Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Last of Us.


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

She listens in on what he has to say, and just sighs. "Do I have to do this? ...Can't I just figure it out on my own-Whats this?" She blinks and looks at the holocron, and hears what her parents has to say and such. "Wha-..." This completely takes her off guard, for that she had no memory of what they looked like, but their voice. . .more importantly, their mothers voice, sounded soo familiar. "How. . ." She slowly and softly started to tear up., and she softly whispered 'Mommy'.
"How? I told you, Alex and I went home remember? Pretty sure I said that in my rambling... Anyways, we found a cave with a secret and this message in there. As to why I am helping you, I never dragged you, you followed me and got in." Hakora watched the lights pass by as they flew through hyperspace. "Listen Sarah, mind if I call you by your current name? You can do everything alone and sometimes you aren't given a chance, but you can't always run away from problems. Sometimes you have to accept help and right now you have a brother offering to help you. Trust me and everything Alex and I are doing will make complete sense." Hakora took a breath, he honestly hated where they were going because he feared the memories, but this wasn't about him.

[member="Sarah Mist"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

She had continued to cry, and leans forward. "Sarah. . .Nicole. . .I-I don't care. Everything is. . .its... I can't explain it." She went to look outside the glass window, at the space and such. ". . .I don't want a path forced apon me, I'd like to make my own choices. . ." She continued to be severly depressed at this matter.
"Let me make this clear, I am not setting you on some noble path. I am taking back to the beginning so you can understand why our parents are dead, who you are and what is in you. After that, choose your own destiny. Our paths only cross here and they will part and you may never see me again and if I see you, I won't know you." Hakora was hinting towards the memory wipe he was going to go through next week to forget who he was.

[member="Sarah Mist"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

"Oh, so I'm going... home?" She felt puzzled and confused, then sniffed abit. "What do you mean you won't know me? Is something happening to you?" She slightly felt paniced about it. Her voice also sounded with depression, for she was undergoing alot of stress. Alot of things has occured in such a small timeframe that she can't truly handle everything thats going on with her life.

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