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The Mandalorian Enclave

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The Karjr | Roster & Information

Current Infamy Level : I // Karjr
Thread : Blood Debt

Action Report : Vren Rook engaged both the flagship of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Eternal Fleet respectively in naval combat with his Basilisk War Droid doubling as a starfighter to aid Volker and Orion Fett in their boarding actions. The continuous assault finally drove the Confederate Fleet on the retreat.
Current Infamy Level : II // Vaunted
Thread : Silent Night

Action Report : Vren Rook, Garrus Garon, Omen Mereel and Gwyneira Krayt engaged some Special Forces from the Eternal Empire's assault on Ra'Katha. The onslaught had been heavy from the Imperial forces but the group of Mando'ade managed to drive them away from the residential area eventually without too much damage to the area.
Current Infamy Level : III // Renown
Thread : Shatterpoint

Action Report : Vren Rook was engaging Mawite forces on Tython when his Basilisk War Droid picked up the Enclave Wanted signal for Sith Lord Darth Carnifex in their area of operation and they changed course to engage the Sith Lord and his Apprentice just as they buried bounty hunter and Mando'ad Koda Fett beneath the ground. Vren ended up engaging and drawing the attention of the Sith while the War Droid dug up Fett. After Fett was freed and he briefly took off to fetch his ship, Rook and the Basilisk attacked the Sith head on. After an arduous battle and the aid of spirits called upon by a Jedi ritual, the duo ended up dropping numerous explosives on the Sith before Fett rejoined to drop another explosive that decimated the area and crippled Carnifex beyond recognition. Unfortunately, the Sith Lord is still alive and at large, albeit licking his wounds.
Sign me up, plz.
  • Current Infamy Level: Tier I
  • Thread: Gotta’ Get Gorba
  • Action Report: Juno Wren ventured to Kwenn Station to capture Gorba the Hutt, head of the Hutt Space Consortium, and claim the bounty on his head. Single-handedly, she fought and defeated two of his most vaunted enforcers, the savage mercenary Karkosuchus, and a master of the Force named Sars Sarad, as well as Gorba himself.
Current Infamy Level: Tier II
Thread: Invasion of Rothana
Action Report: Juno Wren and her squad engaged the being known as Kyrel Ren and the Knight of Ren Yamou during the Brotherhood invasion of Rothana, stopping him from retrieving the intel from the derelict First Order depot. The Devourer took heavy damage during the battle but is still presumed “undead”. The only survivors from the squad are Juno and Khael Vhijaric.
Current Infamy Level: Karjr
Thread: Gravity - Maw invasion of Rothana
Action Report: Shai Maji engaged the powerful Sith Lord, Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis in single combat and managed to defeat the sith by stabbing him through the gut and shoot him off the edge of a cliff with several blaster bolts, after a deadly and harsh duel in which she sustained serious injuries.
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"It's time to turn in the badge"

Due to both recent and upcoming IC events, I think it's time to retire Tayl from the Karjr. I enjoyed the few times she got to be a marshal but the story is taking her on a new path

Cor'tul Renfro

Looks fun sign me up. "I can bring you warm or I can bring you in cold, your choice."
Current Infamy Level: I
Thread: Battle for the Kathol Outback [Part 1]- Junction (SO/ME)
Action Report:
Corbin infiltrates a Sith meeting with Kal'Shebbol to both prevent the surrender of the planet to the Sith and to protect the lives of the delegates from assassins targeting both the Sith and delegates. The mission could be considered both a success and a failure, considering the delegates did not surrender (and all delegates were either rescued or killed), but the planet still fell to the Sith Order anyway. Many of the delegates were killed, but Corbin managed to get a few to safety, even managing to get them past Sith, namely Zlova Rue and Alina Tremiru. The delegates captured by Darth Ophidia were not able to be rescued.

Volo Dragr was able to mostly keep Darth Ophidia and Adeline Noctua relatively preoccupied and even used his crushgaunt to release a blast of netherworld energy, which had an unpredictable effect on Corbin by boosting his Force connection and bypassing the Living Force straight into the Cosmic Force, albeit temporarily. Corbin was able to use this to get a few of the delegates outside the building, with a little unintended help from Zlova Rue, who seemed to have been targeting everyone, even her fellow Sith.
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