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Nobody has been defeated yet, unless you count the Vong who was incapacitated momentarily. Maybe you could count Hion, too, but I think he'll be fine. The Vong needs help destroying Sarge and Cira, so you could join in there. Only reason I'm calling him the Vong is because I can't remember his name, sorry Tef.
The only other thing I'm clued up in the Valley is my side of things. I've just caught Ayden Cater, the Lord Protector of OP, and am about to whoop him a new nerf herder beside my Zabrak friend, Salvor. Could use some help there, also, as there is a slight annoyance called 'Electrobe' throwing grenades at me.
If you're unsure of who to join, I recommend taking the time to sit down and sift through the entire thread, reading every post in detail. Then you can be sure of what's going on and where.
In the valley the Vong and Balaya are about to duel Cira and Sarge, go help them and keep that pressure up. You have Glitter as back up.
I am in one of their nests throwing soldiers into the large minefield they laid down while Hion is taking out the large AA presence they brought in so quickly.
[member="Salvor Arnex"]
Also yeah like [member="Menoetius"] said take a moment to sift through and you'll find a group. Electrobe might be a good target as well
Currently the force bubble that nulls the ability to use the force is still ACTIVE, but we are working on getting that blown up. If people can get two live Ysalamiri, that would be awesome.
Tsavong was thought to be felled, but he awoke, only to start the attack against Sarge Potteiger and unknowingly, the Lady Protector Cira herself.
But at present, need to help the following - those in the sky doing fleet stuff, feel free to send some precise blasting of OP forces in the Valley -- we can always rebuild it and it isn't an actual civilian location -- just memorials we can rebuild
[member="Darth Banshee"] -- needs to get evac'd
[member="Hal Terrano"] - requires back up
[member="Tyger Tyger"] - requires medical aide --- either through conventional means or through the Force once the bubble is neutralized.
[member="Hion the Herglic"] -- what's your status and can you squish some OP ass?
@Menoetius @Salvor Arnex - are attacking Electrobe and Ayden Cater
[member="Darth Nephthys"] and [member="Darth Tuk'ata"] - are enroute to help in any way with the valley, likely Ayden Cater
Current Protectorate Forces that need to be neutralized
Ilsa Voll -- the chick in the tank
Canal Tal'Verda -- he is a dread guard that is trying to tear down statues
hk-36 -- assassin droid that needs to get blown up
Electrobe -- guy who is with Ayden Cater protecting him and throwing grenades
Ayden Cater - the Lord Protector in the Temple
Kaida Taldir - The chick who can manipulate ice
It appears that the big reveal is that Ordo, a beloved and bad ass Mandalorian, has revealed himself to be the Dark Lord of the SITH!
Chaos ensues as he calls to his Mandalorian brethren and one sith forces to purge the Protectorate from Coruscant. Try to double up on people, we have superior numbers coming in every day.
We will need to double up and crush as many as we can in a pvp combat to win this, folks. Use our massive amounts of numbers to grab an OP char and slam them with as much as you can.
Remember, this is their desperate attempt, we have the defensive advantage.
[member="Countess of Báthory"] I am engaging Cira and Sarge with Tsavong I had my staff spit some venom at them while Glitter is in the vallet working to destroy the bubble
Knight is engaged but the species she is fighting well read the wookiee for it to interact with solid objects takes more effort and concentration. It isn't really a fight since he would be tiring himself out just using those blades he is throwing.
[member="Shargon'Ta"] well that character has the greatest flaw ever it can't actually grasp solid objects without heavy concentration can't run faster enough to actually catch her and is smoke. Great for spying and sneaking bad for combat in any form.
Finding it I can't help with. But if someone can spot it and relay that info to an awaiting ship in low orbit, I can pulverize the area it's at with turbolaser fire.
Might level a city block and kill a few thousand civilians in the process. But hey, what's a little collateral damage?
Finding it I can't help with. But if someone can spot it and relay that info to an awaiting ship in low orbit, I can pulverize the area it's at with turbolaser fire.
Might level a city block and kill a few thousand civilians in the process. But hey, what's a little collateral damage?
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] In addition, if you're looking for something to do. Start RP'ing the fleet moving in and winning. Its background noise to be sure, but were supposed to have "overwhelming force" so you can start making sure thats enforced in the skies