. Ashin hadn't shown up, and something in the Force spoke volumes as to why. A man handed a tablet to the blonde at the helm, "They've taken her." He said quietly, knowing that his words would only spark a fury few had ever survived. "I know." Her words hung at the tip of her rage. The man wanted to ask what he was to do next. Were they going to storm the Jedi, or were they going to leave?

"Prepare to take off." Spencer forced the words from her lips. This fight was just the beginning - she would allow them the small victory.

"M-Ma'am?" his voice quivered, scared to question the woman. Spencer turned to look at him, a smile spread across her gentle face. "She'll be fine, Lieutenant, don't fret. We'll be paying them a visit soon enough."

Without a moment wasted, the man left the mediation sphere. Spencer watched the replay of what had happened through their security feeds. She watched Ashin take the shackles while the high horse values of the Jedi condemned thousands to slaughter. Spencer memorized the faces of those that had interfered.

Behind the smile, a rage ignited, quaking through the Force uninhibited.​

Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
"Now tell me what is on your ship and how we can help."

"Oh, the Pomojema can take care of itself."

Off to the southeast, the massive ship lurched up from the ground. Drengir fell like gobbets of soup and spattered on the scorched earth. The mobile academy angled away under Spencer Varanin Spencer Varanin 's command. No doubt Valik Valik and Avalore Avalore would be able to rendezvous with it. For the immediate future, none of that was Ashin's concern.

She opted against testing the cuffs. The Drengir would be regrouping anyway, and more would be coming. No matter where she went, the Drengir followed.

The Jedi ship was as good an

as any.
Svolten System, In Orbit over Nighthunter Port

The three squadrons of attack craft did a high pass in atmosphere, taking readings and acquiring targets as needed. Visuals had confirmed the Pomojema sitting in a scorched earth perimeter with multiple organic lifeforms swarming it. But they had refrained from intervening yet because of the other arrivals. Jedi forces had arrived and immediately angled their way towards the location where a small group had been holding off another large mass of lifeforms. On the bridge of the Gabranth, Captain Golgary was standing in front of the holographic image of her Mistress.

"A small strike team, you say?" Lady Arcanix asked.

"Yes, my Lady," the "Mikkian" replied. "One ship, with a fighter craft."

"I do believe Master Morga is multi-tasking," Lady Arcanix mused, tapping her fingers on her side. In the background, the sounds of a distant battle could be heard as her forces continued the slow advance towards the Kesh superconstruct.

"I can have my forces attack their ship. It wouldn't be an issue, my Lady," Golgary said. Arcanix shook her head in response. "No, focus on thinning out the Drengir on the ground." The Gabranth's sensor officer came up, handing her a datapad. She quickly scanned it. "The academy is taking off, my Lady, but the group that was isolated on a northern ridge did not make it there beforehand."

"Interesting. Deploy some Stringers for when the Jedi ship leaves and contact the Pomojema. I want to talk with whoever is in command of the ship while Ashin is indisposed."

"Yes, my Lady."

Orders were quickly given to her squadrons and the gunnery crews of her frigate and two corvettes. The Jedi and Ashin would see the fighters now as they came out of the high atmosphere, breaking into strafing attack runs on Drengir masses while the bombers did their work. They couldn't attack any of the creatures in the port itself without BDZ authorization, but they would start thinning out the plant monsters outside the city limits and on the ridge and near where the Pomojema had been landed.

From the Gabranth itself, a few pods were launched and exploded open to deliver their payload. When the Jedi ships came up from their arrest along any exit vector, there would be a few things waiting to latch on before they left. And the Pomojema would receive a comm signal from the frigate, bouncing the signal from Kesh for a chat.

Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Avalore Avalore Cord Cord Valik Valik Spencer Varanin Spencer Varanin Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire


Avalore didn't have time to be shell shocked. The Drengir descended upon them from the left, and even though their attention tore in the direction Ashin was absconded, the remaining bodies stood in the way.

Avalore bathed them all in a wash of fire.

In the distant, the Academy took flight. Commanded by who now? Avalore grimaced and scrambled for the comms in the hover craft. She could feel Valik covering her back.

"Pomojema? This Avalore. We need a lift out, can anyone copy?"



Arcane Syn NPCs Arcane Syn NPCs
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With a land and a roll, Coren was up again. He had his lightsaber glowing and humming, the blue-green blade with a yellow, almost gold core. The weapon was unique, and as rare as the man who wielded it. Built with several crystals, including the Starchaser's Light, which was from his former Padawan, he had married it with two other kyber to come to the unique blade. It was his ultimate weapon now.

That and the Force.

Julius was right behind him as he went down, and that was reassuring. Julius was much more the battlemaster than Coren. Spinning his blade in a back handed Shien grip, he sliced through one, two of the smaller Drengir, as his left hand sent light and heat out in a cone at the Drengir, pushing them back and igniting the closer ones.

"We can't leave the Drengir to feast on this world." He was wiling to stay and fight, or call in a battlecruiser to assist. But even he was seeing the other Jedi, including Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion .


Maybe he'd side that the fight wasn't over, just because they had Ashin within arms reach.
She Left Behind A Legacy
She came down behind Julius and Coren; she was just behind the former with her hand on her hilt before she got the strangest sensation that morphed into a sharp pain that cut into her frontal lobe. The shriek the rang within the depths of her mind startled her, but the sudden nauseating feeling she was feeling was another beast; the speed and intensity at which she felt it was alarming. She had every intention of stepping forward, but she grew weak in the knees and stumbled back a foot. Something twisted welled up inside of her and it felt like her head was going to explode.

Julius' frame started to fade as her vision blurred.


being inundated with distorted input from sight, sound, and emotions:


She stumbled in place, before kicking her leg back to force her body upward and threw the daze. The echoed voice she was hearing, it grew and grew as the creatures multiplied. She dug her finges into her temples under the flood of the assault, they were...propositioning her. Her history with the dark side, this planet, and her propensity in the arenas of mentalism opened up a door through the empyrean that gave entry to the persuasive whims of this carnivorous mind meld -- similar to the ongoing link she'd always had open with Coren and Cotan.


Could she have been stuck there for seconds, or had it been minutes, the concept of time didn't matter within the folds of the mind.

Cycling through the thought fractals, she defied the hungry mindscape and rejected their claims before she began to funnel this presence out. Blocking them out, those apart of the meld would feel lighter. She shrugged something of a psychic collar on its multitude of sprawling tendrils. As the current of power fell around her.

She fought through her woozy spell and regained her footing. She wove her arms, warping the air before her in a mixed display of hyper focused power. The alabaster wave surrounding her figure like a glowing fire. She began to infringe her presence and will on the surrounding area and over her allies - using her abilities simultaneously to weaken and demoralize the grip of the Drengir while providing a boon to her allies.


Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire | Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion
Svolten System, In Orbit over Nighthunter Port

While they waited for the Jedi ship to leave and pass through the waiting altered mynocks, the communications officer would pick up the transmission coming from Avalore Avalore . After a moment of discussion between the officer and Captain Golgary, permission would be granted for a pass through to pick up whoever was transmitting the distress signal.

On the surface, Avalore would see two fighters pass over her position, no doubt marking her location and anyone else near her for a small shuttle that would come down from orbit. As the shuttle landed, the fighters would make another pass to strafe any remaining Drengir form to keep them off the Ravenscar Adepts that appeared in the lower ramp, weapons at the ready.

"Coming or not?" one Adept asked as the other two loosed energy arrows from their bows into the distance.
Avalore grunted and swung her flamethrower over her back, ignoring the painful way it smashed into her spine as she ran into the direction of the arrows.

She could only trust they'd cover her.

The sound of chaos muffled as the ramp doors closed behind her. She fell to her knees and gasped-- shocked, winded-- this was not today's plan.

Avalore looked out, noticing the ship and the Adepts around her. They weren't her own, which means someone else was here. She steeled herself and stood. "...Take me to your leader."

Jedi had taken Ashin. She'd need all the help she could get.

Arcane Syn NPCs Arcane Syn NPCs

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