Hssiss weren't the brightest creatures, but they knew better than to attack seven Sith, two of them Masters. Things might have been different if the acolytes had failed to stay together. Between the water's murk and true night, Ashin caught only the odd glimpse of twisting scales. Soon enough the slimy, grasping weeds parted.
AEI had designed this site with privacy in mind. The dome's exterior was matte and nearly indistinguishable from the lakebed. However, once Ashin swam up through a vertical waterlock, the facility proved to be clean, elegant, even beautiful.
A robed canid caretaker inclined his head in a nod that wasn't quite a bow. <Welcome,> he said in rasping, fluent ur-Kittat. His face would be familiar to any Sith among them who'd seen the tuk'ata - Sith hounds - of Korriban and similar worlds. But he wore clothing and walked on his hind legs.
Ashin pulled out her rebreather, snorted muddy water from her nose, and returned the nod, equal to equal. <Thank you for permitting the visit.> She introduced the party briefly and turned to them. "The qo'saarai tuk'ata caretakers are Sith in their own right. Tuk'ata include both sapient and semi-sapient subspecies."
<Many years ago,> the caretaker explained, <the alchemist Rave Merrill pioneered the process that gave many of us opposable digits and the capacity to walk upright indefinitely. Since her death there are many of us, but we keep our privacy well. I would request the respect of your silence, within reason.>
Ashin translated for those who didn't speak Ancient Sith.
Illian Dragos
Kaalia Pavanos
Marcis Sorr
Darth Daiara