Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG The Jedi Tournament

Hello Chaos! How are we all? Are we well? Have you all had a drink today? Right! Okay! Serious Caden time!

Myself and Ko Vuto Ko Vuto have been discussing the potential of a little tournment for the Jedi writers on Chaos. It's still in it's very barebones stage but I figured I'd put a thread up to test the waters and see how you all felt about the idea we have!

So, what we're thinking is a combat tournament. The story can be told multiple ways IC (we're coming up with the best idea) and the idea would be that everyone gets equal weapons and equipment so everyone is on the same level technologically. We'd then have a big social thread to introduce the tournament before breaking off into individual threads for each bracket. Each thread would be a short (think 5 or so posts, they won't need to be overly long) thread where two Jedi fight!

Obviously the fights will have some pretty strict rules. Can't have Jedi killing each other. That probably won't go down very well with the bosses..

The threads would then be put before a panel of judges (of whom is still yet to be decided) who would judge each person some criteria. Think akin to how invasions used to be judged, The winner of the judging will go forward in the tournament and so on and so on. Eventually, the winner of the final should recieve a cool prize if I can bribe the right people into making some super cool stuff for the winning person.

I figure it'll be a cool way to write with people you've not written with before, and will offer some cool threads to our non violent people. You could spectate, or heal those after a fight that went a little too far or you could be a shady character looking to make some money off of gambling. There's a lot of cool possibilities!

So yeah. I figured I'd test the waters. See who'd be down for this!

Edit: So one of the downsides I can see with this is different powered Jedi being paired up together. Say a Padawan vs a Master. Obviously this is slightly easier to negate in the earlier rounds but gets fairly harder in the later rounds. Hence why I'm thinking (and again this is just in planning) that none of the judging (or maybe only some of the judging) will be around a character's power level to try and make it fair. Honestly I'll take ideas at this point.

Extra Edit: Apparently Chaos now has a dice roll system. That's another option to decide who wins and loses. Highest score out of three rolls, for example! I'm just putting options out there!
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Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano - I reckon this would probably only be limited to Jedi. However, I wouldn't in any way be opposed to carrying out a Sith alternative version of this, if the interest was there from the bad guys?

Tala Vale Tala Vale - Definitely training only, so that no-one gets hurt. However as with all combat activities, there's a risk of getting hurt. That's where our healer folk come in if they wished to get involved!
I don't think I will have the time to join in on this, but wanted to chime in with my support. Sounds really cool and I hope it gains a lot of traction! One thing I would recommend - if you get enough participants - would be to have varying categories dependent on level. That way you're less likely to have unequally powered duels, since it will be between equally ranked characters, which might make it feel a little more fulfilling for those involved. And yes, dice rolls are definitely a great feature to include for things like this.

Good luck! ~ <3
As cool as it would be to participate in this, I'm kinda up to the gills in threads, with more in the pipeline. But I may still spectate... if not with Rik, then with one of my other Jedi alts.

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