Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Lady and the 'Vamp'


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay fidgeted. She felt a bit if the same way. She didn't thunk that one side should be destroyed. Just as with nature, there had to be a balance. Lectures on the otherhand, just made her draw into herself. But maybe that was because they made her think deeply on things. She was often focused on too many other things that to some, might seem trivial.

"Good and evil?...One preserves life, one takes it. One gives mercy, while the other gives pain."

Maybe it was too simple of an answer, but that was just how she saw it.

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"Is that so? Then by what logic can one justify, say, destroying the Galactic Empire all those centuries ago?" She smiled and got a second cup of tea, helping herself as she was rather enjoying the discussion now with Kay. Perhaps she wouldn't kill her, not here anyways. She made excellent tea and lovely conversation, a rarity in these times. She sat herself back down and took a sip of the hot tea, continuing her point.

"Or the entirety of the Rebellion, for that matter. Yes I am aware of how Sidious once gave us a poor image, but you must understand this isn't a justification. They created a weapon of horrible destruction, a station even I would condemn, but for what reason? To prevent a galaxy scale war, as creating a superweapon is not the same as intention of its use. Create the weapon as a deterrent, prevent pain and suffering. Yet the Rebellion continued, spreading war and chaos to thousands of worlds, spreading pain and suffering. And destabilized the galaxy as a whole. Yet they are 'good', and the Empire was 'evil'. An empire, remember, created through political, rather than strictly military, means.

And what of a 'mercy' killing? Or, for that matter, the killing of any individual considered dangerous, or criminal, or evil? Are these not evil acts, for they take life and give harm? Or are they good acts, for taking away pain, preventing further destruction?"
She was very clearly comfortable taking a stance in a lecture format, or for that matter in any kind of 'teacher' role, as she seemed to emulate. She also clearly enjoyed the opportunity to talk like this again, on a serious matter, or philosophical matter, without restraint. It was... fun.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay started to speak, but then stopped herself. She had to think before she let anything out. The Empire wasn't good. They destroyed worlds, destroyed races, and all for their own feeling of superiority. But all of that didn't matter right now.

She stared at the fire for a moment, before looking to [member="Ariealla Vareldi"] once again, seeing the enjoyment in the Sith woman's eyes. "You can't judge me or ask me to judge myself over what others had done, even long before I was born. I am not a murderer or a killer. I have never taken a life, nor do I plan to. My blaster is always set to stun."

No doubt the woman would laugh or find flaws in that too. But Kay was getting used to people laughing and poking fun at her for the way in which she lived. But they just didn't understand. They didn't want to. She just couldn't bring herself around to be like them.
"That's not quite true, is it?" Ariealla sipped her tea again, before setting it down beside herself, and bending over to look at Kay in her eyes. "I admit, while I find pacifism to be rather pointless and ultimately self defeating, it does have a certain charm to it. A point, in the grand scheme of things. I am a great darkness, and you then are a great light. But to so... blatantly say you have not nor would take a life... that cannot truly be honest to yourself. I have no doubt you wish not to do so, but to think you wouldn't, or never have, is such a statement that cannot be completely within the realm of honesty." She hummed a second, before sitting back a bit.

"We are... after all... human, though I doubt you see me as such after seeing what you have. Every human has an extreme, a point at which their morality shifts, even if justified,to accommodate reality. I, for one, have no problem with the slave trade in principal. It is as much a business, to me, as hunting animals to be sold as pets. The difference is prey, and that the prey can, and should, topple the master if given the chance. Yet I will not stand to see a twi'lek or togruta in chains. Morality shifts, darkness becomes light. Even if you intend not to kill, one day you will find someone who cannot be reasoned with.

And either you will kill them, or someone else will. As someone else has. We all have blood on our hands, Miss, some more than others. Directly or indirectly, responsibility cannot be so easily shaken. Can't it?"
It was, honestly, a bluff of sorts. She was not condemning Kay for her beliefs, far from it. The woman seemed, surprisingly warm to them, at least for a sith. Even so, she was blatantly opposed to something about Kay, something that prompted her to feel the need to reply. Loss, perhaps. Regret. Something more? The quiet way in which she picked up the tea at last offered Kay the moment she needed. Not to run, perhaps, but to turn the conversation onto the sith. Question her, push her for answers to questions. To find out just why this sith was so lukewarm to her, and perhaps something more...

[member="Lady Kay"]

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