Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Imperium

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

Regiments of the former Empire have bound together to form the Imperium. Through cunning and military might, the Imperium seeks to restore order and discipline to a galaxy ripped apart.

Lead by the Triumvirate, the Imperium brings forth a new dawn to lands of Chaos.

Supreme Commander Decimus Meridius
Grand Moff Joran Greth
Director of Imperial Intelligence Kira Corsai

All like minded Imperialists are invited to find a home among our ranks.

We have current openings for the Imperial Army, Navy and Marines. Please see Decimus Meridius and Joran Greth to receive your commission.

The Imperial Security Bureau is looking for those wishing to safeguard Imperial citizens and maintain peace and order on Imperial systems.

The Imperial Intelligence Bureau is seeking watchers and ciphers for diplomatic missions and clandestine operations. Please see Director Corsai in the IIB.

While the Imperium proper is non force user centric, we welcome force users in our midst within the ranks of the Inquisitorius. Our time shall come but until then, we serve in the shadows. See the Grand Inquisitor in the Inquisitorius to sign up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the Triumvirate. Our doors are open and we're happy to help!


Join the fight. Do it for yourself. Do it for the Empire.​
If the Imperium has need of a Bounty Hunter I'd be interested in working with them. Looks like a fun setup so far for the group but yeah I'd be interested in helping the Imperium out with all their Bounty Hunting needs!

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