Bob and Martha, nope he had not heard of them, after all Terminus was a big place and he did not spend that much time there.
"Have to look 'em up when we get their, meet the family", he grinned, although he did not have any intention of doing so.
Light flashed on the control panel, the 'blank Shot' about to come out of hyper and enter the atmosphere of Far Pando. He pulled his legs down off the panel,
"Brace yaself, the Shots got a mean kick". Only seconds later, Eldin felt the bolt and the pressure of the ship dropping as he was pushed into the back of his seat. He could have it fixed of course, but elected not to as he liked the feeling, it woke him up and put his senses on edge. Only real problem was that anything not secured down went flying. He would fly manual from this point, turning away from the girl working his instruments and preparing to cut through the atmosphere and toward the meeting place. The ship shuddered, some of the damage it took coming through Kessel and getting too close to one of the many black holes had ripped off some of the sensor array and stability was effected, but his patch work held.
He engaged a homing beacon that ORION had installed so they could track his ship once he arrived. It would only take minutes before the 'Shot' would land at the appointed landing pad where he was to meet up with the smugglers away from prying eyes and any authorities of the planet. Not that there were. As the ship approached the landing pad, mobile missile turrets turned their target on him, and on ground men waited from the ship to land, all of them armed to the teeth. Now he regretted picking up the girl.
"Stay right here, just gonna arrange for fuel". Internal sigh, he doubted she would fall for the lie now after seeing the 'welcoming mat'. If the girl decided to check the control panel, she would notice the 'Shot' had plenty of fuel and gain access to the manifest, although the 'cargo' was not on it, not in it's true registration.
Eldin left the ship armed with his twin pistols, fully loaded. At the bottom of the load ramp the smugglers approached him cautiously and formed up in a defencive line.
"You're late", one man walked toward him.
"Had some trouble in the Maw at Kessel", he pointed to his ship, the damage evident on it.
"I'm here now and got what ya wont". He placed his hands on his hips, a habit to place his hand close to his guns.
The man walked passed him, toward the load ramp,
"Alright, lets go see them than, you'll get paid after I am satisfied everything is in order".