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The interrogation of Pandora

Lunasi Vizsla

The location: Sith academy inquisitor room #3

Pandora lies wounded on one of the Inquisitor benches within the Sith Academy of Coruscant. She was arrested for murder of the civilians on Coruscant. She was also being accused to be a jedi. The girl indeed did kill a few of the civilian together with many guards who were standing in her way at the spaceport, shuttlebay. She killed them in the most brutal way possible, using the force to pull their spine out of their body and take of their heads through the usage of their very own weapons! Some of them had their own spiral cord up their skull while others their organs lied on the ground. All the people she murdered were not exactly done in a mild way.

The sith inquisitor room was a place filled with devices all made for interrogation, some of them were torture devices while others were purely made to extract information from the subject. A certain atmosphere was in the area. The dark side of the force was very strong, the things the force were forcing people to experience were mostly negative emotions such as fear and anger. There was a certain stench within the room, from the decent victims who were interrogated here. The thing she was able to smell was blood, mostly dried up blood with some liquid versions kept for research. It was fairly easy to smell it.

The girl was lying on the bench with her hands and feet shut in chains, this was so she could not escape. Her body was drained of the force before by the sith lord who arrested her. Still something was not on it's place. The girl had this insane force sensitivity pressure with most likely a very high Midi-chlorians. Her body was wounded all over, blood all over her body. It all started at her head below her eye sockets. The blood that dried up in an exact line and went all towards the tip of chin. The big amount of blood around her nose and mouth, while her center part was cut all the way over with minor cuts done by the electricity. Her nails were completely red in color while it still very slowly seemed to drop down. Now the question on this could be, was the wound deep? She had no idea what would be happening around her, but one thing was sure. She will get towards her master! Her energy of the force resembled nothing like the papers were saying, a jedi had a white colored kind of force aligned on the good side. Her force was as dark as it could be. The most cruel type of sith, the murderers among murderers had the same type of aura as she had. The force sensitivity of her body was easily sensed her body was not near a true shutdown. Her connection with the dark side of the force was strong. Her fingers started to very slow move, "Master...master...I will come master..", she had whispered.

[member="Pandora Liline"]

the door whooshed open and the large man stood in the open doorway nearly taking up the full height and width of the frame. With a armored boot he stepped in and a droid with a tray of various items on a tray wheeled in behind him and moved off to the side. The big man called a chair over with the force and set it in front of the table.

"Can you hear me girl?" Ordo asked as he looked at her from behind his mask.

Lunasi Vizsla

The girl her eyes were slowly opening. The strength of the force was increasing and her consciousness was fully regained, "Am I with my master?" The words were pre-mature a certain tone had shown that she was struggling to speak fluently. She tried to move but did not yet know what held her back. She looked at the man within the armor and said, "Let me go...I have to go to my master.."

[member="Pandora Liline"]

Ordo began inspecting the tools of interrogation as the girl spoke.

"And who is your master?" Ordo said casually.

He put down a scalpel and slowly removed a gauntlet as he looked back to her.

"Why were you captured?"

Lunasi Vizsla

"Master, Ember of Valh... Valh, my master now let me go!" The girl said as emotions were starting to come forth. A certain grim aura appeared around her and "They were in my way... I want to go to my master! I will make bad things..happen...if you don't let me go.." She said as she was starting to struggle slightly against the handcuff chains, "They get in my way, they die"

[member="Pandora Liline"] [member="Ordo"]

Seras had arrived mostly for fun and mostly because she wasn't sure what the Dark Lord himself would be able to get out of the child... and oh it was a child as she stood outside waiting her turn at her. Nothing easier to break a child then. "Want some candy?" She asked one of the men next to her and he took it removing his helmet just long enough to put the candy in. Then he was coughing and she moved b while he coughed up the piece with the monoedged blades running along it to slice mouths coated in red. she had plenty for the little child all her special recipe and with a mechanical hiss while breathing stood outside the room.

Lunasi Vizsla

The girl started to scream as she was not let loose.She kept on shaking her body furiously around. The dark side of the force was only getting more powerful around her by the second as she exclaimed, "MASTER OF VAHL! MASTER OF VALH!" Her eyes were starting to color more orange within the darkness and She did not seem so kind to the new woman as the young girl screamed, while tears of blood were falling from her eyelid to the ground.

[member="Seras Goto"]

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