Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Iron Enclave 1: Rust and Blood

Miko Evans

"We should have landed," he ground out into the helmet com as he pulled hard to the left to avoid a missile. The missile exploded, sending flak shrapnel into his TIE, overloading the shields and shredding the fragile, solar panel laden wings to shreds. Frantically he tried to stabilize, rerouting power from his starboard shield and the small amount stored in his remaining solar panel wing. He'd heard rumors of single winged TIEs in the distant past but he had a feeling that he wasn't going to be dogfighting in this wreck anytime soon.

"I'm hit," he hissed into the com. He had done an excellent job stabilizing for a moment but another explosion from one of his ion engines spelled the end for that. His TIE began spinning and careened into the forest, the foliage ripping apart the interceptor. Miko was tossed around in his crash webbing, cracking his helmet in two. When the ship finally stopped moving he slumped forward and groaned. Beaten and battered from the crash he looked up at the splintered cockpit. A massive branch had pierced the transparisteel and nearly impaled the young man. He sighed heavily and reached down to the controls and tapped a few buttons. The emergency crash protocol popped the cockpit module like a walnut with a hiss. The joints hissed as it tried to open and split the branch and swung open.

He was a few meters off the ground and he wasn't looking forward to the fall but with a click, he had undone the webbing and he fell through branches and landed with a squelch as he landed in mud and decomposing leaves. The Rebels were waiting for him, blasters pointed. Blood trickling down his forehead and into his left eye he was forced to squint at the group but nodded.

"I know, I know..." He put his hands on his head surrendering.

Nica Dakkar Mazrim Caide/Taim Mazrim Caide/Taim Ladybug Ladybug Sabella De Vrais Sabella De Vrais

Nica Dakkar

"No..." Spin, weave, twist. "... karking ..." A blast to her left bathing the shield in shrapnel - far enough, it holds. "... chit!"

Two more going on in front of her, she twisted wildly to the side, swearing loudly as her shield popped and flak shrapnel all but bathed her fighter's hull, cockpit cracking and one of the interceptor's wings quite literally being torn from its socket.

Attempt to turn her impending crash into a miraculous recovery failing - even she couldn't fly a one-winged fighter whose power generator was starting to make some rather unfortunate noises back to base in one piece - she snarled out a string of swear words sufficient to make a Corellian blush before activating her ejector seat. Just in time too, since the interceptor tore into the forest mere moments later.

Repulsors leaping into action, she crashed through the treetops with significantly less force, pulling her helmet off her head and kicking off the pieces of foliage on her suit just as half a dozen chitheads with blasters pushed their way out of the brush.

"Oh, come on, that's just unsporting!"

Not that she had ever shown any regard whatsoever for fairness in battle, but in the moment her complaints seemed justified.

As they approach the downed pilots, blaster fire erupts from the other side of the small forest, existing purely for oxygen production. Mazrim Caide and his small impromptu rescue group storm the rebels, trading shots and ducking for cover. All except Caide himself. Caide sprints straight forward, popping off accurate shots to the head and chest while moving to the pilots location.

"GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR NOW." He shows no care for rank in that moment, engaging in violent and destructive close combat a second later, viciously dispatching two of the insurgents with point blank blaster pistol shots to the gut before grabbing a combat knife off a corpse and going to work like some savage, cold blooded animal.

"There are two sith here, Sabella De Vrais Sabella De Vrais And Ladybug Ladybug . Find them and they'll debrief you. Go, We'll cover you!."

Tags: Miko Evans Nica Dakkar

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