Objective: 1
Tags: [member="AR-G002"] | [member="Eternal Avarice"] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Darth Tacitus"]
Location: Daisya Infiltrator Nightstalker
Post: 3
"We're in position, Your Highness."
Caid's gaze hadn't left the forward view port since they began drifting lazily just underneath the Imperial formation. With a learned ease, the two Endelaanian Warriors had managed to navigate all manner of debris, maneuvering spacecraft, and the occasional errant weapons-fire. Sensor readouts indicated that the Confederate Fleet had recently joined the battle in earnest, explaining the definitive uptick in super-heated laser and projectile fire ripping through the void of space.
"Begin analyzing their attack patterns." While the two pilots interfaced with the on board sensor suite to identify the pattern of fire presently being employed, Caid allowed his presence to momentarily swell. The action was necessary to fully immerse himself into the Force enough to begin the next phase of his plan. Fortunately, the talent of Art of the Small was one that he'd been forced to study extensively during his time as a Knight of Ren. It was easily his most enjoyed of neutral abilities.
Within the next fifteen seconds, the Sith Lord's presence began to shrink rapidly. Drawing in on himself, Caid could practically feel the overpowering effect of the cells in his body beginning to merge into the constantly-evolving current of the Force. It wasn't death obviously, but it would reduce his presence to the point of it nearly seeming as though he had just...vanished. Once his presence and manipulation of the Force had shrunk to the molecular level, he began influencing his will on the life-binding energy.
While Caid tended to his own preparations, the two pilots managed to complete an analysis of the firing sequence. There was no telling how long that attack sequence would continue to be employed, so they seized the opportunity the moment it arised. Anticipating the next volley of fire to originate from the area of the flagship directly in front of them, the warriors were able to surge the cloaked vessel past the flagship's shield when it was lowered for the purpose of engagements.
Despite their normal composure and battle experience, both Endelaanian Warriors exchanged a brief glance and a slow exhale as the vessel drifted ever closer to its objective.
Tags: [member="AR-G002"] | [member="Eternal Avarice"] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Darth Tacitus"]
Location: Daisya Infiltrator Nightstalker
Post: 3
"We're in position, Your Highness."
Caid's gaze hadn't left the forward view port since they began drifting lazily just underneath the Imperial formation. With a learned ease, the two Endelaanian Warriors had managed to navigate all manner of debris, maneuvering spacecraft, and the occasional errant weapons-fire. Sensor readouts indicated that the Confederate Fleet had recently joined the battle in earnest, explaining the definitive uptick in super-heated laser and projectile fire ripping through the void of space.
"Begin analyzing their attack patterns." While the two pilots interfaced with the on board sensor suite to identify the pattern of fire presently being employed, Caid allowed his presence to momentarily swell. The action was necessary to fully immerse himself into the Force enough to begin the next phase of his plan. Fortunately, the talent of Art of the Small was one that he'd been forced to study extensively during his time as a Knight of Ren. It was easily his most enjoyed of neutral abilities.
Within the next fifteen seconds, the Sith Lord's presence began to shrink rapidly. Drawing in on himself, Caid could practically feel the overpowering effect of the cells in his body beginning to merge into the constantly-evolving current of the Force. It wasn't death obviously, but it would reduce his presence to the point of it nearly seeming as though he had just...vanished. Once his presence and manipulation of the Force had shrunk to the molecular level, he began influencing his will on the life-binding energy.
While Caid tended to his own preparations, the two pilots managed to complete an analysis of the firing sequence. There was no telling how long that attack sequence would continue to be employed, so they seized the opportunity the moment it arised. Anticipating the next volley of fire to originate from the area of the flagship directly in front of them, the warriors were able to surge the cloaked vessel past the flagship's shield when it was lowered for the purpose of engagements.
Despite their normal composure and battle experience, both Endelaanian Warriors exchanged a brief glance and a slow exhale as the vessel drifted ever closer to its objective.