Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate The Impossible Hour | GA Populate of Walalla

Narrator of The Galactic Alliance




The Battle for CORUSCANT is over!

The BROTHERHOOD'S surprise attack, executed with frightful efficiency, is a disaster that leaves the ALLIANCE scrambling to save its capital, once thought untouchable, as it is left shattered and engulfed in flames. The JEDI TEMPLE stands defiled by SITH. The SENATE burns with the flames of TREASON. CORUSCANT'S cloudcutters crushed to rubble on the war-torn streets, and overhead skies still burn with remnants of a grand clash between the fleets of the BASTION ACCORDS signatories and the BROTHERHOOD MAWRAUDERS. It is a calamitous blow against the capital of the GALACTIC ALLIANCE.

But even as the ashes settle, and CORUSCANT'S people lay buried beneath scorched rubble, not all is lost. Though its heart bleeds, the ALLIANCE is not yet beaten. The SENATE scrambles to unify a government divided by treachery while the JEDI regroup to catch their breath. The rift that threatened to undo them must be mended and PEACE is brought back to the heart of the galaxy. The BROTHERHOOD reveals itself as more dangerous than initially believed, with the power to pierce even the best-defended systems of civilized space.

Only in UNITY does the ALLIANCE stand a chance against such frightful foes, yet as CORUSCANT burns its people remain fractured ...



Usually, when this many civilians and soldiers were collected together in Coruscant’s streets, it was meant for celebration, revelry, and merrymaking. There were smiles, jovial shouts, persons drunk on delight and drink.

Where confetti should have been twirling, ash was falling from the black skies. Where architectural marvels kissed the skylines, dust and silt fell from the rooftops.

Coruscant’s ever-luminescent skyline was dark.

The Brotherhood of the Maw had the gall to strike the heart of The Core, unleash their hordes and brutalize the capital of The Galactic Alliance. Beyond the devastation to the planet’s cityscape and murder to the citizens, deeper harm had taken place.

Reeling from the audacious attack, The Alliance must press on. Must prevail.

In lieu of Chancellor Chandra, Vice-Chancellor Tithe broadcasts from Coruscant to all Alliance citizens, appealing to their hope and strength. They are mightier than one planet, and one attack will not bring The Alliance to their knees:

“... and if you’ll indulge me for a moment longer - justice, like the markets, is self-correcting. Just as supply and demand are balanced in perfect equilibrium, so too is Light and Dark. While Coruscant may smoulder around us, soon too shall our enemy face their reckoning. The Light, ah, finds a way.” - Vice-Chancellor Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe




In the lower levels of Coruscant evacuees must balance tending to the wounded and helping protect citizens from the lingering beasts from the Maw still crawl around. Tend to the wounded, or tend to the creatures.

Once the Temple has been secured and losses begin to be accounted for, The Circle gathers to review the outcomes of Coruscant’s attack, what Fossk’s reveal means, the standing of the Senate, and other next steps now that the Temple has been desecrated.

RELEVANT LINKS: Eyes on Fire | The Prince | We Are Being Held Hostage | Wits



With Chancellor Chandra in critical care, Vice-Chancellor Tithe is sworn in as the new Chancellor of The Alliance to see out the remainder of her term of office. His first act is to recall the Senate together to decide the next steps forward.

It is now clear, through all the smoke and mirrors, that the Senator of Epoch was dastardly and manipulating the Senate. But for how long had the Senate been deceived by the New Sith Order? How long had the nefarious Dark Lord, Darth Solipsis, slipped a veil over their eyes and torn them asunder from the inside?

The Senate must reconvene and decide how to react to this deception, atone or ignore their unjust accusations levelled at the New Jedi Order. Will they attempt to hide their shame, and further follow the trail of deception by concealing how they were manipulated, or acknowledge their misgivings and set a course for justice and perhaps revenge?

RELEVANT LINKS: The Mantellian Candidate


Every SIA operative receives a transmission from IVI IVI — even through text, it’s apparent the Director is livid with the Brotherhood’s audacity and the margins of their success. It’s time for the Defense Force to step up and deeply consider how far they’re willing to go to define duty and protect all that The Alliance has built.

....displaying_transmission_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE: ACCESS MISSION FILE:// INTO_THE_MAW://

BRIEF: Agents are expected to concentrate all efforts on uncovering and exploiting The Brotherhood of The Maw’s bases.

We have a gap in understanding where their home planet is — this information must be acquired by any means necessary. You have full authority to operate above traditional ranks, including the Senate.

Enemy targets are still within Coruscant’s streets. Arrest and interrogate.
A package of known targets, locations and resources is attached for infiltration and interrogation.

Authenticating credentials... Confirmed
Accessing file '/sia/operations/botm/' ... Done
Reading Package list... Done

Contact: Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn — former undercover agent with BotM
Contact: Sora Mohc Sora Mohc — compromised under suspicion
Visual and Audio
Data from NIO Listening Outpost in Chiss Space

Anti-Surveillance is being conducted on all operations.

RELEVANT LINKS: Beginning of the end | Operation: SHATTERPOINT


thx for the comic art Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

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Issue #1

Bloodied and battered, crouched on a barely hanging mezzanine's railing, Dagon stared emptily at the ruins of the New Jedi Temple, of home. Droves of corpses, lifeless bodies of friends and allies, lied strewn across the hallways. Their blood smeared the crumbling, marble walls and their eyes remained forever upon in stupor. A restless gaze at the abyss of treachery.

Those who had survived limped around to drag those still breathing from under the rubble. Dagon Kaze would've been among them, tirelessly going through every fallen pillar, wall, and plaster but he did not. Could not. For the first time since he had witnessed the dark fate of his brother something inside broke. Something far worse than just his body.

His spirit.

He moved in silence, without a word uttered in response to any fellow Jedi he passed, with only one destination in his mind. The Chamber of the Circle. Marching beside him was Aelys ( Black Mynock Black Mynock ) equally drowned in solemn silence. The pains, the aches, the failures - they all funneled into a cold tempest surging within as each step drew them closer to the room. Dagon was not one to levy blame on anyone but himself, always, but now the capsule had shattered and everything held within was unleashed. To survive, a chance was needed. A decision had to be taken.

No more standing on the fence.

No more balance.

Do what is right.

The door slid open to the two Jedi. Ragged, scorched, beaten, with blood still pouring from fresh wounds, they stepped inside. His eyes crackled in blue, fixated only on one person inside - Auteme Auteme . A friend from a time of innocence and a comrade through a time of sorrow. A shared lifetime flashed before his eyes and the lump in his throat almost parried the words away. Tears would've crawled into his eyes if they hadn't been already been shed dry.

"Auteme." his voice emerged steeled and unnaturally composed given the chaos erupting within his soul.


The ultimatum was clear - the Jedi or the Senate. The saber or the pen.

Auteme Auteme Black Mynock Black Mynock Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Bernard Bernard Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo


Return of the Jedi vol. I
Issue #4 - The Impossible Hour

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Auteme Auteme - Allyson Locke Allyson Locke - Bernard Bernard - Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec - Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
All for a friend.

For friends.


His mentor, Ryv.

It was why he was still here. There were pressing matters elsewhere on the planet, the creatures in the dark that still lingered from centuries past. Even the ones that still roamed the under levels left over from the days of past Sith invasions. But he was certain he would depart after this one last thing was done.

Seeing the Temple in its current state, it was a mess. Horrid. Not the thing of beauty that he had seen when he had first landed on Coruscant.

To not only hear, but see the destruction the Sith caused. It reminded him of why he had come to the Core in the first place, to gain the powers he needed to never let that sort of thing happen again. Though, less for the core, and more for his own people back home.

Some part of him wondered what Dag was going to say. Marching up on the Council? They were no Thyrsians but, to do that back home was grounds for exile. Aelys didn't want that for his friend. He had grown up here, amongst these Jedi. But the Black Mynock? He knew that was for the best. The Jedi chose the path of least resistance, and stuck in the Temple, the world collapsed.

There was only one person who could make that decision, Council or no. She had been the one who was said to lead the Jedi into the future.


He thought, twisting his helmeted gaze to land on the young Kaze.

There was no hesitation to Dagon when they came up on the door. They passed through the threshold without a word or pause. He had come to this decision himself, and at the very least, he was sure of himself.


His head followed where Dagon looked, tracking to find the Shield.
if they're watching anyways

Auteme rose slowly -- in part because it'd be unbefitting to rise quickly and scuttle off, but mostly because she was exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

Little splits, little fractures.

Dagon's arrival was well timed. Sitting with the Circle felt almost unbearable now. She didn't know what to say, other than sorry, but even then that wasn't nearly enough; some escape was necessary, even if it'd be her last from this Circle.

Short, stiff steps took her towards the two who had entered the chamber. When she was close enough she raised her hands to touch them gently on their shoulders. A breath out, like some ethereal release; the world seemed lighter if only for a moment. The blood retreated from their wounds, burns disappeared, bruises faded, without even a scar to tell about. For a moment she looked at Aelys, but she didn't have words for him, either.

Her hands fell, her head drooped.

"I will stay in the Temple for one more day. On Coruscant, two days. Then, in two weeks, I will no longer be part of the Order." Her voice was soft, but the silence that gripped the room gave way to her words.

"Should a suitable candidate for Shield reveal themselves, take them in. If not -- my seat will be filled by my apprentice, Lileas, when she is ready, though that may take some time."

Her hand rose, this time weaker, to touch Dagon on the shoulder again. "I will apologize," she said, "someday. When I'm ready. Until then, I won't make the same mistakes."

Her hand dropped.

"There's a seat open."

She walked out.

Down, out of the tower. She kept walking.

Then, she started to run.

// OUTRIDER // Acting Senator for Euforns Major
// LOCATION // Senate Office, Courscant
// THEME //

"It is imperative that we, as brothers and sisters united under the banner of our prized Federation, come together once more to defeat the evil that knocks at out door"

The recorded hologram extended both hands outward, an overt attempt to signify unity, a symbol that defied objective reality for if one truly were to signify all coming together on Eufornis, they would need much wider arms. But still he had continued to call for unity. As dd every other leader in the known galaxy. What else could they do? The Governor-General sighed. So much death and destruction, and the leaders couldn't even do that. Lead. "Sir, shall we prepare another message" The aide, a young Thyrisian by the looks of her, had that familiar look of hopelessness.

"No" With a sullen frown, the Eufornisian stood. By no means a short man, he felt so insignificant. Every thought came to the fore, no longer held back by a weak subconscious who had, for the past decade, been focused on administration. Politics. How many deaths could have been prevented? And if they had intercepted the Mawite Fleet, would it be him here or poor Miona?

Did he cause her death? Afterall, he choose to separate the responsibility of Governor-General and Senator, he choose her to be his pawn, for the planets wider needs. "Has Chancellor Tithe returned to the building yet?"

"I believe so, sir" The aide answered without looking up. "Is there anything you need?"

"Yes" Interlocked hands pressed against the elegant glass Anden's- or rather his desk was made of. A soft knock, followed by multiple harder ones. "Answers. Inform all Senators- I request a meeting, here"

There was much to be discussed, not the least of which was the revelation that the Senator for Epoch, was in fact, a Sith Lord. The Sith Lord they had been looking for, to be clear.

But, by every star in the sky, he would get answers. For everything.

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | @SENATE
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Location: Coruscant, lower levels
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and other Jedi folks!

Chapter I: Return to the Front.
She had been out of stasis for several months now, trying to get adjusted to this new time she had found herself in. The Galaxy had changed a great deal, and changing along had been difficult at first. But after a long meditative retreat, she had found her way to the Silver Jedi and joined up with them. She wanted to help make a difference in the Galaxy once again; she wanted to be out there to defend those who needed it, and to push back forces of evil.

But the evil that had struck Coruscant was far greater than she had expected.

From within the cockpit of her ship, Valery thought about the last time she visited Coruscant. This was technically about 4 thousand years ago, only a few decades after the sacking of Coruscant. The Jedi Temple was destroyed at the time, and now it seemed that history was repeating itself, albeit with a new threat striking at the heart of the Alliance.

Prior to her departure, she had heard the transmissions - the ones that came through in all the chaos, anyway. Beasts roaming the streets, market areas littered with bodies, the Temple and Senate building in ruins...

What remained of the Capital of the Republic she once knew?

Chapter II: Arrival
With all the stealth technology of her ship operational, Valery would approach Coruscant. She wasn't sure if any immediate threats would be able to pick her up, so she remained silent over communications, and kept all on-board power for crucial systems only. She had to get down there safely, or she wouldn't be able to help anybody.

As the ship finally dropped from hyperspace, she got her first glance at the devastation that came to this world. Her eyes widened and through the Force, she could feel the despair of those below. She had felt the disturbance before, but being this close.. it was a haunting feeling.

"May the Force be with all of you down there.." she whispered to herself as she began a steep descent down towards the city-planet in ruins. The sooner she got low to the ground, the better - it would make her far more difficult to detect. Ultimately, she didn't care if her ship was found and destroyed; saving lives was more important. But she didn't want to be a name on the already huge list of casualties before ever setting a foot down in the streets either.

So with a rapid descent, the ship finally touched down in the lower levels of Coruscant. She had heard about the beasts roaming the streets, and the people who were still trapped there.

Whatever was ahead of her, she was ready. But with her ship now on the ground, she finally decided to send out transmission over open channels, allowing all Jedi with receivers to pick up on it.. or so she hoped.

"This is Jedi Master Valery Noble, out in the lower levels of Coruscant. I'm here to assist."

She wasn't sure who would receive her message or who was in dire need of help, but she hoped to be helping her fellow Jedi out soon enough.

For now, her focus shifted to the beasts preying on the innocent.. she was coming for them.

(Character commission!)

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Coruscant, Jedi Temple Ruins
Circle Chambers

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Black Mynock Black Mynock | Auteme Auteme Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec


He raised an eyebrow as the doors burst open and a pair of dishevelled-looking Jedi waltzed, unannounced, into a meeting of the Circle. Though he supposed he couldn't blame them for their appearance, or the turmoil that radiated out from them within the Force. Coruscant, and the Temple in particular, had been nearly destroyed. The Jedi's defence had been desperate, and the Circle's efforts to stop the traitor in the midst of the Senate had proven to be in vain. Shame and defeat fell on the Circle this day.

No time for despair, however. Whatever emotions tried to surge to the forefront faded to ash as Bernard looked upon the bloodied forms of Dagon Kaze and his companion, and at burning Coruscant beyond the windows of the Circle's chambers. He regarded it all with cold, analytical eyes. Thoughts already on projected damages, estimates on possible treatment of the wounded, and methods of returning peace to the people. Dagon's words came to him as cryptic, shards of a bigger conversation he was only now being made part of.

Auteme's words, in turn, struck him. His head turned from Coruscant's burning skyline to the Jedi, to a friend. He began to rise from his chair, holding out a hand toward he as she crossed the room to Dagon. "Au—" he began, but she walked out before he could say more. "—teme."

Bernard sank back into the council chair, suddenly deflated. He was tired from the fighting, but he had felt energized again after coming together with the Circle. He'd hoped to find his centre again, and together with the others work swiftly to stabilize this catastrophe, to turn the knife's edge around. Instead it plunged right into their ranks and carved out one of their most vital elements.

He sat stunned to silence, with an expression that, unusually, revealed shock.

What had just happened here?

Dagon and his companion drew his gaze.

"You," he watched them with stern, cold eyes, "what did you do? What happened? I want to know everything."

Location: Lower Levels
Objective: Don't get caught
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble


Romund needed to scramble, he needed to get lower from the dreaded surface. After his blunder at the senate building. He was surprised he made it out alive. Getting stuck in the literal heart of the alliance’s capital planet would not be great for him, not at all. Fortunately his splinter group of clone soldiers at the xenobiology museum had made it out of the planet. But those he took with him to the senate building weren’t so lucky sadly.

Also what was unfortunate was that he had shedded himself of his signature bright metal armor suit. It wouldn’t have helped him not now. Although it pained him to part with it he needed to blend in some with those of the lower levels, and looking like a knight in shining armor wouldn’t have done that. Also in the battle he has lost his weapons. All he really had was the body glove over himself and his eyepatch.

During the fighting he had gotten a good look at how bad the surface looked, but down here it was arguably a lot worse. Corpses littered the streets and sith spawn beasts roamed. Under normal circumstances they wouldn’t be a problem, but given his current vulnerability that wasn’t.

At the moment he hid in an alleyway, watching as the beast passed by. Waiting a few more moments Romund stepped out and into the street. He had too many options right now, either go even deeper into the horrid underbelly of the planet to keep safe from the authorities and bunker down. Or see about a more covert operation to get evacuated. Looking over, Romund saw the front of a store, a clothing store. Reluctantly he made his way into the now abandoned establishment limping as he did as his leg was hurt during the fighting. Glass door to it was broken and an alarm in the back was going off, and probably had been for hours now. Stepping in there was a row of clothes to his side. It pained the aristocats neerdowell to need to dress up as a mere commoner. But these were trying times.

Putting on a large overcoat reminiscent of his old duster back at home he also grabbed himself some gloves and a cane from the store. Mostly to help with his current pained leg and improvised weapon if need be. Now that he was in an unfashionable disguise he needed to make a crucial decision. Should he take the safe choice and bunker down lower into the bowels of the city, or take the risk and try to go off world?


Return of the Jedi vol. I
Issue #4 - The Impossible Hour

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Auteme Auteme - Allyson Locke Allyson Locke - Bernard Bernard - Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec - Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
He was close to recoiling from Auteme as she reached out, to touch him, but he could feel there was no animosity. Just... Sadness.

The silence lasted, even after she left.

But only for a few moments.

The Arkanian spoke out to them, questioningly. Demanding, to know more.

Ever the instigator, Aelys was quick to respond, stepping ahead of Dagon, as if to protect him from the judgement of the Circle. It was often that the young Thyrsian snapped back to those that sought to make his friends answer, for what they did. No slight was left unchallenged.

"Us?" The scoff was impossible to hold back. "What did you do? Sitting there, knowing there was a chance the Sith had infiltrated the Senate. And did nothing." He stepped forwards once. "You helped them. Offered up the perfect target of a Temple filled with Jedi, unable to protect the City, right on a platter. And judging from the looks of things... Yeah, they ate well."

He jerked his hand up, his thumb jutting out to the door behind him, that the once Shield had just exited.

This time he looked at no one in particular.

"You should be walking out that door, not to quit, nah, that's the easy way out. You ought to be out there to see how bad you screwed up. And get back to doing your job. Not listening to some pretentious Senators who don't know what you have sacrificed to make this Galaxy safer."



Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Great Hall

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian, and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music", "Aricsias" Wookiee Clan (pops in and out of posts)
Tag: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Auteme Auteme Black Mynock Black Mynock Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Bernard Bernard Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Valery Noble Valery Noble

Any other day, the Jedi Temple was a mecca for many a weary traveler, whether attune to the Force or not, the facility was something to see and experience. Any other day, the Great Hall is a central point to spot many a Jedi, politician, or celebrity walking through. This was what it was meant to be, this was supposed to be the center of the universe, regardless of where you were from. From the Senate Tower to the famed restaurants as well, there was a wondrous experience and time to be had on Coruscant and more centrally, the Jedi Temple.

This was not any other day.

He didn't have to stay, the big guy had done the best he could withstanding the assault up in the corridors of the Great Hall, but there was nothing but destruction. So Caltin was here, getting his hands as dirty as he always had. The big guy was pulling survivors out of the rubble, just like everyone else, he was also carrying everyone individually that could not walk on their own, and leading those who could, all to the Great Hall where medical staff and healers were gathering. For all of his focus, for all of his talk, the big guy felt like a failure. Yes, he was only one man, but still, Caltin felt like he could have done more. However, instead of dwelling on this, he worked with what and who was around him.

Even the Senate pages who were on hand to take stock in the damages(i.e. - assess blame) were not going to affect him. The world, the Core itself probably would not be in the situation it was without the errors made in the Senate, but again, that was not to dwell if there was to be some level of focus to be had among this devastation.

There were Jedi on the lower levels, a lot of them. Caltin could recognize a few of them, but he was kneeling next to a fallen Jedi. It was someone he knew, a former Temple Guard. Caltin knew him as "Bara", his given name, but the galaxy at large learned to know him as Karki Eusith. The man was troubled, having seen what he did on Ossus not that long ago thanks to many of those who were attacking today. The troubled Knight was here no doubt to make amends and looked to have fallen protecting others. Hopefully, he found some level of peace.

Carrying the body(gathering the personal effects afterward) over to where he would be given some dignity, the big guy stopped for a moment and shook his head. Jedi are supposed to be able to hold and compose themselves even in the worst of times, and Sith do not give quarter, but this? This was all senseless and just more fuel to the fire for those zealots who would look to lower themselves to the Sith's level. The galaxy already had one Ashla Crusade, they didn't need more. Even he did not want to follow up on that little voice in the back of his head that was whispering about "kicking some tail". The larger voice was whispering back "justice, not vengeance." They did not have to "play nice", but the Jedi, for all of the failings, for all of the "jokes" against them, they are meant to be better.

The galaxy used to come together in a situation like this. The galaxy would show the unity where hundreds of thousands of worlds would come together as one and show that no matter where you were from you held a bond that few really understood. That didn't happen today.

Tomorrow is another day.



Location: Coruscant, lower levels
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Romund Sro Romund Sro

Chapter III: On the Hunt
Concealed in the Force and hidden on the 2nd floor of a building that stood on the side of one of many streets in the Coruscant underworld, Valery was waiting for the large beast to pass by. She held an un-ignited lightsaber ready in her hand, and felt the darkness moving by - it had not detected her yet, but she was right on top of him.

The beast had likely picked up on some civilians trying to get away from all the chaos, but she was never going to allow it to reach them. A soft breath escaped her and with blinding Force-augmented speed, the woman jumped from the building. The purple plasma ignited above her and as she came crashing down onto the beast, she'd drive the blade through its skull.

It collapsed with the Master on top of her, who stood up and lowered the blade down by her side as her posture straightened. Her orange eyes scanned the area she was in - it didn't look familiar, but that was hardly strange with how huge Coruscant was. Around her, she spotted various buildings, ranging from grocery stores to a pharmacy and even a large clothing store.

But her eyes would quickly shift to a small group of survivors that came out of hiding.

"The beast is gone, and I don't sense any others nearby. Move that way until you find others. Stay together and help each other." Valery told the small group, as she gestured for the alleyways she came through. While the area was far from safe, she at least knew that her path leading here was cleared.. she had taken care of that.

But as the cloud of darkness from the Sithspawn faded away, her senses opened up to something new. Faintly, she could feel that she wasn't alone within the area. Someone or something else was out there.

With the blade ignited and down on her side, she began to walk down the street, her fierce orange eyes and analytical mind scanning for any threats or people needing help.

"Whoever is out there, show yourself."

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
: Coruscant
Objective: Deceived
Equipment: REC-EVS/01 "Sohei" - Pattern Electro-Vibrosword


An alarm blared and Seto sleepily slapped his hand onto his desk to shut off the alarm. His head remained deep into a pillow, as only a groan escaped him. Seto finally flailed around enough to mute the alarm but the light continued to flash indicating that it wasn’t just a wake up alarm. His eyes opened for a moment, then the Senator finally raised his head and attempted to wipe away the sleep from his face. His eyes turned to his data-slate and with a quick read through Seto bolted upright, adrenaline spiked through his system as he rushed towards the door. But before he even reached the end of his office the door opened and a pair of Royal Guards walked in and approached the Senator.

“Coruscant is under attack.” One of the guards quickly explained. “Initial reports indicate that it is the Brotherhood of the Maw.”

“We apologize for arriving late Senator but we’ve had conflicting reports of your whereabouts.” Another explained.

Seto inwardly cringed, remembering his attempt to throw off a certain delegate who had been hounding him all day for a meeting. Didn’t think that one through. Seto nodded once, his mind refocusing and with a clearer picture he quickly grabbed his coat and gestured for the guards to follow him as he walked out of his office. His commlink chirped to life and he noticed several messages left unread as he grabbed it from his coat, quickly ignoring several messages from a certain delegate, he found himself relaxing slightly. Empress Teta was for the most part safe, its Merchant Fleet had already commenced its Anti-Piracy and Anti-Raid formations while the Royal Defense Fleet had begun invasion defense protocols.

“Make sure the Noble houses have been told in the strongest of words that their Family Guards will be most welcomed to keep the peace.” Seto ordered, the guard to his left nodded and headed off to send the message. “We’ll no doubt be receiving new citizens after this attack. . .”

Even when war is at our door steps bureaucracy manages to be the most pressing matter. Seto sighed as he quickly reached the exit of his office. His speeder awaited with another compliment of guards but this time their armour and insignia indicating they were from a private security firm. He was being charmed yet again, with the news of the attack that meant a new influx of refugees and new economic stimulus packages for the major economic backlash of the attack from the Brotherhood of the Maw. And life goes on.

. . . One Hyper Jump Later. . .

Coruscant appeared far worse than the reports Seto had read on his way to the Alliance’s Capital. The situation was bleak and the heavy smoke from the fires lingered across vast sections of the city planet. If he allowed himself the chance to stretch out his senses with the Force the wave of anguish and desperation would no doubt suffocate the young Du Couteau heir. As his ship landed and the rampart lowered, several Senate Guards approached the platform and escorted Seto safely into the remains of the Senate Building.

Things were far stable within the building, and as Seto connected his data-slate to his Coruscant Office, the litany of information was nearly overwhelming. Perhaps his biggest error was not bringing an adjunct with him to sort through all this mess. His lips twisted into a frown as he skimmed through several reports, his eyes flared with anger and sympathy. Continuing to read through several emergency reports and messages, a notice came about an emergency meeting.

Turning his head to face the Senate Guards, gesturing for them to leave; “I’m sure you’re needed elsewhere. I know where to head.” Seto added as he continued to walk onwards. If there were going to be any more attacks upon the Senate, it would be served best if he was alone, Seto had no intention of continuing to hide away his abilities in midst of another attack.

|| Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo ||



CHAIRS: Annasari Annasari | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Shoma Ike Shoma Ike | Faith Organa Faith Organa
CORPORATIST: Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi
FEDERALIST: Mirana Praji Mirana Praji | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge
CONCORDIST: Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Dalton Crowder
POPULIST: Julius Loghain Julius Loghain
IMPERIALIST: Grand Moff Vel'alari
INDEPENDENT: Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Jak Ross | Hyden Sy | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr


“…and will truly and faithfully, and to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute the powers and trusts reposed in me as Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance.”

The Supreme Justice nodded and handed the copy of the Alliance Charter, which Aerarii Tithe had just made his oath of office on, to an aide. “Congratulations Chancellor Tithe.” The elder Mon Calamari moved to stand next to Tithe for a quick holo opportunity before depending. The judiciary, like all levels of the Alliance government here on Coruscant, did not have the luxury of time given the circumstances.

And indeed strange circumstances these were. A deadly strike by the Brotherhood of the Maw had left Coruscant smouldering and its underworld invested with terrifying creatures. The sudden departure of Rurik Fel Rurik Fel and his entourage without an opportunity to debrief. The startling revelation that the Senate had been manipulated for years by Senator DARKCOM DARKCOM , recently revelled as the Sith’ari in a violent clash of sabres in the heart of the Senate rotunda. Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra in intensive care, leading to Tithe quickly and unceremonially being sworn in as Chancellor to see out the remainder of her turn.

All that and Coruscant had barely made a full rotation of its sun.

And yet, the wheels of democracy waited for no one. “Chancellor,” said his senior chief of staff - that would take some getting used to. “Senator Arturo has requested a meeting in his office.

The Aargauun gave his adviser a double-take.


“You know, I think the Member for Eufornis Major can find his own way here just fine,” Tithe replied. “In fact, how about this - summon all the Committee Chairs and party leaders.” He circled Adhira’s desk - his desk now - and slowly lowered himself into the hoverchair. He’d need to have the office remodelled in his accustomed eccentric fashion, but there would of time for that. He'd long awaited this moment.

“Yes, we have much to discuss.”
News such as this did not require a herald or a the holo news to find its way into the offices of Senators, Leaders of Galactic Alliance members worlds, or even the lowest of the low in the lower levels of Coruscant.

Peace and quiet were not to be found anywhere. Faith was listening to Draco on a private channel.

"How many times Faith?" Draco's words were not meant to be harsh but a stronger reminder of what they had witnessed in the years of their lives. Battle wears on everyone, fear grips the hearts of parents for their children, and Leaders bear the weight of worlds.

"I know Drahr." Words of understanding "I'll begin those preparations." Then a small note appeared from Becca, "Drahr I have to go Chancellor Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe has requested a meeting."

He stood proud everything he had said to her in the last few days she couldn't disagree with.

"kar'taylir darasuum gar" She nodded and smiled closing the communication. "Becca let's go see the new Chancellor." She frowned some, "Let Ikenna Tahj Ikenna Tahj know I'm on the move and taking some of his Knights with me." Faith not sure of why the call but she would answer.

Who knows how long it took but in time Faith arrived and started her way to the Chancellor's Office.......if there was a time now for Health and Medicine it was now.

Location: Lower levels
Objective: Don't get caught Survive
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Rather unfortunately the moment he stepped back out into the street the monster was back. Eyeing Romund, he stared back at the beast rather frightened. He grabbed his new cane tightly ready to need to take it one before a flash of bright purple light crashed down from above over it. Killing the monster Romund realized that the sithspawn wasn’t the powerful Force signature he was sensing, no, it was the apparent Jedi that had just slain it, and he feared that she sensed him too.

Looking at her with a wide eye, others who had been hiding around as well began to come out. Clearly thankful for the Jedi who had just slain the beast who had been threatening them. As she scanned he gulped and turned away from her. Beginning to walk past the people who had gathered in wary gratitude. This cane tapped the ground with each step he took to try and lose her in the crowd.

However, she clearly knew that he was too close and she called out for Romund to show himself. Stopping right where he was, he took some rather concerned heavy breathes, worried of what would happen next. Lowing his head some he paused, before looking back at the Jedi over his shoulder before turning his body back to face her.

Tap… tap… tap…

He stepped closer with his cane, leaning on it rather heavily for his wounded leg. “Over here…” He said after he did the civilians around him stared him down before backing away cautiously. Almost creating an empty path between himself and the Jedi. “I believe I am the one you’re looking for…” His accent had a gentry tone to it, possibly not what she would expect from a threatening practitioner of the dark side and sworn to the Brotherhood of the Maw. In fact he probably didn’t look anything like she may have expected. Wounded, tired, and dressed as a civilian.

The fact that Romund was willing to out himself was almost painful. He needed something, a trick, an ace up his sleeve if he planned to come out of this with the rest of his body intact. If it wasn’t for his leg he would’ve ran as fast as he could away from her. But even then that might not be enough.

“Lemme guess, you’re part of the Jedi cleanup crew for down here? And I'm the trash that needs taken out.” As he spoke, his grip on his cane tightened once more, ready to utilize it if she was already ready to engage. That’s when he began to formulate a plan as to how to keep himself from being steamrolled. Romund was far from having a homefield advantage, and needed every little edge he could if things got serious. But first he needed to see the Jedi’s reaction.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple Ruins
Circle Chambers

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Black Mynock Black Mynock | Auteme Auteme Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec


The masked intruder's words stung. Bernard tightened his fingers into fists, tension forming in his muscles as he bore the indignities the man spewed at the council. Shock and exhaustion melted instead to anger that boiled the blood in his veins, burning with the desire to rebuke. The emotionless facade he'd slipped into again broke for a moment, as he narrowed his eyes and prepared to mirror the anger.

Yet, even as he did, he could feel it was wrong. Giving in to emotion, allowing that anger, that hatred, to take control of one's actions and one's words was not an option for Jedi, not when there was work to be done instead. Emotions would run high, especially after an event like this, which gave all the more cause for restraint to prevail.

There was no emotion, there was only peace.

Rather than giving to the danger of infighting, he stood to move closer to the two to meet them on an even level, coming to a stop several paces away.

"I did not ask for a childish outburst," he said to the masked figure, "I asked for answers."

He turned to Dagon, hoping to find him in a state of mind that was mature enough to be capable of passing Youngling's trials.

"Now, Dagon, what occurred between you and Auteme? Why did she leave?" He asked with a even voice. His eyes still held the truth, reflecting a cold anger that simmered beneath pragmatic restraint.

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

Sssar had heard about the swearing of Tithe as the Chancellor which was a report delivered to him by one of his protocol droids in his mansion near the Senate District. The words did not seem to phase the distant expression of the Filithar. He was thinking of the former Chancellor, Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra , a person that he considered at the very least an ally even if they had not collaborated on anything in a very long time. The role she had played in helping Eclipse get the much needed funds for rebuilding crucial life support systems and structural infrastructure was a favor he never forgotten. That meeting with Maou Maou and Adhira had felt like a lifetime ago "Senator the Chancellor's office has sent a summons for Chairmen and party leadership. You have been included." reported one of Sssar's assistants "Prep the transssport. I will be along sssshortly." A moment longer Sssar's gaze rested on a picture of the Eclipse summit which included those he had lingering thoughts on. What had he been able to accomplish since? Sssar could not name a single change that all his policy stances had accomplished "Enssssure the giftssss arrive at Adhira'ssss recovery room. If sssshe is awake ssssend her my well wisssshessss, if sssshe issss not do not wake her." Sssar spoke in passing to his attendants and aides. He had ordered for the injured woman the finest flowers from Naboo and an exquisite vase made by a renowned artisan from Alderaan.

Soon enough Sssar Taszzn was on the landing pad near the Chancellor's office being escorted to said office by a Senate Commando. The door of the Chancellor's office slid open and the exceptionally large serpent glided through the entrance, circling himself into multiple large coils to contain all 30 feet of his body inside the office, his eyes transfixed on the new Chancellor. He offered no words of greeting, congratulations, or condemnation. Sssar's expression could only be described as focused.
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// OUTRIDER // Defacto Senator for Euforns Major
// LOCATION // Senate Office, Courscant
// THEME //

Impatient did not begin to describe Donovan Arturo. By the time his office had received the Vice Chancellor's message, the black eyed Senator was already on his way to the Executive Building.

Guards in tow, he marched with surgical precision, not too worried, but not too forceful. Just in case any news networks were watching, he appeared to be moving gracefully, with nothing on his mind outside of the protection of the people of the Alliance. Surely ever Senator and Minister would follow this approach. Tithe had been officially sworn in as Chancellor, and he had officially been named the Senator of Eufornis Major- again.

Time was a'wasting.

"Party leadership has been summoned as well" The aide, he had asked her name but as usual had forgotten it, walked alongside him. From what he had gleaned, she was a senior aide to Anden before she died, and was vital in drawing up proposed legislation- most of which died in committee, not because it was bad, but because the Senate had bigger fish to fry. In fact, the Thyrisan had even served for a brief time in the System Assembly- a very impressive record indeed.

"Ah, but what does that mean for us?" He asked, strutting gracefully into the building which housed the Chancellor's Office. Within a few moments, they were inches away from the doors, "Praji?" she responded.

"No" The doors opened, but his Chief of Staff- defacto Chief of Staff, stayed. "Hell no" The words may have been loud enough for others to hear, but he didn't care. Though Praji was a fine Minister of State, she had the potential to be something the Alliance didn't need: Another Chandra. Sure, she was well experienced, and had a record of non-partisanship, the people needed to move on. They needed Chandra 2.0, and only time would tell who that would be.

"Chancellor" He reached out to Tithe, unbothered by either his security or aides. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, though I wish it was under better terms"

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | SENATORS, LEND ME YOUR REPLY
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The pilots of Starfighter Command who had fought in the defence of Coruscant, rookie and veteran alike, mingled in their dress uniforms. The leadership had called them together for a ceremony in Coruscant's main starfighter base to celebrate or commiserate - depending on how you looked at it - the events which had unfolded in the skies above Coruscant. Reserve forces recalled from the outer system were patrolling the system and hunting down any lingering Brotherhood ships, giving those who had taken up arms time to rest and recover.

Commander Chaar was doing what he did best - shmoozing. The valiant efforts of Revenant Squadron to destroy a five-kilometre long Brotherhood battlecruiser were circulating within the upper echelons of Starfighter Command. And if anyone who was someone hadn’t already heard, Tren was more than happy to enlighten them. The glowing addition to his service record could go a long way to a promotion and a most prestigious posting.

A Gran officer wearing the insignia of a major general stepped onto an improvised stage at the far end of the hanger. The crowd fell silent as he stepped up to the microphone. “Let me begin by saying that the tragic events…”

Chaar immediately tuned out as his eyes fell to a face in the crowd - Leon Gallo Leon Gallo . Revenant Seven had abandoned the squadron in the heat of battle to help his Jedi friends, an action unforgivable in the eyes of the Umbaran. He barrelled through the crowd toward Leon.

“And just where the Netherworld were you Flight Officer?” he demanded, keeping his voice hushed to avoid interrupting the ceremony unfolding at the end of the hanger. “I should have you kicked down to Specialist and shipped out to the Bryn'adûl front for pulling a stunt like that! Do orders mean nothing to you, boy?” For someone who had few words to say during the heat of battle, Chaar seemed to have a lot to get off his chest. Tensions in the still newly formed squadron had been at near-boiling point for weeks.

Upon the stage, the Gran officer brought their speech to a close. “Could I call forward Flight Officer Tyliame.” All eyes in the room fell to the A-wing pilot.


Revenant Squadron: Six: Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris | Seven: Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Eight: Len Vert Len Vert | Ten: Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame
Picket Line 253: Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene




The Brotherhood of The Maw had attacked her second home.

First, Csilla was destroyed.

Now, Coruscant.

“Report on assets?”

“Surprisingly, safe. The attack seemed concentrated on physical destruction.”
The lead of the internal security bureau admitted, scratching idly at their scalp while reading through scrawls of data. “No secondary firewalls were even scratched, let alone breached. They’re heathens.”

“But not Luddites. Continue on this. And I want Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei found and detained. Activate a warrant based on our interception of his convenient transmissions sent directly to The Shield of the Jedi — a woman of inaction — ahead of this attack.”

“We have agents on it, Director.”

She nodded once, moving on to the next item of business.

M was still working on reports filing in, responses to her outbound directive and general detailing to account for their sinister situation, when one of her interceptive devices forwarded a communique from the Chancellor’s office to her personal line. In the wake of Chandra’s absence, Tithe had been instituted and issued a summoning to the leaders of their greatly insulted nation, and while the Director had little official business to attend, she had every intention on making it her business.

There could be no further room for error.

The Brotherhood had to be neutered immediately. The fear-mongering they were breeding was disastrous, working both ways, and it was beyond the subversive tactics the Alliance had faced before with former conflicts.

All focus was now on Operation: Heartseek. A mission briefing that was expedited to top priority, though embarrassingly reactive.

“Resource Junior agents to Operation Mundet.” The Chiss motioned to the deputy director, who looked as tired as she felt. “I want the senate’s sanctity re-evaluated. This is humiliating and intolerable. The people of the Alliance deserve better than this.”

Her voice dipped, murmuring an inaudible follow-up. “It’s not fair for them to ask to place their hope in more of the same mistakes.”

With a brief salute, two stationed deputies nodded and went about the organization of the agents within the SIA’s disposal.

“Get me a transport immediately.” The Chiss said suddenly, looking up from the datapad that included the transmission from the Chancellor’s office to fellow leads. Pocketing it, she smoothed her hands over the front of her suit. Fury was simmering just below the surface, threatening to break through, and as she walked to the arranged speeder, flickers of emotion pulled at the corners of her mouth.




Getting access to the building had never been difficult. Over the years, M’s position within the Senate had been used to bolster trust in claims. She was the information resource. Her people, her agents, her data all used to further agenda that The Senate motioned forward.

Usually, she came alone and was surprised at the few questions she received about the number of visible agents she was travelling with today.

Even in the wake of such devastation, smoke still curling from the corners of the hallways, security protocols felt lax. Those that had come with her broke off discreetly, armed with the least offensive options they’d been accepted into the senate halls with.

Good. She thought. All the more to add to the list of ineptitude. A list that she was mentally recounting with each step toward the well-protected office of The Chancellor.

Chancellor not Chandra.

With a hiss, the blaster doors parted ways for the Director and her two bodyguards. They, like many other protectors, parted from her proximity and stood on the other side of the door as it sealed behind the woman who wasted no time entering the intimate affair of the royally red room. The few seats that were available were filled with the bodies of those in charge. Those who had been deceived, and those who were risking The Alliance’s appearance of vulnerability in the wake of such tumult.

“Chancellor Tithe, congratulations.” She greeted, the genuineness of the sentiment debatable. Perhaps at one time, it might have contained some level of pleasure — but after the shortcomings of the leadership, a spin cycle of head honcho was hardly worth feeling any level of pride over.

“It’s a relief to see you, all of you, survived.” With all those gathered, the choice for where to park herself was limited, she remained standing. There was, after all, only one seat she was interested in now.

“And able to gather so readily to respond to the humiliation that’s smoking outside these windows.” She gestured briefly to the darkened skyline, spires of dark vapour rising into the atmosphere.A direct attack on Coruscant is beyond bold.

What’s your first order of business? Discussing next steps on an equally, if not grander reciprocation to The Brotherhood or reconciling with The New Jedi Order?”

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