Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign The Knife's Edge | Galactic Alliance

Narrator of The Galactic Alliance

"Today, the Alliance resumes its vigil. We will shine our light into the dark places of the void and expose what has thus far remained hidden from our sight and if we must, we will do whatever is necessary to defend your liberties and repel the forces who seek to take them from you. In the coming days, my administration will introduce a new budget to the Senate for consideration to ensure that our Defense Forces have the resources necessary to safeguard our sovereignty. I have directed Alliance High Command to assist neutral worlds to our Galactic North in their own efforts to remain independent from growing imperialism. " -- Chancellor Adhira Chandra



Planetary representatives throughout the Core reaching out to The Alliance had become something close to routine. The requested interventions typically revealed and smoothed over civil unrest only. In this case, aiding the Intelligentsia of Yinchorr had uncovered more than The Alliance had expected. Baked into the unforgiving and harsh environment of the inhospitable planet on the outskirts of the Core, unmarked training regimes had been exposed.

A small base had been created on Yinchorr, just outside of both The Core and New Imperial’s official reach. A base that was heavy with the implications of it being Imperial outpost in a supposedly neutral territory. The facts were bordering on insufficient and conjecture, save for the accounts recorded by the Alliance’s commandos. And, with varying levels of resistance, two foreign assets returned from Yinchorr: Amon Vizsla (1) by the hands of General Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt and Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku (2) via his surrender to the Senator of Aargau, Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe .

Even with audiovisual feeds, and eye witness accounts, the information didn’t immediately lead to any sort of decision or action. But it did put the democratic government perilously close to the power of suggestion and warranted action by committee.


ATTENDEES PERMITTED: Senators and GADF Personnel with High-Security Clearance
Following the Skirmish on Yinchorr with Imperial assets, the Chancellor of The Alliance called an emergency closed session of the senate to brief them on the discovery. Communicated only as a grave matter of national security, the top secret nature and importance of briefing would not be lost on the senators.

Accountability would be found this day, as much as deliberation for what the next few months of The Alliance and their allies would look like.

Noteworthy items on the agenda would recognize Adhira and Alliance High Command personally oversaw the Yinchorr operation under the auspices of National Security and details of the skirmish. The expected outcome would fall to The Chancellor to make a decision that affects the Galactic Alliance Defense Force and their relationships beyond the core.


Feelings around the debriefing started badly and quickly became worse.

The small base they’d believed to be an internal training centre had been swarmed with organized agents in unmarked armour, and after a significant level of struggle from both sides, had been blown to smithereens. Those that survived were tasked with uncovering any details they could, scavenging for clues for the unnamed third party. Suspicions had been made on the battlefield, and accusations were being made on the transport back.

It had been an Imperial fed insurgency.

Which left all in attendance with the mutual concern of what was to come next.

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Location: Coruscant -
Upcoming meeting
tags: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Corala Gethsverg | Fable Solborne | Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge | Westenra Mina Westenra Mina | Ordon Trozky | @elayne daklana

Faith now stayed at the embassy on Coruscant, there was still some reconstruction taking place but it was safe enough that she could reside within it's protected walls and feel at home. As much as one could be at home away. If that makes any sense.

As she read through the upcoming notifications from Alderaan, it was clear she needed to go home and meet with the High Council. There was quiet in the north Duke Kyle DeVoe Duke Kyle DeVoe and his daughter Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe . She would send them word when she was home and they would work to complete the preparations for the coming out of the young nobles. It could be viewed as frivolous and archaic but to the young men and women it was something she was told they looked forward to, presentation to the court and a night of celebration.

The Alliance had many fronts to deal with Faith wondered if a meeting with Andien Gale Andien Gale was warranted.

L Laira Darkhold had not checked in and Theo was on patrol in Alderaan space looking for pirates, and cartel ships.

Even as she went through each of these when her diplomatic channel chimed it made Faith jump inside. What could it be? She switched over and saw it encrypted, a quick swipe of her fingers, released the lock and the message became clear Grave Matter of National Security. She noted the time and made her preparations to go.

"Becca, let's get ready to go" Her aide for all things but she couldn't help with this really but Faith kept her close just in case she needed her to do some investigative work.

"Yes Mam" Becca put her cup of chandrilan tea sighing as she did so. She could warm up it up later.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.


Location: en-route to Coruscant
Ship: Mariner IV
Tagging: Faith Organa Faith Organa
Posts: 1

Marina didn't much care for city life, much less for a planet sized city. Where were the trees? the grass...the free roaming mountain goats?
Ok, so the blonde was from Northern Alderaan, namely Aiden Pass, a mountain providence where her father @ Duke Kyle DeVoe and his father Onan before him and so on for the many generations pass had overlooked and governed The Northern Providence. Her father currently held High Council under their Queen Faith Organa Faith Organa

Currently the Queen of Alderaan were on Coruscant, among the Galactic Alliance serving as a senate member.
Marina's father had sent word to their queen of the Council's plan in building up not only more defenses for Alderaan, but look toward improving their offensive strike capabilities. namely the Council were debating on the issue of past pacifistic practices that had repeatedly left their beloved world open for attacks...namely from zealous siths. Siths who loathed the fact that Alderaanii spirit could never be broken, despite their repeated efforts in crushing it.

Along with word on the Council's new direction, Duke Kyle encoded the fact that his daughter were currently en-route to be by her queen's side.
Alderaan was still vulnerable. Duke Kyle sent his daughter to speak for him.

Marina sped toward the epicenter of the galaxy, toward Coruscant in her ship the Mariner IV..

She would seek and speak to their queen on behalf of her father.
Although Marina were conflicted over the new direction her father were proposing, she were his daughter, and would do her best to represent him, before her queen. She knew her father and queen had the best intentions for her beloved world of Alderaan.

Still, why would her father who knew and understood that his daughter Marina were a pacifist, send her to represent him in matters of military strength?
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Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State

Location | Coruscant
Objective | Brief the Senate

The skirmish on Yinchorr had been a harrowing realization for the newly elected Chancellor of the Alliance. With one hand she was striving to reunite the planets that belonged to the so-called Core region of the galaxy, but with the other, she would now be holding the New Imperial Order at bay. Adhira rounded the corner into the small antechamber below the rotunda where her podium was waiting to ascend. Several of the staff were already taking their places, including the Rodian woman who had temporarily taken the place of Mina Praji as her Staff Aide. Carolina Tevinter, on the other hand, had taken the role of Vice Chair. She was the most obvious choice for the position given that she had become the de facto leader of the Federalist bloc. They would be the key to her government being successful.​

"Right, shall we?" she said as she hiked her billowing robes and ascended the podium to the central dais. Her face was hardened to showing expression but in truth, she was quite anxious for the proceedings that would soon follow. "We have to be prepared for anger from the other side, and the imperialists," she said softly to the two individuals that made up the officers of the Senate alongside her. She did not trust the Rodian yet, so she kept her comments vague. She gave the Staff Aide a curt nod and the alien woman murmured into her communique. The podium hummed to life and shifted gently beneath their feet. Adhira looked up into the crowd of Senators as the ceiling spun open and the Chancellor's Podium rose into the air.​

The cameras that usually recorded and projected the Senate proceedings were absent and every door to the chamber was closed. Only voting members of the Senate had been summoned so even the pods that usually held groups of their delegations were occupied now by a single person per pod. She did not envy Emmen Tagge Emmen Tagge now, standing on this side of things. Making the hard decisions and then having to answer for them could not have been easy. She waited a moment, made a few motions to seem like she was shuffling important things around before she pressed the button that turned on her mic and began to address the Senators.​

"Senators, I apologize for the lateness of the hour," her voice echoed out into the emptiness, "however, a grave matter of national security must now be brought to your attention. Yesterday, intelligence reached me which conveyed the presence of an imperial force on the planet Yinchorr. Troubling reports of a training ground and of war readiness exercises being carried out alarmed Alliance High Command. Acting as Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Forces, I authorized High Admiral Pryce to dispatch a task force to Yinchorr to investigate the veracity of the intelligence report."

Adhira could already hear mutterings of outrage and she paused to assess just how loudly they were protesting. "Unfortunately, the investigation did confirm my worst fears... The New Imperial Order was behind the disturbance on the neutral planet... and a small skirmish ensued. Given the urgency of the request from Yinchorr, I felt it was necessary to act immediately, however, I now bring this matter before the Senate."

"In consultation with Alliance High Command and the National Security Council, I am recommending that the Alliance immediately withdraw all forces from our joint bases of operations with the New Imperial Order. This includes those within former Sith Empire territory. I believe this will send a clear message to our... dear friends that we will not tolerate subterfuge at our gates," she heard a murmur of what she thought was approval, but it was still hard to tell. "I yield the floor."

Adhira stepped back from her microphone and took a seat on the metal bench behind her to observe. If her course of action was not forceful enough, she trusted that the senate would guide her hand.​
It was day on Kuat when the urgent call for a special session of the Senate had come to his desk. Seated on his comfortable chair the Lord-Regent tuned in the session; instinctive worry creeping through his usual stoic demeanor. The shift of powers from the populists to the federalists and the election of Adhira Chandra had been a terrible turn of events. A sentiment shared not only on Kuat but on Corellia as well.

"Honorable Chancellor, Kuat seeks recognition." his hologram jittered as he stood up with the help of his walking cane. "It is troubling that there has been an operation sanctioned against, as of currently allies, on a neutral world outside of Alliance jurisdiction. Surely such a provocation will not remain unanswered by the Imperials. Such a rash decision can be very costly, Chancellor! While I support the return of Alliance soldiers back home, it is necessary we immediately solve this mistake diplomatically and cease any hostilities outside our borders."

A sigh and, "I yield the floor."

He sat back and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. A war between two key clients of the Kuat Drive Yards could be as beneficial as it could be self-destructive. Loghain's thoughts wondered to Maou Maou . The time to act might be sooner than expected.

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe | Faith Organa Faith Organa

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.


Location: Approaching Coruscant
Ship: Mariner IV
Tagging: Faith Organa Faith Organa Julius Loghain Julius Loghain
Post: 2

"Correct...assistant to Senator Queen Faith Organa of Alderaan system.
Transmitting registry and counselor pass codes now." Marina replied as she approached the mega city at sub-light. She had just emerged not a minute before, a half million kilometers distance. It were what she were instructed to do upon entering Coruscanti system. It would give her plenty of time to get her passes approved for approach to the Senate building.

In short time, she received the clearances to start her descension toward the city.

"Affirmative, heading to landing platform LP-007." Marina complied and headed down toward the city planet.

City air...
Marina felt the warm air of the city upon breaking her ship's door seals. It were difficult to say in which direction it were blowing, for it weren't really influenced by weather really, but by the heavy traffic of vessels scooting about overhead and everywhere.
Looking at her wrist crono, she sighed, knowing quite well the lateness in the hour she had landed. Had she totally missed the senate session and her queen altogether? Surely, her queen would be greatly disappointed she had not made it on time.

"Lady DeVoe of House DeVoe?" A man with what looked like two assistants came up to greet her as she stepped off the Mariner IV's ramp. The landing pad lights illuminated them well. She could see they were officials of some kind. Perhaps from the senate building or welcoming party?

"Yes... I'm Marina DeVoe of House DeVoe, Alderaan. I'm with the Alderaanii representatives...or should have been. I think I've missed today's session."

"No Lady DeVoe, the Chancellor and invited senators are still in session. Senator Organa has informed us that you would arrive by this time." The man replied, before he introduced his self.
He were with the senate security and administration, here to welcome her and take her to her senator.

"I was informed this is your first time visiting our senate building...Coruscant, even?" he then went on...

"Yes and no. Have been on Coruscant of a few occasions, but no, never visited the senate building, no."

Marina were then invited to follow him as he lead her to the main building, passing through a few security checks. All went well as she had tagged clearances and was soon inside the main hall and atriums which surrounded the greater senate auditorium. Only that the entrances to the main senate floor were all closed.
She had never been in the building before, but why were the doors to the floor closed?

And it were this distraction by which she missed Becca, whom had come up to her right. Despite what was a late evening, there were quite a few representatives from many systems and cultures that Marina had never met or been to that were still about in the main halls. As such, It were easy to miss her friend. But all it took were a nudge before she turned.
"Becca!" now there was a familiar face by which lit Marina's smile. She and Becca had become good friends...both serving their queen with devotion and heart.

"How are you? glad to see you again" She hugged her friend.
"It's been like months..." So their quaint get together went, before getting to proper business of their protocol.

"Closed session?" Marina questioned her friend.

"How is that-...possible?
I mean, there are only a fraction of the representatives allowed to attend a given session?" It were confusing to Marina, as that were not how she knew the senate to function...not in a Democratic government anyway... A pang of nervousness, hit her in the abdomen. This didn't sound right to her...
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Felipe Valiente

The new senator from Tanjay IV listened respectfully as the wizened chancellor made her opening pitch. Perhaps it was his comparative lack of experience in political affairs on this scale that led him to the exact opposite conclusion, he thought, until the Senator from Kuat's hologram made the same point. He took a sip from his water, collected his thoughts in a few brief bullet points, and queued from his podium a request to be recognized. When his turn came, the young man rose to his feet and activated the microphone.

"Madame Chancellor," began Felipe, his voice steadier than he felt. "I rise to echo the sentiments of the distinguished member for Kuat, and to add further my own thoughts. As troubling as this alleged interference is, the only thing to be gained from abrupt disengagement is more distrust and a faster deterioration to the relationship between ourselves and our allies in the New Imperial Order. Surely, the solution to an apparent overstep is not to estrange ourselves further, but to seek understanding and context -- and then to rebuild the trust between our nations."

He hesitated, finger tapping the edge of the podium silently. "If we take the proposed actions, we can be seen as provocateurs as much as provoked; sinners as much as sinned against. Again I echo the thoughts of the honorable member for Kuat: if there is a message to deliver to the New Imperial Order, let us deliver it clearly and diplomatically, not through the movement of troops, not at the risk of appearing as belligerents. Thank you, Honorable Chancellor. I yield the floor."

He keyed the microphone off and resumed his seat.


Horcull Thorwel

His attempts and schemes of a war between the Alliance and the Confederacy were derailed after a majority vote of Senators ratifying the deal proposed to them by the Confederacy. Kryo held no love for them, but his intentions weren’t based around that. No, his intentions were based on one thing that filled his pockets and other associates of his.

The War Economy.

Whenever a war sparked, the economy was boosted although he’d get a bigger slice of the pie that the common citizen.

But today’s gathering of Senators could provide an opportunity for him and other colleagues of his that tend to favor policies and commitments towards war. The newly elected Chancellor opened the discussion, followed by Senators of Kuat and Tanjay IV. Both the latter favored to open diplomacy towards the New Imperial Order and even spoke out against the military task force sanctioned on the neutral world.

For the Senator of Foerost? Well...

“Foerost seeks recognition,” Kryo aired through his microphone, all attention on him, “Honorable Chancellor, it is a commendable approach in withdrawing our troops from the Galactic East as the war against the Sith Empire seems to near its conclusion, which I predict that insidious government will not last for long now that our allies of the Silver Jedi are now on the offensive against the Sith.”

“As for the New Imperial Order? I must say we must treat them with hostility, for the sake of security to our nation. Not long ago did this Senate ratified a pact with the Sith of the Confederacy, something I spoke out against. I hope we don’t make a similar mistake as we are all gathered here today. We must act, and must do so without hesitation.”

“I yield the floor.”


Learning of the recent Skirmish on Yinchorr did not surprise Denzul Vosh-Sularen at all. He had just returned from Bilbringi having struck a deal with Grand Admiral Vel'alari of the Bilbringi Imperial Remnant that would eventually see the Bilbringi Shipyards and the region around the Bilbringi System secured by the Association and by extension the Alliance for the upcoming NIO-GA Cold War. Already he and his Younger Cousin knew that the Alliance and New Imperials would turn on each other and they had been preparing for this eventuality.

As the Senate Session went by , Senator Vosh studied the participants and their stances regarding the Conflict. The Senators of Kuat and Tanjay IV were against any act of hostility aiming to maintain open relations with the New Imperials to avoid Hostilites while the Senator Foerost was willing to take more drastic measures against the Alliance. It was a surprise to Vosh that Loghain was against any immediate action against the New Imperials though he knew it was for the sake of the KDY in which had assets in both the Alliance and New Imperial Order.

Personally , Denzul preferred an alternative to either open diplomacy or outright hostility against the New Imperials. His solution was to establish a passive aggressive stance against the New Imperials , moving against them in the dark while they struck against the Alliance in plain daysight. Already he'd made his move on Bilbringi and no one in the Senate was aware of the secret deal he had made with Vel'alari. If the Alliance moved just as he'd had on Bilbringi but on a larger scale throughout the Northern Dependencies then they could easily outmaneuver the New Imperials and take the high ground in this Cold War.

While he could share his thoughts with the Senate , Denzul prefered to keep it to himself preferring to watch as Senators argue and bicker over what course of action the Alliance should take. To him every senate session was like a circus show , with Senators arguing in pointless debates while the New Imperials acted quickly through their Imperial Assembly in which was somewhat less chaotic then the Alliance's Senate. Nevertheless this would be an interesting show as Denzul was quite intrigued to see what the other Senators had in mind regarding the Yinchorr Skirmish.


Just home from her nightly walk before bed, the cool air still clung to the tip of her nose and cheeks when the notification arrived. Usually anything that arrived digitally could wait until morning but Top Secret was such an unignorable subject line. The most interesting thing in her inbox in possibly decades. And it was all so well timed with her return to The Core.
Skimming the contents while peeling her gloves from her fingers, Brama made a thoughtful hum at the back of her throat.

It didn’t take long for the attendants to take her coat and gloves, feed the hounds, and prepare the communication room for the senator to attend the session. And a warm drink.

Scratching absently at the skull of one canine, Brama observed the unfolding events. The evidence pile got higher and higher and someone wanted to plant a flag on it. She leaned forward from the plush seat, shifting to poise herself for proper attention.

“Tepasi seeks recognition.” She announced and immediately began speaking her opinion as the others had. Nobody seemed to be reacting, and she stopped –– her eye narrowing into an unamused slit while others, younger and with fiercer cheekbones, spoke over her.

“You’re on mute ma’am.”

“I’m on what?”

The curly-haired, rakish attendant shrugged and repeated himself.

“For feth’s sake.” A single eye rolled.

Subtly, the aid reached forward and made a discreet gesture to manage the audio. The next attempt would reach the senate. He made an encouraging motion with his hands and Brama narrowed her one eye, looking back at the projection of pods filled with politicians.

She imagined how anyone in her family might hold attention on the floor. All she could recall were words and long-winded rhetoric.

<Tepasi requests the floor.> This time she paused, not trusting the antics of the technology to truly unmute but the gentle turn of projected heads confirmed the machine had obeyed her attendant.

Perhaps her best bet was something more anecdotal.

<The suggestion of immediate, noticeable aggression is foolish. A good hunt is drawn out, where the prey is exhausted.

Diplomacy will certainly be a step in the right direction to exhaust these Imperials.

I don’t think anyone in this session would disagree that our soldiers deserve safety, as do our citizens. The Imperials seem a volatile people, turning on one another with that Kyber Dark business.> She waved her hand, largely unbothered by the root of the sentiment behind the command. No skin off her back.

Boyce made some sort of slobbery sound, before moving to rest his head on Brama’s lap. She adjusted accordingly, scritching the space between his large nostrils.

<Rather than withdraw all at once, we can slowly redeploy our soldiers on efforts that support the goals of our Alliance. A natural movement. Expected. The ones that stay, they’ve already taken the first step any sort of infiltration mission would require: They’re already behind enemy lines. Maybe change the nature of their deployment?

Tepasi yields the floor.>

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Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.


Location: Senate Building, outside in hallway
Ship: Mariner IV
Tagging: Faith Organa Faith Organa or another senator that will escort me inside
Post: 3

Marina stood there in the great hall which wrapped around the Senate Floor Chambers. All access doors to non-invited senators remained closed.
How were it possible, a closed door session? Her attempt to enter were blocked despite her credentials indicating she were Senator Faith Organa Faith Organa intern. basically, no interns were allowed unless they were personally escorted by their senator.
Sure, Marina could have bent the truth and claim she were Faith's assistant, but this were Marina. The girl could not lie to senate administration.

"Becca..." She turned to her friend and actual assistant to her queen.

" ...I can't seem to get clearance to enter the senate in session. They are not allowing non-essential personnel to enter, even if they are interns. Only assistants to you are.
I don't know any other way to get in and be with our queen. I can't ask you to ask Queen organa to come and fetch me.

You'll have to go back inside and just tell her that I'm here and will be here in the hallway till she is out of session." Marina with heavy heart told her friend Becca.

Marina didn't expect her queen to leave the senate floor just to come and fetch her. That would be preposterous to think so.
No, she would remain out in the hallway and wait till the senate adjourned.

"No sense you remain out here with me, Becca. Just relay to our queen that I failed her in arriving in time." Yes, Marina was with heavy heart in missing her queen before the senate assembled.
She would have wanted to sit by Faith's side. But it seemed she could not. Not unless her queen came up to get her or sent official word to senate security that she could so enter the senate chambers while it were in closed door session.
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Coruscant // Senate Rotunda // Grand Convocation Chamber


Much transpired during his absence from the political theatre of the Senate Floor. It wasn't that long ago that Otto began campaigning for a seat at the table. Where the Replica Droid would no longer stand on the sidelines, saying what needed to be said - and watch as his words ultimately amounted to nothing. With his predecessor's loss in the electoral race and his subsequent succession - Otto sought to go against the political grain and fulfill the myriad promises that were made during the campaign. Such events were the reason why the newly elected Representative of Coruscant was unable to attend several minor sessions. He decided to leave his Junior behind to handle whatever manners that required his attention, instead. Naturally, some things couldn't be ignored or passed off to others. This emergency and closed session of the Senate was one of them.
While others would undoubtedly despise the late hour of this emergency summons, Otto felt nothing. The benefits of being artificial, the Replica Droid mused. He didn't fall prey to the pangs of fatigue like a Mortal did. Instead, the only thing that he had to worry about was the consumption of energy within his artfully synthetic frame. The less power used by his daily operations meant that there was less downtime that his physical form required when needed to pass as wholly Human. In that vein, however - due to the timing and the need to be alert when the briefing transpired - Otto elected to bring a cup of spiced caf with him. Which made for an awkward transition through the Rotunda's Concourse after passing through the various security measures in place.
The billowing mug remained within his grasp as the Chancellor relayed the grim news of what was uncovered on the surface of Yinchorr. He wasn't surprised regarding this revelation. In fact, Otto was beginning to suspect that this tragic encounter was merely the start of a new and terrible future between former allies. With the Sith Empire falling back on all fronts and seemingly beset on all sides by those they once considered their lessers, it was only a matter of time before the momentum was shifted towards someone else. Imperialism was a cancer that thrived on conflict and died only when stagnation took hold. Thus, as their war with the Sith came to an end - another would doubtlessly take its place.
In Otto's mind, the only item that was in question was how this war would take shape.
He took a hearty sip from the billowing mug as the Chancellor finished relaying her fears and the path forward that she wished to take. There was merit in her words, but as the Senator from Tepasi had pointed out - it would show their hand too early. In swiftly returning the Defense Force's disparate elements, it would only inflame the New Imperial's rising tension with their Core-bound allies. They'd likely see it as a betrayal - as they'd effectively be abandoning the myriad war fronts against their familiar foe. An armistice was rumoured to be in the works. Still, the timing would be off - especially if they acted on the Chancellor's recommendation.
Like with all things in any democratic state - such a recommendation could be amended and changed to fit the collective will of the people. It's one of the many reasons why democracy exists as it does and why it lasted longer than any form of Imperialism throughout the ages.
"Mad'am Chancellor," Otto said, as he placed the porcelain cup on the shelved lectern of his Repulsorpod. He paused for a moment as the Pod uncoupled from its housing and drifted towards the centre of the Grand Convocation Chamber. Such an action allowed for silence and for the man to gather his thoughts. "Coruscant seeks recognition."
"It is troubling to learn of these events revolving around the divided Yinchorri. We were approached by their Leadership Caste to help them end their divisive feud, and in doing so - have uncovered an insidious plot. One that will likely set a dangerous precedent for our future relationship with our friends in the New Imperial regime. I find myself in agreement with the voiced concerns of my esteemed colleagues, save for the opinions of a vocal minority."
His synthetic and cybernetically enhanced eyes drifted towards the honourable representative of Foerost and slowly began to narrow. If Otto was a petty synthetic man, the Replica Droid could wholly cripple Foerost's entire economic structure. All he would have to do is petition the Republic Engineering Corporation to break their contracts with the local Shipwright - and take their business elsewhere. Sure, the Planet could eventually recover if given the time. But, the deed alone would be more than enough to cause quite the problem within the boundaries of that man's represented sector.
Besides, there were plenty of sentients on Coruscant who would kill for the chance to work for an Intergalactically-renowned Megacorporation.
"Nevertheless," He said, refocusing on the Chamber proper. "I would second and recommend that we follow through with the suggestion proposed by the honourable Lady Tagge from Tepasi. A gradual redeployment of our assets within foreign territory wouldn't draw too much notice from the New Imperials, nor should the alterations in the very nature of their deployment." He paused then, taking the time to compose his thoughts and breathe. "But, in doing so - we must ask - to what nature should their redeployment be geared towards? They're soldiers who've sworn to uphold and defend the very ideals and values of the Alliance. They aren't trained nor equipped to act as infiltrators against an allied force - where one wrong move would certainly ignite hostilities where there was none - rather than perpetuate the conflict, or bring about it's end."
"Therefore," Otto continued, "If it is a message that this august body wishes and seeks to send - we should start on the homefront. Imperialism's values and ideals are contagious and cancerous, especially amongst those easily swayed by their false promises of safety and security. I believe that we, the Senate, should become proverbial Surgeons as we carve out this tumour festering within our borders. In presenting a unified front against our supposed friends in the Galactic North, it is my opinion that we shall send the intended message that this august body desires. That we will not stand for the dagger in the dark when the sword in the light shall do."
"And with that," Otto said with a measure of finality. "The floor is yielded."

Location: The Senate
Tags: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Felipe Valiente | Kryo Adab | Denzul Vosh-Sularen Denzul Vosh-Sularen | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge

Faith had arrived and seated herself leaving Becca to wait in the Alderaan offices. This was a closed session special invite. The problem was immediately brought up and feedback was expected. She listened, Kuat, Tanjay, Foerost, Byss, Tepasi, and Coruscant. She was surprised by the proposal by Julius Loghain Julius Loghain . Whenever he didn't suggest aggressive moves she wondered what he was up to.

She had to consider everything, Yinchorr a neutral planet. First a report of intelligence reached the Chancellor, not a request for help from Yinchorr. But then the Chancellor did say the request from Yinchorr. Plus it would seem that the Chancellor had already placed them in a precarious position by ordering Admiral Pryce to Yinchorr, and of course a skirmish of some type took place.

So now was she here looking for permission to do more, or forgiveness for what had already been done. What did Faith think of this, and how would any of this affect Alderaan?

Yinchorr sits on a sliver of space off the Hydian Way. The New Imperial Order now only a few jumps from the Core, allies? Or were they just bidding their time? by the goddess was she going to agree with Julius again??? What had she drank before entering the Senate?

"Alderaan seeks recognition" Faith stood up no smile caressed her lips as usual when she addressed this body, no today she was serious. Thoughts of aggression and war at the very least should be serious.

"While I understand that the NIO constructed a training grounds and were conducting warfare games on a neutral planet, it would seem that we the Alliance have already become the aggressor in our actions at Yinchorr. The action could be seen as reactive. It it could also be viewed as aggression against an ally. The NIO will come and seek answers, if not reparations."

By the goddess was she going to make a point or just point out things everyone else already knew.

"We should speak with representatives of the NIO and then based upon their responses either choose to break the alliance and prepare for retaliation. Their purpose at Yinchorr seems clear position themselves closer to a trade route that would traverse through the expanse and give them easy access to infiltrate worlds of the alliance. But let us be cunning as well, glean what we can from them, show the galaxy we do not break our word as easily as others. Be diplomatic but not be fools." She tried not to shake her head. She hated war but not the avoidance of war at any cost. What did that ancient leader say, speak loudly but carry a big stick!

"Alderaan releases the floor"
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State

Location | Coruscant
Objective | Brief the Senate

The fledgling Chancellor shifted uncomfortably in her seat as several Senators began to voice their opposition to escalating tensions with the New Imperial Order. Their imperial neighbors, until very recently, had been stalwart friends in the fight against the Sith, but it seemed as if some of the politicians around her had grown far too comfortable with that arrangement. It was unsurprising that Julius Loghain Julius Loghain took the opportunity to malign her leadership. It had barely been a month since she clinched the Chancellery in a landslide victory for the Federalists, a win for her that no doubt sent the Kuati leadership into a frenzy. Luckily for Loghain, Adhira was preoccupied with other matters and - as of yet- had no time to tend to rot on Kuat.​

What surprised her more were the Senators who had long stood by her as allies that seemed hesitant to provoke the NIO. Adhira strummed her fingers on the ornate armrest of her seat as she considered what was being said. She welcomed the support of Foerost, though it was expected. From the reports she had received, it was unclear but seemed likely that their own forces had fired the first shot. That was certainly the narrative that would be pushed by the NIO publicly, but based on her private conversation with Ireveric Tavlar himself, the provocation had been a long time coming from their side.​

"Senators, please," she was on her feet suddenly, both hands raised for silence. The podium mics defaulted to a slightly louder volume to help ensure that order could be kept in the chamber. "I understand that this is a difficult set of circumstances that I have laid before you, but I implore you all to carefully consider all of the pertinent facts."

"When the Alliance forces were summoned to Yinchorr we had no idea that the New Imperial Order might be behind the disturbance. It was the Yinchorri people who called on us for aid and we answered that call with the intent to get to the bottom of the situation. What we found was deeply troubling: our so-called allies readying for war on our doorstep," she placed the tips of her fingers on the podium, "only a few short weeks ago, the Imperator himself gave a public response to my speech about the growing threat of imperialism in which he all but promised a return to the days of imperial rule."

A brief projection of the speech hovered above the podium for all to see. As the face of the Imperator disappeared again she gave them all a solemn look before speaking again. "War benefits no one, and I oppose it now as I have ever done in this chamber," it was a statement that would prove true for anyone who looked at her record of advocating for diplomacy, "but I am afraid we will not be able to negotiate our way off of the path that the New Imperial Order has set us on."

"While I concede to the Honorable Lady of Alderaan that, yes, we may have taken a more direct response than we are accustomed to, the time has long since passed where would stand idly by while the galaxy continues to move around us," she said, nodding to Faith Organa Faith Organa , "However, I do not feel that our only option is to brake toward the extreme." Adhira glanced toward Otto Shule Otto Shule with a wary eye. "We have a pressing issue before us. We must ensure that our troops are safe and it is clear that they are no longer safe under the watchful eye of our imperial friends. We must remove them strategically, as the Honorable Lady of Tepasi has suggested, we would withdraw our troops gradually, under the guise of their attention being needed elsewhere."

"I believe that this is the best course of action for our people, and I would ask that we all consider this option carefully," with that, Adhira yielded the floor again and returned to her seat.​
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if they're watching anyways


Outside the Senate Chamber | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Open

In truth, the closed session worried her. Auteme sat outside the Senate Chamber, twiddling her thumbs as she waited for it to end.

No, she wasn't desperate to be in there, nor did she believe the discretion to be unwarranted. Military matters -- as disdainful as she found them -- were not always open to the public's knowledge. Basic principals of warfare indicated that not making one's plans public was a wise course of action. She was thankful too that she wouldn't need to hear Julius Loghain's often difficult opinions on such matters today. Even so, she had a feeling he might be more subdued today.

She was instead worried about the outcome. Her knowledge on the goings on was limited but from what she'd heard from Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt it was likely that this would lead to war. Perhaps not open, perhaps not public, but conflict nonetheless. People would be hurt. People would die. The coming months would be difficult.

Yet there was no way to address those worries. What action could she take? Head to Bastion, try to convince the Imperator to avoid war? The New Imperial Order was built on war. They wouldn't stop now. The Galactic Alliance wasn't exactly spotless in that regard either.

As much as she hoped for peace, strived for it, today she knew that would not be the case. But she trusted Adhira; she trusted those in the room to use their judgement and communicate clearly. When an action presented itself to her, though, she would take it.

It wasn't long before something -- someone -- presented itself.
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Julius Loghain Julius Loghain Faith Organa Faith Organa Otto Shule Otto Shule Felipe Valiente Brama Tagge Brama Tagge

Pryce stood stone-faced as the senators continued to go back and forth. He stood alone save for a protocol droid in his senate pod, cast into unfamiliar waters. He was alone here. Faces were only familiar by political dossier or campaign ads. The only face he knew from personal experience was that of his own senator, Kaito Kiyoshi, but even he was conspicuously absent this day. He hadn't been on Yinchoor, but he had been ultimately in charge of signing off orders and personnel for this operation, an operation that was ultimately a failure. Sure, for now, peace was restored on the planet but it was a tenuous one. With the base destroyed there was little true evidence of the Imperials being involved and as much as he didn't want them to be, he trusted Tavlar, he knew that bringing that up here would only hurt the military long term.

He tapped the speaker button sending a notification that the Navy would like to address the forum and his pod hovered into place.

"Honorable Senators," his gaze found that of the Chancellor's, "Chancellor. I must advise against the immediate withdrawal of all of our troops. I feel it is my duty to remind you all that our war with the Sith Empire was not merely dependent on being allies with the New Imperial Order. While the Braxant Run and the Sith capital has been taken the blow did not have the effect we initially projected. The Sith are still proving to be a menace around the Tingle Arm. With how involved our campaign was in New Imperial space has been thus far I think we can afford to leave at least a token force, if not to continue in the fight against the Sith Empire alongside the New Imperial Order and Silver Jedi then to at least keep watch on their military movements." He paused to lick his lips. Corala Gethsverg would probably hate him for this but it needed to be said.

"The GADF has received intelligence that several anti-Imperial Insurgent groups have sprung up in and around New Imperial Space, usually in sectors where our forces were heavily entrenched against the Sith. These planets in particular," an image and dossier of three planets was beamed to each senator's pod. Ajar, Ketaris, and Ord Mantell.

"I think we can afford to move a majority of our forces and leave a small token force to help maintain peace and keep an eye on our New Imperial friends. They could be strategic launching platforms for our own groups such as those we found on Yinchoor. While Yinchoor caught us with our pants down I don't think we need to truly fear further insurgent groups, even if they are being funded by the New Imperial Order. We should be rebuilding and consolidating our military however for the eventuality of the real monster in the room, the Bryn'adul. In the meantime, park a Startide over any planet and they'll behave."
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The freshman Senator from Aargau observed the proceedings unfolding before him. He sat patiently in his pod, leaving the floating platform docked to the Senate wall while his colleagues floated back and forth making their arguments.

While he was the most recently elected member of his chamber, Aerarii Tithe was not a newcomer to politics. The Galactic Alliance’s Senate was in many ways no different from the Sith Empire’s Diet of Imperial Governors. Both were occupied by ambitious and powerful individuals who thrived amid devious plans and backroom dealings. The difference was that Imperial Moffs were not afraid to come at each other head-on - moves were more clouded here in the Senate, and in many ways, less civil.

Factional splits quickly presented themselves. Tithe had aligned himself with the Corporatist movement and was still learning the intricacies of how the various parties interacted with one another. Certainly, those calling for all-out war with the New Imperial Order sought to serve Tithe’s private interests as well as their own. Yet until he fully understood how power flowed through the chamber and between the various groups, it was best to stay above party politics.

“The, ah, Senator for Aargau seeks recognition.” Tithe’s speaker's pod detached from the wall and hovered forward.

“The safety of our uniformed forces is of the utmost importance,” he declared in support of the Senator for Tepasi’s motion. “If the Imperials suspect fourberie, it will be difficult for them to condemn our actions without revealing their designs.”


He paused for a moment as if gathering his thoughts, though his next words had been carefully considered.

“The spread of Imperialism is of great concern. But to fear its spread through our external territories fails to grasp the true threat.”

“I have witnessed Imperialism first hand. It spreads like a contagion, thriving not only amid darkness but in the open. We need to seek it out wherever it finds root. While the defence force counters the Imperialists beyond our borders, we must shine a line on the worlds within our bounds, ensuring that the darkness has nowhere the hide.”




Auteme Auteme

Coruscant hadn't changed at all since the last time he visited the world. The circumstances this time had been different, but all the same it consisted of a similar amount of brooding that mixed with a general vibe of impassivity towards the circumstances. Having heard first hand of the Alliance's involvement on Yinchorr, Lucien was perhaps the first of the Order's assets on the ground to confirm who was coordinating the surprise offensive on their forces. The battle had come to the Imperials and their allied caste of Yinchorri swiftly, but in doing so the Intelligentsia had drawn their hand a bit too fast.

The Imperials had never been one to shy away from a fight, and their allies too, as they were among the warrior caste of Yinchorri society. Death reigned supreme once more upon a field of battle where the forces of the Order were brought to bear. Even with the losses sustained by the Order taken into account, the deaths would prove all too affordable in the eyes of the organization which sent them to the planet in the first place. The so-called 'Volunteer Groups' of Compnor made up for their lack of veterancy with an impressive amount of vigor and zeal. An impressive feat, had it not been for the extremism that was almost symbolic to the cause they championed.

A cause that Luc wholly opposed, and openly so at that.

So when the opportunity arrived for him to do battle alongside those 'allies', it came to no surprise that Lucien had all but disappeared off the field of battle immediately. He assumed that his allies would believe him negligible in his duties to fight alongside them, and perhaps in a way he was. Together with his command squad, Lucien cut through a gap in the frontlines in order to seek out information himself. What amounted to a one-sided scuffle later would end with the revelation of the Alliance's presence on the world, and subsequently his surrender to the man he had at his mercy just a few moments before.

The turn of events were amusing to him, unlike his newfound captor Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe . Luc had quite literally tore the man's transport in half just moments before he disarmed himself and sent his command squad back towards the rear lines. He surrendered on his own terms shortly after, entering Tithe's custody under the condition of his immunity being respected. After all, the Alliance and his Empire were still allied for the immediate future. Though he was certain that there were elements within both governments who wished to see that change.

A testimony before the senate would be the hallmark of his visit to Coruscant. Luckily for him, he was able to convince his chaperones to provide him with some street clothes before he was forced to show up in the scuffed Jedi armor he'd arrived in. Spacer jacket and all, the Warlord of Nirauan would arrive to testify in a similar attire to what he'd commonly be seen wearing within the confines of the Imperial Assembly itself. His lack of respect for the decorum of the venue was on full display. Sauntering into the meeting with apathy to the professionalism of the senators there to hear him speak, Luc would casually introduce himself before getting right down to the business they'd brought him in for.

But what followed in his testimony would essentially amount to nothing by the end of the less than a dozen words that encompassed his speech.

"I was on vacation when the artillery hit my hovercar."

And with that, he was done. After all-- Luc hadn't killed not a single Yinchorri or member of the Alliance military during their offensive. His strict orders for his men to avoid unnecessary killing was followed to the tee, and even Tithe and his men should have been able to corroborate this fact as well-- even with their transport nearly bisected by the man in question. Besides, Tithe's transport had actually attacked him first. In the end, the most they could do was pin him to being on the world at the same time as the Order- which meant little without Luc giving up anything else.

Shortly after he found himself walked out of the room, amusement laden on his face as the doors shut behind him. His hands locked together on the crown of his head as he let out an audible yawn, quite satisfied with how things went. He was technically not dismissed, but as the meeting itself was closed to the Senators of the Alliance, there wasn't much holding him back from leaving immediately. Despite having achieved a small break from the governance of his worlds, he'd left with little notice to his retinue of advisors. The men were talented, but Luc was certain that eventually people would start asking questions if he seemingly fell off the face of the planet.

He was almost about to call for a shuttle when his eyes wandered off to the side, spotting a single individual who lingered outside of the meeting in a similar vein to himself. She carried herself with much more worry in his eyes, unlike the nonchalant attitude that got him through the day. A good Jedi would've maybe attempted to reach out and feel her emotions in an effort to better empathize with how she felt, but Luc absolutely hated prying into the minds of those around him. Perhaps he was just old-fashioned in that regard, but there wasn't much he needed to read in the first place.

From his perspective, she was a cute girl with a sad look in her eyes, and that was all he really needed to work with. A smirk slid onto his face as his hands unclasped from each other, dropping to his sides as he sauntered across the hall towards her direction. With his shoulder leaning against the wall, he stopped just off to her side as his eyes settled upon the woman in question. He cleared his throat to catch her attention, offering up a mischevious grin to offset the somberness she offered in return.

"So much doom and gloom goin' on today~" Either way, Luc didn't mind breaking the ice first. "You'd think the galaxy was about to erupt into another war or somethin'" Luc paused, his grin expanding into a full-on smile as he let the corny joke set in, hoping to get some sort of reaction from the woman. A handshake extended in her direction following the purposefully terrible attempt at humor. Perhaps he wasn't the best at telling jokes, but at being a gentleman he was not. Most of the time, anyway.

"I'm Luc. Nice to meet ya."
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Jasol Dorsian

Location: Senate Building
Objective: Attend Emergency Session
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain | Felipe Valiente | Kryo Adab | Denzul Vosh-Sularen Denzul Vosh-Sularen | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge | Otto Shule Otto Shule | Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

"Chaos is the law of nature; Order is the dream of man"

Jasol watched from his repulsorpod as the debate began, two sides clearly forming, one for more drastic military action and the other to maintain and repair ties with the New Imperial Order. But what concerned the senator of Sanjin the most was the call to curb and combat Imperialism. Talk of its ideals being cancerous and deceptive caused the man to frown. His aide was quick to notice this and spoke. "Seems our colleagues and allies are more apprehensive about Imperialism and authoritarianism than first thought." Jasol turned his head to reply. "Yes and it may have put us at odds with our fellow federalists once more." he said with a sigh. Lt. Aru looked back to Jasol "What will you say sir?" Jasol's eyes stayed fixated on the room ahead and as the Imperator's speech came through he replied. "For now, nothing. We'll bide our time and see what others have to say first on the matter. Only then will we be able to decide what move to make."

Jasol began to think of what to say should the time come and on one hand what made sense was to ensure that hostilities didn't break out. A polarisation of Alliance ideals against any form of Imperialism would not sit well with Jasol and while he was considered a federalist his world had parallels to Imperial words and Jasol had no plans to be put under suspicion of being an Imperialist. On the other hand a conflict could be profitable for Sanjin, especially with it's high export of tibinna gas and if a conflict was won it would do well for the name of the federalists who were currently in power and a victory for them was a victory for Sanjin. Either had its risk and reward and the senator would bide his time for now.
Location: The Senate

We must remove them strategically, as the Honorable Lady of Tepasi has suggested, we would withdraw our troops gradually, under the guise of their attention being needed elsewhere.

Faith considered these words as the Chancellor Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra suggested. Faith considered that lives could be put at risk by leaving them with the NIO, but she also felt that it was an opportunity for the SIA to continue work by joining the troop movements to keep close to the NIO as they did the gradual withdrawal. It was possible to learn more of what their plans. Which is what she had hoped she conveyed but perhaps her alderaanian accent did not make that clear. She would have to look at lessons to help her.

She also did not want the Alliance to look like the aggressor but in this instance it was too late.

Faith kept her hands folded on her lap, the need to cross her arms as if defending herself was a habit she was trying to break. She looked down at her hands her fingers twitching as if they were having their own battle for dominance over one another. She closed her eyes and calmed herself.

Did she wish to speak again....for the moment no she wanted to hear other voices speak up, if there were any left to speak while she considered options.

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